MacBook Pro :: Very Powerful I7 Suddenly Slow
May 6, 2012
I bought my Macbook Pro late summer 2011. Suddenly just a week ago it slowed down significantly, so I thought maybe if it was an update that had gone crazy or something so I ran an update check and installed what was missing and rebooted, and it went stuck on gray the apple loading screen. Then I booted from the Recovery HD and ran the disk check, found out that the Mac partition was broken and couldn't be repaired. I copied everything from to my external disk and formatted the partition and reinstalled Lion. Still runs slow and freezes though and I can't figure what to do.
It's something with the hardware, maybe overheat or something. Can't seem to run Hardware Test either, goes straight to the loading screen when I hold the 'D' button.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 28, 2014
my macbook pro is suddenly working really slow, sometimes it even won't shutdown. I haven't installed anything then because i was on vacation and didn't have internet nor did i installed anything from a CD.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jul 2, 2012
I have had my Macbook Air for a little more than 2 years. It has always worked pretty well. However, recently I went on vacation for 1 week without my laptop. When I returned home and went to turn on my computer, I noticed that it had become extremely slow. Firstly, turning on my computer has become an abnormally long process. It used to take about 2-3 minutes to turn on. Now, it takes a solid 10 minutes. Not only this, but once my computer has finally turned in, it usually takes another 10 minutes before I can open an internet browser. When I click on the browser (I used Google Chrome) no window will pop up, and after a few more clicks, my screen will freeze completely. Sometimes I will get the rainbow wheel and sometimes the screen just completely freezes without it. Sometimes I will try closing the lid of my computer and then reopening it, but when I do this, the screen stays black for a long period of time even after I have reopened it, almost as if the computer is off. After an excessive amount of key smashing and an abnormally large amount of time, the screen will finally stop being in sleep mode and show my desktop. Even then, my computer will still barely work. Once I finally get a window open and start using the internet, google chrome will end up crashing within at least 20 minutes. The entire screen will freeze, I won't be able to scroll down or exit out of the window, and I then usually have to repeat the painful process that I described above when I attempt to open my browser.
It has been over a week since I returned from vacation, and I deal with these issues every time. My computer has always been fine in the past, why is this suddenly happening? I have tried to remove some of my applications my going into Finder and highlighting the application and clicking Move to Trash, and then emptying the trash. This hasn't helped at all. Do you think that it would help to delete some of my files and data (pictures, documents, screenshots, downloads, ect) or is this irrelevant? Â
MacBook Air
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Mar 19, 2012
My MacBook Pro is running on Lion and is up to date. Suddenly, it has slowed down. Why or what to do?
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May 3, 2012
I've tried every trick I can think of within my current technical competency and I'm stumped for what to try next.Lately I've had some odd behaivour with it that may or may not be related or even significant...Finder hanging semi-regularly.Different programs preventing shut down.My volume randomly going up and down like the keys are being pushed (possibly a remote issue related to my recently purchased Apple TV, though not actually being used at the time of incendents?)
Current Issues Suddenly this week it feels like everything's causing trouble. Issues inclue...Various programs crashing or hanging (Firefox, Finder, Photoshop, Illustrator etc. - seems non-specific). Finder in particular I can't even get to reboot sometimes.Finder sometimes not loading view of files in folders, no spinning loading wheel either.Power cable light went amber for a period yesterday even though the MBP was at full power and plugged in all day.Photoshop file I created and know was working fine yesterday suddenly had an 'unexpected end-of-file error' today suggesting it wasn't saved properly and is since corrupted.Everything is running painfully slow, even when it works. Things I've changed latelyThe only things I can think of that I've done differently lately are these...
Upgraded my Dropbox to 100gb and started working with large artwork files directly from there.Changed the settings on my Airport Express Base Station at my office, which my MBP is set to try and connect to when possible. Remedies I've triedRebooting numerous times.Zapping the P-ram, which wont even work at the moment. Even with holding in the power button the MBP just loads to the login screen as per usual.Rebooting in safe mode.Emptying the trash can.Running iAntivirus to scan for viruses which came up clear.Repaired Disk and Repaired Disk Permissions.Run Spring Cleaning to clean System Caches.Cleared more space on my hard drive.Updated all software I'm completely out of ideas and I'm still none the wiser as to what the actual issue is.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 15, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X, Version 10.6.8 and Safari has started running really slowly, all of a sudden. I've tried Firefox and Google Chrome, which run faster, but not much. Wi-Fi has been checked and is not the problem. I've emptied my cache and reset Safari. My disc usage is 15%, my system memory says that I have 2.35 GB of free space, and there are no "page outs". All of the programs, on my computer, that do not require internet access run fine. My firewall is off.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 29, 2014
Why is my Macbook Air suddenly so slow at loading web pages?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 2, 2010
so for about 6 months I've been using my iMac's ethernet connection as an Air Port for both my iphone and roommates pc around the house. recently I was using my phone and the wifi all of a sudden was horrible, playing a quicktime video that took 2 seconds to begin before was literally impossible to play, and when switched to edge it was much faster.
