My MacBook Pro (OSX 10.6.8) can not find the FireWire port. Until now there hasn't been any problems using the FireWire, but now it just deny any knowledge of it, so to speak.The audio device lights up when I connect it to the MBP (yes, I did connect it when in off-mode), so it seems to work in a way.
My macbook does not have a firewire port. Is there any kind of adapter that will allow me to use my advc 300 (which need to plug in to the FireWire port)?
Is there a way that I connect a firewire to my MacBook which doesn't have a Firewire port? I need to connect an External HD (not via USB) to my MacBook but just now realised that I don't have a port!
Info:iMac, MacBook Aluminum + 7 more Apples!, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
I have cable TV streaming in through my Firewire port. What is a good program for viewing it? So today I decided to run a cable from our TV room to my laptop desk so I can watch "educational" programming. But I ran into a small problem: CableVision to old VCR so I can make use of its built-in tuner, RCA cables from VCR to ADS (Converts inputs to RCA & Firewire out), and Firewire from ADS to MacBook.
This all works fine but I then realized I have no decent program to watch the video on. I can open Quicktime and see a small window, and no doubt if I hit record the sound would be captured as well but the sound is not audible while monitoring. I tried iMovie and again had a small window to watch. Still not what I want. So what can I use to watch the video from my Firewire full screen and with sound?
The Firewire port on my MacBook has stopped working. Nothing responds and when you look in System Profiler with anything connected the Firewire section shows the spinning indicator for a few minutes before claiming it is unable to list devices. I have also tried all the usual troubleshooting steps including resetting the SMC. But, if I put my thumb under the connected Firewire plug and gently press upwards the port works. It shows in System Profiler and drives mount. I have, of course, tried with different cables to rule that out too.
It clearly seems to be a physical problem with the port somehow. Does anyone have any ideas of exactly what the problem might be, and how easy it is to fix? Maybe a pin just needs bending outwards, or the port loose and can a clip needs pushing back in. If it is likely to be something relatively simple I am comfortable with fixing it myself, but the laptop is a few years old and not covered by AppleCare so I am wearing of an expensive repair bill.
my old, mid 2007 macbook had a firewire port that I plug my HD I use for time machine in (it can also be used as USB as well but I prefer it use firewire since I have uses for the two USB ports). Anyways, this new Macbook Pro I have has one too. Except... the connection is smaller on my new Macbook Pro... So I'm guessing there are different connection sizes and I need a new firewire cable? I think my current cable has the same size that both connects to the hard drive as to my old macbook. What labelling would I need to find to find a cable with the bigger connection on one side and the smaller connection on the other
I don't know much about computers. I know that MacBook does not have the FireWire port. Can someone explain to me in plain English what's a firewire port and what it's used for?
I'm wondering if I somehow have a bad firewire chip in my MBP. It hasn't been able to work with firewire audio interfaces.
- I tried a Metric Halo ULN 2 which loses sync with it's audio. It will be fine for a few minutes with itunes but then becomes distorted and ringy as if it's lost it's audio sync. - Random kernel panics while using Logic 9, Garageband 11 with an Apogee Duet - all software fully updated. One time it froze while not doing anything - logic was simply open and sitting there. Using iTunes through the Duet seems fine. - Pops and crackles using Presonus Firestudio.
I've tried wiping my software and reinstalling everything. I'm using a MBP 5,3 2.8Ghz Core 2 Duo 4GB RAM, Snow Leopard (10.6.5) with the latest updates. I'm going to try an Apogee One which is USB, but I'd really like to use a firewire interface. If there's something wrong with my firewire port, I'd like it taken care of. My machine is under applecare 3 year warranty. I don't think this is an easy thing to prove though.
I have heard that your firewire port can get fried by using certain faulty pieces of gear. It hasn't happened to me, but the thought kind of scares me. Does anyone know if there is a way of preventing this from happening? If it did, would AppleCare cover it?
I would like to have two firewire devices connected to my MBP but would prefer not to share bandwidth. If I purchased a firewire express card would that provide me with a 2nd dedicated firewire bus. It seems based the express 34 bus architecture that this would work however.
My wife has a MacBook and there is no firewire port. We are trying to capture video from our Sony Handycam mini DV camcorder but without the firewire port we can't capture the video in I Movie. Is there a way of connecting the Sony camcorder to the Macbook and capturing the video?
i got an aluminium imac. however, today when i tried to connect my FW800 Hard drive it did not work and it works by FW400. i connect the same Drive to my MBP using FW800 and it is working flawlessly.
i am still running tiger while the MBP has leopard
i wonder wether the returned My Book Studio has any effects on this. i returened it because i couldnt get it to connect via firewire. i really hate this as i use that lovely FW800 port a lot.
