I have a 2.0 Alu. MacBook and it was fine this morning everything was working, I decided I wanted to play CoD so I switched to my Windows side. Everything was working as well and then I decided I wanted to use Leopard again. Thats when I noticed I couldn't use my mousepad and the keyboard wasn't responding. A Mac "Genius" told me to reinstall Mac OS X through Bootcamp but how can I do that?
I have a new 2.4 GHz MacBook with 2 gigs of RAM. and the keyboard response is very slow, especially the delete key. I type a word, and my fingers are faster than the display time. This is particularly noticeable when backspacing and correcting typos. anyone else experiencing this problem? Better yet, any ideas to improve response time? I'm almost missing my old Windows based machine.
The other day my battery died on me and after I had plugged it in and restarted, I was unable to enter in my password at the login screen because the keyboard and trackpad wouldn't respond. I tried repairing the disk and permissions but I still can't get past the login screen. I know I can always reinstall leopard but there are a few files I haven't had the chance to backup. Any way to get back those files before I reinstall?
I just recently got a white Macbook 2007 and after I installed snow leopard on it I realised that the I,K and LEFT,RIGHT,UP,DOWN keys were not working and so I installed leopard on it and still had the same problem I booted into safe mode on both but still no luck and this morning the Z key stop working I turned of mouses keys and that still did not work.
Moisture built up inside closed laptop. Screen came up when opened. Keyboard unresponsive... And computer is "searching" for keyboard or bluetooth device. After 5 or so minutes screen went blank. Don't know if it's in sleep mode or just out.
A few days ago my keyboard wasn't responding so i went on line and restarted my computer. However, today my keyboard is malfunctioning again and now the Caps Lock key and the Backspace key aren´t working . What can I do to get my keyborad functioning properly again?
Just got home and opened my MBP and cannot get it to come out of sleep mode. On top of that the keyboard is not responding, I've tested the caps lock button and all and no response. Everything was working perfectly fine 2 hours ago. I can hear it running and I've tried do a hard restart but I keep getting a black screen and no keyboard response. The only light that is on would be the light in the switch to open and close the MBP.
I was installing a new dvd player since my first one died a month out of warranty. I had the top cover/keyboard out, with the cable still connected. All of a sudden the keyboard stopped responding, and now I can't power on the laptop. Is it easy to damage the ribbon cable that connects the keyboard? I was somewhat rough with it, but I am worried that I will order the whole assembly and it still won't work? I cracked the cover while doing the install, so I do need one anyway.
Is there any way to power it on without a keyboard? Are they crazy expensive at the mac store? Can they hook one up and test it or do I have to leave it there? I have too much important data to let someone have access to my hard drive. This is incredibly urgent since I cant get to my work data, and I am self employed. I had to borrow a 10 yr old computer to get internet access.
I have a first gen 13 inch MacBook aluminum. It was dropped on the corner a few months ago but has preformed fine ever since. I have been using it up until yesterday without a problem. Although yesterday I noticed the airport wireless icon was reporting and exclamation point icon and it was having trouble finding and connecting to networks my iPhone was connecting without a problem. Today I boot up and the boot time is very slow and sometimes hangs.
It takes 10 minutes to get to the login screen and when it does I can move the mouse but the keyboard won't respond. So I can't type my password to login. The mouse moves but when I click a button nothing happens. I booted in safe mode and off the os x disk with the same issue. However I used key commands to do that and selected a boot disk using the keyboard and the mouse to do that so I know the work. Can I bypass my loginscreen somehow? I'm most concerned about my data and I plane to get a hard drive first thing tomorrow.
My macbook is frozen. Keyboard and mouse not responding. No spinning beachball. Just frozen. Pressing the power button and combinations of cmd+cntrl+esc and cmd+opt+pwr yield no results.
I just got back from an 8-day long trip to mainland China and when I got back I realized that I had left my MBA unplugged and in sleep mode. When I came back, I opened the lid and found that hitting the keys on the keyboard didn't work. Then I realized that the battery was probably completely out of charge. After I plugged it in, I opened the lid again and hit the power button.
The device powered up but after it got to the login screen I could not type my password in or move the cursor. I tried plugging in a USB mighty mouse but it still wouldn't register. I was replacing some of the USB driver files on the MBA before I left and I think that might be the problem. How do I fix this if there's no network boot or firewire? I think my warranty might be voided too because it's had a few nasty bumps but I don't think that's what's causing the problem.
I have a problem with my macbook. I was writing on neoffice and suddenly, maybe after a manipulation, my keyboard did not answer anymore. And the mouse is blocked. Each time a click, a window appears as if I clicked with the button shift. I restarted my computer without success. I also went to System Preference - Keyboard and Mouse.
My computer will start running really slowly and then the keyboard stops working, then after 30 seconds or so I lose the ability to click but the mouse still moves. Command-option-esc for force quit still works some of the time though but refreshing everything from there doesn't help. After I reboot everything goes back to normal. This has happened every other day or so for about a week.
I glanced over the forums but didn't find any similar issues. Basically, Expose, Spotlight and spaces won't respond to any keyboard shortcuts (ie. Pressing F12 doesn't bring up the Dashboard, pressing Fn+F8, F9, F10 doesn't work, F11 won't hide all the windows, Command+Space bar won't invoke the Spotlight search bar, etc). what's really interesting about it is, all of these features are apparently working correctly (ie. Clicking directly on the Spotlight icon will bring up the search bar, using an active corner will perform its Expose function, etc).
