MacBook Pro :: 1366 X 768 Resolution LCD TV Settings?
Nov 20, 2007
So I plugged-in my MacBook Pro (from DVI) into my Westinghouse 32" 720p LCD TV (into HDMI) which has a native resolution of 1366 x 768.
When I open-up System Preferences > Display I get a window on my MBP and one on the TV. 1366 x 768 isn't listed in the available resolutions. Some of the ones listed show "Interlaced" between parenthesis. If I click on the highest resolution setting available 1920 x 1080, the image flickers a bit and it is visible.
I recently bought a DVI-HDMI cable to connect my Powerbook (see sig) to my Sony LCD tv. THe Sony's max resolution is 1366 x 768 (pretty much standard for HD-ready tvs). I've been trying to get my powerbook to output that resolution so I get a full screen picture on the tv. However for some reason I keep getting stuck with 1280x720, which leaves some black bars all around.
I'm using SwitchResX where I input the resolution as a custom resolution. I then restarted as the software suggests, but it doesn't let me apply the resolution.
I've got a 37" LG LC2D panel and a G5 PowerMac with dual DVI outputs. I just picked up a DVI->HDMI cable, expecting it output to a resolution of 1366*768. However, the only options I have are: 1024*768, 1280*720, and 1920*540 (which doesn't work). Is it not possible for the Mac to output to a 1366*768 resolution on the 256MB GeForce 6600 PCI Express? If not, what are my upgrade options?
I currently have a MBP1, 1 running 10.6.4 on an external monitor with the ideal resolution at 1920x1200. From time to time, when I wake my MBP from sleep through external keyboard/mouse to have it run solely on the external monitor, it sets the display at 1600x1200, so everything seems squished vertically. After a fresh reformat, the problem persists, though it is less frequent. It's just a minor annoyance that I can't seem to find a solution to fix permanently. I usually have to go to safe mode and adjust the resolution back to normal. Alternatively, only sometimes if I put it back to sleep and wake it up again with the external keyboard, it will detect the right settings.
I'm using a Mac Mini (running 10.3.8) connected to an old View Sonic E95 monitor. No problems except that every time I leave the computer for a while it goes to sleep and "forgets" what display it is connected to. When I hit a key or whatever to reawaken it, the display resolution has been re-set to "VGA 800x600" and I have to tell it to "Detect Display" again..
Any clues? I have looked on the forums and Google with no success .
I am wanting to hook my iMac G5 (iSight) to my 42" plasma screen, courtesy of the Mini-DVI adapter. I am aware of what cable I need to get (DVI-D, if I recall correctly), I am simply concerned with the achievable resolution.
If any of you have hooked up your iMacs in this way, could you inform me what resolutions you all have been able to achieve? My plaz can display up to 1080i.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I have got the cables and connectors that I need to connect my mbp to my tv via the tv's hdmi port. My question is what settings should the mbp screen resolution be set to in order to get the best picture quality / size when playing itunes tv shows? Also what setting should the tv be on as you have the option of widescreen. 4:3, smart etc.
I'm a new mac user. Just bought a Mac mini with Mac OS X Lion (10.7.4). I was messing around with the resolutions on the display settings. I set the resolution back to the 1080p where it was when I first started messing with it. Now the color is off, the screen is not how it was before I started tampering with resolution settings. I've tried recalibrating the color but its still off. When I start my mac up in Safe Boot the windows and color look normal as if I changed nothing.
1440x900 resolution of the new MacBook Air 13.3" screen is simply too high, making everything way too small and straining on my eyes. Is there a replacement LED LCD panel with a lower resolution (1280x800 like the old MBA) that could be retrofitted?
