MacBook :: Possible To Export Outlook Contacts To Address Book?
Jun 12, 2012I am trying to export my outlook contacts to my MacBook address book, is it possible or should I type every contact again?
I am trying to export my outlook contacts to my MacBook address book, is it possible or should I type every contact again?
How do I export contacts from my Mac Address book to a spreadsheet?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy iPhone is out of action until an unlock comes out for baseband 5.12.01.
I am using a different phone but want to get all my Mac address book contacts onto my SIM card for that phone.
I am setting up Constant Contact to do email newsletters for my business. How can I export my groups from my Mac Addresses? CC suggested Address Exporter, but my iMac says can't use because PC Power apps are no longer supported
Info:iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), Also using iPad 2 and iPhone 4S
if you have done this before, can you advise what's the best way to export microsoft outlook contacts to mac?
I tried to export the contacts in CSV format but when I imported the file into Mac address book, many fields are missing.
Someone suggests to email contacts out as vCards to myself and open the email from Mac and drag the contacts to the address book. I haven't tried yet but just wonder what's the best way??
How do I transfer a disk that has my outlook contacts on them to my imac address book.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
my problem is that I have decided to use a workaround to get my Address Book contents into Outlook 2011. I am not concerned with further syncing at this point. I just want to get my addresses into Outlook and hope a better fix is offered at some point. About the only way I could figure out how to do this was to export my Address Book as vCard. I then imported the vCard file into Gmail and then exported that as a CSV file. It contained 550 addresses. I opened it in Excel and it contained 550 rows. Great so far. I then Imported into Outlook 2011 and chose import a text file. When the mapping window opened, it showed over 890 files instead of 550 and the fields were not mapped correctly.
2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac 24"/2GB SDRAM/500GB HDD/7600GT, Mac OS X (10.5)
I have an outlook exchange email account with my company and it is going to be disabled because I am leaving in a few days and I want to export all my contacts to icloud. How do I do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I export contacts from Address book to Numbers or Excel?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am trying to move all of my contacts from my iphone to the address book on my macbook. I have carried out a back up and then tried a sync choosing the "merge info" option along the way. I have retained all the contacts on my phone but cannot get them to appear in my address book on my mac. When I look at my contacts on the iphone - when I check in the groups tab I now have two listing under "from my mac" these are the single contact i made up in order to merge and "all from my mac" which contains this single contact along with the standard apple contact that always appears. It seems the info is going to the phone but not back into my address book.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was messing around with the contacts in my address book... i had added some contacts directly into my Address Book on my MacBook Pro i5 that weren't showing up on my iPhone 4S address book. I wanted to try to sync them over from my Address Book to my iPhone.I backed up my address book which created the document Address Book - 18-05-2012.abbu which is great. Then i deleted my contacts from my Address Book.Next day i realised in doing so it has also removed all my contacts from my iPhone too!
Now i want to use the Address Book - 18-05-2012.abbu file to retrieve my contacts. I click on it and it says: Are you sure you want to replace all of the contacts in your address book with the contacts in Address Book - 18-05-2012.abbu?I click "Replace All" and it populates all my contacts again FOR ABOUT 2 SECONDS BEFORE THEY ALL DISAPPEAR AGAIN.Why won't they come back for good? I've tried it 5-6 times now and when i click on "Replace All" all my contacts magically appear, and then almost immediately disappear again.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How yow do I import my contacts from my aol address book to my MAC
MacBook, iOS 8.1.1
How do I sync my address book from my Macbook to icloud contacts?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
i synced my phone to my macbook and the newer contacts wont show up in the addressbook on the laptop. how do i make them sync to the address book from my phone?
iPhone 4
How do I move my contacts from my macbook address-book to iCloud?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
Ok so I got my new MBA which I'm typing on right now and I love it (I need to update my sig...). I got my most important data over, but all I need are my address book contacts and iTunes playlists and song/movie/tv show ratings.
I copied my contacts from Application Support under Libraries. They are under Address Book in the folders "Metadata" and "Images". All the things in Metadata seem to be vCards, but when I double click one to open it, it just opens Address Book and nothing happens.
Also, when I transferred my iTunes stuff over, everything's perfect except I'm missing all my song and album ratings (488 albums and 4226 songs, all hand-rated). I'm also missing my playlists which are VERY important.
