MacBook Air :: MDP Ports On The New MBA's Support Audio?
Oct 25, 2010Title pretty much says it all. Can anyone confirm that the MDP ports on the new MBAs support audio?
View 1 RepliesTitle pretty much says it all. Can anyone confirm that the MDP ports on the new MBAs support audio?
View 1 RepliesI want to hook my Macbook Pro up to a Sony Bravia (not sure of the exact model). I went to the Apple Store, and was given these two items to hook it up. Moshi Mini DP to HDMI Adapter with Audio Support. Belkin High Speed HDMI Cable - 6 feet
We successfully hooked it up last night, and the video worked. I was told in the store that this setup would not transfer audio, so I already knew there would not be sound coming from the TV, rather from the Macbook instead. My Q is: What's the easiest way to get audio to come from the TV? I'd rather not buy external speakers to plug in, if I can help it.
when you're recording, will the sound quality of the dual function line in audio port on the 13" be as good as the dedicated one on the 15"?
edit: the reason I'm wondering is because I want to convert old collections of vinyl records into digital copies at the highest quality possible and need to know if the 'line in' on the 13" will work good for that.
On every 13" aluminium MacBook I have ever come across there is a very sensitive audio output port that cuts back to the internal speakers if you move the jack to much. Is this fixed with the new 13" MBP audio out/in port?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes the new MBA support digital audio output via the Headphone minijack or Mini DisplayPort to HDMI?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a 13" Retina Macbook Pro and I'm connecting it to 2 Asus monitors that I will be getting soon through thunderbolt to HDMI. The 2 monitors have built in speakers and I would like to have them both pick up the audio from my computer. Is there a way to do that? I know in the preferences I can't choose more than one audio output. Is there perhaps a software that can tweak that? I'm not looking to get a sort of hub that will pick up audio from the audio jack on my laptop because the monitors only have an output jack (green jack) and therefore, I assume, you can't insert audio into them that way.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI could answer this myself tomorrow morning by trying it out on my fianc�e's new MBA but it's in the bedroom and she's asleep. Chances are I'll forget by tomorrow so I figured I'd ask here.
My Unibody MacBook Pro (Rev A) can use the microphone in my iPhone headphones when they're plugged into the audio out port. The volume controls on the headphones also work. Is this also true for the audio out socket on the MBA?
If yes then it should be pretty easy to make a mono audio input source by hacking an old set of iPhone headphones. I'll probably just get some kind of USB audio in adapter but this could always be an option.
I would like to connect my Imac to my home entertainment system.I have the late 2009 21.5" model.If I get a mini display port to HDMI adapter will that run both audio and video for me or do I have to run seperate audio?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
If so, do you use them and what sound system do you have?
View 2 Replies View RelatedTrying to figure out if something is up with mine and a buddies machine specifically or they are all buggered....
Please post if you have an audio pop or click type sound that is intermittent (every few minutes or couple hours) on your i5 or i7 machine while playing audio through external speakers.
If you have it, please describe your situation as it occurs so we can perhaps isolate it:
I.e. Plugged in / on battery, programs running, usb plugged in, etc.
Mine happens whether on battery or not, iTunes, games, movies, Locked in video card...
- Volume is at max
- System Prefs>Sound>External Speakers>Volume Max>Not Muted
- No red light coming from the headphone jack
- Tried inserting and removing headphones, no sound in speakers or headphones
- Restarted computer while holding down ⌘ + OPT + P + R , no sound made
- A very very faint feedback, like when you plug an electric guitar in to an amp, can be heard when the first sound (the mac start up chime) is supposed to play on restart
- USB headphones work
I have the microsoft arc mouse and keyboard and each of them have seperate transrecievers. The macbook air only has two ports. If I bought a usb hub would this enable me to plug the transrecievers into the hub so I would have 1 usb port free? Im considering returning them and getting logtech's unifying transreciever, but they have no small keyboards that are compatible with it.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
My usb ports in my c2d macbook don' t seem to be working. When I plug in my digital camera (sony) or itunes phone (motorola), nothing happens. I tried both of these devices on my 2 old powerbooks and they sync fine. Anyway I can check whether my macbook usb ports are functioning?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I plug a wireless USB receiver for my wireless mouse into my USB drive that mouse will sometimes jump and not work but if i push up on the receiver it starts working perfectly, any ideas on what to do, the receiver is about the size of a thumb drive.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOne of the USB ports are not working is there something I can do at home so I can avoid having to go into the Apple Store?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS 9.0.x
what is the best way to add storage to macbook pro without having to use the too few usb ports.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter using time machine or anything plugged into my USB ports my machine will not shutdown normally, i have to hold down the power button and force the shutdown, or just sit and look at a spinning wheel.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), This also happened whilst operating
my usb ports on my macbook pro wont pick up anything i plug into them!
