MacBook Pro :: Deleting Photos From Hard Drive After IPhoto Import
Jun 2, 2012
I recently switched over to a Mac from a PC which I've had for years. Since I never had a photo storage program on my PC, all my photos were kept in folders on my hard drive. When I got my Mac, all my photos were imported into iPhoto and now I simply use iPhoto for everything I upload. My question is, can I delete the old photos (now imported into iPhoto but still on my hard drive in seperate folders) from my hard drive to save space without deleting them from iPhoto? I checked my settings and I do have the "copy to iPhoto library" option checked but I don't know if that makes a difference. Any information would be helpful - it would be nice if I knew I could delete photos that are essentially duplicates to save space on my hard drive.
After downloading Yosemite 10.10.1 to my Macbook Air, I can't import photos from camera to iPhoto. Had no problem before. It recognizes camera and says loading, but it never does load photos.
I recently discovered Bridge. Always had it, but never used it. I very much like that you can see all the information of a selected photo, and that you can sort photos on for example dimensions. It works faster than iPhoto too. The best thing though, is that you can make your own folder-structures.
That's the biggest disadvantage of iPhoto I think. Now I have hundreds (as a matter of speaking) events, which could be grouped to a a few dozens. For example: "Music" > "Concerts" > "Deep Purple" > "California Jam '74"
I know I can create (Smart) albums in iPhoto, but that merges everything into one. If I use my example again, if I would create an album "Music", there would be "California Jam '74" in it, but also an other concert from Deep Purple. And concerts of other bands. And other things related to music. And all of that merged into one huge 'event'.
Am I right or am I missing something?
But, iPhoto looks fantastic, the slideshows are superior, and those new Places and Faces are awesome. But that absence of a folder structure is killing me. If the events were just folder thumbnails...
I'm thinking, what if I do "don't import photos to iPhoto library", and make my own folder structures? That way I can use Bridge as it supposed to be, and if I want to show (off with) my photos I'll go to iPhoto and spend a minute finding the right event.
I've installed Leopard and iPhoto '09 on my Mac. I have iPhoto 6 on an external hard drive. How do I import the iPhoto 6 photos and book projects into iPhoto '09 (I also want iPhoto '09 library to be on the external hard drive)?
I've been trying unsuccessfully to import 8gb worth of photos directly from my DSLR (a Canon 40D with CF card) to iPhoto and it keeps telling me I've run out of HD space before it's finished even though I've over 15gb to start with. I tried again tonight after freeing my HD up to 29 gb and it got to about 90% of the files when iphoto crashed, but I was monitoring it in finder only to see my free space go from 29gb to 10gb. Why do I need more than twice the memory card capacity to import these photos?
I cant import any photos or videos without iphoto crashing. I have an Ipad2 and iphone4 with a brand new imac running Lion. Since I bought my imac it has always had problems with iphoto. I have removed iphoto and reinstalled a fresh copy of it via the CD that came with my imac. Also, I have no plugins installed so no divx or anything like that.
Process: iPhoto [18206]Path: /Applications/ 9.2.3 (9.2.3)Build Info: iPhotoProject-629052000000000~1Code Type: X86 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [144] Date/Time: 2012-04-24 07:53:50.748 -0700OS Version: Mac OS X 10.7.3 (11D50b)
I am trying to import photos from my IMac into my ICloud account but this option is disabled in the ICLOUD config window (not editable). How can I enable this option.
I have the iLife 08 version of iPhoto and i inserted my sd card, selected photos and clicked import selected. It freezes on 47 left and i have to force quit. Even stopping doesn't work.
iphoto froze after importing while deleting photos from card. Then when i force quit, the photos were not on iphoto and were also deleted from memory card. what can i do to get photos back?
After installing Snow Leopard on both of my computers, I have found that while the computers recognize my digital camera it will not allow me to import photos into i-photo and eventually you have to just force quit i-photo to get out of it.
Not sure what I'm doing here but I have a flash drive taht I am trying to move pictures from iphoto to. I'm still in Windows world I guess and am looking for the flash drive on the left side so i can drag and drop the photos into it but I don't see it anywhere.
Not sure, but for some reason my mac hard drive has got to be 95% full. I know where all the things I put on my laptop are and have added them up and they do not equal up to 132 GB of space. I have deleted the Previous Systems folder which was taking up a lot of space. Where are there more mysterious locations that are taking up space that are not needed and safe to delete?
I accidentally used time machine on my external hard drive and backed up everything. I only want to back up photos and music on this hard drive, but now it won't let me delete it. How can I wipe the hard drive and only save what I want?
I know this is a reoccurring question, but I haven't found the answer to this specific flavour of it, so I hope you can help. I'm using iphoto 09. After initially using it with default setup, I've now unticked the 'Copy items to the iphoto library' in preferences.I've got an external (NAS, one that is plugged in the router) harddrive with all my photos on it. I didn't want to pull them into a library on my mac, and putting the iphoto library onto the NAS drive didn't work either (it wouldn't load the thumbnails). So I've decided to leave the photos where they are and point iphoto to them without importing them (by unticking that box I mentioned, which was described in another post). Deleting however is a problem. Ideally I would hope I can delete a photo in iphoto and it would be deleted on the NAS drive as well. I've read all the posts about deleting and then emptying the iphoto trash, which I did. I pressed all sorts of keys when deleting (cmd, alt, ctrl, shift etc. - didn't work either.
I had downloaded some files to add to an external hard drive, the hard drive was assigned to a pc before adding these files so it wouldn't let me add files from my MacBook..
Had a look around online and made some changes (well thats what I thought) and I was able to transfer files form my MacBook onto the external hard drive.
What I then figured out was that there was nothing left on the hard drive except for the two file sI just transferred..
It turns out I deleted everyting without noticing.
The stpes I followed was to go to disk utility then select the hard drive and click erase (not knowing this would erase evrything).
So now I have two files on my hard drive and no idea how to recover the 'delted' files.
I tried using Disk Drill, which found the files but then it said I need to buy the full version to recover them.
I am wondering if there is any free methods to recover these files at all
I imported all of my photos via iPhoto. I can now access all of my photos via iPhoto, but I am wondering where the photos are actually held on the hard drive.
So I've just purchased a mid 2011 Macbook Pro 13" used via eBay. Was advertised as having 500gb hard drive and 6gb ram. I checked the ram and it was all legit, checked the hd capacity and it was all correct as well. So I made a new login for myself and deleted the previous owner's. Now my hard drive shows up as 320gb. Even in disk utility and terminal.
I have a MacBook and use iphoto. I have about 18000 pictures on it and now there is no more free space on my computer. I bought a Time Capsule and thought I would just move the photos to it. I also have other photos on two separate hard drives from an old PC. I moved some of the photos to the Time Capsule, but now I cannot view them like I can the photos on my MacBook. When I had a PC, I would just use the PC viewing program (that came with the computer) and select a drive and view the photos, but with iphoto I cannot seem to figure out how to view the photos that are on a separate drive (Time Capsule). So now I have a Time Capsule with about 9000 photos (half of what is on my MacBook) and I do not know how to view them. Also, I would like to back everything up on a web based platform like Carbonite. If anyone has any advise, ideas, suggestions, comments, etc.