It is clear there are people who love their high-res antiglare display; the ability to have more pallets open in Photoshop, see more of what you are doing in Logic. However, there is a fair few of us who dislike the high-res because of decreased fonts, smaller graphical interface things.if you had the choice to go for a high-res or normal res antiglare 15", what would you go for?
i am using a hackintosh for a week now. I am using it just to get used to Mac OS X because i am switching to a Macbook Pro in a couple months. I switched from PC to Mac officially now. OK, let's come to the main topic of this thread;-At first, my hackintosh couldn't get my gfx card, i couldn't find the driver(kext) so my resolution was very bad. Everything was huge and blurry. I couldn't even look at my 17" Samsung LCD screen. I made an entry to file which was something like this
Who has actually played games on BOTH the 2010 high res and standard res macbook pros?Reading through that gaming benchmark thread isn't much of an indicator as most people don't post their resolution and if they have they have only played on one or the other.Im trying to get a better indicator on the performance difference with newer games. Are we talking 2-6 fps drop or 10-20 or more?
So i'm trying to figure out the best resolution for using my macbook pro in clamshell mode. I think ever since i installed snow leopard the new resolution choices i have are not longer pixel x pixel, but actual TV resolutions, such as 1080i, 720p, 420p. In the past I've used SwitchResX to do custom resolutions for my tv but that dosnt seem to work anymore.
I'm trying to find a resolution where text is easy to read. 1080i looks pretty but text is extremely small. 720p the text is larger and easy to see but is very fuzzy and not easy on the eyes. I guess this has something to do with the pixels on a tv being farther apart than that of a computer monitor. It's a 32" LCD TV. I'm using a DVI to HDMI cable (Non-Unibody Macbook Pro).
1) Having a difficult time finding anything good on this. Anyone got direct comparison pics between the two on the 15"?2) Also how much brighter are the mid-2010 15" displays compared with the late-08 15" displays? IIRC the 2009 screens got a wider color gamut and more brightness than the original unibody screens.
How does the Antiglare screen look? Does it look cheap and flimsy like the matte screens on the pc laptops?This is my first Mac and i'm looking at going all out and getting the top of the line 15". I know I definitely want the HD screen, i'm just not sure which screen looks better. What about a 5400 vs 7200 rpm hdd? Is this upgrade worth it?
For those who would like to try adapt to hi-res screen of the 15'' but the not sure if they can, if they can't adapt to the hi-res, it's possible to set the resolution to 1440x900 with no appearence differences from the standard res screens?So the appearence and quality of the hi-res screen set to 1440x900 is the same of the standard res screen?
I have had my MacBook Pro now for a little over 2 yrs and I was very frustrated I could not change any print options in any application. I know that the Triangle button expands print options screen but when I do, I have only two print choices. It gave me Standard or Page Attributes in Office and any other App it is Standard and Last used settings. I can't print in Draft, Best or other setting because it does not even give them as a choice. I have two high end color photo printers, Canon i9900 and Epson Photo series and an old HP830 series. Any app I tried to print from and the same thing. I tried to capture the options on the choices but it would not grab that part of the image but here is my screen shot. I searched many forums and I still get the same answer so something else is not letting me change things so I figured best to ask since I am a 20 year win user now switched to Mac. Well right after I posted this question, my wife found the answer. I never though to check the application NAME in the print setting screen. Example, in the screenshot I am using Preview. I never thought to hit the up/down arrow next to the Preview label and wouldn't you know, that is were the quality and several other settings were. I felt pretty stupid that it took 2 years to figure this out but if I posted the answer maybe someone else will not have to take as long as I did to change their print quality!
I have a G5 Duel 2GHz Power PC, Recently I was losing the time, date and wireless settings so I assumed as my machine is now 4 years old the PRAM battery was up for renewal.This has now been replaced but I'm still losing my settings, not all the time but randomly, sometimes I lose my wireless key sometimes I lose time and date sometimes both, this can happen daily.
I have removed the (New) Battery and checked the voltage and it reads 3.6 Volts, I haven't checked this under load though, so presuming that the battery is OK, what else could cause this.. a failing System Board?
I've purchased my Mac book from a friend. It still has his name and password on which he cannot remember. Am i correct in assuming that if I restore it to the origianl factory settings then it will erase his settings. Also will i need anything erlse with the start up like serial numbers, auth codes etc?
