MacBook Pro :: Calibrating Computer's Battery For Best Performance

Apr 17, 2012

What effect will the macbook have, if i fully charge and discharge the battery on a daily basis. I will leave it running on battery power when i leave for the day, and let the battery drain/discharge fully through the night.I will hook it back up in the morning to have it fully charged, may be 30 - 60 mins after it being fully charged, i will pull the power out and run the laptop the whole day on battery.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Portables: Calibrating Computer's Battery For Best Performance?

Mar 13, 2012

Point 4. Says the computer will automatically go to sleep and then point 5. Says I should turn of the computer. Isn't it the same of the computer stays in the sleep mode? 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Life Slightly Shorter After Calibrating Battery

May 4, 2012

I calibrated my MacBook Pro battery and then noticed that the battery life seemed slightly shorter after that. I calibrated it according to this: [URL]

Just wondering if I have done anything wrong...  

One more question... What do they mean by "At this point, save your work. Continue to use your computer; when the battery gets very low, the computer will automatically go to sleep." Does it mean that I have to use the computer until it just shuts down or should I shut it down once the "Low Battery" warning pops up?

Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Calibrating My Battery Every Day Good Or Bad?

May 10, 2010

I just read how to calibrate your battery, and I found out that I've been calibrating my new MBP 13" battery pretty much every day (unintended). I've been using it quite heavily since I got it last week... charging it fully, and reconnecting it to the charger whenever the battery hits somewhere around 10%.. Is this good or bad ? Should I charge it whenever it hits 50% instead ?

Apple says we are supposed to calibrate it once a month. Is it bad if you do it more often ? Any thoughts on this ?

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MacBook :: Can Calibrating Your Battery Make It Worse

Feb 4, 2009

I calibrated my battery last week and I'm pretty sure I'm getting worse battery life after the fact. Has anyone had this experience? Can battery calibration hurt your battery?

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Drains Fast After Calibrating

Oct 28, 2009

I've done everything correctly that the apple described 'bout calibrating and its not lasting even 2 hrs. All I do is surfing. I have the brightness just one block. No keyboard illuminate. Bluetooth is off and for me to get 'round 2 hrs. I gotta keep closing the macbook's screen.

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MacBook Air :: Poor Battery Performance Even After Replacing The Battery Under Warranty?

Feb 27, 2012

Apple Macbook Air late 2010, has been giving me poor battery performance even after replacing the battery under warranty. I am unable to find a solution, even the local apple service provider seems confused. Should I go for a replacement?My Macbook Air runs on the OSX 10.7.3 with all updates as on date. I use only softwares such as Microsoft Office for mac, Safari, Mail, iChat, iTunes regularly.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Fully Charging Then Fully Draining Battery Calibrating?

Apr 23, 2010

is battery calibration as simple as fully charging and then draining battery ,or is there more steps?

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Performance Settings?

Oct 29, 2010

i remember in Leopard you were able to select different profiles in the battery menu on the menubar. There was an option for high performace and power saver, etc. In snow leopard this is not an option, is there anyway I can bring those settings back? Or is snow leopard automatically adjusting processor power?

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MacBook Air :: New MBA 13" Battery Performance

Dec 15, 2010

Just wondering what the norm is in terms of where my battery levels should be. When I first received my MBA 2 weeks ago, the full charge mAh capacity was around 7100. Now after 6 cycles, the full charge max mAh is 6678.

Is this normal for the max to drop so much after only 6 cycles? Just wondering what others are experiencing in terms of battery performance.

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MacBook :: Poor Wi-Fi Performance When Using Battery?

Aug 15, 2009

I have a MacBook (late 2007) and I've noticed that my internet crawls when I'm using the laptops battery power. I can be downloading a file at 200 kB/s under A/C power, and as soon as it goes on to the battery it'll drop to 10 kB/s. I'm assuming some kind of power saving is being activated, but this has only happened recently. Around the same time this started happening, I updated my computer to 10.5.8 and I also turned in my computer to the Apple store to have the palm rests replaced for having cracked under the weight of the lcd. Would this problem be caused by either the update or the repair, and if not, what could be causing it?

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MacBook :: HDD Affect Battery Performance?

Mar 24, 2010

I just switched my old 120Gb drive with a 320gb one (FUJITSU MJA2320BH G2 -- speed should be the same as my old one), and I'm noticing a drop in battery performance of about 20%. Is this just a coincidence?

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MacBook :: Unable To Use System With Battery / Computer Shuts Down Hwen Start From Battery

Apr 18, 2008

My battery needed replacing for a couple of months before i dropped it from about knee level onto a sidewalk. After the drop I got the not charging icon. I thought maybe the battery had just finally died. so I did not panic about the no charge. The laptop works fine when plugged in to power with the old battery on or no battery at all. Not at all when unplugged.

