MacBook Pro :: It Keeps Shutting Off When I Unplug Charger

Apr 2, 2012

Why does my Macbook Pro keep shutting off when I unplug it from the charger

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: Restarts Every Time Unplug It From Charger?

Jun 20, 2014

Before anything, I had spilt some OJ on my mac (I'm clumsy ), and I took it to the store and they fixed it but they did say that the acid could possibly get farther into the components than they thought, in case that has to do with these incidents.

Anyways, I had noticed that my Mac had not been charging properly. It would charge about 1-6% and then stop. I would even go out and leave it charging and it still wouldn't charge. So I unplug it and it restarts every time, and THEN it starts charging 1% before I have to unplug it again, which causes it to restart again.

Should I replace anything? Take it to the store? Or should I just get a new Mac?

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Keeps Turning Off Unplug It And Works For 2 Minutes Then Goes Off Again?

May 17, 2012

it keeps switching its self off dont know weather its the charger or the laptop?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Shutting Down Randomly - How To Prevent From Shutting Down

Mar 23, 2010

I have a MacBook which has recently been shutting down when it feels like :/ this all started a week or two ago (well not the shut downs but other issues that I'll get too), basically the fan I think has been knocked as it is bumping the top or something as the whirring is getting loud and it sounds like every now and again it hits something

Also CPU usage seems to be averaging out at 20% for Safari and 100% for HD Video where as it used to be very small amount for Safari and 30 - 40% for HD.

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MacBook Air :: Keep The Charger In After A Completely Charged Or Pull Out The Charger?

Sep 28, 2008

Is it better to keep the charger in after a completely charged or pull out the charger. Basically I'm wondering if the power is pulled from the UPS after the battery is completely charged or is it still constantly charging the battery.

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MacBook Pro :: Should I Unplug When Fully Charged?

Oct 19, 2010

I have the impression that my MBP still charges when the power lead is hooked into my macbook. Is that true? Do i have to unplug the power cord each time my macbook is charged? Is there any way that the battery life might be affected?

I hope there is some sort of a circuit involved, that stops charging the battery when the battery is full, rather than overcharging it..

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MacBook Pro :: Shuts Down As Soon As Unplug The Power

Jun 29, 2014

As soon as I unplug the power of my MacBook Pro, it shuts down, and all of my unsaved stuff is lost.

PS Is the battery user replaceable? I am using the Mid-2010 model.

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Unplug System While Using External Monitor?

Dec 29, 2010

I started using my macbook pro with an external monitor in mirror mode but I can't seem to unplug the power when I'm in this state, it automatically goes to sleep. I want to be able to unplug my laptop when its fully charged since its recommended to do so to preserve the battery life...but it doesn't seem like I can when using it this way. Or is it really not that big of a deal to unplug your battery every time it's fully charged. Are Apply batteries doomed to poop out eventually no matter what? I suppose turning it off at the end of work day could recoup damage?

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OS X :: Need To Unplug Magsafe Adapter When MacBook In Sleep Mode?

Jul 28, 2009

This may seem like a really simple question to someone who is familiar with Macs, but I am brand new. When I hibernated my old Vista laptop, I always unplugged the power adapter (it go too hot if I left it plugged in overnight). With the Macbook (Macbook Pro 13, mid-2009), should you leave the Magsafe Adapter plugged in, or is it OK to put the Macbook into sleep mode overnight, and leave the charger plugged in? I don't want to deplete the battery (that flashing LED makes me wonder what kind of battery draw there is in sleep) by putting my laptop into sleep mode for eight or so hours, and not have the charger plugged in.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Unplug External Drive Without Getting Error Message

Jun 28, 2012

I can't figure how to unplug my exterior drive without getting an error message saying I have unplugged it unsafely....How do I unplug correctly?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)

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MacBook :: Shuts Down When Unplug Magsafe - Reset PRAM / SMC To No Avail

May 18, 2012

I have tried SMC and PRAM resets, and the issue has not been resolved. My magsafe is lit up with a bright green led. Battery status is "Not Charging." When I unplug the magsafe, the system immediately shuts down. Battery is brand new with only 2 cycles. While I can use the laptop with power connected, this is an issue that needs to be corrected asap, as I use this computer for performances consistently and if the power cord gets removed, I'm not in a good place.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: It Will Only Turn On After Unplug It For A While?

