MacBook Pro :: Need To Transfer Music From Old IPod To New System
Oct 14, 2009
I have a 1st generation ipod (10g) and a new macbook pro. I don't have firewire on the macbook pro and need a cable that will work so I can transfer music from my old ipod onto my macbook. I have a 400/800 firewire adapter which connect fine to my ipod, but doesn't connect to my macbook.
I have an old macbook that has all my songs on, as well as my iPod. I have recently got an iMa which currently has no music on, how would I transfer the music from the iPod to the new iMac, or alternatively from the old Macbook to the iMac?
A friend of mine PC's hard drive fried recently. He's was thoroughly sick of his ageing PC anyway and I convinced him to buy his first Mac. Anyway, he hadn't backed anything up from his PC. He's not too worried about this bar the fact he's lost all of his music.
Fortunately, he's got his entire music library stored on his iPod. Now, I've don't know the first thing about iPods. Is there an easy way to transfer all of his music from his iPod into iTunes on his new iMac? He's worried about losing his music, unsurprisingly.
I got a new IPod. Now how can I transfer my playlists and music from my current iPod to my new one? I'd rather not have to copy them all to my HD and back as my old iPod contains 6.48 gigs of music and I don't have that much HD space. Anyone know of any good Apple Scripts or programs?
Anybody know about a good program to transfer music from an iPod to iTunes? Just got a mac mini, and time machine didn't back up my library. I was able to recover purchased songs, but not the rest.
My old computer crashed so I'm not able to get my music from it to put onto my new macbook. But I do have all my music on my ipod touch, so can I somehow transfer the songs from there to my macbook?
i just got a new mac and didnt want to migrate everything so that i could keep this new mac "clean" of my old stuff however im having a hell of a time transfering ical and address book over! Most importantly i got a new ipodtouch also and im wondering if anyone know how to transfer the stickie notes from my old ipod to new ipod?
I just bought a MacBook Air yesterday due to my PC crashing. I was able to transfer music and pictures from my iPhone 4 onto the computer, but I cant transfer music files from my ipod classic.
I connected my iPod nano to my MacBook Air, and opened iTunes to put the music I had just bought onto the iPod. Usually an icon appears on the main screen and on the right hand corner of my music list that says"Add to", so you can click that and drag music to your iPod download list. The screen on the iPod should have said "Do not disconnect charger" but nothing happened. The iPod only charged. This happened once before, and it randomly just started working. This time it won't work.
I have a lot of music on my iPad that I'd like to move across to my MacBook. I can't see how to do this. If I sync them, will the small amount of music on my MacBook replace the big library on my iPad?
I have my old iTunes Media file on my iPod and I want to transfer it to my new MacBook Air, but the Apple support article is too old and it doesn't work as it should.
I recently switched to Macs and purchased a Macbook Pro(which I love!). I'm still getting used to the OS, but I ran into a problem.
I was using a Windows computer before for my iPod (classic, not sure if that matters). I would like to transfer the songs I have from my windows iPod, onto my new Mac, but I'm not sure if that's possible(I think I may have read on Apple's website you can't switch from Mac to Windows but I'm not sure, but thats besides the point).
I don't really want to download a program to move my songs from the iPod onto the Mac.
I recently purchased a new macbook pro, I have found a lost ipod from last year and want to transfer the music to my computer. I do not want to sync it will delete my older music on my ipod.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2.5 GHz intel Core 2 Duo, w/ 4 GB
At the moment most of my music is either stored on my Macbook or on an external hard drive. Is it possible to transfer all my music and videos to an external hard drive and then sync it with Itune so that every time I plug it in I can access them?
I have an iPod Hi-Fi, and I would like to use it as a speaker for my Macbook. I just want to know whether this is feasible, and if so, what cable do I need to get the maximum out of my iPod Hi-Fi?
Ok so recently my hard drive died and i lost all my files including my photos from my computer. I know that i have all the photos on my ipod but i don't know how to get them off. I've searched and there are apps that remove the files but i don't have the cash to buy the apps. is there any manual way to remove the photos or a freeware app?
P.S I've tried going into the photos file on my ipod but all there is, are .ithmb 's that i don't know what to do with. BTW im running on Mac OS X Leopard.
My parents have an iMac and a 4g iPod. The iPod hasn't been used for a while, but still plays music and podcasts beautifully. The problem is, the iTunes Library isn't on the iMac anymore. When I try to sync, I can see the tunes in the iPod, but when I disconnect the cable, the songs don't appear in the iTunes library.
How do I get my parents' iPod to sync and update items through iTunes?
They use 10.5.8 on an iPod 4, using iTunes 10.6.1.
I'm trying to transfer some songs from my friend's band onto my friend's iPod. However iTunes just opens up a window saying that I can either "Erase and Sync" or "Transfer Purchases From Another iPod". Is there a way to just open iTunes up and transfer my music to the other iPod?
My sisters PC laptop's hardrive crashed last weekend. She lost 1000's of songs, but they are all on her iPod still. Whats the best Windows solution to get these songs off the iPod and onto a new HD? I do have an iMac, so if theres an easier Mac solution, I'd love to hear about that too. Will there be an issue copying over the music she purchased from the iTunes store? A quick google search brought up 5 year old results though.