I purchased the VGA adapter for my aluminum MacBook, and am not satisfied with the resolution output to my HDTV.
Perhaps I was naive to think a VGA connection would be satisfactory! My problem is that that the resolution just isn't pleasing and I am not able to get a 16X9 aspect ratio to my HDTV.
Do I need to go MiniDVI to HDMI, and will this give me a 16x9 output to my HDTV?
I'm going to buy a Mini DVI to VGA adapter soon, I'm wondering. What would the resolution be if I hook up a 19" LCD to my Macbook? Specs are on my signature. I'm a YouTube VLogger, and I need a lot of work space and such, it's kind confusing sometimes using spaces and such. Does picture on the LCD will turn out good?
Just bought a small LED backlit display to run dual displays on my 5,2 MacBook.
The native resolution of the monitor is 1366x768. Using a mini-dvi to vga adapter the external screen is only displaying at 1360x768. I know its only a 6 pixel difference but it doesn't look quite right.
Coming from a unix back ground I would manually set the resolution in the xorg.conf file. Whats the protocol for getting the right resolution in OS X?
I'm looking for an external monitor to plug my macbook into. Mainly working on Aperture, Microsoft office, and web surfing. Not watching movies or gaming on it. With my budget, the only IPS monitor I can afford is the 22" Dell ultrasharp. It comes with 1680x1050 resolution (or close to that). Also, its non-glossy, and I prefer glossy. Alternatively I can get a plain vanilla 24" TN monitor with 1920x1200.
I do need the extra screen estate, which is why I decided to buy a monitor in the first place. I frequently have to refer to multiple documents at the same time while working on Microsoft office, and Aperture would certainly benefit from more space. All these resolutions are new to me, my current desktop PC is still running on 1200x1024. Is there a significant difference moving from 1680 to 1920? Is it justified to lose the IPS feature (which gives better color and viewing angles, I've been told).
I am having MacBook Pro 13 inches, Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.4. The highest available resolution for my screen is 1280x800. I want to get suitable more resolution than 1280x800 (Same Aspect ratio). Does anyone know any display drivers available for this?
I have been laboring for weeks to determine which macbook pro to purchase. We are new to apple having only enjoyed the iphone and ipad. We only have used windows desktops and laptops but love the look of the macbook pro's and imacs. We want a desktop replacement laptop. We just want to move it around the home and now and then take it out somewhere so we dont care about the 15 or 17 being too big. Dont want an imac as we do want some limited mobility.
Regarding the resolution issue I am drawn to the 17 because the 1900 x 1200 looks awesome. I am not sure if I like to 1440 x 900. It seems a bit blurry and not as sharp.Dont care for the antiglare as I love the corner to corner glass look and Ill have it indoors mainly. Any thoughts or experiences with the 1900x1200 vs the 15inch options as I have only used both for a bit in the local apple store?
I have heard the i7 2.66 in the 15 and 17 pros run extremely hot, too hot to even use on your lap. Is this true because I wanted to get the i7? I have had too many windows pc laptop fry over the course of two to three years from over heating and fear putting 2k into a good looking machine that will internally melt in a couple years. If it is just a design for the heat to dissipate out from the inside to be absorbed into the unibody that is fine if that is the case. Any body know, or does anyone who has the i7 in the 15 or 17 know?
So if the heat isnt too bad in the i7 I will get it in the i7. If the i5s run much cooler I will get the i5. If it is worth the money to get the 1900x1200 resolution I will get the 17inch, if not Ill stick witht he 1440x900 or the 1650x1050 or whatever that is. Is the higher resolution nicer and is the i7 cool enough?
Now that we have this new "FaceTime Camera," I'm curious to know how the resolution compares to the previous iSight camera. Is it still .3 megapixels or do we finally have a 1.3 megapixel camera like all the other Macs?? Can someone open PhotoBooth, take a picture of and do a "Get info" please?
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Buddy called me, what is the significant difference between the glossy hi-res verses the anti-glare hi-res??? Is one better then the other??