When I put the brand new battery on the lap top, the computer shuts down halfway through boot up. I tried holding the power button down through boot up reset, as well as removing all power (plug and battery) and holding down the power button for 10 seconds reset.

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MacBook Pro :: Do Mbp Loose Performance While Operating On Battery?

Apr 29, 2010

I just ordered my first mac a few days ago online, and seeing that almost everyone takes advantage of the suposed 10h battery of the 13', I wonder if it gets slower when you are using the battery.

my current notebook (compal FL90) is considerably (much) slower when it is not powered to the grid especially if I'm running photoshop for casual editing.

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MacBook Pro :: Does Increasing RAM Affect Battery Performance

Mar 29, 2012

increasing the amount of RAM in a MacBook Pro (latest model unibody 15" i7 processor). If I increase the amount of RAM in this laptop from 4Gb to16 Gb, should that in and of itself result in a decrease in battery performance? This is assuming no increase in number of active programs, etc. A friend of mine was told by an Apple employee that just increasing the total RAM in a laptop would result in the battery draining more quickly. I am no computer genius, but that does not sound right to me? After all, why should the battery work harder if the excess RAM is not being used at the time. 

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MacBook Air :: Installing Flash Decreases Battery Performance?

Nov 26, 2010

I know that Flash uses more battery power. However is that only when you are actually using a window that needs Flash. Does just installing it decrease your battery performance in any way? I am running into lots of sites that require Flash and I would like to install it but not at the risk of severely limiting my battery usage when not actually using it.

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MacBook :: Slight Performance Drop When Running On Battery?

Mar 17, 2009

I am not sure if it only my macbook, but I notice a slight performance drop when I run on the battery v the AC. I notice that my application load slower, folders open slower and expose and spaces response is also slow as well.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Performance On Sims3 Vs Flash Games

Oct 19, 2009

I am planning to buy a new 13" MBP but I am kind of concerned on the battery performance.
a) 2.26 GHz CPU
b) Upgrade RAM to 4GB
c) Upgrade HD to 500GB 5400 WD
d) Brightness at 70% / with keyboard backlight / Bluetooth OFF

Questions: (Can you give me an estimate on the following)
1) How long will the battery last if I play Facebook games nonstop (poker / mafia wars / cafe world / etc.)
2) How long will the battery last if I play Sims3 nonstop?
3) How long will the battery last if I watch a DVD movie nonstop? (from the drive)
4) How long will the battery last if I type documents nonstop?
BTW, can this MBP 13" play sims3 in the default normal settings?

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MacBook :: X Over Battery Icon And The Fan Is Running Even Though No Heavy Duty Performance?

May 20, 2012

Earlier today, maybe around 3PM, I was using my laptop, and it was charging and it was maybe around 60% battety life when out of no where it just shut off and even the light on my charger went out. When I turned it back on, the fan was running and there was an X over the battery icon. I've tried turning it off and on, and leaving it alone for a few hours, to see if it would resolve the problem but it didn't.  It is currently 9:52PM, I'm still experiencing these problems and I'm using the exact laptop to type this, but I don't know how much battery life is left. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Change Energy Saving To Better Battery Life/higher Performance

May 21, 2012

Running MacBook ProMacBookPro4,1Intel Core 2 Duo2.4 GHzW882458RYJZos x 10.6.8 Im running differnt language My battery is pretty much dead is that the problem?

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: How To Maximize Battery Performance And Life

Jul 2, 2009

Planning on Purchasing one of the New Aluminum MacBook Pro's. I would like to know what are the best ways to have your battery last longer and hold the normal charge? Also on the Battery Section on [URL] it says it not good to have your computer charging all the time but then people on the forums say it's better to keep it plugged in! What is it? What should I do? Listen to Forum users or Apple). Also what is a good setting for the Screen Lightiness? Is HalfWay see able? What about 75 percent notches. Will lowering the battery brightness save battery?

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Laptops :: MBP Battery Performance Declining More Rapidly

Feb 26, 2009

I've been looking for some info on the older 2007 MacBook Pro battery specs and stats, etc., but have been somewhat unsuccessful. Lately my MBP has been draining the battery at a much quicker pace than normal. This machine is only a year old now (however CoconutBattery says the battery is 16 months old). Still, the battery capacity shouldn't have diminished too significantly. Before I restored the Mac and installed the Windows 7 Beta, I could average 3-4 hours on a full charge. Normally, I would keep WiFi + Bluetooth enabled, an external monitor attached, several USB peripherals plugged in, and the main display would be set to maximum brightness. 3-4 hours was pretty nice considering the amount of power the machine could have been using.

