MacBook Air :: Some Chart Types Cannot Be Combined With Other Chart Types
Jun 19, 2012
I am working on a MacBook Air (purchased Oct 2009) running Lion. While working in Excel 2011, I encounter the error "Some chart types cannot be combined with other chart types. Please select a different chart type." I am highlighting 46 cells to create a marked line graph. There are no other charts in the file. I called Microsoft support who told me they had not heard of this problem in Excel (only in PowerPoint). I also took it to an Apple Store Genius, who was unable to solve the problem, which is understandable, given that he does not work for Microsoft.
I have recopied the data to a new spreadsheet, re-typed all the data to a new spreadsheet, and deleted plist files. When I sent it to a different computer (which was running Excel 2011 and Snow Leopard), I could make the figure but I cannot edit the figure or add data on my laptop.
Does anyone have a link to a chart of the various screen resolutions and their corresponding dpi numbers? I have been trying to find one and have been woefully unsuccessful thus far. I would just like to compare the different resolutions of computers I have, and have used, vs. the new mpb resolutions.
I was reading that the new 13" Macbook Pro display can display 60% more of the color gamut. See That page includes a chart showing the color gamut, and a triangular portion of it that the laptop can display. So I started thinking, if a display can only display a portion of the color gamut, then how is it able to display a chart which includes the whole color gamut?
I am trying to create an organizational chart on my MacBook Pro. Is this possible without downloading something that costs money? Are there any free resources to use?
So a few days ago I spilt tea on my MBP. When I opened it back up everything seemed to be in working condition, however a few of my keys were sticky. So, yesterday I took them off and started cleaning. That's when things went down hill.
Now, my keyboard will type two letters at the same time. For example, when I press "r" it will type "ry". It does this for the whole row. The Dashboard key brightens the screen and brings up the dashboard. 4 types 46. f types fh. v types vn. And space doesn't space.
My keyboard has suddenly started doing weird things, such as the left shift button types an uppercase 'r', the 'r' key will only type as uppercase, and the right shift key takes me to the overlay screen with post-it notes and the calculator. Any ideas besides taking it to the mac store? And any idea on how much they typically charge to fix things like this?
I have read some complaints about what happens with some big excel benchmark or something but try this one on for size: Making a chart with 6 data points took 1 full minute to make and scrolling down after the thing was rendered, damn near impossible! seriously, Office 97 on a 486 beat this! with the right IO,, a FREE CELL PHNE could beat this! I have a brand new Macbook, smoking fast... Can we sue MS for a defective product?
I'm playing around with the charts in Pages (which are freaking awesome, btw). But I can't figure out how to get a pie chart without the colour purple in it--see some screenshots below. In the first screenshot you'll see the legend under the chart, with untitled purple and blue markers. If I try to delete these markers (see second image), then all the markers will shift, so that the first two are always purple and blue ! Is there a way to get rid of purple and blue altogether? Or just not show the untitled markers? Or does everyone actually like purple? I think it's a pretty horrid colour for a chart.
So I'm creating a chart to show Uk carbon emission targets. I realise that the total percentage will not equal 100% but that's not the point of the chart. Although the data is correct, the figures on the chart itself is not correct. Is there a way that I can override the figures on the chart? If not, how can I make it match the table data but ignore the 100% rule?
Got Numbers 08 installed, never really used it as didn't have a need. Created a spreadsheet the last day with some survey results for a project and saved it.
My spreadsheet looks like: (A1-Grey) - Sex - Age - Multiple choice question (Blank-Grey) - Male - 30 - Answer1 (Blank-Grey) - Female - 25 -Answer2
With a blank column on the left that's grey and the top heading thing being grey. Bit lost though with turning say the "Multiple choice question" column into a pie-chart (or any sort of chart tbh). I choose the header and all the 30 or so replies in that column and select chart -> pie-chart. It presents me with a pie-chart "Chart1" with just blue - 100% and the legend stating : blue - Untitled 1. How would I go about making the chart with the data I need? (I know I'm selecting it wrong or have it laid out wrong or something) or editing a chart manually.
Is there any such software for the Mac? My windows system just blew up and I really need to get back in to trading (without windows this time hopefully).
I am currently getting to grips with applescript. I have created some documents using pages 09 and pull in a couple of charts onto these doc's using Numbers 09. I am trying to find the applescipt command that tells Page 09 to Refresh or Sync the data from Numbers 09. you can do it manually by cliekc ing the Sync/Refrresh arrow thingies but i cant find a way to automoate it
I'm trying to insert an organizational chart into an existing Word document that has track changes. I went to SmartArt Graphics, and clicked on Hierarchy, but everything is grayed out. This document is originally from a PC.
