MacBook Pro :: Is There A Display Settings Shortcut For The Menu Bar
Jun 17, 2012
With the new MBP-R, I find that I am changing display settings, depending on the program I am using. Is there an option to have the display settings on the menu bar (I can't find it) or a short cut key, or a 3rd party program that does that?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Retina - 512G Flash
Other than opening Displays System Preferences panel, is there a way to change resolution settings on a MacBook Pro? I have a new MBP with a Retina screen and I'd like to be able to more quickly switch display settings.
I was using my MBP when I noticed that the display (the built in one) looked a little washed out. To make sure my color profile was set to the correct one, I opened up the display panel in System Preferences. The moment I opened it, the display snapped back to its regular appearance. As far as I can tell, it goes into the washed out version after going to screensaver and coming back, and going into display prefs is the only way to restore it. Anyone seen this before or know how to keep it from doing this?
I use Macbiff to check my email. I guess you'd say it's a background app; it has no dock icon or cmd-tab icon; it resides solely in the menu bar. To check email, I have to click its menu bar icon and select Check Now from the drop down menu. I have created a keyboard shortcut for "Check Now", but I can't figure out a way to give the app focus in order to use the shorcut, aside from clicking the icon, which obviously defeats the purpose. FN-ctrl-F8 gets me to the menu bar, but not to Macbiff...this only works for OS based menu bar items, not 3rd party apps. Aside from a 3rd party keyboard app, is there a way to do what I'm trying to do? 3rd party apps don't see Macbiff as a running application anyhow.
When I right click on my desktop a shortcut (popup) menu appears with an option for a program that I have removed. The option is "Open as Data Project in SimplyBurns". How do I remove this option from the menu? I am attaching a screen shot of the menu.
I have a macbook pro with retina display that was purchased in 2012 and I am running Mavericks. I have been trying to mirror my mac to my apple tv but the the airplay icon will not display on the menu bar. I have tried turning airplay on and off on the apple tv without success. Under the display settings in system preferences it says No Devices Detected.I have already tried all the suggestions in the support pages to no avail.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I've switched to mac very recently and have the following "beginner" question. I was not able to find an answer in any of the guides.
In OS X the Menu Bar is always on the top left. Now, I don't know all the shortcuts yet, so I have to click with my mouse on e.g. "history" (in safari) to find out that "shift" "cmd" "H" brings me back to home.
Now, I don't want to click with my mouse on "history" in order to view the menu. Just as in Windows I want to be able to open the "history" menu with a short cut. In Windows if I pressed "alt" it would underline the letter I would have to press in order to open a certain menu (e.g. "alt" + "f" for file menu).
A friend did something that changed the display on my Macbook Pro. The background is weird and distorted and seems to be out of focus. I want to restore factory settings but without the trouble of reinstalling all of the programs. Can it be done and if so, how? I will watch for a reply.
While fooling around with my MB I some how screwed up the display settings! Can someone tell me the factory settings? I tried 600 x 800 on up and its either too small or too "stretched".
After playing with the display settings to adjust a second screen I've noticed that my display during startup and at the 'log in' page are not in the optimal size and resolution.
how to restore factory defult display settings.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a Vizio 22" HD monitor and it works great at 1680x1024 but don't know how to get those settings into my Macbook.
I have it hooked up via Mini-DVI to HDMI and the color is great, just wish I could get better settings. Seems like I am stuck with 1280x1024 else they are all interlaced and look like *****.
I have a unibody macbook pro 15 inch, 2.8 Ghz, 4gb ram, 500Gb HDD. There are various display settings like 1440x900, 1344x840, 1280x800, 1024x768 and so on till 640x480 (descending order). Will the battery consumption vary at different display settings? If so, how much of a difference will it make?
I am trying to AirPlay my MacBooks screen to my apple tv and in display settings..AirPlay is not coming up in display settings and I am running osx 8 what should I do
I need to be able to toggle my primary display between two monitors connected to my Mac Mini. I know that this is normally done by the following:Display Preference Pane -> Arrangement -> Drag the menu bar to the monitor your want as primary I'm looking for a hotkey or keyboard shortcut to toggle this more quickly. My graphics apps have to bind to the primary, but I also need to send full-screen output to the primary display, thus blocking the menu bar and dock.
I have a rev. A MBA and it does two odd things. If I set the display to full brightness, then power down and back up, the display doesn't return to full brightness. I have to go into the display preferences pane and move the slider a fraction of an inch to return to full brightness. The "adjust brightness for ambient light" and "reduce brightness on this power source" are disabled, so that isn't it. Also, the MBA forgets the brightness setting for the keyboard when it is powered off and then on again. As best I can determine the keyboard brightness is set to a random level at power up. I've used MacBook Pros for years, so I don't think it's anything I'm doing.
Is there a way to exchanging/switch primary/secondary display in OSX via shortcut instead of manually dragging the menu bar between the "displays layout" in the displays pref under "Arrangement tab" ? I'm very surprised that apple didn't address this simple issue yet.
Recently my battery seems to be draining faster than ever before. I'm not sure why. I haven't changed any "display" settings & it's on default settings for brightness settings, etc.
I've connected up my external monitor, which is a bigger Samsung 1600x900 and and I'm having some issues.. I'm trying to get the MacBook to recognize the Samsung when I plug it in and automatically adjust the settings, so I don't have to muck around with the settings every-time. Is there anyway of doing this? oh and disabling the MacBook's display so it doesn't detect it as a second monitor?
Coming from a Windows background, when you have dual displays, and you have an application open, you have a menu bar on the same screen that the application is open on. Is this possible in OSX?
Im running a 2 GHz Core 2 Duo iMac.Anyway, when I log in the osx menu bar doesnt always show. When this happens clicking anywhere in the screen or running an app prompts it to show up and then all is OK again.Ive only noticed this happen since getting a magic mouse a couple of weeks ago. Before this I had the wireless mighty mouse. Could it be related?
am using Mac G5 (Mac OS X 10.4) and i have connected dual monitors to it. Now when i open few applications like Adobe Indesign cs3, Illustrator cs3 the application opens in primary display and when i drag the image or picture to the secondary display the menu bars on the top remains in the primary display.
So how can i move/detatch the menu panel? and move it to the secondary display.
I have a 4GB ipod. It has all my music and the display lights up but there is no menu to read. When I press the wheel I can hear my tunes but can't navigate from a menu. I tried pressing the wheel and menu buttons to reset and nothing changed. What should I do?
I'm setting up one of the new MacBook Pros with Retina display. I have it attached to a new Thunderbolt display. I used the migration assistant to transfer the files from an older MacBook Pro that was running the latest version of Lion. Once the user files, settings, apps, etc. were transferred, I rebooted and then logged in as the "transferred" user. At first the icon for the display settings appeared in the menu bar next to things like network settings, battery, volume, etc. but then it disappeared and I can't find any way to get it back. It is no longer a check box in the display settings within System Preferences.
Is this a function of the new MacBook Pro or a function of Lion. The other office computer, a 24" iMac, that was also upgreaded to Lion still has the check box. This is kind of important since this MacBook Pro is used on the road with LCD projectors as well as the Thunderbolt display and also just with the built in Retina display.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Thunderbolt display