The trackpad of my macbookair (2012) keeps selecting. On the screen appear squares and while using applications it keeps selecting...the problem started suddenly, while I was working in Word, no clear cause...
Since a couple of weeks, the trackpad on my mid 2010 13'' MBP sometimes keeps selecting everything when I move my mouse. The only (temporary) solution is to restart.
I have an late 08 unibody Mbp and a 11 mba, I have noticed the glass trackpad on the air is much closer to the glass on an iphone in the way your finger reacts to it... the least bit of moisture and your finger doesn't glide as easily. On the pro it seems to have more of a coating to allow for smoother use under these normal conditions (humidity). Has anyone else noticed this? bottom line the air trackpad almost seems more polished.
I'm trying to print some documents from my new MacBook aluminum. The printer is connected to a computer which is running Vista. I can print documents from my old dell laptop and my PC desktop which are both running XP over the network. I can also share files between them all. I can see the files that are shared with the MacBook but I cannot select the network printer. Please keep in mind that I am new to OS X leopard.
As compensation for some recent damage than an Apple tech caused to my Windows 7 Ultimate disc, Apple has agreed to give me $200 credit, plus a free Magic Mouse.
I have decided that I want to use that money for a wireless printer. I have narrowed it down to two choices.
Which of these two printers do you think is best/fastest/most functional? Please provide reasons.
My MB's trackpad button is spoilt, I think there's something wrong with the spring which makes it unclickable and sometimes remains pressed.
Is there anyway to disable only the trackpad button but not the whole trackpad? Tapping still works, but the MB mistakens it as dragging sometimes because the button is stuck as a pressed button.
I tried to reboot my macbook pro retina 2012 and I held down "Option" key while my macbook was restarting but it won't be able to access into the Disc Utility Menu.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I am trying to purchase a digital download music album from a music site. I am being asked to make a choice between: 1) High Quality MP3, 2) Apple lossless, or 3) FLAC. What do these terms mean and which one will provide the best quality download?
If I look at any file with QuickLook, and then immediately try to select any file after closing the QuickLook preview window, there's a 2 second lag between click and actual file selection (with an outline around the icon or list name).
Mac OS X 10.7.4 Macbook Air 1.8 GHz Intel Core i7 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
The new macbook pro retina starting at $2,229.00 CAD says the following 15-inch: 2.3 GHz Retina display2.3GHz quad-core Intel Core i7Turbo Boost up to 3.3GHz8GB 1600MHz memory256GB flash storage1Intel HD Graphics 4000NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M with 1GB of GDDR5 memoryBuilt-in battery (7 hours)2 i see 2 videocards here.. does it have 2 or you have to pick one of them.when i go custom, i dont see the option to pick which videocard i want.
I am trying to insert multiple pictures at once into a word document, on office for mac 2011. I am using the 'insert picture' option from the toolbar. Shift-click doesn't work like on a PC, and I have tried a variety of button combinations that don't seem to have any effect! Is there any way around this so I don't have to insert picture files into a word document one at a time?
Every time I depress my trackpad (the one built into my MBP 15" mid 2009) It is doing a slight squeak...Now I'm meticulous about how well I keep my beloved MBP... but I do use it everyday for many things (Including design, word processing, accounts, pwning the microsoft network at my office)
But I am guessing that these things are built to last... and shouldn't have an effect on how much I have used it right... Should I take it to Apple and let them have a look at it is there a quick thing that I can do to mend it? Or should I just get over it and accept it as quirk of it's character?
Of all the things I've learned to do on a Mac over the years, and with all the help I've provided here at MR, I still don't know how to do the following:
On a rolled out dialog box like the one shown below, how does one go about selecting something other than the highlighted button (in this case Save...) using the keyboard?
I think Escape usually works to select Cancel, but how would I select Don't Save using the keyboard? Why can't I simply Tab over to it and hit the space bar or Enter?
While we're at it, I'm familiar with taking a screenshot of an entire window (CMD+SHIFT+4 followed by Space) but that doesn't seem to work to take a screenshot of a window + the dialog box, other than the sloppy way I just did?
How do I delete SPAM without selecting it. On my older Mac there was a way, but on my newer one I can't figure out how to do it. When I select the SPAM messages they open immediately. I'm assuming that merely opening it sends a message to those who've spammed me.