After much research on the interweb I've finally realized I've lost the plot, so time to ask the experts....
I've just bought some Kingston KTA-MP800K2/4G RAM from here. The website says it's non-ECC yet the same product from here says it is ECC. This "yes it is/no it isn't" repeated throughout my searches. I bought my Mac with 4x1Gb of Apple's RAM which I'm guessing is ECC(?).
These are my questions: 1. Does anyone know what the correct ECC status is for this product (the Kingston website was no use at all!)
2. I'm reading that it is you shouldn't mix ECC types but what are the consequences of doing so?
3. Is there any software tool to run that can check if my installed RAM is ECC or not, or check everything is happy and compatible?
4. Am I being pointlessly paranoid!?
I do a lot of motion graphics and 3d work so it's important to me everything is tuned up and working as smoothly as possible.
As some/most photographers know, when editing a RAW image in Photoshop (probably other Adobe applications as well), Photoshop creates a .xmp sidecar file that contains the RAW converter settings and saves them in the original folder that the image exists in. In order to create a cleaner, easier to view finder window is it possible to hide certain file types in OSX? Such as hiding all files that have the extension .xmp?
Having been a mac owner for a few years now, I guess it actually shows the quality of the product that this is the first time I've had to post on this site.I've recently upgraded from my 2008 model MacBook to an early 2011 model MacBook Pro 17" with Lion. This machine was brand new when I purchased it, and is a very lovely bit of kit.
The problem comes from the sleep functionality. Approximately one time of three, when I resume from sleep, the keyboard will be malfunctioning. What I mean by this is that when I type letters, they come out as symbols instead. I haven't been sharp enough to get a direct mapping of A-Z yet (I will do next time), but these aren't the 'ALT' key symbols, they're more like this (which is what I typed into Notepad last time this happened)In order to resolve this, I need to restart the computer, which, thus far, has resolved the issue every time. That said, it's a bit of a pain, so would like to know what's going on and if there is any way to prevent it.
All the software on the mac is up to date at time of writing, there have been no expansions to the machine (yet), so it's exactly as shipped. It's the 2.2GHz i7 Quad Core device, and is the first one supporting the thunderbolt graphics connector. Could it be a hardware problem (if so, I want to return it asap to get it sorted).
I am working on my thesis data where I have to create a lot of different graphs, all of which have cells where there was no sampling done and thus, no data. I would like to display a symbol or indicator in the graph where there is no data rather than it appearing as a zero value. I do not want to go through after creating the graph and importing it into my word doc and place text boxes with symbols where there is no data.
I want to create a chart that shows the highest given value for each day (regardless of which hour it occurred) and another chart with the highest given value by hour. In the above sample the chart would show:
10/01/09 56.7 10/02/09 44.5 10/31/09 56.6
12:00am 56.5 01:00am 44.5 02:00am 17.5
I am able to do this in excel very quickly by using a Pivot Chart, but can't seem to figure this out in Numbers.
I have no experience in Numbers so I was wondering if I could create a histogram in Numbers and then bring over the histogram chart over to Pages? And how would I do that exactly? Can that be done? I need to do something like this so that my lab report for my Physics class could look a bit better typed and everything and without any sort of glue or tape.
I need to create a timeline for a project, it needs to show a list of releases of different products, I also need to be able to create one that shows how these items can run parallel to each other. Is there anything that would be suited to the task? (a free solution is best, I only need to use it this one time).
I know how to change icons but I'm having problem with the type of file. I've managed to change one using the rsrc file type but no other type will work for me such as icns, png or tiff. This is probably something easy. Do they have to be converted into rsrc or is it the OS version I'm running?
getting pretty hacked of trying to import mpg4 and DV into Imovie without success. Im using Toast to convert. Only other option is H264 and HDV which, no doubt, wont work. Can anyone tell me what file types are supported ??
i'm abit ocd with stuff on my computer, so stuff like this really bothers me. i had parallels one my computer for a little while whilst i needed windows. now i don't i got rid of the partition and uninstalled parallels. but, .exe files and some other files still show the parallels logo, as if it wants to open them in parallels.
is there any way i can change this? i've removed everything i can think of in preferences, application support, startup items, receipts, etc to do with parallels but to no avail.
I'm interested in getting a Mac Pro for my recording studio. I'm trying to find out what types/brands of soundcards are supported. I currently use M-Audio, but looking on their site I see that they don't have any drivers that go above 10.5.8. It appears that I may need a new sound card if I get a Mac Pro. I need to know what my choices are BEFORE I do anything more. I currently use Logic Pro on my old G4 with Tiger & that's just not cutting it. However, I have a great soundcard so it still works OK for now.