MacBook Pro :: Macbook Pro 5,1 - Powering Itself Off On Boot - What Models Are In Store
Apr 30, 2010
I have a BTO 2.8GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB DDR3 Ram, Nvidia 9400M with 512MB 9600M GT and 128GB Apple SSD ordered on release in October 2008. It has started to power itself off on boot and after having this problem more than once during the last year I'm going to demand a replacement.
I was looking at, saw the 15-inch: 2.66GHz Core i7 Macbook Pro, and was curious if this model is available in the Apple Retail Store. Please keep in mind the model I have now was $3600 altogether when it was purchased in October 2008.
I'm hoping for some kind of insight on a phantom random shut off issue I'm having. I have a 2007 2.2ghz MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard and upgraded to 4GB ram. Within the last month, it has started to randomly power off. At first it only happened when I closed the lid and it went into sleep, but when I would arrive at school it would have shutdown on the trip. In the middle of this, I also replaced the battery. The day I put the new battery in, the thing freaked out. It powered off randomly while I was working. I was in the middle of the first battery calibration so I thought it might be a battery issue. When I tried to power back on, it would start to load the desktop and then power off again. I couldn't get it through a full boot cycle. I tried various configs of old battery, new battery, with power, without power cord and nothing seemed to work. Reset the SMC and PRAM as well to no avail. The longer I let it sit the longer I could work prior to power failure. So I assumed it was FUBAR and walked away.
Next morning called apple care and of course, things seemed fine. However, 1.5hours in, shuts off. Crap, Apple Care said go to Genius bar get it checked. Three days at Genius bar, full hardware and stress test and everything passed flying colors. I thought maybe it was a naughty little gnome who had decided to move on and torment some other guy. 3 days go by no problem, then today during sleep it powered off again. Then tonight, twice while working with powercord attached (one time losing about an hours worth of Excel work, which was a nice bonus).
Since everything checked out fine, I'm struggling with what to tell Apple if I take it back for repair. I need the laptop, but trying to work expecting impending doom when it randomly decides to shutdown sucks. I have apple care, but if they can't find any issues then it doesn't do me any good. Any suggestions? Is it worth trying to do a clean install or look at some kind of software issue? Has anyone else dealt with this kind of issue?
I just got a MacBook Pro and an LED cinema display 24'' and I find myself using it 90% with the cinema display in clamshell mode. I am worried because the power adapter of the cinema display is charging the battery 24/7 when it is charged and i am afraid it might damage it. I can't use the LED cinema display without powering the macbook pro.
I am looking at a new MB or MBP and since I prefer the screen on the MB my other concern would be heat generation.How is the new MB vs the MBP 13 and 15 versions?I want to be able to use it on my lap...!
I just bought this new 15" MacBook Pro (early 2009). Yesterday I plug in the power adapter and open the lid. Nothing. I hold down the power button for a few seconds. Nothing. After going on line I found a link to reset the SMC. So I followed the instructions and that worked - yesterday. This morning same scenario sans I can not get it to power up.
I'm trying to figure out which Model of Mac I have so I can install more RAM, but the chart given is conflicting. I have a 17" Macbook Pro that I bought from BestBuy with Model Identifier "MacBookPro6,2" but I look on this chart here, and the only 6,2 is a 15" Model. I don't get it.For the most part, the "MacBook Pro6,1" defines my hardware I guess, but I'm concerned as to why there is no 6,2 17" on the chart when clearly I own one.
which is better & less stressful on the computer? powering it up & leaving it on all day? I work on it for 1-3 hrs at a time, & then take a break & do other stuff & come back, it is more convenient to have it on all ready. Or is it better to be powered down?
I need a new base for my macbook, i have looked on ebay and found a few replacements. The auctions say for example this is for a A1151 or an A1229... how can i tell?
I bought a MacBook Pro Unibody a month ago. I had the stock 250GB HDD inside of it. I replaced it with a 320GB WD HDD. The screen was white after powering on, and wouldn't get past that stage. I put it inside an external enclosure and strangely it booted up and allowed me to install Snow Leopard. I took it to the shop and they said the hard drive was faulty ?!? so I'm looking at it now and it's working cause i'm writing this post now.
The question I have is in regards to returning to the store tomorrow. Should I leave the inside of the Mac hard drive less and carry the hard drive with me in the enclosure tomorrow? Or should I leave the hard drive inside the computer and then have them open it up and diagnose the drive? I am looking for the quickest way possible. I wasn't sure how apple would look if I brought the computer in without the drive... I just want to show them how crap of a job they did and show them the drive works fine.
I have a Mid-2007 MBP... I upgraded it to a 500gb HDD some time ago and I'm currently running 10.6.2.
If I were to buy a new MBP (hopefully a Core i5 one if/when they come out), would it be possible to simply swap the HDD from the old MBP into the new one?
I'm aware that Time Machine and/or imaging products like Carbon Copy Cloner and SuperDuper are ways of achieving the same thing, but I'm interested whether the physical hard drive swap would work in theory.
