MacBook Pro :: Safari Colour Wheel Appearing On Opening Second Tab
Aug 21, 2014
I am really stumped as software up to date, Over the last month or so, when opening Safari or trying to open a second tab the colour wheel appears and freezes safari. The only way to get away from this is by powering down and restarting.
I am a novice Mac user. I think I was using Mountain Lion (i paid for it - about £20) but upgraded to Mavericks last year when prompted by my software update. I now understand from reading various online posts that this means I am now stuck with it. At first I had lots of problems with PDF files crashing but this has been fixed. Today I am not having a nightmare trying to use Finder. Any time I click on a file or folder the colour wheel spins for about 10-20 seconds. This happens for every command I make. I just tried to access my files directly from the desktop and the same thing happened. I am not sure what to do and I dont want to end up deleting something important!
I have a problem causing my colour wheel to turn on excessivley (especially i have noticed in OUTLOOK ever half sentence or so!!). I thought that a complete erase and reinstall would remove this, however it has not.Â
Do you have any idea why this may be happening and what I can do to stop it please?Â
MacBook Pro Early 2011; Processor 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5; Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53); Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3Â
The spinning wheel keeps appearing on my computer when I am using my applications, and the only way to get rid of it is by turning off my computer. What should I do?
Why does my new MacBook Pro run so slow when going from one application to another with spinning wheel appearing? MacBook Pro runs slower then my 2 year old MacBook Pro.
New to using Mac's... this is an older desktop but I haven't had any issues with it yet. I went on to use it and the colour was a yellow/orange looking colour and it changes the way pictures and text look on the computer. Is there a way I can troubleshoot this problem or is it something to do with the monitor itself?
I am on 10.6.8 on a MacBook. - we have just created a partition for my daughter and strangely the only app that has not made it across is to get it on to the partition.
I've built a website in iweb - I've set all the page background and browser background colour to slightly off white - however when I view the website in safari there's a strip of white across the bottom of the page - then if I resize the browser window it updates to the off white colour I have selected... firefox works fine. does anyone else have a problem with browser background like this?
my browser most of the times show up ads like mackeeper or something when i select occurs almost overtime i select anything and its very annoying and disturbing...any way to stop those ads....i have already downloaded ad block from safari extensions but still no use of it...
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Recently, Safari 3.2.3 on 10.4.11 has stopped loading images. No placeholder icons appear, just blank spaces. Other browsers, such as Firefox, are not affected, nor are other user accounts. I tried repairing permissions, but that didn't help. Has anybody ever seen this behavior? Is this something that a preferences reset should be able to resolve, or is something more drastic necessary?
A few weeks ago arrows started to appear above my tabs. The arrow corresponds to where my cursor is on the page and as I move my cursor, the arrow moves to the next tab and shifts my page view from one tab to the other. It's a quick way to navigate but I have no idea what activates it or how to turn it off. It's driving me away from Safar.
Since this morning I have been getting strange adverts on facebook and wikipedia.There is usually some text by the adverts that say "adverts not from this site"I downloaded something yesterday from a video streaming site that I have since uninstalled using a wise uninstaller program, but these adverts remain.I use safari but they come up on firefox too.
I was trying to fix something with the tabs in Safari (they kept reloading/refreshing every time I clicked back on one) and so I unchecked "Use multi-process windows" under the debug menu. However, now a lot of the links on websites appear as a bunch of A's inside little boxes (that sounds weird so I've included a picture below as an example) I feel like maybe trying to fix the tabs issue simply complicated things and now it's difficult to navigate on some sites
all of a sudden this mackeeper website keeps opening in safari. It opens even when I click to go to a different web page.I close the window, a new one is always popping up. I want to know if there is a way to permanently get rid of this/stop this from happening? Is it a virus? Should I take my laptop in to get this problem fixed?
Get the spinning color wheel when I try to watch video on [URL]. I can watch the initial advertisement, but when it is time for the video to play I get the spinning color wheel and eventually says Plug in Failed.
The safari loading wheel is constantly spinning when facebook is open...Software is all up to date (The macbook is only 1 day old) and I've tried rebooting.
Info:MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Every time I go to click a link, or open a new Safari window, nothing seems to happen. No window, links don't seem to work, though they change color as if activated. Did some searching, found that the windows are opening just fine, but opening on a duplicate screen somewhere where I can't see them. Figured a simple restart would fix this, and it did--for about 3 windows. Now it's right back to the same thing. What's the fix? All software/updates are installed/current.
what is the reason for the pinwheel? I seem to get it more and more often usually within safari when opening tabs but sometimes when I'm opening apps also. I'm maxed out at 4gbs from OWC I didn't seem to have this problem before I upgraded my ram but then again I didn't have the 2gbs for very long. Also... is the fact that watching videos ie youtube or playing omgpop... (I'll admit u can find me on there, gemmers is my game) makes my laptop super hot mean anything? or what the reason behind it is? kinda curious my sisters boyfriend with the umbp says that his computer doesn't get hot when watching videos but when i watch videos the left side of the keyboard gets very warm almost kinda hot ~80C on average after about 10 minutes of video before the fans kick in but even at the it sits around 70C.
After installing Chrome 18 yesterday, videos in you-tube in Safari did not play. I removed the NP-PP-DIR-Shockwave plugin, and now at least some videos play.I do not have any extensions in Safari. I can watch youtube videos in Chrome which I had to install because the TV site that I was using demanded Adobe Flash and would not play in Safari. I am using Safari 5.1.7 on a Mac 10.6.8
I have 2 MBP's, a Mac Pro, and a Mac Mini. On all of these I use a Logitech Trackman Wheel with. I updated the first 3 machines to Snow Leopard and the Logitech Trackman Wheel continued to work fine. I then upgraded the last MBP to Snow Leopard. For some reason the scroll wheel no longer works on the Logitech Trackman Wheel. I am able to use the ball to move around the screen, the buttons still work, but the scroll wheel won't work.
If I have 2 tabs open in safari and try to open 2 facebook games like farmville and hidden chronicles I get the coloured wheel and safari locks up and I have to force quit.
I bought my MacBook Pro 13" 2.4 GHz in late April (new version). I have no added third party software. Everything worked fine until I did the Safari 5 update. Then web pages would freeze when opening for about 3-5 seconds. Then the page would finish opening.
I have also updated OS X to 10.6.4 after this started happening. It did not correct the problem. I experienced this at several locations, including the Apple store when doing one-to-one classes, so I know it's not a problem with my ISP.
It started about a week ago. I dunno if it's a problem with Flash or what. But any time I try to open a video on sites such as gizmodo, engadget, youtube, or full episodes from like [URL]. whichever browser I attempt to open it with just completely crashes. This has been getting worse and worse and now it literally happens 100% of the time.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling both browsers multiple times to no avail. I am REALLY dreading reinstalling my entire OS. Is there a way I can completely eliminate flash from my computer? Then I can manually download it from Adobe directly and see if that works.