Attempting to select dates from several websites results in an error in Safari (not Chrome or Firefox) in which all months are listed as January. I have this problem on two macs running Safari 10.7.3. E.g. [URL]
Selecting tracks in iTunes, using AppleScript, remains a mystery to me. For example, this short script:tell application "iTunes" set t to first track of current playlist select tend tellI think the script is obvious, but I get this error instead:iTunes got an error: URL track id 896882 of user playlist id 896879 of source id 76 doesn’t understand the select message.(well, if the select command is not made for selecting tracks, what else in iTunes?) Thinking it may be because iTunes expect a list, I then try this:tell application "iTunes" set t to {first track of current playlist} select tend tellBut the same error happens. Finally, out of idea, I try this:tell application "iTunes" set t to {first track of current playlist} set selection to tend tell I get this, now:iTunes got an error: Unknown object type.(in the “selection” line).
I've also tried things like this:tell application "iTunes" set t to selection select tend tell To be sure the data is the expected type, but the same error happens. Now, I'm really out of idea. I have over 8'000 files to sort, and I made a script to get every duplicate track, but now I can't select them (I can only uncheck the checkbox, for visual feedback, but it's far from ideal).I can't think it's not possible to select some tracks in iTunes.
When i am using Parallels 6 and i try to click on a Windows 64 Windows such as Explorer or any other program... parallels dosent let me select it. has anyone had this problem. Its like the mouse cant click on the windows... so I have to use keyboard shortcuts.
Under Leopard and prior, in List view you can highlight a line by selecting anywhere on the line. However, to actually select the file to drag it, etc, you had to select the file name itself, clicking the date etc wouldn't allow you to drag the file.
Well, in Snow Leopard, you can now select anywhere on the line and it will allow you to drag the file(s). Pretty nice.
However.....this causes a weird UI issue. If the window you are working in is small enough so that the items in list view fill it up completely (so there is a scroll bar), you can no longer right click on any empty space or the date/filesize etc to pull up the contextual menu for example to create a New Folder.
If there is empty space below the file list, then it still allows you to right click to get the menu.
Basically when I am designing websites and I'm jumping back and forth between my browser and my editor I get some odd text selecting issues. It is a kind of delayed reaction to typing and it incredibly annoying. I thought it might be something to do with overheating but then it started happening just after I turned my iMac on. This has also happened when entering the license code for some software. The only way to stop it is to then click the top bar on the window.
Now something that might be related - I recently upgraded the RAM to 8GB, it was brought from Crucial so it should be okay right? Now after I installed it, it showed up as 8GB but then a few days ago it lowered itself back down to 4GB and remains there. And this defiantly isn't due to lose connections. I have had a number of issues with this iMac 27", screen flickering, these text problems and just this morning it crashed for no reason at all - I only had the mail app open and Firefox.
So I've partitioned my external 1TB hard drive by half. My intention is to use half for time machine and half for some "heavy" storage.
My external drive is connected via Airport Extreme.
What I am having trouble doing is telling Time Machine, which drive to select. I've already went through one super long initial back up, but once it tries to back up on the wrong partition, it wants to back itself up again!
How do I ensure that Time Machine backs up to the same partition?
When I'm in my Time Machine Preferences I can only select the "My Book" drive, not the individual partition.
Expose rocks! but apple should make the three buttons in the upper left corner of every window accessible when the window is shrunken by expose. That way you could close the window without having to select it first. On a side note, they added the ability to close a finder window by right clicking on it when its minimized in the dock, but this appears to be a feature that is left up to the developer of the ap to include (all the other aps don't have a close menu)
I have a folder called 'text books' and within that folder I have 100 more folders named by author. Inside the folders are .txt files of their work. Is there any way I can select all the .txt docs and paste them in one big folder? In other words, is there a way of removing all the sub-folders and putting all the .txt files together in one place?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
does anyone know how to select a group of files to then get the total size of the group. ever since i upgraded to snow leopard, whenever i select a group of files and then click on info, i get separate windows for every file and then must add them up separately.
I currently have 3 AXs on my home network--2 extending with one creating a network. Currently I have 11 clients attatched to one Airport and none attatched to the others! Thus that airport is getting hammered with traffic and bottlenecking and slowing down etc.
Is there a way to distribute clients more evenly and/or choose which one to connect to?
When i try to select an standard Apple screen saver in my preference panel it crashes. I can select screen savers that i imported myself.Anyone got some ideas what might causing this?i got this crash report.