MacBook Pro :: Delete All Files From An Old User Account On It?
Apr 22, 2012
I've already deleted the user and clicked "Delete Immediately" to remove the user account and all the user's files, but a lot of their files and applications still show up in my Finder (and take up tons of storage space). Is there a way to permanently delete all of the old stuff?
I migrated my old MacBook to my new MacBook Pro without changing the user accounts so now I have a user account on the MBP that I only used for a few days. I'm trying to determine whether or not I need to keep that new user account. I didnt put anything on it of substance (set a few bookmarks in Safari and downloaded a couple of free apps). I've read a few things online about issues people have after trying to delete user accounts.
i'm having troubles deleting a test-account a set up a while ago. i can't seem to get rid of it, although i've tried to delete it several times on system prefs. i get the message saying alt the content in this user 'home'-filder will be lost, and moved to deleted users-folder.. i press ok, wait a couple of minutes and it seems like it is removing the user. but when the message disappears the user it still there. i've tried restart, and the user is still active..
whats wrong, or what am i doing wrong? the user's got admin rights by the way..
Its the same account as was on my PC, and I remember the password for the account. But I have entered that and still cannot log in. This is a brand new computer.
I am having trouble deleting a user account from my iMac G5 PowerPC running OS 10.5. I have made a series of mistakes which now prevents me from being able to delete this account.
First, I tried to change the name (full name as well as short name and user folder path). Secondly, I deleted the user folder manually.
So, basically all files and folders associated with this account are gone, but the user name still shows up in the system pref window, but with the "-" button greyed out.
The account I want to delete is the one which was made when I installed the OS in the first place. I have a feeling this might be problematic.
It was the first operating user account before I setup my iCloud. Once I migrated my data from the other computer and setup my iCloud, I realized that I am stuck with 2 user accounts. I am only actively using the one that I migrated over and setup the iCloud with, the other account, although the other one was the first operating account, it is absolutely no use to me now. I tried many times to delete it from system pref and it keeps on coming back! I suspect it has something to do multiple mobile devices.
I'm trying to delete an user account from my computer following the steps from apple.
So at step 3 they say I have to click on the user account I want to delete. But I cannot see the user account in the list.
It is the only account with an password, but that person doesn't know the password even with the clues for it. Besides that I currently don't have the option to contact him.
My daughter in law logged onto her iCloud acct on my MAC. How do I remove her account? I have gone to System Preferences - iCloud - and tried to sign her out. It will not let me.. It said "Mail was unable to delete (her mail) Relaunch mail and then sign out of iCloud again"
I deleted a user account off of my mac book pro but a folder keeps popping up on my desktop with the name of the account. I delete it and it comes back. How can I totally delete this account?
Trying to delete a surplus user admin account. Chose delete securely. It has been running for 24 hours and hence can't close system preferences. Should I leave it or try and force quit the process ..This is a new IMac running osx Mavericks
I was installing an upgrade for one of my applications, and i had to reboot my i mac. After reboot it was stuck on the white apple screen for maybe a half an hour, then on the blue login screen for maybe 5-10 I went to sleep after 5.
When It restored there were no user accounts, and I had to create a new one. All of the programs were available, but I had to authorize and all that kind of stuff.
I just wanted to know if there was a way recover the deleted user files on the mac?
I just made a TM backup of two user accounts (A & B) on one iMac.I now want to delete the files and accounts from the iMac and create a new user account.(A & B shared this computer and it is now going to be used by a third person alone. I don't want all the additional unused A & B account data clogging the hard drive.) If I delete the original A & B user accounts, will I still be able to access the backed up files? How?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), iBook G4/iMacFP/G4Tower/Bondi/3400/165/SE/Plus
I bought this new MacBook Pro a month ago. When I try logging into my guest account, it froze. I had no other alternative but to get out of it by pressing the power button. Then I tried open a new user account to see if it also has the same problem. Unfortunately it did have the same problem - froze after I logged in. I had done a harddisk check, there seemed to be no problem.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Just got a new MacBook Pro, wanted to transfer my data from the old (2010) MBP. I've done this dozens of times before, but always manually, via Finder copies from external hard disks, etc. This time I decided to try the Official Method, using Migration Assistant. After numerous tries, I couldn't get Migration Assistant to work between the two MacBook Pros (both running 10.9.3), even with Apple's assistance. So I decided to try it with a MacBook running 10.6.8. It worked (though poorly; Migration Assistance needs some serious repair), which was useful (now I know that Migration Assistant works, and it's not a problem with the cabling I was using, but something in the old MBP). But now I have two user accounts on my new MacBook Pro, which I don't want, plus the added account has now been made the primary account, with (some) data from the previously primary account moved to it.
So I want to delete the new, added, now primary user and return the MBP to its former, pristine state. So I have to go through all the data (fortunately there isn't much; both the new MBP and the MacBook were only recently set up) that's been moved from the original account to the added account, move it back to the original account, then delete the added account (if I can). This was somewhat complicated by the fact that the ~/Library folder is now invisible by default, but I figured that out. However, what I'm wondering now is, when the second, added account was made the primary account, did it assume all attributes of the former primary account, including its number? I know that user accounts in Mac OS have numbers, like 501, 502, etc.
How can I see the numbers of these two accounts? And if the added account is now number 501, when I delete it, how I can I restore the number 501 to the original account? Or perhaps I should just return the new MBP to its factory state, and start over? But I can't, since it didn't come with any Install DVDs (nor indeed, with an optical drive). (I've been out of touch with the Mac world for several years due to illness, am only now learning about the changes since 10.6, which I'd been using until less than a week ago.) I can wipe the MacBook Pro and reinstall 10.9.3, but that might lose some information specific to this computer that came with it.
I have just lost my user account that I normally use. It happened after I changed my name for my user account in the Finder. I clicked Get Info and changed the name from Helen Andersson to only Helen. and after that nothing is the same and i cant go back either that I know of. When I start the computer now everything that I had on my desktop and in my Itunes, Icalendar, addressbook, and Aperture are not there. I have found them (well at least what i had on my desktop and my itunes but not the other information), so they are still on the computer but I dont know how to get back to my normal user account.
When I check my System preferences Account I only have one account so its not like I made a new one and have two. But I can also see that the one I am using now that has nothing on it is made today.
So please if anyone can help me get my iMac to go back to the old user and all its settings the same way I would very much appreciate it. Because this user has nothing and I have to start everything from scratch even my internet settings I had to download again to be able to go on the internet. This user has nothing.