my daughter took out my music from itunes it ended up in the trash because it was mixed in with her music even though she signs in to her own account and she has my music on her ipod and she doesn't want that
I have been clearing up my itunes music and have sometimes not clicked on the move files to trash to completely delete them. They are now removed form the itunes library but how do I find all the files no longer in itunes, but still held in the itunes directory? Also, I read that there could also be many duplicates, is there a way I can find them as well? I dont want to have to buy a third party program.Â
I was backing up my music and pictures on my external hard drive and erased the old copy. When I tried to empty my trash after that I could not remove the files because I did not have sufficient privileges. Using the rm -rf code I was able to remove everything except my itunes library. Anyone have any suggestions how to get my itunes library out of my trash? It only shows up when the external drive is plugged in.
I have accidentally moved my whole music library to trash is there a way of moving it all back to iTunes, so far i seem to have to individually pull out each track from trash?
How do you delete individual items from Trash without emptying entire Trash? If I highlight one item in Trash, the only option is the Empty button. I'm afraid it will empty the whole thing. I don't want to do that.
I have two folders in my trash which I cannot empty. No matter how many times I try these folders will not go away. I have open the "info" link and marked them read and write without success.
My 24" iMac (2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, running OSX 10.6.1) crashed during a normal shutdown sequence and had to be closed down by holding in the power button. This resulted in three zero kB alias files with random names such as "." in the trash.
I cannot empty these files from the trash by any normal means and the trash icon permanently shows full. The files can be selected but cannot be dragged to the desktop or renamed. Other files put in the trash can be deleted normally.
My 09 Mac Pro trash won't make the normal trash sound when emptying the trash in SL. Does anyone know if this is for all SL users or how I can turn it back on? I like hearing the sound and don't like the fact that I have a glitch if this is one.
I have a little issue with the trash, when ever I trash something it automatically empty the trash but before it was empty completely it display a massage.
I know normally if you want to trash something, all you have to do is press "⌘ + Delete". To empty trash you press "Option + ⌘ + Delete" But now when I press "⌘ + Delete" it display the massage as you see below.
How do I fixed it or have it go back to normal state?
this seems like a really simple thing i want to do but i cant seem to figure it out. All i'm trying to do is put a shortcut of the trash can onto the desktop. I have my dock hidden and it can be a pain to try and make it appear to delete something. i searched spotlight for trash and there are no hits. i try to drag the trashcan from the dock and nothing happens. There has to be a solution???
Despite having several files in the trash, its icon never changes (always shows an empty trash) and the "Empty Trash" option is dimmed (that is, cannot be used). OnyX ws the only solution but it's temporary. What's the fix I should apply to Mac OS X? Also, why is it that every time I want to move a file to trash I must enter my password? It's annoying to say the least.Please help me as I don't want to go through the royal pains of installing everything again, Windows-style. I think Mac OS X should be better than that.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I direct the G5 Leopard to "empty trash" I get a window saying "preparing to empty trash" and a counter that zooms upward, but no trash emptying. I ask myself "how difficult can this be?" But I guess the answer is 'too difficult for me."
I thought if you hold down option and control or option and command, and go to empty trash these stubborn items that say they are still in use, when they are not, will go away. Shutting down and restarting MBP won't make them go away either.
When I click and drag a file or folder to the trash icon, the file is deleted, however, the icon does not display any trash and when right clicking, the "Empty Trash" option is grayed out.
The trash folder does exists and all deleted files appear when the following command is entered into Terminal.
Sometimes items it put in the trash don't appear in the trash, although they are there. This often happens when I manually delete podcasts from iTunes, or drag an item such as a PDF from my downloads folder to the trash. The dock icon remains in it's "empty" state and bring up the trash finder window also shows that it is empty. If I restart my MacBook however, the items appear in the trash and are able to be deleted.
I was trying to delete one file , so i dragged to trash, then all of a sudden I realize my entire Drobo (3TB Huge) was highlighted and deleting to my trash! So now I have a trash folder full all my Drobo's content and I can't figure out how to get it all back to "put back"! I'm afraid that I am going to inadvertently empty trash and lose my entire Drobo's contents! I need to figure out how to undo or put back ... come on Apple. Why'd you make this so difficult?
At the moment most of my music is either stored on my Macbook or on an external hard drive. Is it possible to transfer all my music and videos to an external hard drive and then sync it with Itune so that every time I plug it in I can access them?