MacBook Pro :: Alternative To Backing-Up Data Before Changing HD?
Jun 1, 2012
Is there a way to back-up, without having to log in to user profile? Snow Leopard, 10.6.8. I can no longer log in to my Macbook Pro, my last back up was 6 weeks ago. Information: Mactintosh HD says maximum capacity full.
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 16, 2010
I am deciding between a 500GB or 1TB HDD for external storage. I own a mbp15 with 4GB of memory. I'm using the laptop for simple internet, email, WORD, Excel, Powerpoint, Keynote, etc.
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Aug 21, 2014
Recently my macbook pro was being fussy, and eventually failed to boot (get grey screen with apple and load bar, but doesn't completely load before shutting down). I did a recovery boot and tried to repair the disc, which didn't work.
I would like to pull all of the User data (music) off of the old hard drive-and move to an external hard drive- before erasing and reformatting (might not be the correct term). I am currently running 10.9.4 mavericks and optical drive pooped out a while ago.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), iOS 6.1.3
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Aug 11, 2010
I currently have a wireless router with a functionality called ReadyShare and I also have a 320GB external USB HDD. I would like to be able to plug my HFS+ formatted HDD into my router and be able to use it as a wireless backup solution for Time Machine. The problem is that the router doesn't even detect the HDD so it is unable to share it throughout the network.
Another solution I had thought of was to connect the device to a Windows tower downstairs and then share it throughout the network. The problem here is that there is no free (read: FREE) software that I know of that allows Windows to detect HFS+ formatted drives in Windows Explorer in order to share them.I do know of software that lets Windows read them but there isn't anything that I know of that lets them be mounted in My Computer and treated like a normal drive.
This got me thinking... What if I install the Boot Camp drivers onto the machine downstairs. If I recall correctly, the Boot Camp drivers let Windows do exactly what I am trying to do. But I don't know if this is possible due to hardware differences, etc.
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Jun 6, 2010
I have a MBP, and every few days I back it up using time machine. For some reason it's been scanning hundreds of thousands of files and than it backs up tons of GB's. Like today it tried to back up 30 GB's but the last time I backed it up was 4 days ago, and I doubt I changed THAT much stuff on my laptop. Is this normal? If not, what can I do to fix it.
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Jul 5, 2012
How do I import my dvd's to iTunes or iCloud so I can view them on my iPad?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 28, 2009
i will change my HD in my MBP 13" 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory 4GB. The standard HD is a 150GB but i want to change to a 500GB 7200RPM, my only concern is how can i transfer all the data from the 150GB to the new 500GB?
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Dec 14, 2010
So I think my TM drive is almost full (external drive connected to an AEBS). The thing is though every time I run the backup my MacBook, it backup 22GB even though I didn't change anything, which is a PITA since it take a while
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Mar 22, 2009
How would I go about doing this on the new Mac Pros? Is there a backup software that allows you to burn to 2 disc at once?
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Feb 11, 2010
I've been looking into this a lot the passed few days, but there are a few answers I just can't find.
First of all, I know how to physically take apart my mac and put the new hard drive in. I have the new hard drive, and the tools I need.
The method I chose (before I looked into how to xfer data using macs) was to use time machine to make a backup of my entire hard drive on an external, which I did successfully.
However, before I take apart my mac and instal the new hard drive, there are a few things I want to be clear on, and I can't find the answers to.
Will I need the leopard OS disc for the new hard drive? Or does time capsule back up the OS as well, and give me some sort of prompt (doubtful)?
I have the pre late 2008 macbook pro, and it came with leopard. I haven't upgraded for several reasons I won't get into. My question now is, should I have the leopard OS disc? SHouldn't something like that have come with my mac? I ask because I feel like I should have one, but I don't remember getting one and can't find it anywhere. I always keep things like that.
And lastly, if I don't have the leopard OS disc, what do you think is the cheapest way for me to back up and xfer my data?
I have external hard drives, my new hard drive, and my old hard drive. Would it be cheaper for me to buy one of those things that directly xfers the data from one internal drive to another, or to buy another leopard disc? Is there a way I can just order the leopard disc I should have already for cheaper?
