My mail application has started to open at start up of the computer. I seems to have happened at the same time as I installed Avast anti virus trial. But I am not sure if it happened at exactly the same time. I have checked the log in items in accounts and mail is one of them.
Every computer I ever had, the first thing I do is to turn off the startup sound because it is very annoying in a public place and sometimes in a quiet place. I have not been able to find out how to trun it off on my Air. I asked the guys at the stores and they just say you can't. That is really dumb. I turned off my speaker but that is not a practical way because I may not remember to turn it off when I shut down.
Why does the apple logo briefly turn red when I switch on my Macbook Pro before reverting to grey and starting up normally? I hadn't noticed it doing this until recently.
I'm trying to rig up a system for work that will allow me to remotely monitor an industrial job site for a few hours each day and control some equipment. I've got the ability setup to remotely control the equipment, but I need a dedicated camera on an engine tach and pump presser gauge. My original plan for a remote camera is not working and time is running short, so I thought I could end up using the new MB I got recently with the integrated webcam, and VNC into the computer. I tried it out today and it seemed to work well except for two things, both related to the display being on.
1) There is no power available so maximizing battery life is a must
2) I was getting a bit of a glare off the gauges from the screen that made viewing a bit difficult.
I think both would be solved if I could run the MB with the screen off, but I don't know if this is possible.
So I bought my 13inch MacBook Pro Retina two weeks ago. 70% of the time when opening the lid the screen will not turn on but my keyboard backlight will. I then have to either close the lid and open again or press the power to put the system to sleep and wake again. It seems the system is working fine just not the screen.
I have tried the SMC and PRAM reset which seemed to work for half of the day, now the problem is back.
Is there a way to disable the �pinch open and close� feature on a MBP trackpad? I swear, it�s going to put me in therapy. Every time I need to scroll through massive spreadsheets for work, if my fingers separate by even a hair, the trackpad reads it as a pinch, then the document suddenly balloons to massive proportion or shrinks to infinitesimally tiny print. Seems there ought to be a simple way to turn the thing off, but for the life of me, I can�t find it.
For some reason my macbook pro keeps saying stuff like 'authentication., window, password' when I boot it up and the logon screen appears. I dont appear to have any unversal access stuff set up or anything.
I have a 3 year old MacBook Pro, so I decided to experiment with Bootcamp. I changed it completly to Windows. Happily it worked, however there doesn't seem to be a way to mute the startup sound. I've searched the internet for answers but the problem is, but all the advice I find tells me either to mute the computer before turning it off (which unfortunately doesn't work), plugging in headphones (also didn't work), or downloading a mac application which I obviously can't as I'm in windows.
I recently had to replace my old mackbook with a mackbook pro. I need to recover some data from the old macbook but target mode isn't working. It keeps freezing at the apple start up (grey) screen.
if this kind topic has been discussed before, i just have no time to check. So i need your help ASAP.So yes i have bootcamp'ed my macbook to windows 7 34bit. And i think i made a mistake during installing it.Well when given the partition, it was 4 partitions , i chose bootcamp partition, but unfortunately it cant be installed on it, so i tried to format the bootcamp partition, and it's ok, so i have done it.But the problem is, i couldn't get into the mac whenever i restart or shutdown and turn on back.
On every restart, Firefox opens by itself and installs itself in the dock no matter what I do. I've made sure the settings in Lion are correct for re-opening apps. Also, I tried to delete a line from a Stickie and it reappears on startup. It's just in my user profile. I created another test user and it didn't happen.
I have dozens of large PSD files (well 200 of them each abt 200mb) on a network drive folder that I need to access frequently. Access to these is really slow because it seems to want to create thumbnails every time I access that folder. I don't need thumbnails as all the files have a strict naming convention so I know what I want by name. Whatever view I use to load files (I'm using Photoshop CS5) (list, column, icons) it always tries to put a little thumbnail preview next to the file name. Is there something I can type into Terminal that will stop it doing this.
I have macBookPro 15''. When i open my applications, they open separately.
for example, if i am using safari and decide to open itunes the two doesn't overlap. And i want them to overlap. its annoying when im on aim and skype and i have to click the icon every time when someone talks to me. But i can make the applications open overlapping "holding alt/option key and clicking the application at the same time". but this is really annoying.
I have this MBP 13'' Mac OS X 10.7.5 running a 2.4GHz i5, 4GB RAMs and 500GB storage.The problem started yesterday when I was typing on Word and I copy pasted something from the net (chrome browser) then it froze.I waited for around 5minutes and still frozen with the spinning wheel, then I decided to turn it off by pressing power for 10 seconds restarted my
MBP then now it running so slow on start-up and apps are very slow to open like around 5 minutes. Every action that I try to do like clicking on the apple in the upper left it freezes showing a spinning wheel and it will take time to show the drop down options. I checked disk utility and it said that HD is ok, done verify/permission verify and repair.
I checked the activity monitor noting the ram/CPU usage and its normal it even tells that 2GB of ram is not use.It shows not responding in the activity monitor if you open an app for around 5mins then it opens or it will crash.I already done the 2 kinds of reset and did not work.BUT it opens normally in Safe mode.
I have OS 10.9.3. The past few days when I start up my computer in the morning, Apple Mail and my Chrome browser open by themselves. I do not have any startup items in my account except for Dropbox. I do not leave any apps open at shutdown. I have quit those apps before I shut down at night. I've looked through some of the support discussions and none of the solutions apply since these apps are not in my startup items and I don't leave them open at shutdown. I can't find a reason for this.