MacBook Pro :: Clear A Hard Drive Before Selling Computer?
Feb 13, 2012
I am selling the first MAC eer purchased, a Macbook pro. It is backed up useing Time Machine. Before delivering it to the buyer, how do I clear the hard drive of all my files and information?
I have a 500GB hardrive with 400GB being used. I can account for around 100GB for videos, movies, pojects, and applications. So basically there is about 300GB of taken up space thats unaccounted for. I don't know what could be taking up the space. If anyone can help me locate the data or know of a program to do it that would be awesome.
I want to buy a new MBP but I want to sell my old MBP on either ebay or craigslist. What the best way to clear the HD of all personal info? I have already had my credit card number stolen and I don't want to go through anything like that again.
I have been trying to download the new Yosemite update and kept getting an error message regarding the download. When I finally figured out what was going on, it appears that I don't have very much room on my hard drive to allow Yosemite to download. As you can see, the large problem is found in the movies and other categories.This brings me to my question.
1.) How can I clear up the 'other' clutter effectively, despite not knowing what falls into the 'other' category?
2.) Without having an external hard drive, is there a way to transfer movie purchases from iTunes to either USB drives or something simple to free up some more space? I don't want to outright delete anything, as I'm afraid that I'd lose the purchase, and therefore, the money spent. However, I'm not opposed to getting an inexpensive external hard drive.
I don't have a CD drive--just 2 USB ports and 1 for a memory card, so hopefully that won't inhibit storage options.
When I bought leopard and installed it I was left with about 3 gigs on my hard drive so I deleted final cut studio 2 and Adobe Photoshop, however when I did this I checked my free space on my hard drive and it didn't free up anything and I know that it should have given me over 60 gigs of free space.
I inserted the RESTORE CD and held the C key down. I get a message saying: This image has a missing or outdated checksum resource. Select another configuration. I want to clear the HD off so I can donate the computer, or dispose of it as the case may be. No idea what to do about this message.
I am going to be getting rid of a PC soon and I would like to know how to clear the hard drive completely clean so that no one who takes the machine if I throw it away attempts to take control of things that are on this computer. Also, I may let my dad or mom clear the hard drive but I don't want to let them do so if there is any way they look at the stuff that I've looked at on the hard drive.
Tried to restart didn't work. Light is on, but nothing makes noise or anyhting. Been charging it for hours so it has power. Tested the chord on my ther computer and it worked
ive been backing up my computer to an external hard drive (with time machine). When i buy a new macbook will that hard drive put all my info on to the new computer?
I am wondering if there is anything I can do to prepare my computer for a hard drive swap regarding repairing any permissions or erasing any files.
Im planning to swap my 500GB 5400 OEM drive for a 500GB seagate Momentus XT using super duper, I was wondering if I should do anything to make sure I don't have any errors and get the best out of my new drive.
Recently my new unibody 17" macbook pro start to act a little weird. It started with regular "clicks" from the hard-drive. I thought the hard-drive is just parking to safe energy and didn't saw any harm in it. But now my computer start to slow down terrible in many occasions or crash. I noticed that when this happened (the crash or the slow down) I often hear the hard-drive clicking and/or bouncing. Is this the sign of a hard-drive that will die soon? or can there an other reason be the cause of this behavior?
The hard drive on my MacBook Pro went bad and had to be replaced. I was told it would be simple to transfer its contents onto the new installed hard drive, but I have yet to figure it out.Â
I'm pretty sure the problems we're having with a white MacBook are due to hard drive problems, but I thought I'd get a second opinion:
- Computer was dropped on a hard floor - Started making whirring noises and would occasionally lock up or suffer long periods of the spinning wheel - Disk Utility check, after booting up from the CD, cam back with no errors - Decided to wipe it and reinstall anyway - Snow Leopard got stuck halfway through installing, so rebooted. Installation then carried on no problems. - Still suffering periods of the spinning wheel - it 'shudders' sometimes, rather than spinning smoothly. There have also been a couple of lockups.
I have an external hard drive I was using all morning. This afternoon, the hard drive isn't showing up on my desktop. It does show up in my system profiler under usb. When I go to disk utility to repair it, it isn't there.
the only screen I get is the apple logo then an x, and ? mark. it keeps repeating this. computer was new to a backup on external hard drive. Iphotos were put on external then trashed. about 3200 images. I thought this was slowing it up. the macbook pro it is non functional now. aboaut a 3-4 year old computer.
when I insert my 'FAT' formatted external hard drive (Samsung M3) into my mac book pro it comes up with the error message that says "the inserted disk is not readable by this computer" and I therefore cannot access the files. The story (potential further details):Â
1. I had a problem with my mac where it took hours to load each time I turned it on, would only work when power was plugged in etc. so I had to reformat my mac hard drive (when I tried to veriify it said repair, that wouldn't work). So i'm starting with a recently reformatted, clean mac.Â
2. Before doing this I reformatted my external hard drive (whilst on windows machine) to FAT32 (so I can use on both windows and mac) so that I could back up my files.Â
3. I then transferred files from mac onto external hard drive and then also put them on a windows machine.Â
4. After reformatting mac hard drive when I then tried to transfer files back onto the mac I get the 'not readable' error.Â
My external hard drive has been repeatedly ejected improperly and now it is not displaying on my computer, not even in disk utility. How do I re-mount this external hard drive? In the past when this has happened, all I had to do was go to Disk Utility or use DiskWarrior to fix the issue but now it won't even show up in either of these apps. Â
2008 MacBook Pro 10.9.3, WD My Studio 1 TB External HD
I just bought a new 1 TB external hard drive for back up purposes. When i connect it via USB to my Snow Leopard macbook pro, it gives me a "this disk not readable by this computer message". I click ignore, and it lets me do whatever i want to the disk - read, write, etc. I have tried repair disk - tells me it's good to go, and tried reformatting several times - thought not zero disk data or the 7 pass bs.
I was using my Mac (Macbook Pro 15" screen) and tried opening a file in GarageBand, at which point a warning message came up saying something about a midi file and something not being allowed, and then froze, resulting in me having to switch the computer off from the power button and restarting (Sadly I didnt realise that this would be the start of a whole host of problems and didnt make a note of the warning message). After rebooting I got the 'stuck on the blue screen with the Apple logo and infinitly spinning wheel' problem that i've seen in a few posts. having tried numerous suggestions posted with no change I ended up taking it to the genius section of an Apple store. When i got it back they said that it may have been a corrupted file, and that they re-installed and reset the starting programs (Something along those lines, I cant quite remember). I can now get onto the computer and use it, though some new problems have arisen.......
So I've just purchased a mid 2011 Macbook Pro 13" used via eBay. Was advertised as having 500gb hard drive and 6gb ram. I checked the ram and it was all legit, checked the hd capacity and it was all correct as well. So I made a new login for myself and deleted the previous owner's. Now my hard drive shows up as 320gb. Even in disk utility and terminal.