MacBook Pro :: How To Reset Browser On It

Jun 3, 2014

I have been told by sky that I need to reset my browser as I kept getting their web page as a lot of links no pictures, but when I went via my ipad I got the page ok, is it possible to reset the browser if your not a techy? Or do I need to take it into the Genius Bar?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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MacBook Air :: How To Completely Reset Computer So That Passwords Are Disabled / Reset

Jul 4, 2012

It has been a while i havnt used my MacBook Air. I forgot my passwords to enter.How do I completely reset my computer so that passwords are disabled or just reset? 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), TalkTalk; Huawei Echolife HG532

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MacBook :: No Browser Connection?

Jun 29, 2014

Under 10.6.8 with a working wifi connection, on one user account no browser connections work. Must be a corrupt system file but I cannot locate it?

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MacBook Pro :: Know What Browser To Update?

Aug 23, 2014

I keep receiving messages saying I need to update my browser for my MacBook Pro.  How do I do this and what browser do I update to?

iPad 2

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Beachballs When Using Firefox Browser

Oct 18, 2009

The mac I have listed below does the spinning beachball thing a lot when I'm using Mozilla's FireFox browser. It's got to the point some times where I have to hard shut down the machine by holding the power switched. I have the following installed with firefox as addons.

Office Live Plug-in 7.6.3(Microsoft)
Shockwave flash 10.0.32
Jave Embedding Plugin MRJ Plugin ver. 1.0-jep-0/.9.7.2
Quicktime 7.6.3 plugin
Flip4Mac 2.2.3
Default GECKO plugin(No idea what this is)

I also have something for a facebook plug in but it's not listed and I don't remember what it did. I just removed the Mini-istat widget, maybe that was the problem, not sure. I just uninstalled Firefox with App Cleaner and reinstalled using something I freshly downloaded. I ran all the Tech Tool delux stuff that came with the MacBook Pro Apple Care CD set. I also play COD4 and World of Warcraft, without problem. iTunes Illustrator CS3 and MS Office run fine.

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Browser Keeps Refreshing?

Jun 21, 2010

Sometimes I will be using Safari, particularly on Facebook, and Safari will randomly start refreshing the pages repeatedly over and over again without me doing anything. Anyone else have this problem? Any way to keep it from happening again? The only way I can get it to stop is by quitting Safari completely.

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MacBook Pro :: Best Browser For Using Features Of OWA / Webmail

Mar 21, 2012

what is the best browser to use on Mac OS X Lion if I need to access Webmail (OWA) and use features like "Mark as Unread" that are not available in Safari? Some basic features are just not available to Safari users, but I'm hoping they'd be avilable from other browsers. 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot See Contents Of On Any Browser

Apr 15, 2012

I don't know why but all my browsers don't show contents of, etc. It seems as if those websites have javascript and this is what prevents from showing them, but I am not sure. I tried enabling/disabling java on chrome but nothing seems to work.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Can't Get Any Attachments To Open In Any Browser

Apr 19, 2012

When I log into my school's online classroom I can't get any attachments to open.I have tried Safari, Firefox and Opera.I have checked to make sure Java Script is enabled in all.I have checked to make sure my system is up to date. And I have checked all plug-ins and they are up to date.When I click on an attachment, like a file that my professor has uploaded, such as a study guide...nothing will open.It doesn't have an error message or anything.  This started two days ago.I haven't done anything out of the ordinary to cause this issue.If I scroll over the link that I want to open, it says Javascript://.It isn't a problem with the website, because other people are able to open these links.

MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Browser Keeps Freezing Up

Apr 21, 2012

My Safari browser keeps freezing up, and does nothing but show the OSX Lollipop. I can temporary fix this by copieing the CONTENT folder from another MAC to mine and restarting, but everytime there is an update to Safari, Java, Flash etc. the same thing happens again.I am running Lion 10.7.3 on an Intel Mac and everything is updated. Safari is 5.1.5

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook :: Web Browser Leakage Uses Up Almost All Memory?

May 21, 2012

I consistently find that when using Safari (or Firefox), within a short period of time (sometimes even less than one hour), the browser has taken over nearly all available memory. This happens even when the browser is the only program in use, and when no webpages with extensive audio or video content are open. 