About once every other week, both my keyboard and Mighty Mouse (it makes no difference whether I'm using the wired or BT MM) lock up solid. They don't do anything. The only fix I've found is to power off my Late 2007 Al iMac with the power button in the back, unplug the iMac from the APC UPS for 10 seconds, then plug the iMac back in and power it up.
Anyone have the same problem or know the fix?
I'm going to contact Apple about it shortly, but thought I'd try here first. The iMac is one year old and it just started doing this about 6 weeks ago. I did get the 3 year warranty at the time of purchase, so I'm covered.
My keyboard all of a sudden will either not respond to the keys i am pressing (intermittent) or will stay pressed down, thus getting the "iiiii" (or whatever key) deal.
NOTHING has been spilled on the computer. Really weird, and just started today. I have to take it in due to dead pixels, so i guess it is good timing. 11 months old, and already a logic board replaced.
Certain*keys*are*not*responding*1.*Volume*Keys*System*preferences*not*ticked*to*act*峪Function*keys2.*H*key*not*working-*I*get*this*symbol*˙*when*pressed3.*Delete key not working*4.*/*shows*volume*when*pressed
I did a research on apple boards and on this site, but while I see many people over the last couple years having the same problem, I don't see any solutions. All of the sudden, last night I discovered that my white late 2009 macbook mousepad stopped reacting to taps (as right and left clicks). The external mouse connected to the macbook operates properly I can track all over the mousepad, including the areas which previously reacted to tap-to-click (the bottom left and right side of the mousepad) when i double-tap the mousepad operates (as left button of the mouse) Singe tap in any area of mousepad does not do anything There is no feeling of a click when I press on areas which previously reacted to tapping, but for the life of me, because I have several computers, I don't remember if it supposed to click. So I wonder if it is a mechanical or a software problem. If it was a mechanical problem, how come the tracking is fine, and double-tap works?
I have a IBook G4 using OS X. The "2" and "w" keys do not work. Was wondering if these keys can be popped up and cleaned under neath or if there is any other easy fix.
I've noticed after upgrading to 10.6.5 that my keyboard will not work when I come back after an extended period of time away from the machine. At first, after applying only the 10.6.5 update, neither keyboard nor mouse would work unless I unplugged and replugged the keyboard (the mouse is connected directly to the KB). Later, I installed the combo update, and then the mouse worked but the keyboard still wouldn't. This is after my display sleeps - as long as I continue to use the computer, everything works fine. I have a mid-2009 Mac Pro 2.66 GHz quad-core (Nahalem) but with the older (clear, G5) keyboard and a mighty mouse.
Switcher here. First off, I can't for the love of god understand why apple didn't include a simple eject button on the chassi. Second, the eject button on the keyboard does not seem to work. It may be that I'm noob and all, but I tried both clicking and holding down the eject button on the keyboard. Result: a clicking the tray does some normal noise but nothing really happens?
My keyboard and mouse is not responding my 3.06 ghz 24" iMac. A day prior I ran the leopard dfu fix script and it worked fine. I was able to jailbreak my iPhone and everything was okay. Earlier today I used the comuter and it was okay. Othing seemed wrong. I turned it off and just now I tried to turn it on and the keyboard and mouse is not responding. Does anybody have a solution?
After working for several hours at the computer using Spaces quite heavily the black on-screen Space indicator remains atop and refuses to hide and stays there. Keyboard is entirely blocked apart from the assigned Space-switching keys. Mouse is working fine all the way, tho. Only restarting the dock seems to solve this problem which comes back relatively quickly thereafter. Keyboard strokes are being registered the whole time (via Keyboard Viewer) but the input is being ignored unless the Spaces indicator is gone aka the dock is killed and restarted. http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-10361439-263.html
My FINDER is behaving erratically - in that, when I create new folders (which I can do with the mouse and right button) it will not allow me to name the file, as if the computer would not recognise the keyboard. What is weird, is that I then click on a web browser, or any other application and I can type as usual.
I assume it is then a problem with FINDER (?) - which after forcing to relaunch, works fine for a little while, but shortly, the problem comes up again
Having to relaunch finder every 5mins is not my idea of a smoothe operating system.
Since I first posted this question, I have managed to liberate more space- I now have 10GB free space - but problem persists.
About 12 hours after installation the screen dimmed with a message that I need to restart the computer. I did so and now after startup I get a message on the screen that the Bluetooth keyboard can't be found. I actually have a hard wired keyboard, not a Bluetooth one, but there is no response to keys on the keyboard and I can't get rid of the screen message, even after a restart.
Ever since I updated to snow leopard, whenever I boot into my windows partition, it loads fine I just can't type anything nor move the cursor with the mouse at all. I've tried to insert the snow leopard disc while in windows and it doesn't really do anything.
I just used an OSX Server v 10.5.0 DVD to upgrade a computer (1.6 ghz G5 tower, 1.5GB RAM) from osx 10.3.9 server. When I get to the 'Serial number' panel, none of the fields will accept any keyboard input. The keyboards worked prior to the upgrade. They work fine on another mac. The eject, volume, and caps lock keys all work. Just the fields themselves in the Serial Number (and the registered to, and organization) fields are ignoring input.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.06 GHz intel core 2 duo, 10GB RAM