MacBook Pro :: "There Is No Application Set To Open Document"
Feb 21, 2012
I've tried to install two different programs, one is a PDF veiwer, and the other is the program MAX/MSP onto my macbook pro and I keep getting the following message when I try to install: "There is no application set to open the document “Max 6 Installer'"
I a new to mac. I am trying to open a ".config" file but I get this error message: "There is no default application specified to open the document xxxx". Normally, on a Windows, I would just force open it with notepad as it conly contain text. How do I do the same with a Mac?
opened terminal to remove a uncooperative application (MacFace) and it wouldnt open. I would click it and it would bounce once and then nothing would happen. running 10.4.11
i have a problem for my macbook pro 15". i cant open the document folder and download folder. i can se inside the folder from the dock folder icon, but i cant click open in finder.(application not responding). i wait the hole night but same.
I can't open protools error could not create a new document because assertion in/volume/ development/w.s.Protools_10.1.2/Altura parts/DFW/MacBuild/../view/ 1351
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I was trying to open an existing Numbers document saved to my desktop. It took me to the App Store, but I didn't have access to a Wireless network. If it needed an update, why does it require the update to open an existing/previously saved document?
Every time I try to open an existing document or save a new one Microsoft word crashes. I am able to start a new document but if I try to save it all of the action/editing buttons fade/unhighlight (save, print, quit, copy paste, etc) and I am ubable to do anything. However, most of the buttons in view, history, bookmarks, tools, window & help still work.Then I have to force quit because the option to quit is no longer available.
i used to proudly say to my friends about it. Since few days there is an issue with both of my mac books... i dont know why .. when i operate or open an application or play a movie or do anything on my mac it gets slower. The mouse doesn't move freely. I tried clearing my history, cache and unwanted application and my free memory in my mac s almost around 100gb with 4gb ram. I had quit all unwanted operations through activity moniter but the problem still persists. It is kinda irritating as windows sometimes does. What should I do?
I got a new macbook air and want to play warcraft 3: reign of chaos but am getting the following error: You can't open the application Warcraft 3 (OS X) because PowerPC applications are no longer supported. Can I not play the game?
the graphics processor on my computer broke so i had to pull files off using the firewire system to connect two computers and when i went to open the address book this appeared "cant open application address book because it is not supported on this architecture".
I just updated iPhoto and received the attached message when I try to open iPhoto. "You can’t open the application “iPhoto” because it is not supported on this type of Mac". How to resolve this.
Right away when I tried it, it opened up in my microsoft word free trail. Please tell me I don't have to pay another $150 dollars after all this money I spent on this computer.
How do you determine what application will open up document links in Safari? I am creating a website with many links to xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, doc, docx documents. When I click on one of these links, it either downloads the file if I have published the site to a host site, or brings me to the file in Finder if the website is accessed from a local drive. In other words, the site was exported and not published. But if I click on a link to a Pages, Numbers or Keynote file, it opens it up the linked document in that application regardless of whether I'm going from the published site or from the exported site on a local folder. I'd like the above Microsoft file types to automatically open up in their appropriate apps as well.
I know how to set what application gets opened on your Mac when you open a file depending on the file extension, but is there a way to tell Safari how to do this too?? For example, I've got doc and docx files set up to open Pages when I open those types of files which works fine on my Mac. But the same behavior doesn't hold true when opening these documents from Links on a web page in Safari. I thought this method would flow through and work the same way when opening document links in Safari, but it apparently doesn't.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPhone 4 16GB / iPad 3 32GB
I recently just got a mac and having trouble opening a word document in pages. It would open but all the original tables, bars, and shadings done in word does not open. Its just opens in text and spaces... Ive also notice that in quick look I can see the original document in full but does not open in the way it was showed..?
If anyone can tell me how to open a Pages document that arrived as attachment in Mail? A fellow Mac user sent it. I don't have or plan to buy iWorks. I couldn't open it with the Appleworks that I have with OS X 4.9. Nor would Textedit and apps like that help.