Can someone explain to me why this happens -- i.e., why web browsers seem to hog all the memory they can find -- and (more importantly) whether I can take steps to prevent it from happening?

As an example, my current System Memory readings (from Activity Monitor), with only 'Firefox' and 'Activity Monitor' open, are: Free memory 74.9 MB (but frequently dropping to less than 10 MB) Wired 228.4 MB Active 1.20 GB Inactive. 504.5 MB Used 1.92 GB VM size 31.99 GB Page ins. 292.1 MB Page outs 120.6 MB Swap used 518.7 MB

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.3), 1.83 MHz

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Safari :: How To Clear Browser On MacBook

May 24, 2012

I know how to clear my flash cache, but how do I clear my browser?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Video Not Working While In Browser?

Jun 24, 2012

Why isn't the video working on my brand new MacBook Air? I have google chrome- and on my previous computer it always worked.

MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012), iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: Images Not Displaying In Any Browser

Jun 17, 2014

Recently I bought a Macbook Pro 15 inch 2.3Ghz intel core i7.  

Since I bought this machine I cant see some images in any browser (safari, chrome, firefox) in some websites. I have tried in different machines and the images in these websites are there but in my computer the images links appera as broken and it becomes anoying. I have cleared the cache memory, erased history, cookies and nothing seem to work.  

This is my business website and I cant see the logo on the top left or the cart image in the top right. This is what I see using chrome safari or firefox  [URL] ....

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 2.3 Ghz Intel Core I7

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MacBook :: Suddenly Getting Popups In Browser

Dec 2, 2014

I have owned and worked on Apple computers for many years and never had any issues with any type of viruses or pop-ups and now I do.  I cannot think of anything I did but now anytime I open a new Tab or do something on a web page new tabs immediately open.URL....Also, when I open other sites like Snapfish I get these pop-ups on the top and bottom of the website. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Air :: Does HDMI Work With All Sounds Even From Browser

Dec 12, 2010

I asked my co-worker the other day, i heard that the mini displayport to HDMI with audio will NOT support audio played through anythign but video players.

Is this correct?

For example,

If I'm using my macbook air plugged into via HDMI to the TV,

I play music thru Itunes, do i get the sound pass thru to the TV?

How about if i'm playing a game on my browser with sound, does the sound go through the TV?

How bout youtube or other flash based videos?

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MacBook Air :: Experimental Web Browser With MultiTouch Support

Feb 28, 2008

Just picked up a MacBook Air myself [and LOVING it!]. I've been checking out the multitouch apis now present in AppKit (taken from cocoadex) and I'd like to get some other MacBook Air owners to try it out and tell me their impressions. The application is a simple web browser (more info at flarebrowser.googlecode site) but the multitouch version is an experimental build that's not on the site yet, so if you'd like to try it just post here and I'll let you know the link. Using multitouch you can pinch to zoom a page in/out, and three-finger-swipe to change tabs. Update: I have an experimental Intel-only build available from [URL].

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MacBook Pro :: How Do I Get Multiclutch To Refresh My Browser Page?

Sep 22, 2009

How Do I Get Multiclutch To Refresh My Browser Page?

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MacBook Pro :: Connected To Internet / But It Saying Not After Browser Opened

Jan 9, 2010

I just got a MacBook Pro for christmas. It has Snow leopard and i've updated all the software. I've connected to the internet and it works to a point. Every once in awhile it says i'm not connected but i am and its very good connection. I'm just wondering if it's the MacBook, or is it the internet. Because it doesn't do that for any of the other laptops or xbox 360. Only my MacBook and my Ps3.

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MacBook :: Internet Browser Sudden Slow Down?

Feb 17, 2010

for no foreseeable reason my white macbook has suddenly slowed in speed when browsing pages, they load justa s fast it just takes ages form typing a URL to start loading, my other desktop is fine and the line is 100MB download steady so its not web speed.

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MacBook Pro :: Flash Content Not Loading In Any Browser?

Apr 26, 2010

My new Macbook Pro 15" has stopped loading flash content. (it played it just fine about 2 days ago) I can get onto Youtube etc, but the videos themselves get stuck on the circular dots loading image.

I figured it might be a problem with one of my Firefox add-ons, so I disabled them all, to no avail. Then I tried Safari, and it won't work in safari either, or chrome or opera.

