MacBook :: For Unknown Reason Desktop Is Showing With Grid Lines
Jun 25, 2014
For unknown reason desktop of my Macbook air is showing with grid lines (2 horizontals and 2 verticals) I would like to remove it returning to normal conditions
I have had a Macbook Pro 15" for about a year now, and suddenly Skype seems to be crashing my computer. The computer has 8gb of ram with an i7 processor, so i have no idea why Skype, is suddenly crashing up my computer. Ive been using, Free Memory, to track how much ram is available on my computer at certain times, and now, when i launch Skype, it goes down to 18mb out of 8 gb. I don't know why this is happening??
Info: MacBook Pro, Intel i7 Processor with 8 GB of Ram
I know a lot of things that have to do with computers but they are very general things. When it comes to a computer crashing, I have no idea how to find out why it happens. My late '08 Unibody MacBook has been crashing on the frequency of 2-3 times a day or so and is very frustrating! I have no idea why it's doing it, but i did copy the thing I get when it restarts. Here is the log for the last 3 times it has crashed
I have an imac, intel 2 duo. OS 10.6.8. Suddenly my desktop is showing two thin lines running from top to bottom, each about 2" from either side. How can I get rid ofthem?
i just bought ms office for my mac.never used ms office in mac can anyone plz tell me how to get those gridlines while making a formatting could be easier as my org is very strict on formating.
Excel on my mac is so confusing and i have never used it before. It prints out everything but the grid lines for the graph..without the gridlines, the graph looks weird and not easy to read..The print preview shows the grid lines on the mac but when it prints out, i get a weird graph..
Ok so I understand how to change the grid spacing as shown above, but what have I set it to? What is the default. and what is the actual pixel spacing? I need to know this as I use an applescript that places the icon/folders on the desktop in a spaced format. If they loose there position the clean up function messes them up.
I have been using a time capsule for about 2 years. I use it as an external wireless hard disk as well as a router for extending my wi-fi network (connection via ethernet).
For the last couple of days, Airport Utility has been showing two time capsules connected to it. One is "HVS Airport Time Capsule" and the other is "Yogender's Time Capsule". The second one does not belong to me. I have no clue who's time capsule this is. A screenshot is also attached here (one on the right does not belong to me).
Does it mean someone is hacking into my wi-fi and using that via their time capsule? I've changed the wi-fi password (for my time capsule's network and the original network) several times, but it still shows up.
This unknown time capsule also shows up in the finder under "Shared".
I have 3 macs and a PS3/Xbox 360 all running on a protected wireless network at my house...our iPhones also use the network when necessary.
Right now I am on the MacBook Pro, my iMac is on in another room, and all other devices are off. Usually under shared from this computer I just see my iMac in finder because I allow sharing between the 2 computers... but I noticed something odd that I've never seen before. Something else is showing up under "Shared". It looks like another computer and says "mac001b639f####" I didnt fill in the last 4 characters just in case this ends up being some sort of personal info that I shouldnt be sharing.
I am new around here, but have been using a mac for quite a while.
This morning, I decided to do some Spring cleaning on my Mac,and found a bunch of strange files, that were screenshots of webpages that I visited. I don't take screen shots, and these little things add up to a lot of space pretty quick. They all had long names too. I want to make sure they do not come back, so if anyone knows what I had, let me know how to stop them!
The other day I downloaded some apps off the net as I had to reinstall them as I had to reinstall Snow Leopard. I downloaded the programs and in my Applications folder one of the apps was just an empty space with no name. I knew something was there cause I could click on it, highlight it, and move it. I dragged it to my trash but it ended up on my desktop. Now I can't get rid of it! I can only highlight it, but not move it or right click to delete it! I don't know exactly what it is. Its not causing any problems. Its just bugging me cause its there.
I just received my new 17" Dell LCD (1704 FPV) yesterday and hooked it up to my windows laptop (my new Mac Mini will be here in a couple of days). After a couple of minutes of looking at it, I noticed very thin lines running diagonally and parallel over the whole screen. The lines go from top left to bottom right and appear to be moving (yesterday I thought they were moving down, today the appear to be moving up). Those lines I see are really very thin and hardly noticeable, but now I've seen them once, I see them all the time. It shows especially on a plain background, which appears to be very lightly striped. Unfortunately, it's nothing a screenshot would reveal, I think. Does anyone know what those lines are, whether they're normal and what I could do about them?
