OS X :: Transferring Data From Time Machine To Computer?
Jan 4, 2010
I have just purchased a new MacBook Pro. My understanding is that you cannot boot from Time Machine. If I were to have a major failure what would be the best way to transfer all my data on Time Machine to the computer? I have a bootable backup on an external HD which presents me with a way to boot up and to actually transfer everything since I last updated. This seems to defeat what Time Machine is for I would think. I know I can drag and drop all the data. What if I did not have a bootable backup what would I do?
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Feb 11, 2010
both my MacBook and my time machine backups just got destroyed by the water sprinkers coming on. All I have left is the data on my iPhone. I keep all my iPhoto, music, contacts, calandar, and bookmarks on my phone. How will I transfer them to my new computer (even if it is a paid program, I REALLY need to keep this data. Also, how will I keep my new computer from deleting everything on my phone, ESPECIALLY my text messages, when I sync it for the first time? Again, a paid program would be fine because I REALLY need to keep this data
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Sep 9, 2009
I've just got a new MBP. I'm in the process of backing up my old laptop with time machine, so that I can transfer everything to the new computer with the migration assistant. I will have just enough space on my hard drive to do this. However the external HD is only 160 Gb and I would rather have a much bigger drive to use with time machine, and use this device to carry other files around. I don't want to lose the old backup data though. Is there any way to copy back up data onto a new time machine HD?
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Jan 4, 2010
I've been using an old G4 iLamp model for years, and it's been wonderful. Today it wouldn't start up, and the repair guys told me that the power supply and logic board were shot. Doing the quick math, the cost of repair got me more than halfway to a much better machine, so I'll probably get a new iMac.
When I do, how do I get my information from the backup drive (LaCie using Quicksilver that backs up everything every night) onto the new machine? What about all of the software that is registered to the old machine serial #? Do I have to reregister it all? Is it as simple as plugging the backup drive up to the new machine and dragging and dropping literally everything on it onto the new hard drive?
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Mar 1, 2012
The hard drive on my MacBook Pro went bad and had to be replaced. I was told it would be simple to transfer its contents onto the new installed hard drive, but I have yet to figure it out.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have my data saved on an external hard drive (OS 10.7) as I sold my previous Mac and am thinking about buying a power pc iMac using Leopard - does anyone know whether this will be able to open and transfer my data to the older Mac?
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Aug 6, 2009
So my Mac Pro just had a bunch of hardware replaced by Apple geniuses. But all my preferences are all screwy, so I made a new admin account, but that just made even more preference issues when I transferred files from my old admin account. However, while my Mac Pro was being fixed, I bought a new MacBook Pro and got it all up and running with all my software and files. It would take me a whole day to reinstall OSX and each program individually all over again on my Mac Pro, but I have a Time Machine back up from my MacBook Pro which I could install right off the bat on my Mac Pro. Is that possible? What issues would there be? Anyone else done it?
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May 21, 2010
I wasn't aware of the fact that there was a way to export firefox bookmarks until after I formatted my hard drive. However, I backed things up in Time Machine first. Is there a way to somehow get my old bookmarks or is it a lost cause?
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Apr 25, 2012
I just replaced my old 08 Mac Book with a new MacBook. I migrated my files from the old computer using Time Machine. Everything looks ok except my mail messages didn't seem to load into Mail on the new computer. Connectivity is ok and I have been able to send a d recieve fine but the old messages aren't there. I have mail checking 2 accounts an Exchange account for work and another pop account. Even the messages on the exchange server from before the migration hae not shown up.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 10, 2012
Today I bought an iMac to replace my 2009 Mac Mini. Since the iMac had already been set up, I just transferred my data from Time Machine to it through Migration Assistant. A couple hours later I noticed that all my previous Time Machine backups from my Mac Mini didn't transfer over and that Time Machine had reset itself up.
