MacBook Pro :: Copy Drivers From Old Machine To New Machine Without Migrating?

May 29, 2012

Running Mac 10.7.4 on two macbook pros Upgraded to a new machine.  I can print via the old machine but cannot install to the new machine. Old macbook pro has printers installed and will print via OS print sharing. Is there a way to copy drivers from old machine to new machine without migrating?  I'm tired of carrying an old machine around to connect to network printers.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Migrating Files With Time Machine From Old?

Jul 5, 2012

We are trying to migrate our files from an old PowerPC iMac to our new iMac. The migration tool did not bring over music or photos or some of our folders. So I tried again with Time Machine. I now have 2 instances of Time Machine running on the new iMac. One is the old Mac and one is the New Mac. How do I transfer the files (music, photos, docs, etc) from one view to the other. We would like to recycle our old Mac but not until we have saved all our work and wiped the old one clean. I have tried saving and pasting but to no avail. 

iMac G4, Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Enter In The Old Time Machine Backup After Migrating To A New MBP?

Jun 4, 2012

I have a new MBP with MacOSX 10.7 I just set it up using the Migration Assistant. The old one was using MacOSX 10.5 with a Time Machine backup on an external USB drive. Everything went fine, restoring all from my Time Machine backup. But now, on the new MBP, I cannot enter in the old TM backup. I can browse it with the finder but not use it through the TM interface. If I chose the disk containing the old TM backup in the TM preference, TM starts a brand new backup. How do I have to proceed to continue using my old backup or almost be able to use it as a former one through the TM interface?  

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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ITunes For Mac :: Migrating Library With External Drive To New Machine?

Jun 5, 2014

for capacity reasons, i currently run itunes on an aging macbook pro with media stored on an external hard drive. how can i transfer my library to a new macbook air and keep the media as-is on the external? the library size is still too large to keep on the computer itself and i'm actually content with this setup. i'm trying not to affect the song ratings, playlists, apps, podcasts, settings, etc.. 

the macbook pro is currently running snow leopard, while the air is up-to-date with mavericks, if that makes a difference.

both machines are running the latest version of itunes (11.2.something-something). 

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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ITunes For Mac :: Incomplete Library After Migrating From Time Machine

Dec 5, 2014

I have a new iMac on which I used Migration Assistant to migrate all my data from the Time Machine backup of my old iMac. The Mac is running 10.10.1 and my old Mac is running Mavericks, fully updated.Everything went smoothly except for iTunes. Some of the Library did not appear in the new iTunes and of those that did, some of music is not available.

The error message appears.I tried finding the original Library on Time Machine, and copying it back to the new mac. I checked the Library on the old iMac where the backup came from and all works. Various methods suggested on the forums have resulted in most of the Library being listed, but with some random songs and albums still showing the above error message. I can still access my old Mac for the Library if needed. How to get complete Library into the new iTunes? 

iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Copy Time Machine Files To Another External HD

May 6, 2012

I would like to copy the data I have in my time machine to another external HD so that I have two backups; one I can store offsight and one I can have connected to my computer. Can this be done and if so, how does one do it?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Cannot Update MacBook Pro After Migrating, Also Cannot Download Printer Drivers

Apr 23, 2012

I recently migrated from MacBook pro to iMac. Now neither will update nor print. They see the printers on network but say I need to download software to print! When I try to download it gives me Network Diagnostics problem although it is connected! The same error appears when trying to update either computer!

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: Can I Simply Copy One Machine Onto Another?

Oct 10, 2009

I have two imac's, a 24 inch 2.4 w/ 10.4.11 that's completely decked out in "working properly" audio programs (pro tools,reason,finale, ect).

I have another that's a 24 inch 3.06 w/ 10.5.8 that is a better machine... Can I "wipe" clean this machine and literally copy the whole other machine onto it? With a little luck things will it possibly work properly?

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OS X :: How To Copy Over A Hard Drive To A New Machine

Mar 19, 2010

I've just ordered a new iMac to replace an older MacBook Pro. My pro has all the applications on it that I use and I'd like to just duplicate that onto the new iMac.

