MacBook Pro :: After Downloading Blackra1n .DS_Store Appeared On My Desktop
May 29, 2010After downloading blackra1n .DS_Store appeared on my desktop. how do I remove this and what is it?
View 2 RepliesAfter downloading blackra1n .DS_Store appeared on my desktop. how do I remove this and what is it?
View 2 RepliesI have a G4, dual 450, 1G Ram running 10.4.11. Recently after downloading and opening an .rar file, a file named .DS_Store appeared on the desktop. I have since deleted the .rar file, but cannot delete the .DS file. It is appearing now in all of my programs, including my camera when I plug it in. I've tried ClamXav, MacScan, and DnsChangerRemovaltool, also What'sKeepingMe, but nothing can remove it. Info says it's a document, 16 KB, and it reads as date created the last time I turned the machine on. Can anyone tell me what this is and how I can get rid of it?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhat is the .DS_Store file that is on my desktop and in many of my folders? can i move it, i have tried dragging it to a different folder, but it just pops up again, and it makes my desktop look all untidy!
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am relatively new to the Mac. I have a Macbook Pro 2.2GHz. Today, a file keeps popping up on my desktop. It is named .DS_Store. The icon looks like a text document. I won't open it cuz I'm afraid of what it is, lol (Windows still clogging my brain). Anyway, I can drag it to the trash and delete the trash, but after a bit, it reappears.
Any idea how to get rid of it?
Stray "Foley" folder on my desktop containing Apple CoreAudio Format sound effect files. Where should it be? Utilities? MacBook Pro OS 10.6.8
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe icon below suddenly appeared on my desktop. I think it is something to do with Excel but I can't get rid of it. If I try to delete I get the message: "The item 5E333700 can't be moved to the Trash because it can't be deleted."Does anyone know what this is and how I can delete it?
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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I am trying to retrieve all my music because they dont appear in itunes anymore. I accidentally deleted all files from trash and now most files appear on my desktop.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to do I stop .ds_store from showing up on my desktop? I did something (can't remember) and now it keeps popping up after I delete the icon.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am having a problem downloading images from Aperture to a file on my desktop.Â
View 1 Replies View RelatedHad my Macbook Pro 2.66 i7 for about a month now and i've just noticed these 3 marks on my screen. It's like a screen bleed? Also will it be covered under warranty etc?
View 2 Replies View Relateda line appeared on the screen of the air as phaco mcbook to strip
Info:MacBook Air
I bought macbook air few monthes ago ,but recently , there are more than 5 blight spot appered on the screen and mistouching happened offen in the touch pad  when i closed the cover !!Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Why does my mac stop downloading files, copying to clipboard, saving files to desktop, etc?
iMac g5 1.9 ghz 17" running 10.5.8. Had a hard drive crash and bought a new one. Loaded new OS leapord. Everything works fine at first, but after the computer has been on for a while, it will stop downlading files, disk verify doesn't work. I can't copy and paste stuff. It seems as if the hard drive is full, but I have only used 32GB of 300GB.
When I restart, it works again, then slowly not. Is it an overheating issue? How do I know if my fan is running? Is it a bad hard drive I put in it? Bought it new with three year waranty.
I see several posts about a line across the screen suddenly appearing. The only advice seems to be to get the computer replaced. I'd like to avoid this, obviously, as it leaves me without a computer and with a lot of work to do reinstalling software on a new one. I have not had any problems with the computer, then I installed the firmware update a few days ago (I think it was an update from February? -- something like an "IOE update"?)Â
This morning, I closed the monitor and the fan kept running for minutes. I opened it up again and clicked "apple" > Sleep. And the display shut off. But the fan kept on blowing. Finally it shut off. But then it started back up. This happened several times. Finally I shut off the computer. Now, Sleep appears to work fine again.Â
Then this evening I was browsing Reddit and when I clicked on a link, suddenly a row of pixels went out (see picture). I, at first, thought it was some weird pop up. But it persists through restart, and permission repair, and logging in with different users. I tried playing with new desktop backgrounds. This worked at first, then, for some reason, the computer wasn't accepting new desktop choices. Logging out, then back in fixed the problem. But that is sort of weird too.Â
Are these issues related? Most important to me right now is this line across the screen. Incidentallly, at first the line was of varying shades of gray. Now it appears to be black.Is there a way that Apple can simply put my current hard drive into a new computer for me? This is a late 2011 macbook pro.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 8gig ram, 17 inch
I was with the messenger Adium on, when I left, then I came back and the keyboard was blocked, the sentences wouldn't come up when I tried to type so I decided to reboot the laptop. when it restarted the grey screen showed up as usual but instead of appearing the apple and then the desktop, there was a folder with a question mark in it instead. I put my ear on the keyboard because I could hear there was a lot of noise coming from inside which makes me think it's not something related with the software or weird downloads' stuff.
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I was just copying some pics from my SD Card when I saw in Finder a shared golfer called Apprentice-PC.
Where this one came from and I want to delete
Ive deleted it countless times and it still reappears (in a different place in the file Structure) I'm running an AV but no sign of anything....Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Can anyone identify this toolbar icon that has suddenly appeared on my Mac? Clicking/Right clicking does nothing and it doesn't seem to be one of my Login Items. If anyone can identify what it is so I can uninstall it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just updated my HD to a SSD and noticed in the sidebar under Places I have the usual listing of Desktop, Home and Documents but another file that's never been there before has appeared. How can I delete it permanently? Searching for the file name on the computer brings no results. It look like a zip file that ends with 3x.gz.
View 2 Replies View Relatedtoday a wiered number appeared on my ical icon similar to that on Mail that notifies you of new messages. What is this and how do I get rid of it?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have an IMac and first the screen went green not long after I got the power supply changed and now lines are appearing
View 1 Replies View Relatedyesterday I received my 24" ACD and really is a work of art, it is beautiful in every aspect. Color balance, hue everything is very well reproduced. Anyways at night I used iklear to clean off some smudges that I had left on the screen due to the install and placing it in the right place on my desk. I used the iklear with the screen off and cleaned it with the microfibre cloth that it comes with and started noticing this pattern that started appearing of horizontally continuous lines. Also with this some very weird smudging appeared and was very hard to get rid of. So after 20 mins or so of polishing with the cloth it came with, they went away but they appear once you apply artificial light from a flash light. I called apple and they of course knew nothing of this, called the apple store genius and I believe some know and some dont. I called iKlear and they have received some calls about this and offered me a different cleaner and they sent it to me at no cost that they say will take the pattern and smudges off. They say it is something or some sort of residue from the paper cover that covers the display in the packaging, and if you look and compare this you will notice it does have the same pattern. I have read on couple of places including the apple support forums where they have experienced this same problem and hope to bring the solution to light here. I have read everywhere from using clear windex to using 70% isopropyl alcohol and I do not want to try this due to the harsh chemicals these contain unless of course this fails.
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I was sat at my desk and the screensaver was on when i noticed that a string of text about arachnids appeared.As my screen saver theme is 'nature' I initially thought that was very clever of Apple.
Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just tried to open Word and this message appeared - 'You can't open the application Microsoft Word because PowerPC applications are no longer supported.' I just recently loaded OS X Lion does this mean my software for MS Office is now out of date? Do I have to purchase a new package?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have recently noticed two vertical lines (seem to be a lighter shade of display screen color) running top to bottom on my desktop. They stay on my display screen all of the time. This lovely old guy was purchased May 2006 but has every upgrade (except Lion....running Snow Leopard) and full component of memory...serves me well but I need to know if this is a sign I am losing my hardware.
Imac with Intel Core Duo, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 512 MB memory 160GB