MacBook Air :: Connect To Non-existent Bluetooth Keyboard?

Mar 9, 2012

My MBA has started giving an error that it cannot find a bluetooth keyboard everytime it boots up. The keyboard and trackpad on the MBA are not working at all now. I have never added a bluetooth keyboard and don't have one. I am now unable to login and change any settings or disable bluetooth. 

I am not sure what changed for this to start happening. Is there any way to disable bluetooth with hardwre buttons?

MacBook Air (11-inch Late 2010)

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Intel Mac :: Bluetooth Keyboard And Mouse Will Not Connect

Jun 17, 2012

I loaded a linux iso on a usb. Loaded it on a reboot. It may have been corrupted or something, because it did not load correctly. I rebooted the computer again and now the bluetooth keyboard and mouse will not connect.

MacBook Pro, iOS 4.3.3, Application "TurboCollage"

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Mac Pro :: Can't Connect To Bluetooth Keyboard To Complete Initial Setup

Jun 28, 2014

I have a new Mac Pro which won't connect to the apple wireless keyboard, this is slightly different to the 'usual' bluetooth connection issues in that being its the first time powered on I need to go through the sign on and initial setup procedures before I can even get to the bluetooth settings but can't do so because the keyboard won't connect, catch 22 if you will.

The first screen I encounter when powering on the Mac Pro is an image to turn on the keyboard and mouse, the mouse is fine and I can navigate through the options until a entry is required from the keyboard such as computer name, wifi password etc then I'm stuck.

Is there anyway to reset the keyboard so it 'discovers' the mac?

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Windows On Mac :: Can't Get My Bluetooth Apple Keyboard Or Mighty Mouse To Connect?

Dec 29, 2008

I have the beta installed on my aluminum MacBook and most things are working okay. I can't get the eject button to work for some reason and I can't get my bluetooth apple keyboard or mighty mouse to connect. Is anyone else having bluetooth issues?

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MacBook :: Use Built-in Bluetooth To Connect To Non Bluetooth Printer?

Feb 3, 2009

This isn't directly related to macbooks but if I want to use the bluetooth built into my computer to connect to my non bluetooth printer can I buy any USB bluetooth dongle to plug into the printer ( Kodak all in one 5300) or do I need some specific kind? All the ones I look at don't mention anything about printers just connection between computers and phones.

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Hardware :: Bluetooth Keyboard - Wireless And/or Bluetooth Keyboards Safe?

Aug 14, 2009

I've shied away from wireless keyboards in the past because I do alot of online baking and investment activities from my computer. I also love a clean workspace and a wireless keyboard could remove yet another wire from my desk. Do you consider wireless and/or bluetooth keyboards safe?

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Intel Mac :: Turn Bluetooth Function Back On Given That I Have Bluetooth Keyboard?

Apr 22, 2012

I turned off the bluetooth function and my keyboard and mouse wont now work and I cant get back into the system - how do I reactivate without the use of the keyboard ?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Wireless Keyboard And Bluetooth Keyboard Randomly Disconnected

Apr 8, 2010

I bought a new i7 iMac about two months ago and love it but the Bluetooth keyboard it came with recently started acting up. It randomly disconnects and when it does it will type whatever letter I last hit on the keyboard repeatly.

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Delete A Non Existent File

Feb 12, 2012

I downloaded a program and soon decided not to have it on my Macbook Pro (Mid 2009) anymore. After I had delted all the files I did a Finder search just to make sure there were no more files associated with the program. I found one file that has no image to it, but it has the name of the program. I can not move or drag the file, or delete it keyboard shortcuts or by right clicking it, it is also NOT locked. I can "Get Info" but there isn't anything there, it has no location and takes up Zero KB. I know this isn't such a big deal considering it basically doesn't exist, but it annoys me to know that it is there somewhere because it turns up when I search for it. Is there any way to get rid of this? I have tried restarting finder, I have tried restarting computer, I have tried turning the computer off and turning it back on, repairing disk permissions. I don't know what to do! I am running Mac OS X 10.7.3 on a Mid 2009 Macbook Pro, (2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8GB memory.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Bluetooth Keyboard Not Connecting - How To Set It Up

Jul 20, 2009

My Apple keyboard has worked fine. Last night I lost my connection for the mouse and the keyboard(not unusual for the mouse). Had to set up both again. Mouse connected easily, keyboard took forever. Bluetooth would recognize it, it was discoverable(blinking green light), batteries strong, but could not make the connection. I did this over and over, finally got it. Tonight, same thing. Lost the mouse and the keyboard. Set them up again and same thing, mouse easy and keyboard still isn';t connected.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Connect MBP To Speakers With Bluetooth

Dec 2, 2009

I have a new macbook pro and a set of computer speakers that are a few years old. I can plug the speakers into my headphone jack with no problem.