Anything I insert an usb key in one of the usb ports, i can't see it on my desktop nor anywhere else except via Disk Utility, but there is no way I can access it! any ideas what could be happening?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
So I've been thinking about how i am going to be using my new MBA as my main machine for a couple of months and i currently use an external monitor with it.
The MBA is advertised to run an external, such as an ACD.
I jut looked at the ports and i find it really strange that the MagSafe connector is on the left, but the mini display port is on the right... Now you will have cables on both sides? How does this work with the set of MagSafe + display port + USB in an ACD? I don't think they are long enough to go around? Or would you have to plus in the other MagSafe and just use the right side for display port and USB. That is silly though.
II discovered a very interesting anomaly with my mid-2009 13". I plugged my ipad in to syncs and charge, and the ipad said, "not charging." some research on the net yielded information that the iPad requires a higher powered USB port, which all late model macbooks have... All except mine apparently.....
So, I tried the other USB port, and low and behold, the ipad started charging. So the question is, is this the design of the MBP, or do I perhaps have a sub-optimal USB port?
Just wondering why does apple supply firewire ports on all their comps including laptops, because these days I can't find anything that has firewire ports that I will use everyday i.e. flash disc, HD, mouse etc. I know there's somewhere a 2.5" HD firewire case available but I already have a USB case for an external, and it would probably be more expensive to get it. What do you guys use firewire ports for?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have a 15" MBP and am now having trouble discovering my printer on it. I have the printer connected to my iomega powered hard drive which in turn connects to my MBP via firewire 800. Earlier the printer was working fine when the iomega was connected via a USB port. BUt im short on USB ports (one goes to my Companion 5 speakers and the second to a 2nd display besides the mini DVI display) hence need to connect via firewire.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Mid09 13in MBP.
I noticed that when I put it in sleep, the USB ports still get power. Is there a way to make it so they turn off when it sleeps? I have a cooling plate attached so I have to unplug it every time I sleep it, gets pretty annoying when I forget and I unplug the USB plug and the MBP turns back on. My mouse/keyboard are BT so it wakes it that way, not by USB.
And is it bad for me to have the laptop running with the lid closed? I don't know if the heat would affect the screen or not. I'm currently not doing this because I'm not sure about the effects of the heat on the screen, but I do use a cooling plate, average temps are 120-130*F.
When I plug an externally powered device (printer, external HD etc.) into my MBP via USB, there are small sparks around the plug and the plugged in speaker makes sounds. I think that this also caused my external HD to die.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've got a macbook pro unibody and basically of the two usb ports. The lower one is working fine
but the top one is acting a bit funny. If I put my mouse or graphics tablet in there it doesn't work but if I put my phone or usb drive in there they work perfectly.
I was wondering whether trash and dust can damage the ports in the side of a MBP(or any laptop), let's say, if I'm using a Speck case around my macbook pro and put it inside my backpack, can the USB, Eternet, and so forth get damage in any way by the dust and small trashes(little bits of paper, things like that).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a macbook, and it only has 2 USB ports. My SuperDrive broke, so I have to use an external since I'm still a student (so I have an extremely tight budget). I have to use it to boot from the Mac OS X install dvd, so that's both my USB ports gone right there. And my Time Machine backup requires another USB port (since a WiFi drive is too expensive for me). Any way to have both of them running at the same time?
View 6 Replies View RelatedAbout to take the plunge and buy my first laptop (currently have a G5 PPC imac.) I'm planning on using Logic 9, Garageband and Sibelius, and recording live instruments. It will be my main computer, and will be moved about a fair bit. I'm going for a Macbook Pro since Apple decided to remove the Firewire ports from the Macbooks. Any thoughts on minimum spec? I can't decide whether to go for 13" or 15" - and would appreciate any ideas on what extras are really worth the additional cash (I haven't got an unlimited budget.)
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just bought a MacBook (13.3", 2GHz, 160GB, 2GB Aluminum, Late 2008)on ebay and at first the usb ports seemed temperamental. Now they only recognize my mouse and no other hardware (camera, usb stick etc). (It is running snow leopard.)
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