MacBook :: Best System For Recording / Producing Music?
Dec 26, 2008
I am about to purchase a new Macbook, and the main use of the computer will be to record and produce music. I have a limited budget so would it be better for me to get the 2.0 GHz with 4 GB of memory or the 2.4 GHz with only 2GB of memory?
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Nov 26, 2008
I'm buying a MacBook Pro this week, and I can't decide whether to get the 2.53 ghz model or the 2.8 ghz model. I don't play games, but I will be recording a lot of music. I'll be using some sort of audio recording program, producing songs with as many as 20 tracks each with lots of effects like reverb, compression, etc. I also want this to be the only computer I use (for internet, photos, word processing, maybe some video) for at least the next six years. So what do you think? Is it worth the extra dough to upgrade to the 2.8 ghz model, or is the 2.53 ghz model a better value?
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Jun 8, 2010
Should I bite the retail bullet and shell 2k plus for a new pro. All I want is a stable, smooth, low latency, 15" mac book pro (7200RPM). Where is the cheapest net source to buy? or Should I get a used one with a year plus apple care left for around $1,300?
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Apr 13, 2010
i have written a pretty cool song..and a friend of mine has a mic, which i can plug into my macbook. My question is , whats the bets software for recording it. and also editing it?
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Mar 28, 2005
Does anyone know of a program that can take an audio sample of piano and turn it into sheet music? I don't know if this will help, but here's the peice I'm interested in turning into sheet music: Dave Matthews Band's #41 mp3. This is for myself only, and I don't plan on sharing this. I understand this is the artist's work, and he should own the rights to it.
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Mar 4, 2009
I've been looking at buying a Mac for some time now and recently decided the iMac was the way to go. Now I'm not sure whether the new model suits my needs better than the old, so I was wondering if somebody could give me some advice on this.
What I'm going to do with it:
- record audio with an external audio interface
- use Cubase or Logic
- use an external full-hd monitor (dvi and hdmi inputs)
- use an external FW800 harddisk
- playing or editing hd-video (editing is not important, but it would be nice)
Does DDR3 and higher memory bandwidth give me any advantage? I think recording audio isn't that hard on the memory, besides using samples (which I won't besides some drum-sampling instrument like ezdrummer or addictive drums). Does the shared video memory affect overall performance? Or is it just like having less RAM? I know the old model has an FW400 and a FW800 port, but are they on the same bus? I heard someone say something like that, which would mean that my external harddisk would run on 400 when I connect a FW400 interface to the 400 port. I tried my best to read as much as I could about Macs and specs over the past few months, but I feel like I know too little about above mentioned issues to decide on the new versus the old iMac.
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Apr 14, 2012
My 2008 Macbook keeps producing a metallic clicking sound from the bottom right of the computer. This happens more frequently when it's resting on a surface other than a desktop (ie my legs). Is it a serious hardware problem or just a warning sound so I don't hold the computer a certain way?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 4, 2009
My macbook pro has never made weird sounds. It is 2 and a half years old. It has been dropped twice, but not recently at all. Upper left side of macbook pro made very loud scratching sound as I opened it from sleep. It only did it when I had the laptop at a certain angle. It is still doing it. Im currently backing everything up to an external hard drive. I'm very worried. It was very loud, not the fan, not the usual disc slot movement, not the speakers.
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Sep 8, 2008
Users of Apple's ultraportable Mac are increasingly reporting that a firmware update might be taming processor usage, but is still leaving many of their systems too hot to use and prone to software freezes.
While a number of owners at Apple's discussion forums say the hardware patch solved a problem that would force a core to shut down entirely and ramp up the internal temperature, others still note the slim system continues to overheat and in some cases will bog down as the MacBook Air is unable to cope with a given application's demand, particularly an OS component known as kernel_task.
This happens regardless of whether any peripherals are attached that might ask more of the system.
Others also notice that their systems are simply slowing down in different ways: instead of switching off a single core, a handful report their systems keeping both cores active under most temperatures but lowering the clock speed, producing much the same result.
"This 'update' is a farce - all that it does is step the processor down to 800MHz as soon as the [temperature] rises to some ridiculously low [level]," one Air user explains.
Common troubleshooting steps appear to rule out software as the cause, even with complete operating system reinstalls. A number of less cautious owners have taken to installing the unofficial third-party app CoolBook to adjust system voltages and force the system to run at full speed but at lower voltages and thus lower heat.