I thought that something was acting up with my iphone and shrugged it off but my roommate soon complained the internet was being really slow on her pc. So I checked my Mac and it's internet connection was fine. The Air Port was on, I reset it, switched channels but same performance.
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Sep 21, 2008
I have two memory sticks (loads of space on both of them.)
For about seven days now I noticed that they are incredibly slow (about usb1 speed) and I don't know why?
I have 10.5.4 OS , 2 x 2.8 Ghz Quad, 8 GB Ram with about 5 usb2 ports. I tired ports at both the back and front - same result.
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Apr 3, 2012
my desktop mac is suddenly incredibly slow!
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 5, 2012
We had a power outage and I had to reset my home network (two wirelessly extended Airport Extremes). We have four computers on the network.
Speeds are back to normal: 36Mbps down, 6Mbps up near the first AE and about 25/5 near the second wirelessly bridged AE.
Problem is with my iMac and another laptop. The network change must have corrupted both and each are only getting about 1/1 speeds. I tried restarting and renewing DHCP lease and trashing Airport Network passwords in the keychain as recommended by Apple and it solved the problem for a minute or two and then it returned.The iMac is only a year old and the laptop an older white MacBook.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 20, 2009
My PowerBook has been working extremely slow for the past couple of days. Restarting hasn't helped. Even though it's about 5 years old, it's never given me any trouble. Now I wanted to start FinalCutPro, and there's a popup saying: Configuration Error This software requires certain hardware or software which is missing. � 512MB of RAM.So I can't even start this program. It's really an emergency since I have to work with FCP
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Apr 11, 2008
I have run Disk Utility and deleted many image files with no improvement in speed. The slow speed came on suddenly. No new programs or devices.
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Feb 15, 2012
Is there something I can do such as a clean up?
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Jun 18, 2010
I don't know whats going on. My SU was working fine until i noticed last night when I went to download iTunes 9.2, the downloading speed was real an hour or more on the timer. I tried multiple times then went to bed. internet connection is fine because today I've been downloading stuff on my other computer and just used software update to download iTunes on this machine that has both my Tiger partition and an SL partition, and it downloaded fine on that. However, I tried downloading some software app from apple directly form their website and the speed is fine. And now also, trying to download iTunes from the updater aborts about halfway saying it can't be verified or corrupted. I don't get it. what the heck could be wrong?
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Mar 10, 2010
Anyone notice anything happening to their disk speed/transfer/access rates lately using a Time Capsule for a NAS?I currently use it to do two TM backups, and hold an iTunes store - been working amazingly well for over a year, and then a couple of weeks ago notice massive lags.The two Macs are using wireless, but internet speeds are as fast as ever... it just bogs down when you try to use a disk.So, couple other questions: Was there an airport firmware update lately that I installed incognito - and it's botched? Is there a way to install old firmware etc? Lastly, is there any way to run disk utility (or something like it) on a network drive like the Time Capsule? Maybe it's just clogged up or something?
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Aug 26, 2014
mac suddenly very slow especially safari
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)
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Sep 1, 2009
I happened to have a spare 23" Cinema Display and I rather than getting another Mac Pro to run it, which I already have, I am wondering if I hook up the 13.3" MBP, can I still run FCP in it?
I am thinking of using it more of a machine for importing videos in the background, while I run the actual video editing work on my Mac Pro?
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Oct 20, 2010
Will the new macbook air 11 inch with a 1.4 ghz processor be able to handle itunes hd video as well as safari and other apps open without problem.
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Mar 3, 2008
I am looking to take advantage of my student discount before it runs out in the summer. I currently have a G4 Powerbook, 15", 1.67, 80GB, 512MB RAM.I used to use Final Cut, but now only use Photoshop, iMovie, Dreamweaver, Flash, so I do not think I have any need for a MBP.Will a new MB be significantly more powerful than my old PB for all the tasks I want?
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Apr 15, 2010
a bunch of people are using the 3DMark06 score of 3300 as the average score for the 8600M GT. Due to this, a lot of people are getting the wrong impression that the 320M is faster than the 8600M GT, and that the 330M is 2x more powerful.There are several consistency issues which need to be addressed: 1) 8600M GT (DDR2) vs 8600M GT (GDDR3)While they both have the same name, there are actually 2 different variants of the 8600M GT card. One with DDR2 memory and one with GDDR3 memory. (Note: this is NOT the same as system memory) The GDDR3 variant is between 20% - 30% faster than the DDR2 variant. Majority of the 8600Ms tested used DDR2 memory, while all the 8600Ms in Apple notebooks use GDDR3 memory.
