Yeah, I know, yet another matte vs glossy thread. But my external monitor is matte (older ACD), and I'm wondering whether it won't match as well with the glossy...
Or will it not matter anyway, since the external is an IPS panel and the MBPs use TNs?
I think that the unibody Macbook Pro would look sweet if it had white keys. I already own a wireless Apple keyboard, so I was thinking, would it be possible to swap the keys? Has anyone ever done/tried this?
I really dont like the black chiclet keys on the unibody MBP. Although I would really want them in classic grey, I was wondering: Would it be possible to buy a set of WHITE KEYS from the old Macbook 13 inch series, and put them in the new MBP Might sound crazy, but would be cool if it worked
Before I go into detail I have a Late 2008 Macbook White (Upgraded to 4GB RAM, 320GB HDD) so I would have had it two years this Christmas (2010) Over the last few months, on odd occasions the bottom row of keys completely stop working (by bottom row of keys I mean: Z X C V B N M < > ? and then fn ctrl alt and CMD on the row below. The space bar and right CMD work perfectly as does every other key on the keyboard.
Now this is where it gets really weird. I always thought this was a hardware issue (Loose ribbon connection etc, I just don't have the hours in the day to sit down and take it apart) until my friend gave me his old aluminium apple wireless bluetooth keyboard (the laptop sized one). The bottom row of my keyboard broke again whilst visiting him so we set up this aluminium keyboard of mine................
Twisted body, slanted keys, loose keys, battery cover, and freese trackpad. Lets see how many members in this forum is suffering from Apple's poor Quality Control in these new Macbooks!
I'm looking at getting a new MBP now, with the matte finish. I'm curious, does anyone have one and is the screen still glass, just with the matte coat?
I haven't made it to an Apple shop since the new MacBook Air was announced, so I haven't seen them in real life yet . Yes I know I should be more committed, but meh I have a life too !
One simple question really; is the screen glossy or matte?
I notice that there is not an option to chose whether it's glossy or matte when configuring online . My MacBook Pro is a 2007 C2D one (one of the last with the silver screen bezel) and I had them both side-by-side in the store and chose matte. I know that these days Apple call it "AntiGlare" and charge you for the privilege (and it's not just the screen that's glossy, the whole surround is black glass), but I'm definitely gonna pay the extra for it on my next MacBook Pro .
But for the MacBook Air without having an option.... I've got a bad feeling that I'm gonna order it online and then when it comes find that it's got a stupid ****ing glossy screen and all I can see when using it outside is my ugly mug in the reflection .
So yeah, on a scale of AntiGlare MacBook Pro to Glossy MacBook Pro where would you put the new MacBook Air's screen?
this might sound a bit strange but I hope someone on here may be able to help me, I've placed my 2007 MacBook Pro for sale but I've recently had enquiries from a buyer with a question that I can't answer in that of whether the screen is Glossy or Matte. Now I never realised there were two options thinking it was a more recent development in the product line but after some research I discovered that it was an option when the machine was purchased. The only problem is that I brought it second hand and no information was included to enable me to work out this detail, so is there a visual analysis I could perform or are there any images I could post so that people would be able to work out which type of screen I have?
The model of MBP is the Mid/Late 2007, Merom Based 17" MacBook Pro with the Hi-Res Screen outputting at 1900 x 1200.
Over the past few months of perusing my way through the forums I have noticed a lot of people prefer matte over glossy.....Of course, we all have personal preference - but it just seems a LOT of people always say get a matte screen.
Why is this? I personally prefer the glossy. I'm on a 24" Alu iMac now with the glossy display, checked out the MBP in store and prefer the glossy...
I like the glossy for the high picture quality, I did do a test side by side of matte and glossy, and glossy just looked a lot better. Reflections can be a pain at times, but its not too hard to just move your display a few inches
So I don't mean to start a thread that already is out there, but I've looked around and haven't found anything answering my question. Which is basically, why would you get a matte over glossy? Is it entirely because of the glare? Or are there other reasons to get matte. Also, is it sometimes just a preference? Neither one is actually "better" right?
Just can't decide which screen option to get, been to my local store and sure, the glossy screen is a lot more reflective. It shouldn't really matter but I do prefer the design of the black bezel. Difficult to tell how usable the screen will be in a real-world situation.