Both are running the same version of Snow Leopard. Is there an easy way to copy these over? I remember an Apple store employee telling me you could image or copy one hard drive directly to the other so you don't have to reinstall everything.

Can anyone tell me how to do this? I'm not a mac expert so this is completely new to me.

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OS X :: Copy Changed Files Without Time Machine

Dec 15, 2009

I am looking for a backup solution other than Time Machine to back up files incrementally to an external drive. I like the concept of TimeMachine and would like to use it; however, I have significant work that must be accessible to PC sys/appl, so I cannot format it apple-journaled (FAT32 appears best r/w solution for multi-platform). AppleCare advised there is no other incremental solution than that, and thus they don't have a solution I "search the web". Discouraging news for a recent migrator.

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OS X :: Carbon Copy Cloner Used - Machine Not Boot

Dec 23, 2009

I had 2 HD's in my Power Mac G5 one with the OS etc on, the other empty. The second is a 250GB, the first a 60GB. I therefore downloaded and ran Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the first onto the second. I ran it yesterday and all seemed fine. All the OS and file structure (and its contents) copied fine. I then restarted the machine by selecting the 250GB disk through startup disk. I then was greeted by a No Entry icon instead of the apple at startup.

I've Restarted off the OS disk (10.5) and ran Disk Utility and Verified and checked all the permissions (which takes an age). Again all seems fine. But then it wont restart! The first smaller harddrive also now has a locked icon on it and will not boot. When I perform the Permissions Verfiy on this drive it give the error "The underlying task reported failure on exit".

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OS X :: Using Time Machine With Carbon Copy Cloner?

Jul 17, 2010

As of today, I upgraded my iMac (and eventually my Macbook) to Snow Leopard. I used Carbon Copy Cloner to create a clone of my drive to my external (I did a clean install) and now that Snow Leopard is installed, I only want to put back on to my computer just certain files, such as a select selection of my documents, some of my iTunes library, etc. Given that I couldn't find that option in Migration Assistant, I just manually copied over what I wanted from the clone on my external. Still, I would like to keep a daily backup for my iMac's HD and that's where Time Machine comes in, but there's some questions I have before I do it: Given that my iMac's HD now has significant free space (as I only brought back, say, 10% of the stuff to my iMac from my external when I cloned on CCC), if I enabled Time Machine to back up my iMac's HD stuff, it wouldn't overwrite the 90% of stuff on my external with the 10% that's on my iMac's HD, would it?

For instance, I have about 20,000 songs on my external drive, but maybe have brought back only, say, 5,000 to my iMac (for now). Given that my iMac's iTunes Music folder shows 5,000 songs on it, when TM backs that up to my external drive, it won't overwrite the other iTunes Music folder which has the other 15,000, right? The same thing could be applied for documents, photos, etc. If not, how would TM deal with that? I would hope to avoid the other extreme, which are duplicate files/folders. I guess I just want to be able to have the ability to get into that cloned drive on my external if I need to add more stuff to the iMac or if I need it one day to boot up the machine. But I also want to be able to have Time Machine at hand to back up daily the little that is on my iMac right now. So I suppose I'm wondering how can I achieve this without the two conflicting or screwing up?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Copy Time Machine Folder

Apr 19, 2012

I had to format the hd where I have time machine, so I copy the tm folder to a new folder in other external hard drive.Now that I format the 1st external hd I trying to copy the tm folder to the root of the formated hd, but after a long wait I get a message saying that there is enought space...How can I copy that big folder faster, is there any other way ?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Applications :: Time Machine & Carbon Copy Cloner

Sep 17, 2010

I read somewhere that it's a good idea to use Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC) together with Time Machine, but I've been unable to figure out how to do this. Other posts related to the subject discuss using one Time Machine backup drive and another drive having CCC used to back up, but that's impractical for me. It would be great to have a bootable external Time Machine backup drive. Is this possible, and if yes -how do I proceed?

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Applications :: Time Machine Restore Of HD - Cannot Copy System

Dec 30, 2009

I had the poor luck of having my Imac HD die a few weeks back. I now have a new Imac HD and would like to restore my HD back to the way it was before it died. I have gone into time machine, then selected my Imac, selected my Imac HD, and selected the correct date in time for the restore. I have clicked restore and the system goes out and starts to do its job. It identifies all the files (roughly 200k files and 11.41GB's), then it starts to copy them, and it chugs away for 30-45 mins.

Then up pops a message:
"you can't copy "system" because it has the same name as another item on the destination volume, and that volume doesn't distinguish between upper and lower case letters in file names." The restore aborts and I have wasted over an hour with nothing to show for it. What can I do to restore my system? I have been unable to operate for 3 weeks now, and the people at the apple store just keep telling me how easy time machine is to restore from.

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Applications :: Carbon Copy Cloner Vs Time Machine

Aug 20, 2010

I was just wondering which one you would recommend to use as my main back up. The hard drive that I will be doing my back ups too wont be constantly attached to the computer only when I perform the back up. I know the two programs work very differently and was wondering what people recommend. I will be backing up the computer every 2 or 3 weeks.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Possible To Copy A User's Home Folder On Machine

Mar 20, 2012

I want to sync my MacBook Pro w/ my iMac (both running Lion).I want to be able to come home from a business trip and have all of the new / edited info on my MacBook (new photos (organized & edited), changes to various folders in "documents", random files/folders added to desktop, changes made in iTunes, etc) show up on my iMac, which I work off of while at home. And of course the reverse - sync the changes on my iMac to my MacBook before I travel again.Wouldn't it be possible to copy a User's Home Folder on Machine 1 to an external drive, and then use that to replace / update the Home Folder on Machine 2? Or possibly do a complete Disc Clone (i.e. Super Duper) of Machine 1, and then use that to "restore" Machine 2? What are the pros and cons?And any better solutions? I realize that my proposals may be over simplified, but also that my goal must be a common one.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.8 GHz i5, 8GB ram

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Copy Files From Time Machine Into A New Harddisk

Jun 21, 2012

I cannot copy files from my time machine into a new harddisk.I want to copy documents and pictures from an old backup to my newly installed SSD partition mith osx 10.7.4 

Finder stop the copying due to permissions issus. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Can't Copy Backup File Onto Time Machine

Sep 2, 2014

I bought a larger Time Machine hard drive and now I need to copy the old Backups.backupdb file onto the new drive.  

Whenever I try to do so it gives the message "The backup can’t be copied because the backup volume doesn’t have ownership enabled.". 

How, exactly, do I "enable ownership"?

Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: SSD In 2010 - Enter Time Machine And / Or Finder The Machine Freezes

Jan 1, 2011

Have installed an 120GB SSD in my Macbook Pro 2010 but have had a couple of problems. Sometimes when you try to enter time machine and or Finder the machine freezes. Also the only way out of this is to hold the power button down and reboot. I have been informed by Apple that there are slight differences between the 2009 and 2010 models. Another odd thing is Skype will not load up automatically on startup, despite making sure this option is ticked. Most other things seem to work. Reinstall original hard drive and all OK.I have tried this with OCZ and Crucial SSDs and get same result. I have also installed the SSDs by cloning and by direct original OS X disk.

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Software :: Possible To Copy Time Machine Backup Files To New Disk?

Dec 4, 2009

I currently back up onto a 250gb external hard drive using Time Machine. This is now full, so today I purchased a new 1TB drive. I would like to keep all my backups in one place, so would it be possible to copy all my past Time machine backup data/files to my new disk and then start backing up to this in the future. How to do I get Time Machine to see that I have swapped disks when I come to restore files? Will doing this confuse Time Machine?

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Applications :: Transferred To New Machine - Trying To Copy Over Mail Folder In Library

May 7, 2010

I've just transferred to a new machine, I tried simply adding my e-mail accounts in and have had trouble.
So, I'm trying to copy the Mail folder in my user's library on my old machine onto my new machine.

I've placed them in the correct folder, when I open mail it's not loading my old messages.

Any thoughts on why it isn't working? Am I missing something?

EDIT: Aha! Success, I copied my mail.plist file (under Library > Preferences) onto my new machine as well.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Copy Time Machine Contents To A New Larger Drive?

May 14, 2012

How to copy your Time Machine contents to a new larger Time Capsule drive ? I have three Time Capsule , two new (3 and 2 TB) and one old (1TB) contaniing all my backups. Only the 3TB have WiFi enabled, the other two are using ethernet only. my Macbook Pro are using ethernet only. I want to migrate from the old 1TB to the new 2TB for backup and other contents. Problem: my Time Capsultes dont show up in Disk Utility.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Can't Copy Time Machine Backup To New Drive

Jun 25, 2014

I can't copy a Time Machine backup file (Backups.backupb) from one external hard drive to another. Both hard drives are Seagate 1TB Backup Plus. The Backups.backupb file is about 275GB. When I try to drag and drop the Backups.backupb file from one drive to the other (which I've tried three times) it to begins copy but after about 3GBs are copied I get a message that says "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)." 

I formatted (erased) the new hard drive with Disk Utility as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Apple Support says I should format the new drive in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) "with a GUID partition," but I don't see the GUID partition as an option when I format the drive. Is this necessary, and if so, how do it do it? I'm using OS 10.8.6 on a 2012 MacBook Pro retna. 

I also tried copying the backup files to another drive (a Maxtor HD) and got the same error message.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Manually Copy Time Machine Folder?

Sep 9, 2014

I have a 2TB Time Machine drive that has failed (directory errors). Disk Utility, Disk Warrior and Data Rescue 3 didn't work. DR3 showed the directory but can't restore it. Can I manually restore the backup folder (backups.backupdb) ?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 17 inch i7 Late 2011

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Applications :: Can Make A Carbon Copy Cloner And Time Machine Backup On The Same Drive?

Sep 21, 2009

Just wondering if this was possible. I only own one 500gb firewire drive and don't want the Time Machine app that came with my MBP to just sit there uselessly while I use CCC.

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Software :: Mac Server - Copy Is Saved On Window Machine - User Logs On To The Domain

Nov 14, 2009

we have a mac server running and have a windows based (XP) machine logging on to the domain. is there a way to enable offline files on the mac server so that a copy is saved on the windows machine and when the user relogs on to the domain the files get syncd?

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OS X Mavericks :: Copy Time Machine Backups From Desktop To Reformatted External Drive

Dec 10, 2014

My time machine backups to an external drive stopped with a message that the backup could not be done because the drive could not be repaired and needed to be reformatted.  Prior to reformatting I copied the TM backup file of 250GB to my desktop.  My internal drive is 500GB and this only leaves me with 33GB of available space. I then reformatted the drive with the proper OS extended journaled and GUID partition. The external drive is 500GB.  When I try to copy the backup file from the desktop to the reformatted drive the process begins normally with the message  "preparing to copy files" but as the preparation process reaches 13,000,000 files it stops with the message "there is not enough sufficient space to copy files" even though it never even got to the actual file transfer.  I have tried copying the backups in small batches to the new drive but I get an error message that backup files cannot be modified. 

MacBook Pro Retina 500GB SSD, Mavericks 10.9.5 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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Applications :: Clean Install Of Snow Leopard - Time Machine & Carbon Copy Cloner?

Oct 19, 2010

I just did a clean install of Snow Leopard on my older macbook. I did not specifically back up my itunes purchases, however, I did do several Time Machine back ups as well as manually moving data via Finder (copy "Macintosh HD" and paste to folder on external), and finally a clone using CarbonCopyCloner. I wanted to start fresh, but I failed to think of my iTunes purchases, as well as iPhone app purchases/downloads. Is there some way I can specifically restore iTunes from the back up without having to restore from a TimeMachine backup?

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OS X :: Keeping Macs In Sync - Copy Specific Programs Iphoto Libraries And Documents From One Machine To Other?

May 21, 2010

When I got my MBP over a year ago during the initial setup, I cloned my MP. As time has elapsed, the two machines are now out of sync i.e. programs, photos, documents etc. how I can copy specific programs, iphoto libraries and documents from one machine to the other?

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