After I partitioned my hard drive, the battery life was cut in half on the OS X side. Windows 7 power management was even worse. I figured that there may have been extra disk activity causing this problem. After I finished toying with Redmond's new OS, I removed the Windows partition and moved on from there. I know after I removed the partition, I was getting excellent battery life initially. Once that short period ended, it went downhill from there. The battery meter has become surprisingly accurate as of late; in a minute or so, you can easily watch the percentages drop 1-2%, which appears abnormal. I can manage 3 hours on a single charge at best, but I usually get less. I decided to take greater care in cycling the battery, in hopes of nursing it back to health, so to speak. It doesn't appear to be working so well. Enabling WiFi and other peripherals only drains more power, but turning them off again adds only 5 minutes. So when I'm using several devices at once, I'm lucky to get a little over 2 hours. Turning off menu items and background apps does nothing either.

It's been this way for several weeks now, and yet, iStat, System Profiler, and CoconutBattery all report seemingly acceptable and consistent battery info: 86% Battery health, around 180 charge cycles, and the capacity is around 4700mAh (out of the original 5500) for now. The computer believes all is well. Performance says otherwise. I'd like to think that physically the battery seems to be okay. I've cycled and calibrated it several times. I have read reviews that indicate that Santa Rosa MacBooks with new batteries have averaged similar runtimes to the ones I experience now, but I know mine has usually bested all of the reported tests. It just seems wrong for the average runtime to go from almost 4 hours to 2 when the battery is (supposed to be) maintaining the same health level. I have AppleCare if it needs to be replaced, since this drastic change in usage time is very noticeable and counterproductive for me, but it could just be the computer (or me for that matter). Is this behavior normal for a battery of this age? What should I look into? If this is normal behavior I can live with it, but I would prefer to get as much out of the one I have.

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OS X :: Airport Card Performance - Plugged In Vs. Running On Battery?

Feb 11, 2010

I was running some networking performance tests the other day for some research project. Essentially I have 7 computers on a LAN that is not connected to the Internet - all computers are connecting wirelessly. I have one computer function as a server and it multicasts pings to the other 6 computers at a constant rate (e.g. sends a packet every 2 seconds).I noticed some odd behavior - 4 computers received the packets in about the right time intervals (every 2 seconds), but 2 would get packets at intervals of roughly .92 seconds and 1.12 seconds consistently. I realized that these 2 computers were running on battery and not plugged in. Plugging in all computers got all the computers receiving packets at the same time.

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MacBook Pro :: Calibrating The Display ?

Sep 3, 2010

I just got my macbook week ago. i noticed that the menu bar had a slight pink color on the right side. i went on the apply website and read on calibrating the display but it still has pink lines. anyone has the same issue. also does it matter if we calibrate the display or not. and finally, i read on some site that we supposed to calibrate it in the dark, which i did not do. is that the reason i am still seeing pink color.

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MacBook Pro :: Using Sysetm While Calibrating?

Jul 1, 2010

i am about to have my first mac, a macbook pro. I live in Turkey and Apple prices are really of the roof here. So i ordered it from Amazon to save 1500$ and had it shipped to my friend's house in USA. He will bring it with him when coming here to Turkey. I ordered on 16th of June, delivered on 23th of June and i will be getting it tomorrow. Problem is i heard that it should be calibrated within a week after buying. I suppose this wouldn't be a problem right? I mean it should be a week after booting it i think?second question is about using while calibrating. I know i can use my laptop when it is fully charged and resting on that state for 2 hours but can i use it while it's charging.

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Mac Pro :: Overclocking For Computer Higher Performance?

Nov 4, 2006

I know in the PC world computers can be overclocked to achieve higher performance. Can this be done in a Mac?

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PowerPC :: Replacing For Performance Of Computer?

Jan 25, 2007

will replacing the DDR3200 in my Powermac G5 with DDR4000 give any noticable increase in performance?

System stats:
dual core 2.5 GHz processor
2.5ghz crucial ram
ATI 9600 video card
OSX Tiger 10.4

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Software :: Making The Computer Performance Better?

Jun 15, 2008

-Exactly what is "partitioning" and should I do this on my new hard drive?
-Dose it help the computer (Mac G4, 400 Mhz) perform better or would I need a faster processor?

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Software :: Aperture Slowing Down Computer Performance

Dec 10, 2010

I'm using Aperture 3.1 for my photo editing, every time I open Aperture my computer starts to slow and cannot even work with Aperture! updated several times but problem persists.

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MacBook Pro :: Calibrating Samsung SyncMaster 206BW?

Sep 12, 2009

I'm looking calibrating my SyncMaster 206BW with my New UMBP. I realize that its going to be a little off because the screens are two different types.

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