Anyone use the MBP on stage, is reflected stage lighting a real issue with the glossy screen? How about outside, is it unusable?
anyone use this screen for movies or gaming yet? how does it look? how does it compare against the glossy for those who've owned both? i want the matte because i know that for university it'll be better especially for late nights doing work on it it'll be easier on the eyes and i can use it for longer (apparently thats what i hear are benefits of teh AG), BUT i also want to be gaming and watching movies on it and have a feeling ill be losing alot of quality for these features with the matte display
I was wondering if there was maybe a screen filter or something of that sort that you can apply on the MBA to make it have a matte appearance? I don't like the glossy screen as there is a lot of reflection from light making it hard to see at times.
I am in the process of deciding which macbook pro to get for my new job. I am in the web design business and wanted to know if the glossy vs matte has any difference in color accuracy/difference in calibration.
I have a 15" uMBP with the glassy screen, and I love it. I think with the glass, the colors pop, blacks are blacker, everything seems crisp. I really like the black border too.
I considered going matte after having a matte early 2008 non-unibody classic MBP, but I didn't like the silver border with the black rubber gasket going around and standing out so I went for the glassy.
For the most part, I'm happy. I just hate the occasional reflections, but I think the uMBP design is meant to have the black border and the silver border antiglare screen is an afterthought in design.
Should I get a film screen? Or will it greatly reduce the crispness of my picture? I wish I could have a black border uMBP that's crisp but doesn't produce as much glare...
This summer (when I have the money), I'll be looking at upgrading from my late 2006 white MacBook to a new MacBook Pro - most likely the 15". I realize there are countless other threads out there on the glossy vs matte topic and a lot of people are either "matte all the way!" or "glossy has more vibrant colors!" but almost none of them give anything from the perspective of a photographer. I'm going for the hi-res (of course) and would like to know what PHOTOGRAPHERS (or visual designers) think of the color accuracy of either.
I'm assuming I should calibrate it to get the best accuracy (because, yes, I know that laptop screens will never give the best results), so, does anyone know of any really great calibration apps (preferably with screen recognition)?
I have a late 09 uni 15" and have had my matte screen replaced 4 times already. I have been looking at my friends mac w/ glossy (same as mine, just gloss) and looks nicer in my opinion. Is there a way I could get it switched at the Apple Store?
For those of you that consistently read the Macbook Pro forum, you may have already heard of the Techrestore Matte Service. For those of you that don't: Techrestore essentially removes the glass from your Macbook, puts in a HQ matte screen. Then they make a matte black bezel to go around it. The pictures look great. And it's like on youtube and MacWorld and stuff. It was even ZDNET's best in show. [URL] (sideline3's techrestored macbook pro)
I was thinking of ditching my 15" glassbook pro for a matte unit. However, I was thinking of just getting the single 9400 model. I was wondering if having this single video chip would affect my ability to run higher resolutions, and multiple monitors. As I recall, you can have two external monitors plus the 15" LCD.
The usual dilemma: to buy or to wait? Currently have a MacBook Alu and the LCD on this machine is simply horrible + I the glossy screen turned out to be pretty annoying (although I did like it initially).
I am thinking of getting a 15" with discrete graphics & matte screen (compared it side-by-side with a glossy @ AppleStore - the difference is HUGE)... but I could wait for a couple of months only if I knew that there was a 13" with a good screen/discrete graphics in development since I don't like the size of the 15" (weight is not an issue, it is mostly the ability to use it everywhere). I also compared the 13" MBP screen with a 15" (both glossy) and the 13" just sucks! Why can't they make the 13" a bit more expensive but give it a decent LCD? Even as an option? I have a Sony VAIO Z with a great matte 13" display, wish I could just transplant it into the the Mac
An ideal configuration for me would be a 13" with a decent matte screen and powerful graphics. But then, I'm a bit reluctant to wait as Apple may actually make matters worse by having worse graphics on new-gen MBP and perhaps no matte option whatsoever. I really don't care about the Arrandale vs Penryn, dual-core vs triple-core... whatever. The only part of the computer that I look @ all day long is the display, so it has to be a good one.
Just received my new uMBP 17'' with antiglare/matte display. It works like a charm an is definitely and upgrade from my old MBP.
But after using it for 6 hours I discovered that the display itself is not centered!! How can this happen?". I googled/MRoogled the problem and it turns out its not that uncommon on the 17'' with antiglare display: