MacBook Pro :: Videos From YouTube And Vimeo Don't Play Smoothly
Jun 3, 2014
I've just bought a brand new MacBook Pro 15 inch retina, upgraded to 2.7ghz processor.Â
Video content on YouTube and Vimeo is juddering and skipping worse than it does on my 2009 MacBook Pro. It's not smooth at all. Â
I've had the computer a couple of weeks and haven't had a chance to install anything on it yet (aside from flash player to play the videos), so it's basically as it came from the factory.Â
I currently have a powermac g4 gigabit ethernet model. It has a 400mhz cpu, 1gb RAM, and an ati rage pro video card with 16mb video memory. When I try to watch youtube videos (or any other online videos), it is choppy. I am looking into purchasing a PowerMac G4 Quicksilver. It would have a 1.4 ghz sonnet PPC cpu, 1 GB Ram, and an upgraded video card (I think ati) with 64mb video memory. I can get this quicksilver system for 250CDN.
Do you think that the quicksilver will be able to handle youtube videos better. Do you think it will be a major overall increase in preformance. I want to run flash cs3/cs4 on it. Currently on my gigabit ethernet model, flash cs4 runs pretty slow. In the end, do you think I will notice a overall increase in everything I do (including video streaming)? Please let me know if you think the quicksilver is a good upgrade.
I use a Mac Mini G4 1.25GHz with 1Gb RAM, and whenever I try and play HD videos streamed over the internet they never play smoothly, but very choppily. E.g HD Youtube video. why wont they play smoothly?
Videos won't load or even pictures of the videos. I have tried updating Safari, Uninstalling Adobe Flash Player and Re installing. I have also tried loading Safari in 32 bit form and nothing has worked..Its pretty annoying I have to go to FireFox to load videos.Â
Youtube videos won't play properly on my imac (I have OS X version 10.5.8). The video plays only for a few short seconds and stops for about 90 seconds and then repeats the process .
I have a MacBook Pro from 2010 and I can't even watch a youtube video, it stops and stops. Video has become impossible so annoying that I have to avoid it. Not the experience I expected when buying a mac. I spent a lot of money on this for a machine to be unable to play any video.
They wont load or play, so I have to use Chrome or Firefox. Any ideas? I have noticed this the past few weeks, what gives? I checked all my software, everything is up to date..
The sound works fine otherwise (though it's never loud enough on this machine - I think the speakers may have issues). Regardless, for youtube ONLY, it will play video fine and maddeningly... no sound! I got this machine used and I don't seem to recall that it had this problem a couple years ago, but that one day it just stopped having audio for youtube. I have already tried resetting the PRAM and PMU - no effect.Â
I have strange beep/chrr noise from up left corner of my macbook pro i7.
This is happening only when I am watching youtube/vimeo or something video over flash player (10.1). I tried HW acceleration on/off and still this problem.
Later I noticed this problem is only with Safari, when I use Firefox or Chrome problem does not exist.
Reinstalled flash, cleared all caches, still there.
By watching .flv in VLC, QuickTime or Movist also nothing... My safari is 5.01 version.
I am unable to play most videos that are posted on Youtube etc. Every place says I need to update the flash down/uploads, but never gives me a choice to save it. Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.8 and Safari won't play any youtube videos on youtube. However on some other sites linked videos will play. I've tried (multiple times) to uninstall and reinstall Adobe Flash Player to no avail.
Lately I've been having trouble watching videos on YouTube. They stop and stutter a lot, to the point where I have to give up. At first I discovered that The Google had put me in their HTML5 beta program unbeknownst to me. That was causing some problems as well so I opted out of it for the time being. Â
I fired up Activity Viewer and saw that when I'm experiencing the problem the process called QTKitsever -(703) Safari Web Content is maxing out my CPU bringing my Macbook Pro to a screaching halt (note I checked a second time and the -(703) had changed to -(812) for some reason). Safari seems to work fine otherwise, but as soon as I go to YouTube and try to watch a video the process kicks in and my Mac chokes.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.2 Ghz Intel Core i7
I can't play YouTube videos on Safari any more. I have noticed that I can play videos on Safari but not on YouTube. When atempting to watch a video on You Tube it won't finish loading. It appears to load at first evenutally stops before the video can play. I then receive the "Plug-in Failure" message. I am using Safari 5.1.7 on Mac OS X 10.7.4. I believe I am using the latest version of Abobe Flash Player, which I downloaded when I first noticed the problem.
Safari and Firefox are displaying this on every video I try to play from youtube, but not from other websites. This happens on both my iMac and my MBP.
i bought a new macbook pro and when i am trying to stream videos over youtube, i am getting an error AN error occurred, please try again later i've been trying for three days now
The mac version I am using is os x 10.5.5 and currently using the safari 3.1.2. I wanted to update because my safari can't play YouTube videos. (I can only watch in Fire Fox.). This is the link I found but my mac is 10.5.5 so it's below the requirement. [URL]. Is it because of my mac isn't update enough? Cos I always ignore updates. Can I ignore software updates? Every time, when I switch on my mac, a window (see attachment) appears on the desktop.