I would like to setup the speakers wirelessly and use a bluetooth receiver to transmit my sound from my macbook pro to the speakers.

I was looking at this product... [URL]

Will this be possible?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Connect A Second Bluetooth Trackpad

Jun 6, 2012

I bought two track pads to use with my Lion OS on my MBP. One for the home and one for the office. The first one I set up was flawless. When I tried to repeate with the second one it would not connect. I tried to rename the first and the new name was accepted in the preference list but the details kept the old name.

Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Bluetooth Peripherals Won't Connect?

Jun 7, 2012

bluetooth peripherals won't connect

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MacBook Air :: Why Cannot Connect Iphone 4S Via Bluetooth

Jun 10, 2012

i have tried to connect my iphone 4s via bluetooth and it says that my macbook air is not supporting this feature after i follow all the steps when connecting.

MacBook Air

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MacBook :: Bluetooth - Keyboard & Mouse Disconnects?

Oct 22, 2009

I've found many different explanations to why bluetooth on my Macbook would 'overheat' and then disconnect from all devices, only to show 'Bluetooth Not Responding'.

I was wondering if anyone has found a fix to this problem. I'm current on all updates running Snow Leopard. Normally, the bluetooth keyboard and mouse works for up to 5 minutes or so, but then loses its connection until it 'cools down' and then this process just repeats. The laptop is currently on a cooling fan and rarely needs the internal fan to even kick on so not sure what else to do.

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MacBook Pro :: Bluetooth Keyboard - Green Light On And Then Off

Apr 3, 2010

I've had my Apple bluetooth keyboard for over a year now, but two days ago I started having some problems with it. Whenever I turn it on, the green light is on for like a second and then it's off, but nothing happens after that (it's supposed to blink a couple times before it connects). I tried changing batteries and everything I could think of, but haven't figured out a way to get it to work again.

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MacBook :: Connect 2 Bluetooth Devices At The Same Time?

Feb 9, 2009

If there's actually anyone who uses bluetooth headphones and a bluetooth mouse at the same time....

do you experience any choppy lag on the mouse when you have both connected?

the audio seems to not have any issues, but the mouse seems to skip alittle bit hear and there. its not unbearable and it's still usable, but you do notice it. it works like normal when obviously the headphones are disconnected.

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting Dell Bluetooth Keyboard With Laptop

Aug 18, 2009

I have a Dell Bluetooth keyboard RT7D40 and would like to use it with a MacBook Pro laptop. I tried the Bluetooth connect wizard on the Mac and it could not locate the Keyboard. Is there anything else I could try? Is there an USB adpater for the Mac so that it will locate the keyboard.

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Not Connecting With Bootcamp / XP

Jan 18, 2010

My Magic Mouse works fine but I can't get my wireless keyboard to cooperate. It recognizes it, but doesn't give me a chance to enter a pass key.

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MacBook Air :: Clone Bluetooth Keyboard Pairing, Work Twice Then Nothing?

May 8, 2012

like a lot of mac lover him having trouble pairing a clone copy of mac aluminium bluetooth keyboard. on a pc under xp no problem and no pairing number required. with my mac osx snow leopard. i was able to paired twice switching from keyboard pairing where my code is accepted with the enter and the second way is where you have the + and - and the list of your bluetooth device listed. i get to the point where i have to enter the paired code but the enter never work. so by switching and closing and trying to pair with both method at the same time i was able to have my keyboard working. Until i reboot or mac goes to sleep. If i had no sucess i would give up, but i been able to make it work twice,,, i don't get it. I have experience bluetooth a long time ago. And usually bluetooth is very easy specially with bluetooth 2.0. him using the 78 keys aluminium top and white plastic bottom with 2 AAA battery. report as vk bluetooth keyboard.

bluetooth keyboard

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MacBook Air :: Keyboard, Trackpad And Bluetooth Went Suddenly Dead

Jun 22, 2012

I was using my laptop as usual and the keyboard just stopped working, tried the trackpad and it was also gone.  Used an USB mouse to get to preferences and no trackpas is being recognized by the laptop.  I wanted to activate bluetooth to use an external keyboard but no bluetooth device is recognized inside neither. 

Rebooted, powered off & on, plugged the MagSafe connector, tried without power and then used the three-prong power cable plugged it into a grounded outlet.  No change, keyboard, trackpad and bluetooth are dead. 

This laptop never showed any issues at all and, as I mentioned, I was working as usual with it. 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 11-INCH, MID 2011

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Laptops :: Macbook Pro Bluetooth Keyboard Type Same Word Repeatedly

Oct 2, 2010

I just purchased a 15" MacBookPro (July 2010). I am not used to laptop keyboards so I was able to purchase a bluetooth Apple Keyboard with the Numeric keys. This bluetooth external keyboard was made by Apple and a local company had these brand new for $60. I was told they were the model that came with iMacs. Apple support told me that they should work fine but did not offer an effective solution. So at any rate about 70% of the time this Bluetooth keyboard works great.

