Since downloading version 5.1.7, when I click on the red button to close a window, it closes instantly -- even when the window contains numerous open tabs. The prior version always gave me a "Do you really want to close this window? You have X open tabs." message, which I'd like to restore. I looked in Preferences to no avail.
This is a mystery. I recently switched a number of files and applications between computers, installing some stuff from a 2001 vintage iMac on a Mini, OSX 10.4.11. Now when I go to shut down the Mini, up comes the closing warning box. Previously, pressing the return key would activate the Shutdown, now nothing happens so I must always click the Shutdown box using the mouse.
My safari keeps closing unexpectedly and when it does it tells me that it quite while using the plugin. I have no idea what this means!
For the past couple days safari has kept closing unexpectedly at random times due to a plugin called .powerarchiverprofessional.png. What can I do to make it stop or to delete the plugin. The following message shows up after it closes. I've tried following the path to delete the plugin, but when i go to applications then safari it just goes to safari.
While typing this, a slow script warning has popped up 4 times. After making the changes, I get no results. I have gone to Safari > Preferences > Javascript on/off/on again & Deleted cookies all to get further warnings. Popped up 3 more times. The message: Safari is no longer responding because of a script on the webpage "MacBook: Notebooks: Apple Support Communities" [URL]. Do you want to stop running the script, or let it continue?
I've been trying to use safari but it closes on me everytime i run the application and everytime it closes it always says "the application safari quit unexpectedly. the problem may have bene caused by the ct_plugins plug in." what do i do to fix this? I'm also using Mac OS X software 10.5.8
I just switched from Firefox to Safari, but I am really starting to miss the ability to close tabs by clicking them with the middle mouse button (scroll wheel)Is there a way to do this in Safari, or are then any better ways to close tabs withouth having to click the little close button to the left of them?
Safari 5 is now up to 5.1.5 and still, no easily discernible way to set an "Ask me before closing multiple tabs" option. It was there on previous versions of Safari.
Has anyone figured out how to remove the Malware warning from google? My website has been affected by this, but only when using Safari. I have read a few posts, but they have not been super helpful. I called my host company, they see nothing wrong, I looked at the coding, of which I am not an expert, and found nothing wrong.
I don't know if anyone can help me with this, but for the past week or so, I've been getting weird popups when going to sites like,,,, and other perfectly safe sites that say something along the lines of "This site may harm your computer." And then when I click "Ignore" I get another popup that says are you sure, and I can't get out of the popup, and then I have to quit Safari.
I'm wondering if I have some kind of trojan or something like that. I'll get a screenshot next time it happens.
is there a way to open all tabs in a bookmark folder at once without having Safari automatically close the ones already open?In firefox when you click to open all bookmarks in new tabs, they start right after the last tab already open but with Safari you lose the tabs you were using!
how to add a "close tab" command to the control click contextual menu in Safari? (or an extension that would provide this feature) I know that if you control click on the actual tab you get get a different contextual menu that includes the close tab command, but the contextual menu available by clicking on the body of the page does not contain that command. I'm using the track pad on a Macbook Pro and want to be able to close the tab by using the using the trackpad alone without having to shift to the keyboard or move the cursor up to the top of the window to close the tab.
Not sure if this has been reported; a quick search of the forums didn't pop anything.
Safari 4 seems to provide a warning when Google has tagged a website with potential Malware. I don't know if this Malware is Mac or PC but thought it was interesting. I've attached a screenshot to see what I mean.
I know Macs don't get viruses. Here's my issue. I'm running OSX 10.6.3 with Safari 4.0.5. About 5-6 times a day, running Safari, I get the message I'm attaching to this post. It's a fake popup -- obviously fake, because it tells me it's "Windows Internet Security," and gives me a virus warning. The Safari screen behind the image is grayed out, so the message isn't a real popup -- it's part of the screen.
- This occurs on mainstream webpages, including google search results pages, Yahoo, and the Wall Street Journal.
- The only MS products on my computer are Office for Mac apps, which I've had for years w/o problem. They are not running when the problem occurs.
- I can click close on the Safari window (not the red button on the warning) or the back button, and the msg goes away.
- I cannot click on other items on the page when the message is there.
- [edit] Also, I've reset Safari, clearing the cache and the cookies. It's only been happening for about a week, but it happens very frequently now.
Again, I know macs don't get viruses, but does anyone have any helpful suggestions for getting rid of this?
Today at office we were playing with a little remote helicopter, it was hilarious, in the meanwhile we where browsing on safari, but suddenly Safari stop responding, but hey NO BEACH BALL, and then we started hearing some sound, we thought it was from some flash video on some web page, but then we heard our voices, we were like WTF, and then we heard the helicopter, we were amazed, haha, now safari has new built-in func, "Safari 5 records sounds without telling you", of course we just force quit safari, but wait, it didn't quit, we went to terminal and kill the process..
I just wanted to let you know what just happen to us.
Both Google results and Safari warn that contains malicious software. Does the warning dialog appear for you too?
Google Safe Browsing Diagnostics reveals this: which leads me to believe that third-party advertisers may be responsible for this. The developer David Watanabe is very well respected which is why this warning came as surprise.
Curiosity got the better of me and I browsed at my own risk, now I am extremely paranoid. Here's hoping it's one of those 'Windows things'.
I guess it's a change with Snow Leopard, but now when I download a .nzb file and try to open it I get the warning message that it's 'an unknown application downloaded from the Internet' (which, of course, it is not) and I have to manually open that. A .nzb file is not an app, but an executable file (launches NZB Drop, for me). The fact is I don't think I've ever had the message fire and not want to open it. I'd prefer to just disable it all together.
In Safari Version 5.1.7 (6534.57.2) I suddenly get a "certificate signed by an untrusted issuer" warning when using a website that I've trusted for years? Should I ignore this warning?
Since the recent March 2012 Safari update, the small "x" in my tabs has disappeared and I can no longer quit Safari by using "Command Q". I have installed and restarted, etc.
I installed "Hunt Toolbar" a Torrent search add on for Safari. But I think it was ment only for Windows not Mac. Now every time I open Safari I get the yellow triangle with a ! in it and the message... Community Toolbar: We're sorry, but the Safari browser version you are currently useing does not support the community toolbar. and a Close button. Safari works fine I just want to get rid of this annoying warning whenever I start Safari. Tried reinstalling Safari but same thing.
I have a 15 inch Macpro running Mac OS X Lion, version 10.7.3. It keeps shutting down without any warning. The screen just goes black and I have to press and hold the power button for a while till a hear a sound to turn the system off. This is happening like, more than 5 times a DAY.
Last night my macbook air turned off without warning and wouldn't turn back on until I tried again this morning. A few weeks ago I had my battery and logic board replaced and since then it the screen has gone blue for a few seconds and then back to normal a few times, (in case this is related at all). Is there something I should do to make sure this doesn't happen again.
Now this didnt always happen but as of lately my unibody macbook runing Lion has been dying without warning that my battery is low. It doesnt even go to sleep, it completely dies.