I got the new 15" model of the mac book pro and its my first mac... i was reading on amazon that the speck soft touch and hard case does not fit the new models? is that true?
Back in February, I purchased the (at the time) base mode 15" MacBook Pro, which I shouldn't have returned (idiot). I spec whored and went for the Sony VPCF115FM/B, with i7 which has proven to be a catastrophic and horrendous piece of machinery.
It is coming in from its second round of repairs (still will have poor screen, battery life, and dismal 900MHz throttling when on battery). I am looking to get a Mac to replace it, and I've come down to a few options.
1) Get the baseline 13" model with hopefully the new BTS deal. 2) Get the mid line MBP from last generation refurbished for $1529 (2.66, 9600 320GB 4GB). 3. Get the low-end 15" from this gen with the BTS deal (required for me to afford it), and sell the iPod/Printer.
Do I need the power and screen resolution (size doesn't matter to me) or would the cheaper 13" cover me?
I understand that some of the early core 2 duo's are different than the current core 2 duo's being used in the current 13" MBP's. I understand that some are T8000 series or T9000 series (I think??).
My question really is what is the difference between the earleir C2D's used and the current ones. Some of the earlier ones seem to have more L2 cache, do the newer ones run on a lower voltage? Have a different chip? Are quicker/slower?
I noticed awhile back that apple store had 2 dif mag safe adapters. Now i see the 60w goes with the 13 and 85w goes with the 15 and 17. So my question is it bad to interchange the adapters between the 2 dif models?
Yesterday morning it took longer than usual to shutdown. I didn't think much of it at the time. After shutting down I put it in my laptop bag, drove to a friends house. When I arrived there it would not turn on. The power cord wasn't displaying any sign of life either. I followed some instructions to reset the SMC via the (left) shift + ctrl + option keys along with the power button. It still wouldn't power on. I took it to the Apple store. The Genius said he'd be back in 5 minutes, he took it to the back room. After 20 minutes he came back and said he had no idea what was wrong with it. He asked if my data was backed up, which it was and then went on to inform me that it would need to be shipped to another facility to troubleshoot it. He warned me that water damage would void my warranty, which shouldn't be an issue considering I've never spilled anything on it. He inspected it in front of me and commented how it still looked brand new.
I plugged in a mobile battery power station to charge today, [URL] and my Macbook pro 13 suddenly died. It will not turn on via the power button, there's no lights on the battery indicator on the side of the Macbook and nothing at all on the power adapter. I've checked the fuse in the plug and that's ok. Are there any internal fuses that could have blown in both the macbook and the power supply. I charged it before with no problems. Been through lots of these solution pages, but I'm totally stuck
I have MBP 13", 15" and 17" - from 3 years old (santa rosa) to the current models. Can I share their power adapters? If buying new power adapters, am I best to buy them all at 17" power?
I currently have an imac and its slow.Its the first intl 2.16 ghz white one. I would like to use my new 13" macbook pro for my photoshoping and video editing needs since its pretty fast. I was wondering, if the graphics card is powerful enough to connect to the new LED apple display 24" i believe.
I have the very first MacBook (1.83GHz, white). My brother tested it with his charger, which works fine for his MacBook, and he said it flashes a very dim green when plugged in, and the MacBook will not charge or turn on. Could it be a DC in-board issue? What could it be?
I have the 13.3" Macbook Pro, which I just purchased in October. I want to upgrade to the 15 or 17 inch Macbook pros, so I was wondering if Apple has an exchange policy that can exchange my (Like-new condition, with original box) Macbook Pro and upgrade to a bigger one, of course paying some sort of fee and the difference between laptops.
In january 2012 i received MacBook Pro as gift from my brother. MacBook works fine, untill yesterday, when turned off automatically. When i tried to turn it on again, nothing happened. I tried with resetting SMC, PRAM, NVRAM, but that doesn't help at all. Â
I thought it was battery, so i opened it, disconnected battery, and when i plugged in MagSafe, MBP automatically switched on. When i shutdown MBP via shutdown button inside OSX, everything went fine, but when i pushed Power On button on MBP, it won't turn on again. So, i tried to replug again MagSafe, and MBP powered on again automatically. When i plugged back battery again, it won't power on, even with MagSafe "trick". Â
I live in Serbia, and in my country, there is no AppleStore :/ To make it worse, since my brother moved to another city, he lost warranty, so we don't have it What should i do? MBP is old only 6 months
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), MacBook Pro won't power on
My primary MacBook is suddenly now powering up - Tried the power management reset....removing battery/power and attempting restart after 12 hours and so forth. Does this sound like Logic board? Is there a chance the HD data can be retrieved if it would be installed in another MacBook or...if Logic board is repaired?
i just spent 1800 dollor on a brand new mbp and well when i shut down sometimes the screen compeltly blank but the cpu is still going. i only noticed it after i shut if down closed lid and heard the fan going and **** it was hot...i just wanna know wth is going on and if i should make an appointment with a genius?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)