MacBook Pro :: How To Get Multiclutch Tips?
Jun 14, 2008
I have been waiting to get a MBP for about 2 months now and I finally got one. One of the first apps I made sure to get was Multiclutch. This is easily the sickest app on the MBP.
In case anyone doesnt know, multiclutch extends the multitouch feature on the trackpads on new MBPs and MBA.
Extends is really too small a word though, because before, the gestures dont do a damn thing. Any way, a little tinkering around with multiclutch and I think I pretty much have the lay of the land.
First thing is first- global applications: these are your bread and butter in multiclutch. set up some good ones that will help u with anything. some that are good are:
swipe down -cmd-H -hides current window
zoom out -cmd-Q -quits current application
and I like Rotate left -cmd-W - closes current window- ill get more into that one in a minute.
these should get u started and used to multiclutch and most importantly global gestures will affect programs that wouldnt usually be affected by multiclutch such as carbon apps (itunes and finder especially).
IMPORTANT: if you try to put gestures in itunes or any other carbon app remember to reset the shortcut for the global apps and the app will be able to use some gestures again
next most important application for gestures: firefox- or your browser of choice. These ones work great and really streamline the browsing experience. im still toying with these a little but the ones i have now are:
rotate right -cmd-T- new tab
rotate left -cmd-W -this and the global app with the same function for the same gesture really work great together. in firefox cmd-W will close ur current tab and in global it will close ur current window- really intuitive and helpful
zoom in -cmd-shift-T -opens ur most recently closed tab-good for when u accidentally rotate left
swipe right- cmd ] - forward
swipe left -cmd [ -back -saves a lot of time
obviously these firefox ones are not completely ideal because it would be nice to switch tabs when u want to as well, but the other gestures dont really work for switch tab, and the goal is really to make the gestures something simple and obvious.
that said i am tinkering with moving back to swipe up and then just having left right be for switching -so far its not really working because the combo for previous tab is set to the same button combo as the little app switcher thingie.
anyway clearly more work needs to be put in, but i just got my MBP a few days ago, so im constantly trying out new gestures for different actions.
If anyone has any gestures they think are good please share them, or if anyone thinks they know some better ones than the ones i point out.
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Mar 23, 2008
I installed MultiClutch several Times on my MBA. It just won't work. I added applications like Firefox or iTunes, then I chose gesture and key command.
I restarted the application, nothing happend. Also, I tried it with global gestures, same here.
Multitouch is working where it has to (iPhoto, Safari ... ). So what else can I try to fix it? It is a great thing to wirte such a programm, but on my MBA it is not working.
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Aug 25, 2009
I'm referring to the app by William Henderson MultiClutch [URL]. It doesn't work for Carbon apps. It wont work for Finder and iTunes.
HOWEVER, I found a way for both, partially.
Finder: When you turn on your computer just do Command-I on any finder window and then close it and multiclutch will start working
iTunes: just go to help, open help, close it and it starts working. BUTTT if you close iTunes and open it again, it does again, and I have to repeat the open help and close. This is annoying.
Any fixes for this? Also will this problem be solved in 10.6 since the Finder is written in Cocoa?
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Sep 22, 2009
How Do I Get Multiclutch To Refresh My Browser Page?
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Aug 30, 2009
just installed SL on my rev B MBAir SSD...everything seems to be running smoothly (after re-activating coolbook) except for multiclutch...Multiclutch works in several applications (ie VLC), but doesn't work in several others (ie Safari) anyone else having this issue?
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Nov 20, 2008
Multiclutch isn't supposed to work in iTunes since it's a Carbon app and Multiclutch only supports Cocoa apps, right?
Well, the past hour, multiclutch has been working just fine in iTunes.
Swipes assigned to previous/next track.
Rotates to volume controls.
I find this weird because a month ago, it didn't work and I'm still in the same beta version. How is this possible?
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Apr 22, 2009
I installed MultiClutch on my Mac. Now I am wondering how to use it so that when I open multiple tabs in Firefox, I can 3-finger swipe to switch between them.
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Nov 11, 2009
I just got a MBA and was wondering what I could do to increase its performance? (without changing hardware such as getting a Runcore SSD)
It's a secondary computer and only plan on using it for writing, browsing the web, and itunes music.
Are there any programs I should install/delete?
I just want to get rid of all the excess things I don't really need.
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Feb 3, 2010
I was used to sit in a dark room at night so this was never an issue but lately I like having at least one light on. The problem is that when I do that and try to read something on the screen like a CNN article for example, I keep seeing my reflection and find myself moving left and right. I've tried to sit away from the light so its not directly behind me but sometimes that isn't always possible. I've also turned the brightness up to deal with it better but that's just a battery drain. My next macbook pro will surely be a matte screen as much as I love the black glass bezel. I used it for the first time at the Apple Store on a 17" and it was beautiful! So how do you deal with glare?