My Mac Pro crashed yesterday after it was reading an empty DVD, and now if boot the Mac it shows this screen:I have tryed rebooting it in safe mode, does not work, I get the same screen. Tryed to use a other monitor, same problem. Now, If I press the Eject button, the disc tray will eject and if I press the volume button it can be heard.
I was browsing the internet on my '08 iMac when the system suddenly froze immediately followed by the screen turning to nothing but vertical lines. I fear this may be an issue with the graphics card, but would anyone be able to offer any further insight?
I just recently had an iTunes Unknown Error -3237 on my Windows Vista Desktop. My iPhone and iTouch doesn't appear in iTunes but show up in My Computer. I plugged it into my sisters Toshiba laptop and it is detected just fine. I plugged it into my MBP and it is detected fine as well. I don't know what the issue is for iTunes. I am running iTunes 8.1. My iPhone is synced with that computer and now I can't sync music to it in fear of losing the current ones I have on my phone. Also I get a iTunes Store error as well.
It won't let me onto the iTunes Store. It just comes up with an error saying there is a network issue to to check it. My internet is working fine but I can't figure out why iTunes is freaking out on me ~_~. iTunes Store works fine on my MBP and sister's laptop. My iPhone backups are all on that computer and same for my applications that aren't on my phone. I have tried reinstalling iTunes and it doesn't remedy the issue. I tried turning off iPod Services and starting it back up to no avail.
I have a 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 24 inch iMac in may-june 2008. I bought it because I wanted to avoid the 20 inch display problems. Somehow I feel I ended up with the wrong side of the deal. Check the snapshot please: The picture was taken using my iPhone so it's not exacty Cannon quality, but still, it describes my problem in 1000 words
What would you do in my place. Would you risk getting another one, maybe a crappier one? It is ludicrous that you take part in a russian lottery when buying a fairly expensive product like a Mac.
what is the .DS_Store file that is on my desktop and in many of my folders? can i move it, i have tried dragging it to a different folder, but it just pops up again, and it makes my desktop look all untidy!
iBook G4, OSX 10.4, has thin vertical lines appearing far right desktop...different colors. Four so far. Also, Safari keeps asking for keychain password but login password does not work and keychain utility won't allow any actions.
Related? This is a "refurbished" computer from Ebay (Tech Replay) and I don't have the system disks to start over.
This doesn't happen all the time, but frequently enough to create a thread about it to find out what's going on.
I usually keep my desktop empty and use it to store stuff I'm going to process in the next hour anyway. Sometimes my desktop is absolutely empty, but when I navigate to the following path: UserDesktop, the files do show up.
This just started today. My computer started to get weird vertical colored lines on the screen. At first, I thought it was just the website I was on, but more and more began to appear everywhere. I unplugged my computer and plugged it back it, turned it on, and when the white screen witht he Apple logo came up, the lines were everywhere. They weren't just making vertical lines, but also squares. Later, the weirdest thing happened. I was opening a new window on Safari, and suddenly, these pyramid-shaped objects covered the screen. They were red, with a little with of blue and a tiny bit of white on them. they pointed in all directions, and the minute I moved my mouse, they dissapeared. When I hold down on the left button on the mouse and hover it over the squares and lines, about 65% of the dots dissapear. My computer is an iMac G5 from 2004 with no iSight, the model number is A1058, the software is Leopard (10.5.8), and the processor is 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5.
There are no longer any icons on my desktop and i am unable to click or bring up anything. The laptop starts up fine and then let's me put my password to log in but then nothing! Can't access anything.
I am trying to get pictures off an SD card that I have in a card reader, plugged into the USB port. I'm not finding an icon for this anywhere! I've tried 2 card readers, as well as plugging my camera right into the USB port, and none of them show up! It was working just find 2 days ago, and now it's not. The USB port shows up in System Profiler, but not in Disk Utility.