Jun 18, 2012

It just started doing this recentley. If i leave it on for a long length of time or overnight i have to unplug it for a while, plug it back in, and then it will turn on.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: Apple Battery Charger Or 3rd Party Battery Charger Bettter For The System

Aug 11, 2010

The Apple one looks tempting as it comes with 6 batteries and 29€ isn't too much, plus, as usual, it looks brilliant. I looked at some 3rd party chargers as well ranging from 20€ to 40€. None of them was stunning or special by any means. Cheaper ones usually came with two or four batteries and some came without batteries. I don't really need it for else than Magic Mouse, occasionally for something else too.

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Hardware :: Mouse Pointer Freezing - Need To Unplug

Feb 7, 2010

I have a IMac G4 mod. Power mac4,2 operating system osx version 10.411 processor 800 MHz 768 MB SDRAM. Every now and then my mouse pointer freezers up and I have to unplug the mouse and it starts working again. If it does not unfreeze I have to restart. Then I am back in business. Some times the whole screen goes gray with a black square-telling me to shut down and restart.

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IMac :: Stop Responding - Need To Restart After Unplug

Dec 10, 2010

I have found the past 4 weeks that my iMac will not respond to any mouse movement, keyboard, trackpad or pushing the power button every 5 days or so. I must unplug from the wall, replug into wall then push power button, then it boots up. I have had iMac for 9 months and has always just went to sleep and when I move mouse awakens. After I must unplug, it works correctly again for 5 to 6 days then must be unplugged again. Anyone know why this is happening as I do not believe any settings have been changed and I am the only user of this iMac.

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Mac :: Unplug The Power Cord After Fully Charged?

May 27, 2010

I just got my new Macbook Pro 15 (Mid 2010) laptop a few days ago, and i would just like to know if, when I charge my battery and it's fully charged, should I immediately unplug the power cord or can I leave it? What is the safest and best thing to do?

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MacBook Pro :: If It Plugged To Electricity It Works Normally But If Unplug It, It Works Really Slow?

Apr 5, 2012

Like two months ago, my MBP started to work really slow when not plugged to electricity, but as soon as I plug it in, my MBP works perfectly. I already sent it to apple for they to fix it, but they solved other issued except for that one. Please, any idea what could it be.

MacBook Pro

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme - Unplug And Plug In Back?

Nov 10, 2010

I hope these are the right boards to put this in. I'll try to sum up my problems as best I can. So we have what seems to be an Airport Extreme (fairly certain, as it's very circular and white; it also says Airport Extreme on it now that I look at it). It's worked for a long time, and I've never had any serious problems besides having to unplug it and plug it back in again. Here are the things we use the wifi on:

iPod Touch (3G)
eMac (10.3.9)
Refurbished iBook (now with 10.5)
PlayStation 3

My brother has a new 4G iPod which doesn't want to work with the wifi. My friend however got the same iPod within the same stretch of time, and his iPod totally works at my house, but his old 3G didn't (try to keep that straight). But that's beside the point for now.Now I have been playing video games online on my PS3 for over a year now on this router, and have never had any big issues. Now, it refuses to hook up. When I enter the wifi in, the attempt to obtain the IP times out. When I go in and do it all manually, I get the DNS Error 80710102. I've tried restarting the router, I've tried restarting the PS3, I've tried going in manually and doing it, I've tried switching the Primary and Secondary DNS, I've tried switching the channels of the router (was on 10, now its on 1). I know of nothing that would bring about this change in how the router (or PS3) have been functioning, now I've hit a brick wall. (I should also note that the PS3 works on the wifi at other places)

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Mac Pro :: Setup So Doesn't Wake Up When Unplug Things Like IPhone?

Feb 1, 2009

Where and how to setup my MP so it doesn't wake up when I unplug things like iPhone etc from the usb? Is there such an option?

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IMac :: Options To Disable External Monitor Instead Of Unplug?

Aug 20, 2010

Is there a way to disable the external monitor? I don't want to have to unplug it every time I want to disable it... There must be a way. What options do we have?