I have a backup of my whole hard drive from my MBP so I should be able to access these files, but does anyone know how or where? I copied over my whole music folder in Finder and I'm still missing my playlists and ratings
My wife is blind and the address book with voiceover is a chore. it is easy to get around but to read the info under a card is a pain. I bought her a itouch for Christmas that will get around it better. but it would be good to have a simple txt or word doc type file on the desktop to look at. over the years she has a txt file with the info I put it all in her address book but the file is faster. but it is a mess too.
View 1 Replies View RelatedA friend's G4 iMac has died - possibly with a fried mainboard - and she didn't have a backup of her Address Book, which is a big problem for her. I've pulled the hard drive and using an IDE-to-USB adapter on my MBP have confirmed that it's still working.
We need to merge the Address Book details from the G4 HD into the Address Book on her MacBook - so at the risk of asking a dumb question, what's the best way of doing this?
I've just taken a look at the Address Book import options, and it looks like "Import... Address Book archive" might be what we want, but do you need to have specifically exported an archive first (which of course she hasn't, and won't be able to do anyway), or by "archive" does it mean "older version of Address Book"? I don't want to try it without getting some kind of clarification first, just in case it wipes the existing contacts from her MacBook rather than simply merge the ones from the old drive.
I would like two sections to my address book, my personal section and my companies section. To try and achieve this I have set up a group which has all my company contacts in. I use Mail to receive my company emails but when I go to add an address to the address book I cant work out how to automatically put it into my company contacts group.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How do I import a distribution list, or a contact, from Outlook to Mac Address Book?
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
i am a new mac user and am slowly starting to get to grips with everything mymcbook can do. I used to have a hotmail account but now i want to use MAC's MAIL. I already managed to get my mails delivered but now i'm struggling with the email addresses. I have managed to export these from my hotmail account to Excel for Mac but would like to get them, nicely ordened in Apple's address book so that i can directly use then in MAIL.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using an iMac with Mac OS 10.5.8 as a desktop and a MacBook with 10.6.8 when I travel. I want to transfer my entire Address Book from the MacBook back to my iMac. I have done the reverse multiple times with no problem by simply creating an archive with Address Book (v.4.1.2) and importing it on my MacBook (Address Book v. 5.0.3). But when I do the reverse, the only vcards that show up are the ones I've updated while using my MacBook. All the rest are gone. I know I can recover all the vcards by shift-clicking the entire list and copying them as a file. However, I want to revover all my group lists, which are too many to recreate.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to create a separate database for my professional contacts using Excel or Filemaker. Right now I have them all in Address Book. If I could just export my database as a tab-delimited text file.
2008 Macbook Pro 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
How to export Address Book to FileMaker Pro so mailing labels can be printed.
FileMaker Pro does a better job at a miniature address book.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
So i just upgraded my macbook form tiger to snow leopard. I decided to do a clean install as there was plenty on my computer which i didn't want or need. There are two things that if possible i would love to keep and those are my address book contacts and my calendar dates.
I have a Carbon Copy Clone of my computer done just before I upgraded the software on my computer.
So my question is, Is there a way to take a certain file or something and add it to my new address book and calendar rather than imputing all the info again?
Maybe there is another way to do this as well.
I've tried out iChat and have added 2 friends and iChat has added 2 more contact entries for each of those buddies. Now I can't delete them, or know how to. I thought I could just right click & delete or just drag to the trash but nothing happens. I'm sure its user error [since I'm new to Mac's] but why can't I delete and/or why would it add another contact for a contact I already have? what's going on here with the contacts and what not. I'd basically like to just add my buddies I already have to the iChat buddies but not sure what I'm doing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy sync is going wrong somewhere along the line and creating duplicate lists of some contacts to build up. I deleted them all yesterday afternoon and now have about 20 or so of some contacts. Some do not duplicate at all. I found this thread over at apple [URL] but as my mobile me account contains the duplicates as well cant get the workaround (deleting address book file) to work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have all my updated contacts in my iphone and i have already synced it to my macbook however address book isnt updating the contacts. How do I get address book to sync with the updated contacts in itunes?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter transferring to iCloud, my address book has no contacts. Why and how can I get them back?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When I added contacts in my address book on my computer I ticked the "company" button... now I want to change ALL my contacts in the address book at once to not be known as "company".... I have 1600 contacts and do not want to do them one at a time!
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