Is there any way I can transfer over those previous backups from my Mac Mini to my new iMac? I know OS X Lion has a feature to do this, but both computers are running Snow Leopard. I am using a WD 2TB My Book for all my TM backups.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 20, 2012
Just had to have the HD replaced on a 2 week old MacBookPro. In transferring information from my TimeMachine Backup to the computer, it has stalled while transferring files to support applications. Stalled for hours. How do I abort?
MacBook Pro
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Sep 7, 2014
My macbook pro laptop recently died and I am trying to access its time machine backup data through Finder on a different computer. In each one of my folders from different dates, however, the majority of the computer folders I would like to access (i.e. desktop, documents, dropbox, etc) have a little red "no" sign in the corner and prompt the following message when selected:
"The folder “FolderName” can’t be opened because you don’t have permission to see its contents"
How can I gain permission to see its contents? As the former user, I know whatever passwords are restricting these files, but I don't know how/where to go to give permission to these folders. I've tried going into Disk Utility and changing the permissions there, but to no avail, despite successful changing of the "Sharing & Permissions" to "Read & Write" for all listed accounts.
I'm currently trying to view this on an imac OSX 10.6.8. The dead MacBook pro ran OSX
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 9, 2010
I maybe buying a new iMac soon and I want to know will my leopard time machine back up data be transferrable over to snow leopard? I know you can't exactly do a restore because they are different versions but I want to make sure I can place back majority of the data I had on my leopard iMac.
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Mar 5, 2009
The video card in my iMac died a while back, so now I'm only left with my Windows XP laptop. 95% of my data was in the iMac, but fortunately I had Time Machine (TM) backing up on an external HDD. I recently wanted to retrieve some of the MP3s stored in the TM backup, so after installing MacDrive 7 on my PC, I went into the drive to retrieve the music, but I couldn't find it! I see lots of folders with dates on them but no music anywhere.
I tried searching the entire backup volume for *.mp3 and nothing. I tried making hidden and protected operating system files visible and nothing. The TM backup seems fine. I'm sure if I connect it to a Mac I'll be able to access the data. But only having a PC at the moment, how can I retrieve my data backed up by Time Machine and copy it into my PC in a way that Windows can use it?
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May 13, 2009
I currently have a 120GB hard drive in my macbook and want to put in a 500GB one. I have a ton of stuff already installed and don't really want to re-install everything from scratch on the new 500Gb one. Question is can I use Time Machine on an external drive that already has stuff on it? Or do I have to use a freshly formatted one for it to work?
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Aug 26, 2009
i have all my data backed up on a 1 TB ext drive as a time machine set up.
if i do a clean instal of os X i can access all my data via time machine?
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Oct 28, 2009
I only own one Mac computer - a MacBook Pro. I use Time Machine to back it up. If I had to send the laptop in for service I would be without my data for possibly quite some time. So I'm wondering - if I owned a second Mac (maybe an iMac), could I plug in my Time Machine drive and access the data? Could I selectively restore files and folders to the iMac?
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Nov 10, 2009
I just changed the disk-wide permissions on my backup disk and it fried the old backup. TM no longer recognizes it! It's now attempting to create a new, 900+GB backup on top of the old 900+GB backup. The Files are there and they're in tact, they're just not the same permissions as before. How do I fix the permissions on a time machine backup so it recognizes it again?
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Jan 25, 2010
I own a uMBP late 09 running 10.6.2. Recently, i bought a Seagate FreeAgent Go 320Gb to use as back-up for both Mac and Windows. I partitioned it into equal HFS+ and FAT32, the former exclusively for Time Machine (which i will be using for the first time), and the latter for Windows.
Initial back-up via TM was successful, as i was able to store about 80Gb of data from my Macintosh partition into the ext drive. The problem is this : After several days of backing-up data, Time Machine displays the same set of files as the initial one. During this time, i have made various additions to my iTunes library as well as movie clips and other documents. These changes/additions did not reflect on the subsequent back-ups made by TM. The initial size of the back-up data stayed the same, pegged at 80Gb.