For those determined to get an official solution, Apple's frontline technicians have had little success. More than one customer bringing his MacBook Air to the Genius Bar was told that a hardware repair was unlikely to help and to hope for "a software update or some other word" from Apple to provide a more permanent remedy.
While candid, the response comes with no public Apple response and is described as little consolation to customers who feel the system either too hot or too slow to be workable in real conditions.
"How long am I expected to wait? Currently, my computer isn't fit for the purpose for which it was built and sold," an affected owner says.[ View this article at ]
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May 9, 2008
suddenly, my MBP (2.6ghz, 15") illuminated keyboard has stopped working. out of the blue. same conditions in the room as when it's worked before - so it's not an ambient lighting problem. the functionality is all turned on, and pressing the dim/brighten keys on the keyboard, while producing visual feedback on the screen (like the volume indicator), produces no illumination on the keyboard. im plugged in, fully charged... can't figure it out!!!
to be honest, i never really use the keyboard illumination, but now that its actually not working, its really bothering
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Oct 14, 2009
I have a 1st generation ipod (10g) and a new macbook pro. I don't have firewire on the macbook pro and need a cable that will work so I can transfer music from my old ipod onto my macbook. I have a 400/800 firewire adapter which connect fine to my ipod, but doesn't connect to my macbook.
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Sep 23, 2009
My OS 10.6.1 started to show duplicate mail messages (Exchange mail account). Also, the "SENT" ( Exchange account folder) is empty in spite of many sent emails!
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Jan 23, 2008
Is it true that you can't import music with remote disc on the MacBook Air?
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Jun 13, 2010
I gave my daughter a DVD with a number of Albums on it in mp3 format. When she imported them into iTunes on her MacBook(Intel, 10.4.11, iTunes v8) some of the tracks were duplicated.
When her flatmate imported them into iTunes on her PC, every track was duplicated.
Any ideas as to why this should happen and how to stop it?
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May 4, 2012
When replacing pre-populated (untitled folder) or selected text in Finder, Safari, etc. a special character is added about 1/3 of the time. You can't see it in Finder, but it does show in file names viewed in Terminal, in URLs (only after you hit enter and Safari gets confused) in the file name at the top of certain apps, or on PCs.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 11, 2014
On my iMac with 10.10.1 I updated all of the scanner and printer software drivers. Now I can scan a document or photo and produce a file that cannot be opened because "It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize.". Or "It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize." I am using a Canon MX 920 printer/scanner. The scanner works ok with MS 8.1 on my wife's HP.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 11, 2009
I've been tracking this forum for about a year now reading some great discussion on 2008 MacPro and actually held off buying one b/c of the comments recommending waiting for the new 2009 MacPro. So I did, and now I've been reading a lot of less than excited posts about how this is a step backwards in the price vs speed camp. Rather than hijacking a thread that is really providing a lot of great discussion on benchmarks and other more general pros/cons of 2008 vs 2009 I wanted to get some advice on a very specific request. I produce music on a PC now which is way past it's prime. Originally I spec'd a 2008 model and was prepared to buy with my company discount when I was advised to wait until the new 2009 MP came out. Right now the cost is equal for a 2009 system (with my corp discount) and a used/refurb 2008 system so $$$ can't help me make a decision. The machine I'm spec'ing is
* Two 2.26GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
* 8GB (4x2GB)
* 1TB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s
* NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 512MB
* One 18x SuperDrive
* Apple Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter
My question is, is this the right move for my specific needs? I run Cubase, Ableton Live, and mainly Native Instrument plug ins (synths) In terms of hyperthreading and quad vs. octo cores: will I even be able to realize this potential given my software? Is there any value in trying to sink in the large amount to take me to 2.66 or 2.93 Octo 2009? As I understand it, music on a Mac relys more on Ram (number of effects and synths that can run without latency) vs. raw CPU speed. But I've even heard debate on that. If all things are equal I'd rather take advantage of my corporate discount as well as emerging technology.
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Aug 21, 2010
Just fired up my Mini Mac I purchased about 4 months ago. I bought it so I could hook it up directly to my Samsung Series 8 LED TV. I'm hooking up 2 External HD's to it; 1 with my music and music videos and 1 with all my movies. The Externals are WD 1 terabyte and LaCie 1 terabyte. My music and music videos will go on the WD because it only has USB 2.0 and the movies on my LaCie which has firewire.
1) on my TV (acting as a monitor) I cannot see the menu bar. I can access it, but is not visible. Even the dock items when activated are not totally visible.
