MacBook Pro :: That Port Powers On USB Gadget, But It Doesn't Work?
Feb 9, 2010
My early 09 MBP just started having trouble with the USB port closest to the audio in/out. That port powers on my USB gadget, but it doesn't work. i.e. my mighty mouses laser turns on, but doesn't work. Anyone else having trouble with this?
Network system prefs recognizes that the Ethernet cable is plugged in but flips between unknown state an cable unplugged. Never gets a DHCP address. When the cable is unplugged, it stays on the unplugged status.
As a note, I am having trouble getting Parallels to recognize any network connection at all, butmy immediate concern is the ethernet port.
Been troubleshooting this one awhile...I even did an Archive and Ethernet port on my 2.16Ghz MBP won't connect to anything. I get an IPv6 address when plugging into a router, but DHCP never works and a manually assigned IP doesn't work either. Reboot into Windows and it works fine...I've tried removing the Ethernet port, and have futzed with all the settings trying to reset it, but no dice. Problem started somewhere around 10.4.9, I think...I'm on 10.4.11...I reinstalled to .8 and worked my way back up...never works.
There was another thread on this that I found via Google, but now I can't seem to find it again. I have to occasionally hook up my Macbook (not a Pro) to various digital projectors at different companies. I bought the $20 attachment thing. I brought it in and have not been able to get any projector to recognize it at all. This is on several different projectors. I try hooking it up both before and after turning the computer on and it doesn't work. I went to "Display" in System Preferences but there is nothing there about changing the display (to "dual" or "mirror" or anything), it just says "Color LCD" and some preferences about size, bits and stretching. There are no tabs. The worst part is that I teach at a lot of tech companies, so the people there should all know how to fix it, but...1.) can't read English that well, and my Chinese is OK but not *that* good, and 2.) they all use PCs. Macs are like aliens to them. So they can't fix it either. The manual is worse than useless.
I purchased the apple mini display port to dual-link dvi adaptor and a dual-link dvi cable. The 2690 display now "lights up" but I get constant partial screen flicker and flashes.
Internet, file sharing and screen sharing all work on Ethernet Port 1. None of these work on Ethernet Port 2. Would anyone happen to know how to fix this problem?
Just wondering anyone run into any problem after installed Safari 4.0.5? I use igoogle as Homepage, after I upgraded to 4.0.5 the google mail gadget don't work anymore, when i click on mail it won't go to quick view for Gmail and if I click on the Google Mail in the tap on the left-hand side it's work but bottom half of the mails screen or half of the email it's missing..Anyone having the same problem? I try to find 4.0.4 to download but I cant find anywhere still has it..
I have a firewire 400 camera that i'm using for a project and one firewire 800 slot on my iMac (Late 2009). When I plug the camera in, nothing responds no matter what I do - tried resetting the PRAM and SMC. Compare this to my older iMac (Late 2007) which has both firewire 800 and 400 ports. I plug it in and it pops up using the underlying Quicktime controller api on either the 800 or 400 port no problem. So I figured after trying to install a firewire camera library (libdc1394) which I need for my project which didn't work, that it must be a hardware issue, so I took it to the Apple store. The genius at the store booted the OS (Lion) from a firewire drive via 400 to 800 cable (no external power to the f/w drive was used) and then using the spare 400 slot on the hard drive, he plugged (daisy chaining) in my camera and it loaded! So this suggested 2 things - my OS is corrupt or my card can't read straight from my device but why a hard drive in between would change this is beyond me. I came home and installed OS X on to an external USB hard drive and loaded up from it - so this is a fresh version of Lion, there should be no software issues. Plug the camera in to the I/O board of the iMac but load the OS from the external USB hard drive - nothing happens, the profiler doesn't detect anything at all. On a side note, I installed XP and Ubuntu Linux and they also can't detect it, which further suggests its the device or I/O board when interfacing directly with this camera. I've tried providing the devices with external power, daisy chaining 2 cameras, using a usb hub....nothing works. Just for good measure, I tried to boot Lion off the external USB on my older iMac and again, it worked no problem, which to me really narrows it down to the hardware.
I feel like perhaps the port is a bit dodgy and when the genius daisy chained it, it worked better, but no idea why. Someone said I should get a firewire 400 to usb adaptor
I just bought the 27in iMac to hook up to my Mac Pro till apple refreshes their ACD. I thought I would be able to use the Mini Displayport to DVI adaptor to connect it to my Mac Pro through DVI and it doesn't work. I know you can do it with mini displayport to mini displayport although, both my mini displayports are currently in use by by 24 ACD.
my laptop (macbook pro) doesn't turn on, because the battery doesn't work (may be because of moisture), and the 7 battery lights on the left side are off, and when I plug the charger in, the light on the magnetic socket turns on so dim ..
I have macbook pro And my mail has stopped working now. It worked fine a week ago . It doesn't check for new mails , even when I click on get new mail , there is no new mail. I tried to sign out and sign in again but that didn't work . I read few articles on the internet but they all said use the Mac OS X DVD and reinstall but I didn't get any DVD , all I got with my computer was a Manual.
yesterday i bought MIDI keyboards it's M-AUDIO Keystation Mini 32
The problem is that when i connect it to right USB port it works flawlessly, but when i connect it to my left USB port - my macbook pro recognizes the device but it doesn't send any midi data - to put it in other way: it is not working.