Am i doing something wrong here? The ext drive does not remain connected to my notebook always, and i only do force back-ups via the TM icon. Also, i have not encountered a single error/failed message when backing-up. On the options menu, i excluded only the Download folder. No other settings were altered.
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Jun 6, 2010
I have a MBP, and every few days I back it up using time machine. For some reason it's been scanning hundreds of thousands of files and than it backs up tons of GB's. Like today it tried to back up 30 GB's but the last time I backed it up was 4 days ago, and I doubt I changed THAT much stuff on my laptop. Is this normal? If not, what can I do to fix it.
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Dec 14, 2010
So I think my TM drive is almost full (external drive connected to an AEBS). The thing is though every time I run the backup my MacBook, it backup 22GB even though I didn't change anything, which is a PITA since it take a while
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Mar 4, 2008
After TM reduces the backups to the monthly backups only, what data is stored on it? Is it all data compiled from the daily backups for the entire month? How does TM treat the monthly backup? The reason I ask is, If I add 100 digital pictures per day for a month, are there going to be all 3000 pictures on the monthly backup file after 30 days, or does TM actually delete some of it's backups before the disc is full?
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Feb 11, 2009
After a catastrophic HD crash I bought a small 250GB external hard-drive an started to use Time machine. Since my Mac was freshly formatted, I tend to keep it tidy and clean and keep good track of what comes in. I noticed my time machine backing up 15 GB of data which allegedly would have been added within two days. I could absolutely not trace this on my computer nor when I compared current folder contents with the most recent backup. Downloads, Apps., System are all excluded from my time-machine and couldn't represent such a dramatic data increase on my separate HD.
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May 29, 2009
I have a new iMac that backs up regularly with Time Machine. I find that the Time Machine backups are for more data than my iMac hard drive changes. For example, yesterday it did three backups that I noticed. One was for about 300MB and the other for about 700MB and one for 2 MB. Right now it is doing a 1GB backup. The only changes I did to the iMac between yesterday and today were a few e-mail downloads (not more than 2MB) and a few pictures were imported (about 30MB).
Does anybody know why Time Machine is backing up so much data when nothing is changing on my Mac? My entire hard drive is about 62GB right now and it started at about 58GB. My Time Capsule hard drive that hosts the TM backups has used about 130GB of data. It had only used about 60GB of data after the initial backup about a month ago.
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Oct 6, 2009
I'm doing an initial backup to a Time Capsule and I want to make sure all my data was copied successfully. Does Time Machine verify that the data was copied successfully or does it just send it and hope everything copied alright? I know this is the kind of question only the Apple developers would know for certain, but hey, sometimes folks on these forums are surprisingly knowledgeable so I figured I'd ask here.
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Oct 8, 2009
I have my Time Machine hooked up to a Time Capsule and it seems that Time Machine is backing up an excessive amount of data throughout the day. Normally the backups are just 5-10 MB, however it seems that once or twice a day it backs up 2-3 GB worth of data. I don't do much saving/creating/modifying of files during the day. just web-based programs, iTunes (no downloads), etc.
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Jul 6, 2010
So I'm planning on getting a new MacBook here shortly and was wondering how the Time Machine transfer works. A few questions:
1. Can I select which Data I upload to the new computer?
2. Is data from Address Book saved?
3. When I want to backup my new computer, can I keep the prior back up from my old computer and have a separate one for the new computer?
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May 3, 2012
How do I recover ALL my data using Time Machine?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), New Hard Drive
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May 19, 2012
I have over 200gb of data, but when I use time machine to back up, its only backing up 64gb. I don't know if this is relevant but I had to erase the previous backup on my hard drive because I didn't have enough space for new backups.
Safari, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 27, 2012
I just trashed several thousand files by mistake. I have backup on TM. How can I Restore my computer to what it it had on the last good backup?I have 10.7.3 OS, but this was an app. I don't have a disk since Snow Leopard. Is there a way to go to a date & say restore all?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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