But sometimes when you go to type something it starts repeating whatever key you hit so it you were to type and "a" an example the MacBookPro displays "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". Sometime just a few of the same character and sometimes it does not stop. I correct this by turning the power switch off on the Apple Bluetooth keyboard and then turn it back on and all is fine, for a while. Sometimes for a week or so then it will do it a lot for a while or just intermittently. The keyboard built into MacBookPro does not do this. I think it may be the Apple Bluetooth keyboard not the MacBookPro or its OS.

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MacBook :: Bluetooth Broken After Changing Wireless Keyboard Batteries

Feb 9, 2009

I recently changed the batteries on my wireless Apple Keyboard. When I turned the Mac back on the keyboard wouldn't connect. Confused, I went in to system preferences where I got this message. I've searched for the problem in Apple Support on their website but to no avail. I have Applecare. Is this something I need to take up with them? Should I take my Mac to a genius bar?

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MacBook Pro :: Bluetooth Mighty Mouse And Apple Keyboard Just Freeze?

Jul 17, 2009

My macbook pro has the most annoying problem. Sometimes, in a totally random fashion, my bluetooth mighty mouse and apple keyboard just freeze. Bluetooth shows them as connected but they do not respond. Sometimes redoing the ?set up a Bluetooth device? option works but other times the computer refuses to see the devices and only a restart, followed by the setup assistant will fix the problem. Am I the only one with this problem or is it common? Hardware or software? Any fixes?

btw, I think it started doing this since 10.5.7 so I would say it is software...

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting Dell Bluetooth Keyboard RT7D40 To Laptop

Aug 16, 2009

How would you connect a Dell Bluetooth keyboard RT7D40 to a MacBook Pro laptop?

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MacBook Pro :: Bluetooth Keyboard And Mouse Respond Slow After 30 Minutes

Apr 20, 2010

I managed to get my hands on my new baby last Friday, new MBP 17" i7 with anti-glare! My wife also has a 2009 uMBP 13", which I have been using since Xmas while waiting for Arrandale! I use a stand with a apple wireless keyboard and wireless magic mouse. I have been having problems with the new 17" machine - the mouse and kb work fine for about 30 mins then the mouse gets really slow and jerky and the keyboard gets slow as well and starts displaying double / triple keys when typing etc. The only way to resolve the problem is to reboot. If I unpair the mouse and keyboard and repair this doesnt fix it - only a reboot works. I phoned apple care and they instructed to create a new test user, which I did - same problems.

Reinstalled OSX (machine was only 2 days old though!), and this didnt fix it. So, I took the machine back to my Apple Retail store and swapped it for a new machine. Finally finished setting it up again yesterday, and the problem started AGAIN - So it would seem that unless I have had two faulty machines (highly unlikely) it must be software related? I have been trying to work out what might be causing it - but running the machine without Parallels, Little Snitch, 1 Password, things which I thought could have been related to the problem. I basically ran the same system on my wifes 13" before I got the new machine and I had no problems with the mouse and keyboard. I have also changed the batteries on both the mouse and keyboard.

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OS X :: Non Existent Volume In Places List (10.5)

Aug 28, 2009

OS 10.5.8 on MacBook Pro
I burnt a DVD this morning - two actually as the first copy had a 'verification' error. When I was finished, I dragged the burn folder (folder icon with the radioactive symbol on it) from the desktop to the trash. Later in the day, I emptied the trash.Same as I do about once a week. Despite emptying the trash and restarting the computer, the folder still shows up in the list of places in the left column of an open finder window.

The folder is not on my desktop and is not in my trash, just in the list of places. When I try to click on the folder in the list, I get a message "The Volume for ..... cannot be found". In the past, dragging the folder from the desktop to the trash, emptying the trash and then restarting has always removed it from the list of places (and I believe similarly when I have software updates via .dmg files). So the questions are: (1) how do I get rid of it now and (2) what could have caused it to happen.

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Applications :: Handbrake Requires Non Existent 64bit VLC?

Apr 22, 2010

I've got Handbrake 64-bit. It tells me it needs VLC 64-bit and even gives me a link to download it. There doesn't appear that 64-bit VLC exists.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Mac Looks For Non-Existent Network Drive

Apr 16, 2012

When signing in to macbook, which is network connected, tries to connect to a non-existent NAS server (used to exist but replaced). Gives message that 'NAS server cannot be found', usually at least twice. Message(s) can be canceled without a problem. Then when opening Chrome, same message appears again. System is obviously retaining this old location somewhere within a setting, but do not know how or what to look for.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Insert Key On Mac (Bluetooth Keyboard)

Jul 15, 2006

Does anybody know what the insert key is on a Mac? Right now I'm in desperate need of the insert key. I'm using an Apple BT keyboard.

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