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Nov 24, 2008
I need help with Multiclutch. How can I find out what the keyboard commands are for things I want to do? I know that some of them show up in the menus at the top, but not everything does, or at least I am not seeing it.
The one I am specifically looking for right now is switching between tabs in Firefox. What key combo would I use for that? Another one I am looking for is undo close tab.
Are there any other key combos you can think of that might not be obvious, but might be something someone would want to know about?
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Aug 28, 2009
I installed Snow Leopard last night, and I found the biggest problem for me. MultiClutch does NOT work under Snow Leopard.
This is a HUGE disappointment for me as I use MultiClutch ALL the time.
Unfortunately it appears that a whole rewrite of the app is needed in order for it to work again.
Does anyone have the ability to rewrite this app? The source code is available here: [URL]
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Sep 25, 2009
Multiclutch on Snow Leopard?
Any links?
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Apr 10, 2008
'm not particularly fond of some of the commercial macbook skins out there, so i'm interested in creating my own.
i'd like to create something similar to this:
clearly, there's some sort of custom/created skin (vinyl, perhaps?) on top of the actual macbook without covering the macintosh light. on top of that is a black incase cover.
any tips on creating something along these lines? methods/tools/supplies?
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Mar 13, 2009
I want to prolong the battery life as long as possible. If I am sitting at my desk with an available ac outlet and my battery is already full. Is it better to run off the ac adapter? Is it harmful?
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Feb 22, 2010
Does anybody have any good tips on cleaning your screen.
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Apr 18, 2012
I tried to migrate information from MacBook Air to ...Pro and it seemed to have taken files from folders on desktop as none exist on Air now. As to where these files are, I don't know. It has also taken my pictures from iPhoto to unknown destination. ??
MacBook Air, Other OS
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Dec 9, 2009
I've got a late 2008 Macbook with glass trackpad. Lately I've been getting weird aches in the tips of my fingers when using it.
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Dec 23, 2010
Which is better for the battery? Do you guys put it in sleep at night when you're not using it or do you switch it off completely?
Any other tips on saving battery other than the obvious like turning the brightness down etc.
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Mar 30, 2009
Any how, my new iMac is on order and I have a couple questions. First, any MUST KNOW Mac tips and tricks? Second, I am currently on a Vista Machine and I have the 1TB TC. I would like to transfer some of my files from my PC to my new Mac. What would be the best way to do this? I have window backup files on the TC, but dont think I am able to "unzip" or "restore" them to the Mac.
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Oct 27, 2010
I recently purchases a ScanSnap scanner, and have been trying to get it to work for a week now. I've been on the phone with Level 1 Fujitsu tech support, and we've determined that whatever is preventing ScanSnap from working is in my user account (it works flawlessly in my wife's user account on the same machine). Getting ScanSnap working is so important to me that I'm considering creating a fresh user account for myself. This is a daunting task because I have so many preferences, special configurations, symlinks, etc. that I've created over the years. I don't think I can just migrate my data from the old user account to the new one, because then I might re-create whatever is causing the problem with the ScanSnap - right? Is there any way to make this process easier, or do I just have to stick it out and do it the hard way?
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Feb 23, 2009
I took everyone's suggestions and downloaded NeoOffice instead of using TextEdit. Since my entire document was in TextEdit, I just decided to copy and paste all the text into NeoOffice. Little did I realize that my book I'm writing has grown to 98 PAGES! Obviously, as soon as it got the document imported, the entire thing froze up. I haven't been able to get it to work well at all. I'm using a Powerbook G4 1.67ghz 1GB RAM, Radeon 9700. I can't believe that such a computer can't handle simple word processing tasks, and I'm convinced that it's a software issue.
I'm running Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.6 with all latest updates.
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Jul 16, 2009
i'm using the new MacBook white for a month or so already but i've gotten some pretty stubborn stains on the trackpad. after trying a combination of damp cloth and soap, i went to get an iKlear, which was recommended by the sales officer. however, iKlear doesn't seem to work at all. in fact, it actually made the stain spread all over the trackpad. i really need help in cleaning this stain. it's such an eyesore!
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Apr 10, 2012
Every few hours, without my touching the comp, the airport extreme on my MacBook (OS v 10.6.8) just turns itself off. Under Network Preferences, it just won't allow me to turn it on, and neither does the diagnostic work. the only way i have found to get it on again is to restrart the comp.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jul 20, 2009
Keep a widget active without Dashboard
The Dashboard in OS X is a convenient tool for accessing quick bits of information or using conversion, translation, or reference utilities among many other tools. Depending on the task at hand, sometimes the requirement to activate Dashboard every time you want to access a widget can be cumbersome, especially since the Dashboard prevents access to other applications while it is open. Luckily, however, there is a way around this.