I was looking into buying a mac book the new alumnin type that apple recently released for high school. And i found out that it doesn't have a firewire port so my question is if i buy the new mac book and someday i know i will need to transfer huge files like an imovie from one mac to the another mac so how would i do this? will Apple release a ethernet to firewire cable that will transfer files? I know you can use migration to transfer settings from another mac to this mac book using a ethernet cable. What will apple do about make a adapter for it or something? And when you start that laptop up holding down the t key will it go into target mode or will it just boot normally? Lastly Mac os x leopard requires a firewire port to install leopard on it. I know they clone the hard drive from a huge machine before it gets into the laptop. But when the new operating system mac os x snow leopard is here i am pretty sure it will require a firewire port to install it so will i be able to upgrade it my self at home?
I work at a photo studio, and we just bought a new mac Mini to power a rather old Phase One digital back. This device requires quite an amount of power, and it appears that Apple made the voltage output of the FireWire port drop with 200mV on the new intel motherboards. My question is: Can you, in anyway, get that voltage output up again? If this means playing around with dangerous settings, then be it. We just need it to work! We tried to buy a Lindy FireWire 800 Repeater, with an external power supply, but doesn't work at all. Perhaps it's just a poor repeater? Is there any other devices out there, that could make it work? Perhaps some solution with a battery attached to the FireWire cable it self.
It WAS working. I'd bought an iomega fw drive with usb and fw800 ports. I hooked up the drive and it worked and then suddenly I got the message that a drive had been ejected improperly. The fw800 port never worked again -- with any drive or any cable. My apple care has run out. (I've tried these cables and drives on another computer.Â
The firewire port on the front of my machine is bad. I can't transfer any kind of data using it. The port on the back as well as all USB ports work fine. Would this need a complete motherboard replacement? Would it even be worth doing? Could I build a dual processing machine or buy one cheaper?
i would like to find a cable to go from my canon 60d camera to the firewire port. i have been to numerous places and they do not have it. i could not find it at canon as well.
I have a firewire 400 camera that i'm using for a project and one firewire 800 slot on my iMac (Late 2009). When I plug the camera in, nothing responds no matter what I do - tried resetting the PRAM and SMC. Compare this to my older iMac (Late 2007) which has both firewire 800 and 400 ports. I plug it in and it pops up using the underlying Quicktime controller api on either the 800 or 400 port no problem. So I figured after trying to install a firewire camera library (libdc1394) which I need for my project which didn't work, that it must be a hardware issue, so I took it to the Apple store. The genius at the store booted the OS (Lion) from a firewire drive via 400 to 800 cable (no external power to the f/w drive was used) and then using the spare 400 slot on the hard drive, he plugged (daisy chaining) in my camera and it loaded! So this suggested 2 things - my OS is corrupt or my card can't read straight from my device but why a hard drive in between would change this is beyond me. I came home and installed OS X on to an external USB hard drive and loaded up from it - so this is a fresh version of Lion, there should be no software issues. Plug the camera in to the I/O board of the iMac but load the OS from the external USB hard drive - nothing happens, the profiler doesn't detect anything at all. On a side note, I installed XP and Ubuntu Linux and they also can't detect it, which further suggests its the device or I/O board when interfacing directly with this camera. I've tried providing the devices with external power, daisy chaining 2 cameras, using a usb hub....nothing works. Just for good measure, I tried to boot Lion off the external USB on my older iMac and again, it worked no problem, which to me really narrows it down to the hardware.Â
I feel like perhaps the port is a bit dodgy and when the genius daisy chained it, it worked better, but no idea why. Someone said I should get a firewire 400 to usb adaptor
I understand this particular issue has been discussed at length on this forum and in other places but none of the solutions have yielded any success for me and I see this is often the case for others. So, I'm posting the question again in hopes that there is an Apple guru out there who has figured this one out. (All relevant specs below.)Â
Problem: Firewire port was working fine for downloading video from a Panasonic PV-GS320 into iMovie 8.0 on an iMac 10.5.8. Then, suddenly the firewire port was no longer recognized: FireWire Bus: Warning:Unable to list FireWire devices. Maximum Speed: Up to 800 Mb/sec The problem cannot be with the camera or cable as I can swap them over to an iBook 10.4 and the camera and firewire download perfectly there. I have run AHT. Test results show no hardware problems. I've tried all of these
I'm looking for a 1 TB external hard drive to connect to a firewire 400 port to use to backup my iMac. So far, the better drives, 7200 rpm, seem only to have usb 3 connectivity or are expensive. Is there an adapter or cable to connect a usb 3 input device to a firewire 400 port?
I have a late 2009 iMac with Firewire 800 input on the back. I have a Western Digital Passport external hard drive with USB Micro-B input that I would like to connect to the Firewire (4 USB inputs aren't nearly enough on the iMac). I can't find an adapter to do this. As an alternative, is there an adapter that will convert the Firewire 800 to standard USB2.0?
Apparently, a mini displayport to HDMI can do audio without additional cables if the version is new enough (2.0 I think). How do I find out the version of my Macbook's mini displayport? It's not listed in System Profiler in any place I can find. Also, does it matter what version OS I'm using? I'm still at 10.6.8.Â