2) I bought a mini dvi to dvi converter and have connected to my TV using a dvi to hdmi connector. My TV has 4 hdmi inputs. Using one for my DVD player and one for the Mini Mac. The issue is when I have my Mini Mac plugged into the TV and I try and watch regular TV, whether through a satellite TV or the same TV, the TV picture is very snowing. If I pull out the cord connecting the Mini Mac to the TV the snow immediately goes away.
I would like to move my music library from my MacBook Pro to my WD external HD and than play/access my music through my Mac Mini iTunes. I'm pretty sure how to move my library, but what about the music files?
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Jan 9, 2009
is their a version of myspace for a mac laptop, because music doesnt play on the profiles. It doesnt load it at all. So i was cerious to know if their was their own version of myspace for this defferent type of computer?
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Apr 25, 2012
Can I use iCloud to back up and then return my files for system restroe? I just wanna back up my music and photos so I can do a system restore if I have iCloud will it allow me to download them back on once I finish the system restore?
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Sep 12, 2010
I took delivery of my new 27" imac on Saturday, previously I have always been a windows user. I love the feel of OSX however I am really struggling with getting my itunes to work.The NAS is split into different shares that I had mapped on my windows PCe.g R:Qmultimedia/Music (was on a windows 7 pc)ll my music files are located on this share: Qmultimedia/MusicI have mounted Qmultimedia as a Samba share using a automountmaker script. This connects at startup and the hard drive icon is on my desktop logged in as admin. I opened a brand new install of itunes today and did the following:Went into preferences and changed my library location to volumes/Qmultimedia/Music, then I selected add to library and picked my music folder from the mapped drive.
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Jan 30, 2009
good, free app to copy music from iPhone to Mac?
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Jul 8, 2010
All of my music is on an external hard drive connected via USB. It is now showing that instead of having 80+gb of data there is zero and now a file that says USBC and some other characters. I tried running disk utility and it said "filesystem verify or repair failed". Music folders and files disappeared from external hard drive now showing USBc file.
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Feb 27, 2012
Super drive ejects blank CD's & DVD's. Played music CD fine but could not run the system disk for an archive re-install. It made lots of noise & ejected.What can I do to try the re-install. G-5 PPC OS X 10.4.11
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), PPC
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Dec 16, 2010
I have a program recorded on my DVR. Can I download this to my Macbook and then create a DVD? If so, how do I accomplish this task?
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Apr 14, 2010
I want to record and edit my Xbox 360 gameplay, the item I want to buy says it uses USB 3. My macbook pro has an expresscard port do they make adapters for the expresscard that are compatible with macs? Also [URL] that is what I want to use to record my gameplay since I use Component HD. My question about the recorder is can I record and play at the same time on my tv or is there a way I can split the signal from my xbox? Sorry If this doesnt make sense I rushed this!
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Aug 16, 2010
First off, I want to record Xbox 360 gameplay to my Mac. I have an Xbox 360 Slim and a computer monitor.
I connect my Xbox to my monitor using HDMI because HDMI and VGA are the ONLY 2 ports in my monitor. I connect the optical audio from my Xbox to my Turtle Beach X41 headphones. My Turtle Beach headphone receiver has an optical in and optical out. I have the optical in connected to my Xbox and when I'm playing with friends I connect the optical out to a surround sound speaker system in my room.
The big problem here is that I want to record high definition gameplay with a Hauppauge HD PVR to my MacBook Pro (2.4 GHz Intel C2D with 4GB of RAM). I also want to use a video amplifier splitter so I can get even better quality video.
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Jul 16, 2009
well I tried recording on my white macbook and well everything is mirrored..
when i'm playing guitar, it's like i'm a lefty, I have a friend who has a MBP 15" and when he records his, it's like normal...
why is it like that...?
do i need some type of firmware update or something?
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Mar 6, 2010
wanted to know if anyone has tried using the digital input on the mic for recording. As most of you know the Macbook pro has digital out/in. [URL] I peeked inside the mic hole and there is a diode or some sort just like the output. I have a digital out from another source running into it, so how do you actually pick it up and record it to a file?
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Jun 19, 2014
I wanted to use a lavalier mic for a video conference, but when I plug the mic in to the MacBook Pro (late 17" 10.9.3) I get no playback from Garage band or other recording apps until I unplug the mic. I have tried a Rode lav and a Sennheiser mic for DSLRs. Am I missing something, or is there a problem with the computer?
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