I tried installing Flash player, but when I click the download link, nothing happens. I tried multiple mirrors, but none of the links download anything.

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MacBook :: Browser Redirecting To Another Site - Possible Hijack

Jul 30, 2010

Just bought a new used macbook and when I open google in Safari it redirects me to another random site. Not sure what is going on here. But after I search, and click a link which I searched, thats when it re-directs me. in a new window, but I noticed if I close that window and click the same link, it takes me to the correct site, most of the time?

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Open Youtube (and Another Websites) In None Browser

Feb 5, 2012

I tried lot of things and i still having the problem, the page doesnt get open, just loading, and if i want to see one youtube video in other page i still cant, the video is black.I can saw all other videos in other format or in other site, but simply i cant open YOUTUBE!


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MacBook :: Browser Pages Take Forever To Load

Feb 27, 2012

Every time I open Safari or Firefox, the pages take forever to load.  I keep getting the color wheel and often have to force quit.  I don't think it's the internet signal because I've tried it in 2 different locations (home and work) and the results are the same. I can't load videos (like those on Hulu). My computer memory is about half full, so I don't think it's that. This is a recent problem (within the last week).

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MacBook Air :: Browser Windows Dimming While Active On It

Mar 14, 2012

Just recently I purchased a MacBook Air 13'' (1.7 GHz, 4GB, 256GB) with Lion installed in it and I have got an external monitor attached to it. It's been working really well for a couple of weeks, but in the last couple of days I have noticed how my browser windows, and only those!, for either FireFox, Chrome or Safari, keep dimming themselves while I am on other windows from other applications as if they were inactive, when they are not, because I am using the Mac still. And I can only get them to work again, i.e. loading Web sites, only after I click on them to activate them, which is annoying, because I may be on another window, would need to click on a link and it won't load on the browser window till I have clicked on it, on the browser window, that is.

I have searched in Google and found a couple of articles where it was highlighted how the problem may well be with the Settings under "Energy Saver" and I have got unticked in there for "Slightly dim the display when using this power source" and "Automatically reduce brightness before display goes to sleep" and still the same problem. Other articles suggested that I would try Caffeine and install it to get rid of the dimming of the screen, but even after installing I still have got the issues and I am, at this point, running out of ideas.

Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4GB, 1.7GHz, 256GB

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MacBook Pro :: Random Websites Not Load In My Browser

Mar 19, 2012

Some websites don't load in my browser or take ages to open examples are , google maps, etc... Or they don't load at all. What is wrong with my mac?? I have cleaned my cache , browse history , etc.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Not Staying Default Browser?

Apr 21, 2012

No matter how many times I reset my default browser back to Safari, it always changes back to Firefox. This happens if Firefox is opened, or if I restart my computer. Either way, it's very annoying and highly inconvinent.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 13-inch 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

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MacBook Pro :: Browser And Downloads Are Incredibly Slow

May 13, 2012

everything has been fine other than Activity monitor opening but just hanging, spinning pinwheel. There doesnt seem to be a file in library/preferences "" which I read could be the culprit. The main problem is that browsing and DL's have slowed to a crawl under 1mps down according to speedtest,where my phone using the same wifi access point is getting at least 5. This is for Firefox as well as Safari. Im sort of at my wits end here and willing to just wipe and start over but i dont have the disks. This seems like the sort of behaviour that occured on my PC when i got a Trojan or loaded up with Spyware. I did do an Avast and Clamxav scans to be sure. Im sure Ill find more to annoy you fine people with in the future but for now it would take far to long for the web page to open.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Deselect Firefox 12.0 As Default Browser

Jun 5, 2012

All the suggestions seem to assume that Firefox >tools  contains a deselect function. It doesn't. I can find nothing in my MacBook Pro to indicate that I can deselect the browser. I have selected Safari as my default browser in the Safari Systems Preference page, but every time I open my system Firefox appears. I know I can uninstall Firefox but I don't want to lose my address book or bookmarks.

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MacBook Pro :: Is Hanging Whenever Use Google Map In Chrome Browser?

Jul 3, 2012

Im having a problem in my mac. Whenever i use google map in crome browser, My mac is hanging and i need to restart it. Its first time my mac is hanging

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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