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Sep 22, 2009
I've had conflicting answers on this at the Apple Store today so I'd like to ask the question on here again. I would like to use a Mac for work and consequently would prefer the greater portability of the 13" model (plus it fits in my Tumi bag and the 15" doesn't).
However, at home the computer will be used for editing of AVCHD hi def movies which will be burnt to blu-ray. I will also use the computer for editing of 15mp RAW files from my dSLR camera. The computer will be attached to a 24" dell monitor so screen real estate is not an issue.
I want to emphasise that the video and photo editing are _not_ work related and are for my personal pleasure only (hobby).
Is the 13" up to the job? The lack of a discrete gpu is my main concern. One of the guys at the genius bar told me that without the discrete gpu Aperture 2 can really start to slow down and its quite annoying.
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Jun 15, 2012
I am a long-time MacPro user. I mostly use the MP for PhotoShop/LightRoom but occasional I will use Premier and Maya for Video editing and 3D work. I was wondering if the new MacBook Pro is powerful enough to handle these tasks. Also with the inclusion of ThunderBolt I was hoping I might have the ability to add on fast external storage and even the ability to option boot other OS's running from and external. Also... how does one hard connect to the network with no ethernet connector... and will I be able to connect up my trusty 23" cinema display?Â
MacPro 2.66, Mac OS X (10.6.7), GB ram.. iLife 08 /Aperture / CS 5
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Jun 22, 2012
I am considering the possibility of selling my iMac to fund a retina MacBook. The screen really won me over when playing with it in an Apple Store. My iMac specs are as follows: 27-INCH, Mid 2010 Processor 3.6 GHz Intel Core i5Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3Graphics ATI Radeon HD 5750 1024 MB256 GB SSD + 1TB HDD It is in flawless and mint condition. I am hoping to get enough to fund the Retina MacBook (around £1500), as I get HE discount. I have a 24" Apple Cinema display I can connect the Retina MacBook to. I will use it only as my home workstation, as I already own a 13" MacBook air. So my Question(s) are as follows: 1) Will the MacBook match the power of my current iMac (I like to edit photos, play some music, play WoW) 2) Is this move worth it, or silly? 3) How will the 24" display look when connected to the retina? Can I use this external display as an "extension"? 4)?
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Mar 17, 2009
I am looking at the previous gen (2008) mac pros and comparing them to the current gen Xserve, and in terms of CPU and RAM, the xserves don't seem to have any premium in performance...Is that the case ? It would seem that if one were trying to achieve the highest possible CPU speeds and ram configurations, one could just as easily do that with a mac pro vs. an xserve.Is it assumed that the next generation xserves will match the 2009 mac pros and continue this trend ? It would be nice if there were some options on the xserve that were more powerful than the desktop systems...
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Jan 1, 2010
I do not currently own a mac but am in love with the OS and really want to buy one. Im not really strapped with cash at the moment and I dont want the mini or an imac. I did some searching on ebay and found a mac pro priced at $1100.
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Aug 26, 2010
I am getting an imac but am stuck as to which one. I would like to know from users experience if the 3.06 i3 processor is powerful enough and can easily run software such as photoshop and flash. Also i would like to know whether they run games ok and software such as steam, which is quite laggy on pc.
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Dec 17, 2008
I really want to ditch this PC laptop and dive headfirst into the mac world. I've been flip flopping between wanting a macbook/macbook pro/powerbook for a while now and I'm getting seriously feed up with myself. The problem is that i cant really justify spending upwards of $1000 for a new computer when my current one works fairly well (for windows). So I think an old school powerbook might be the answer I'm looking for. I've seen them go for $300-400 on ebay and just want a confirmation that this will be fast enough. I only plan to use it for internet, music, the iLife package type things, no games, no photoshop. But I want to make sure that it'll do these good enough to leave me with a good impression of OSX.
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Feb 16, 2009
after getting my new mac and installing the Windows 7 beta on both the Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion trials I am beginning to wonder how I can make the most of it?What I mean is how can I make it run smoother? What drivers etc shall I get and install? Please post anything which will speed up windows while I run it on my mac
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Apr 26, 2010
I'm new to Mac and just purchased my first MBP.I'm no pro photographer, not even a semi-amateur, all I do is take family shots. Over the last few years, I've accumulated over 12000 photos, mainly of the kids, all organised in folders.I hardly do any retouching, just the occasional red-eye, add brightness or darkness....basic stuff really.What I am looking for is a organiser that can handle not only the current set of photos, but as the collection grows to be able to keep up.And must be easy to use, I don't want a steep learning curve. For video editing I purposely chose iMovie over Final Cut or Premiere, as it's easy to use and serves my purpose.
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