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May 19, 2012
I have over 200gb of data, but when I use time machine to back up, its only backing up 64gb. I don't know if this is relevant but I had to erase the previous backup on my hard drive because I didn't have enough space for new backups.
Safari, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 24, 2008
Okay, maybe this is an isolated problem. I feel like I should be able to solve it, but so far I haven't been able to. Surely if it was widespread it would be talked about all over the Internet, but my searches aren't turning up anything. All right, let's cut to the chase:
Time Machine, ever since I got 10.5 (to the best of my knowledge) has been backing up 1.6GB of unknown data at least once a day, but on no discernibly regular schedule. This is unrelated to the fact that I change data on my drive all the time, and this gets backed up exactly as you would expect. The 1.6GB is on top of whatever routine stuff needs backing up. It simply seems to once in a while find 1.6GB of data that was changed, and whumph, there goes another 1.6GB on the RAID I back up on. It may be a big drive, but it will run out of space at some point, and way way way sooner than it should be running out of space as long as this continues. I am completely fed up with this problem and would have long since moved back to a previous backup scheme if that scheme allowed me to restore past iterations of files and un-delete data, which it did not. And let's face it, Time Machine is so darn cool that you want it to work even when it doesn't.
I checked the obvious large files that reside in the background while you work: Photoshop scratch disk (it's set to use the RAID right now, so it's obviously not the culprit), Parallels HDD image (I thought so at one time, but now I'm using my Boot Camp partition with Parallels, and not even booting into that partition for weeks at a time, and it still finds the 1.6GB changed almost every day or so)... I don't have any large media on the internal HD (that's what the RAID is for, if it doesn't run out of space because of Time Machine!), so I can't think of what else to look for. I saw that Time Machine keeps backup logs, but they don't list what files were backed up :-(
I realize a problem like this might be particularly hard to diagnose without being at the computer, but any ideas at all would really be appreciated.
It's also not Final Cut Express, which is set to use the RAID as the scratch disk. However, I have been in Final Cut an awful lot today, and I have seen a few or several 1.6GB backups today as well, which is unprecedented. It's rarely more than two a day. But all that's been different today is leaving FCE open, nothing else I can think of. But the 1.6GB backups occur even on days that FCE was never open.
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Dec 30, 2007
I really love Time machine and I'm using it on my internal drive. I know it not the best way to secure data. That why I'm planning to buy external hard drive. I read time machine and backup data on network drive, running leopard.
I'm wondering is there any way to setup time machine to backup my data on network hard drive running Windows XP. I use my macbook with my windows desktop PC for internet and sharing file. It would be great if time machine can backup data on my windows desktop network hard drive.
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Mar 28, 2009
I know this is a Mac forum, but i need a little help finding a program and I thought I'd get the best results here. I'm looking for a program that is similar to OSX's Time Machine to backup my parent's PC. It is an HP and runs Windows XP and I have a Western Digital 750 GB USB external drive. Really, the main thing I want to backup is documents and music files. is there a program similar to Time Machine for Windows XP? Something I can set up to backup new files every few days or so?
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Jul 11, 2010
I have a couple of questions regarding backing up my external drive. I've got a 2TB external drive with about 1.5TB of movies, Music etc. I've got another identical empty drive that I want to keep a backup of the first drive on. So my question is what is the best way of backing up this data? I thought of using disk utility(I'm running snow leopard 10.6.4 if that makes any difference) to created a mirrored RAID set. If I plug in the empty drive then create the RAID set will my first drive get wiped when the set is created? or with it leave the data on the first drive intact? Or should I just use something like crashplan to backup to the 2nd drive?
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Jan 11, 2010
I want to back up data from my ibook. I have tried to burn backup data on a CD-R, but have not had much success. I have tried to follow the instructions of creating a blank image, put information into it, then burn the disk. But I keep getting the message that " this image is in use" When I put a disk in, It is ejected because "image is in use" What am I doing wrong. Also what type of external flash drive or etc, could I use to back up the information of I can't burn a disk successfully?
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Mar 5, 2010
I'm going to change hard drive on my macbook to an ssd drive. Is it possible to move all programs and setting I have on this hard drive so I don't have to re-install everything? First thought was time machine, but will this work? I mean, if it worked with time machine on a new hard drive it would be very easy to share shareware program with friends. Is it possible somehow? To get all the programs/settings to my new hard drive without having to re-install anything? (except the operating system),without having to re-activate serials etc etc.