I have checked, everything is working fine In the LEFT usb port( wireless mouse, external HDD, Flash drives, Iphone) except my MIDI Keyboard.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I told myself not to do it. Don't update the Safari software to 4.0, you know how they always mess up these things. And yet, per accident I did. Of course Safari 4.0 doesn't work. Every time I open it, it shuts down. iChat also doesn't work anymore, and even the Dashboard shuts down every now and then. In addition, the computer feels incredibly slow. I can't download rapidshare links on iGetter anymore and everything just feels wrong. Countless threads have been opened on this matter with a variety of different problems for different people. Yet I have not read a proper solution. I have seen all kinds of technical solutions being offered but I'm not a computer wiz and I do not know the terms they use. I just want to go back to Safari 3.2 or at least the one before the 4.0 But I read that deleting Safari 4 and reinstalling 3.2 won't work because of a certain webkit that got installed with it, making it impossible to go back.
I experience this problem for 2 days now. The wi fi says it is connected and all the bars are full but id doesn't load a single page!
The internet i've got is vergin so normally is very fast.Downstairs where we have a desktop computer connected to the D-link is working as normal.
When I open the network diagnostics in mac it shows : wi fi is green , wi-fi settings is green, network settings is failed(red), ISP failed(red), Internet failed (red), server failed red.
I bought a MBA 13" last month and now I'm trying to connect an external monitor through a Mini Display Port-to-HDMI adapter and most of the times the display shows a message "No signal detected"...
I've tried all the possible combinations between the MAC and the Monitor but it would seem a random matter.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), Mavericks 10.9.4
I'm wondering if I somehow have a bad firewire chip in my MBP. It hasn't been able to work with firewire audio interfaces.
- I tried a Metric Halo ULN 2 which loses sync with it's audio. It will be fine for a few minutes with itunes but then becomes distorted and ringy as if it's lost it's audio sync. - Random kernel panics while using Logic 9, Garageband 11 with an Apogee Duet - all software fully updated. One time it froze while not doing anything - logic was simply open and sitting there. Using iTunes through the Duet seems fine. - Pops and crackles using Presonus Firestudio.
I've tried wiping my software and reinstalling everything. I'm using a MBP 5,3 2.8Ghz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM, Snow Leopard (10.6.5) with the latest updates. I'm going to try an Apogee One which is USB, but I'd really like to use a firewire interface. If there's something wrong with my firewire port, I'd like it taken care of. My machine is under applecare 3 year warranty. I don't think this is an easy thing to prove though.
Im looking to purchase a Mini Display Port to HDMI for a 2011 Macbook pro to connect to my TV, the only problem is that my macbook only has a Thunderbolt port, so would this work on it?
I have the new 2012 Macbook Air 13''. I had heard there would be an infrared port so I can use my Mac remote control. I cannot confirm. Is this part of the 2012 Macbook Air?
I have an older MBP (1.83 Intel Core Duo) When I push the power button, I hear a little electric noise, then a fizzle noise. It won't turn on. However, if I close it almost all the way and turn it upside down, it powers up fine. Once it's running, no issues. Any idea where to start with trying to correct this problem? I don't know what part could be making this happen. And yes, it has to be both upside down and almost totally closed.
I have a 2009 macbook pro unibody, I just replaced the battery but my macbook pro 2009 powers off unexpectedly. Sometimes while its plugged in and other times when running on the battery, when it gets to 67% life left it powers down. What is causing this and how can I fix it. I have already had a brand new battery put in it. I am running Mavericks OS currently.
I have a macbook 2.16ghz bought in June 07. Im wanting to buy a western digital 320gb external drive, which is supposed to be powered by the usb port. I read somewhere it takes 600 MA to power it, and someone said it took 1000MA to power it. In system profiler it says my macbook's usb supports 500MA, which really surprised me since its a pretty new computer. My question is if anyone has a 320gb passport drive on the same generation macbook i have that works. Or if you need a y cable to do it.
I have an old laptop hd which i have in an enclosure. The problem is the enclosure uses a Y-usb cable (think thats what its called - the cable that plugs into 2 usb ports on your comp) - you see where i'm going?!
Anyone know of an enclosure for a 2.5" sata drive which will work from just one usb port so i can use it with my soon to be macbook air?
I bought 2 new Macbook Pro 13' , 2.9 Ghz Intel Core i7, with 8 Go 1600Mhz DDR3, Intel HD Graphics 4000 512 MB, Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E2617).
I have connected a Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter in order to show presentations on different LCD projectors but no image appear.
The external monitor is detected but no image is shown. I have tried to change the frequencies: parts of the screen appears but no a correct image. I have the same symptoms with the 2 Macbook Pro. Using old Macbook Pro with the same Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter, the slides are showns normally.
I make a test with a Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter and with a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter and everythings works correctly with both adapters.
I have a recently-purchased MBP Retina 15 inch from Mid 2012.
Every time that I put my laptop laptop to sleep while it is on battery, it sleeps fine for about an hour. After an hour or so, I hear the boot sound come from the laptop. When I open the screen at that point, the laptop is powered off. I have to power up the laptop. The laptop is not in hibernate mode, but has actually shut down (pressing other keys on the keyboard doesn't wake it up, I have to use the power button).
Applications start back up when I log in, however for example VMWare has rudely powered off (so I lose the state of my virtual machines), and any terminal programs that I was running (even if I just had a document open in 'vi') are also terminated.
I wonder, what causes this behavior? Is my system defective in some way, or is there an OS tweak in Mavericks to stop the computer from rudely powering off/force quitting all open apps in the process?
I've read that OS X now likes to hibernate laptops after an hour, but clearly hibernation isn't what's happening here.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)