Dashboard supports the use widgets without activating the Dashboard interface, which basically prevents them from being hidden whenever Dashboard is inactivated. This is done by enabling the developer mode for the application, by entering the following command in the Terminal:
defaults write devmode YES; killall Dock
After this command is run, the Dock will relaunch and Dashboard will be in "Developer" mode. From here, all widgets will behave the same as usual, except now you can select a specific widget to keep on the Desktop by the following procedure:
1. Activate Dashboard.
2. Click and drag a widget.
3. Deactivate Dashboard (while still dragging).
4. Release the mouse.
This will keep the individual widget active while the rest close with Dashboard, and the widget will be kept above all other running applications. To reverse this for a widgets, do the same process in reverse order as follows:
1. Click and drag the Desktop widget.
2. Activate Dashboard.
3. Release the widget.
4. Deactivate Dashboard.
While this is a convenient trick, keep in mind it will keep the widget active and alive, which in some cases can use up system resources. You can check this by using Activity Monitor.
To deactivate developer mode, run the command in the terminal and replace "YES" with "NO".
If you have any other Dashboard tips, post'em here.
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Nov 8, 2010
I am running windows 7 on my new MacBook Air, this is a requirement for my work, so can't be changed. I bought the MBA because it's a beautiful laptop, thin and light, great screen, and great keyboard. My battery life, however seems to be terrible, especially compared to statistics I have seen on other reviews/threads. At the moment, when I am unplugged, I have brightness at 30%, I have the hard drive set to sleep when not in use. I have bluetooth turned off and WiFi on. I almost exclusively use the computer to work on google docs. So, turn on the computer, work for half an hour, in Chrome, either sending and receiving emails or writing in Google Docs. (I can't figure out if this qualifies as "light browsing", but based on my battery drain I would say it's not...) I have a plug-in to block flash, and haven't been running flash on any website since I started using the computer.
Here are my statistics:
Last night, typed (on the web) for half an hour and went from 100-80% battery.
Put the computer to sleep for 9 hours, and when I woke the computer it was at 74% battery.
Typed and checked email for forty minutes, went to 57%
Woke the computer two hours later and was at 49%
typed (on the web) for half an hour and was at 29%
put the computer into hybernate, turned it on ten minutes later at was at 27%
I've now been typing for about half an hour and I'm at 15%.
I'm losing, roughly, 20% of my battery for each half hour of typing in a browser, with flash disabled. That means 2.5 hours of browsing. I need to get 4 hours if I'm going to keep the computer.
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Sep 10, 2006
My powerbook casing is getting a bit dirty. What tips and products do you guys suggest for cleaning it.
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Jun 2, 2009
I just bought an iBook G3 500MHz with 192MB of RAM for $80 (thing is completely mint too) anyway I performed a clean install of 10.3.9. Are there any tips to speed up the OS aside from the obvious of getting more RAM?
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Aug 18, 2009
We got a new furnace today and during the replacement, soot got everywhere. My PowerMac G4 Digital Audio was running the entire time, sucking and blowing the soot (you couldn't see it, but it did happen). My white Apple keyboard and Mighty Mouse are grey as well.
Any tips for cleaning it out? I wiped off one of the HDDs, and it had some soot on it and I'm a bit paranoid about the cleanliness of my computers.
My Mac mini (mid-'07) was also running for the entire time, although because it only has the exhaust vent I'm not as worried, but if you've got tips for cleaning that, I am looking for an excuse to open it .
PS: I'll probably open and clean everything that has either slats on the top or a fan to bring air in that was on.
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Apr 1, 2010
I'm running W7 ultimate on a Rev. A MBA. I'm looking for some tips on improving performance in Bootcamp.
Here is what I have done so far:
- Installed latest BC drivers (3.1)
- Defragged windows partition
- Disabled hibernate function (to save HDD space)
- Installed all updates from Windows Update
- Disabled (some) of the Aero eye candy
- Disabled unnecessary services (ala Blackviper's site)
- Disabled unnecessary startup programs
- Disabled Index Service
- Disabled Windows Search
My main reason for wanting to do this is that I'm having some issues when playing MP3s in WMP. They play fine until I say, launch Firefox. Doing so causes the playing MP3 to skip, or temporarily become garbled. I assume this is due to taxing the HDD, but since upgrading to an SSD is currently not an option, I'm trying to squeeze as much performance out of the system as I can.
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Jul 18, 2010
i just recently bought a iMac G4 in good condition for $175 on Craigslist.I was on a budget so i couldn't afford to spend $1000 on a Macbook.I'm not too familiar on Macs since its my first one.But it seems to be a PowerPC, It's running Tiger OS, and the base of the Mac looks like a lamp.I'm sure you guys know what a iMac G4 is.So are there any ways of speeding up this thing? Is it slow because of its age?Because it seems to be in pretty good shape to me.I did a restore on it and it was still slow.I just need help on improving the performance.
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