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May 3, 2009
i currently have a white macbook, and i come across a weird problem on my finder. the dates in the "date modified" section are all screwed up. I have no idea how to fix it, i also googled it with no avail
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Sep 19, 2006
It really ***** me that Office 2004 places the Microsoft User Data folder in your Users/Accountname/Documents folder, and if you move it it just makes a new one Is there any reliable way to move the location to somewhere else and keep it that way? The Documents folder should be the realm of the user and the user alone, damn applications should keep their noses out!
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Jun 5, 2012
the "edit" button is greyed out... what to do?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), os x lion server
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Mar 21, 2008
As a windows user, I love ccleaner. It cleans out all the privacy data from firefox, windows, ie, and more.
Is there a ccleaner for windows?
Meaning is there an app that I can run to securely delete all my history, cookies, temp files in safari, firefox, empties trash, and cleans up any mac temp directories.
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May 19, 2008
OK I know most reviews say the SSD is not worth the extra money.
But, when I worked on my friends SSD I must say it just feels faster in normal use. I also know this from my previous laptop where I had SSD.
So I'd like to know:
are there SSD's out there that we can buy and install ourselves?
Which ones and how much do they cost?
I believe it needs to be 1,8 inch with Ziff connection... right?
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May 27, 2010
i just got a new macbook pro 13" laptop and am trying to transfer my itunes music as well as some data i have compiled into a single folder from my (2005) Powerbook G4 12" laptop. Please help me out with this i have no idea how to do this and the Apple Store said they will do it for $100 and i just poured every penny i own into this computer and cannot sell me old computer to pay bills until i transfer this data.
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Dec 10, 2014
I have lost all my data from my harts drive. The laptop is under warranty. I have been told that they have replaced my hard drive but could not get any data off the old one. I have now lost all my data, photos, files, music etc. NO backups, only simply because i did not know how to do them. Is there any way of getting the files back? All my work spreadsheets and accounts were also lost.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)
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Oct 28, 2010
this will be my first mac - and i need some advice on applecare
my friend has kindly bought a MBA from hong kong on my behalf and i'll get it later this week (can't wait!). what i need to decide is if i should purchase some sort of 'insurance cover' for this MBA.
applecare is the obvious choice. however, �199 for the 2 additional years seem quite pricey. although i have links with my university, i believe i won't be able to get the educational price (�47) given the MBA was purchased from the HK online store.
do you think the �199 applecare will be important or are there 3rd party insurance covers out there i can consider?
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Dec 28, 2007
I just got my macbook a few days ago. Does anyone know if there is an "end" feature or a "home" feature on macs? It's kind of annoying to not be able to just hit a button to get to the end or beginning of a line while typing. Nothing major, but it would help if I knew where it was if there is one. Also, what does the FN button do in the lower left hand corner on the keyboard?
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Apr 3, 2009
This is the future home of the optibay thorough guide.
First of, your here to add a second SSD/HDD to your notebook computer.
This article will cover your many issues / install problems / choices to me made:
1.1 - What laptop have
1.2 - What options do i have
1.3 - Installation and Setup
1.4 - RAID Arrays & Possible Issues
1.5 - Bootcamp !
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Sep 29, 2009
I wanted to see if there were any alternatives to the $100 superdrive that seems pretty fragile and some people suggested this Fastmac [URL] for $110, which can ready Bluray discs.
I did a little diging on this forum and found this tread [URL], which basically says it's a Panasonic (Matshita) UJ-120 drive in an external enclosure and an IDE-to-USB bridge.
Then I went on eBay to see if they sell the UJ-120 and found this seller ([URL]) selling it for $80.
I took the plunge and bought it, and it works fine. When I plugged it in, nothing happen, but when I inserted a DVD it played it and when I inserted a blank disk, it let me burn it with itunes.
Anyway I just wanted to let everyone know that this is a great alternative for $80. I haven't tried the bluray yet, but I got what I wanted.
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Apr 27, 2010
Are there any other alternatives to the MCE optibays?
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Jun 5, 2010
a free equivalent to ipartion
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