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Intel Mac :: It Freezes Everytime I Unplug An Apple Usb Cord When I Shut Down

Apr 12, 2012

I dont get it, the usb cord that I am using is an apple product. Everytime I plug my iphone to transfer music, upgrade, and such to my imac and then when I shut down my imac it freezes? I have a leopard latest version 10.6.8.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Firmware Update To Airport Express Should Unplug The Unit Then Plug It Back In?

Feb 26, 2012

After a firmware update to airport express should I unplug the unit wait a bit and plug it back in? 

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MacBook Pro :: How To Keep MBP From Shutting Down

Aug 30, 2010

I use Daylite and Daylite Server on my MBP connected to the net and sync my iPad running Daylite Touch through my 3G connection. It works great while I have my MBP running. I want to set up my MBP so that it will run without shutting down (screen blanked out). I just want to do this for a few days to see how it works out. If I like it I will get a Mac Mini to run as the server instead of the MBP.

The problem I am having is that no matter how I adjust the settings on the MBP, after awhile it shuts down Daylite and Daylite Server. Daylite Server shuts down and puts out an error message and everything just hangs there. I figure I must be doing something wrong in the settings but don't know what. I tried searching the forums, google, apple support, etc. but haven't found anything - of course I am probably searching all those wrong too.

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MacBook Pro :: It Keeps Shutting Off

Mar 5, 2012

When im playing a game in bootcamp, my computer just randomly turns off. I thought it might be from overheating, but I started using a cooling pad to try and help, and it shut down almost right away the next time I went to play. It happens occasionally when im running osx, but not nearly as often.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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MacBook :: It Is Shutting Off Out Of No Where

Apr 9, 2012

After I bought it, I noticed that the fan was making loud noises when I used it too long. I know it is normal for it to overheat after a long period of use but it doesn't just overheat, the fan starts making a weird grinding noise. I thought that it was just dirty and it wasn't affecting the way my computer was running, so I just ignored it.

It has been almost a year now since I first bought it used and the fan has gotten a lot quieter, but just starting last week I was watching a movie on Netflix and right in the middle of my movie, the computer just randomly shut off. I figured it was overheating. But, even after it had cooled down, I went back to watching my movie and within 10-15 minutes, it did it again!

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Shutting Off By Itself - How To Repair

Aug 25, 2009

I have a Macbook Pro that is a few years old. It's been fine until recently - it shuts off - poof - when I try to play certain games on Facebook, or watch a video on Facebook. I can watch videos fine on a site like YouTube. I thought perhaps it was the browser I was using (Firefox) but it's not. I ran disk Utility and that didn't . Software Update says I'm up to date. I'm running OS 10.4.11

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Keeps Shutting Down By Itself Due To Heat?

Jun 6, 2010

I use my MBP (Unibody, 2.8Ghz, 4GB RAM, running 10.6) in clamshell mode connected to an Apple Cinema Display ... Been doing that for a year and a half now and never had any problems.Now, since a week or so, my MBP keeps shutting down randomly, probably due to heat issues.So I installed SMCFanControl and run it at max RPM. Still no help.My system reaches over 90?C before it shuts down.Now I disconnected my MBP from everything (ACD, speakers, external HD, iPhone dock, Ethernet cable) and when running on its own off battery power, the temperature has already dropped down to 60?C and it stopped shutting down.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: MacBook Pro Keeps Shutting Down

Feb 9, 2012

I just updated my computer to the os x lion yesterday, and today it has shut down three times in the last 2 hours. What can I do to stop it from shutting down, and also is it because of the update?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Why Does It Keeps Shutting Off During Boot Up

Feb 28, 2012

I recently installed office 2008 shut laptop off to take to work then i went to reboot at work and it goes to white apple screen then shuts right off,i went into disk utility and Invalid Key Length then it says the volume apps could not be verified completely. Error this disk needs to be repaired. This is like third time happen .i dont understand and no i didnt do a backup cause its a mac,never had this problem before until upgraded to lion, i dont wanna have to reinstall i finally got a my music from itunes,

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook :: Pro Shutting Down Randomly

Mar 13, 2012

Late 2011 Macbook pro shutting down randomly, sometimes changing date.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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