MacBook Air :: Dead - Won't Change From Green To Orange - Black Screen

May 9, 2012

Macbook air from late 2010. 2GB RAM, 1.86 Processing speed. Won't start up, tried all key combinations possible. how to create a battery discharge so I can charge it again? Yesterday it used to charge but was already dead... 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Goes Black And Orange?

Jun 28, 2014

I'm having some problems with my Macbook Pro. It's two years old - purchased in the spring of 2012, it's a late 2011 model.  

It's been running fine up until a few weeks ago. First, sometimes, after you close it and open it again, the keyboard lights up but the screen stays black, and you have to restart it. This has usually happened if you open it too quickly after closing it again, but the last time it happened after the laptop's been closed for over an hour.  

Then, today, while I was using the laptop (not at start-up - it has been running for some time), the screen went orange. I had to shut it down, and it took four or five tries to get it to start again - the first few times, it turned on but the screen stayed black, then the next time it turned on, and kept playing the Mac start-up musical sound over and over again until it turned on, and then it finally turned on and started up.  

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MacBook Pro :: Its Just Died And The Charger Is Now Flashing Green/orange?

Apr 21, 2012

My MacBook Poor just died, wont turn on no light nothing!!!! the charger started flashing green/orange i have apple care but no apple stores?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Turn On And Off (Green Then Orange Light)

Jun 3, 2012

My Macbook Pro's charger when I plug it in turns on (green light then orange light) and after a few seconds it turns off and back on again. I tried unplugging it and plugging it back in after several seconds and I also tried different power outlets but it still doesn't work properly, I even tried restarting the SMC (Not sure if I did it right though). What could be the cause and I have a Macbook Pro 13" Late 2011 model running Intel Dual Core i5 Processor.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: What To Do When Charger Blinks Green And Orange Fast

Aug 26, 2014

My Mac is dead and it isn't even a year yet. The charger blinks green to orange fast and it will not turn on.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Take Forever To Turn Little Green/orange Light On And So It Won't Charge?

May 12, 2012

So, often than not my charger when I connect it to my mac will take forever to turn the little green/orange light on and so it won't charge I don't know what the issue is.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Power Cord Does Not Light Up (green For A Second, Orange For A Second Then Dark)

Jun 12, 2012

MagSafe power cord for MacBook lights up green for one second and then lights up orange for one second, then goes dark. Battery shows MacBook has no power anymore, so will not boot. I cleaned the contacts and none are pushed down. What are my next steps?

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OS X :: Battery Light Blinking Between Green / Yellow And Orange?

Jun 6, 2007

I have my powerbook g4 charging all the time and the one time I unplug it to use somewhere else the battery loses its charge and shuts off the screen til i plug it in again...also the light around the plug that goes into the battery port on the laptop is flashing between green/yellow and orange.

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Mac Mini :: DEAD 1.83GHz C2D - Screen Went Black And Light Off

Apr 22, 2010

My faithful and trusted Intel Mac mini 1.83 C2D that I bought new in December 2007 suddenly died during a major 10.6.3 update install. It almost completed the update and the screen went black and the light went off instantly. The power button doesn't respond at all. I had major work projects going on Sunday night when I took a break, quit all applications and did the software update and it died. I took it to the Apple Store Monday morning thinking it was the power supply. I was informed that the logic board is dead and my HD has to be wiped and OS X reinstalled. The repair would cost well over $300 and have a 90 day warranty with the same logic board installed that could fail again. Ironically enough, I had been thinking about buying another new Mac mini and a new Mac mini Server for work. That's not going to happen now. I left the Apple store with my new $600 paper weight for my desk. What would you do? This was a sad day in my faith in Apple products. Apple Mac mini lemon? While my 500Mhz Cube serves me very well day to day at work, I do need my 10.6 Mac mini to run iMovie '09 to put together my videos for [URL]

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PowerPC :: Cannot Start My Powerbook - When Plug In Power Adaptor, There Is No Green Or Orange?

Jan 21, 2009

I went to turn on my Powerbook G4 (Aluminum 1.67GHz Low Res) today and when I plugged it in, I noticied a kind of crackling or popping noise. I unplugged the power adapter and tried again. I knew that my battery was dying before this (could only get about 30 min on a charge). But now I cannot start my Powerbook. Whenever I plug in my power adaptor, there is no green/orange light. However, when I take the battery out, I hear the Powerbook trying to start up (hard drive spin). But then there is nothing but my fans on full blast! They will not stop and there is nothing on the screen. I left it there for a good 5 min and nothing changed!

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MacBook Pro :: Orange Diamonds Going Across Screen

Apr 6, 2012

Orange diamonds going across my screen. I reset the PRAM And NVRAM now I'm in safe mode and screen is still the same. I'm using an older MBP late 2006 intel core duo 2.16 Ghz

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Software :: Dead Macbook / Went Black

Feb 2, 2009

Im pretty computer savy and i may have my own answer but i want a second opinion.yesterday my macbook died on me, literally died, went black screamed, and then died. now it wont turn on or do much. BUT when i hit the power button fans run, the cd drive vrooms, and the harddrive sounds like its kicking in, but i get nothing but a black screen. Occasionally the screen will flicker gray but thats about it. i assume its the logic board.

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PowerPC :: Charger - Not Glowing Green / Amber - Battery Dead

Oct 30, 2010

I have a 17" PB with a couple of growing issues. Right now I am unable to use it for one of several reasons. About a year ago I purchased a charger off of Ebay to replace the original one that started sparking. Shortly after I received the new charger I started having issues with the charger connecting. I would have to twist it and turn it to find the right spot. Now, it doesn't glow green or amber at all. That sweet spot is completely gone. Also, the battery is completely dead. It needs to be replaced. Not sure at this point if I'm sitting on a dead charger or if I need to replace the DC-In board. I have never had a major accident with the machine but I do recall snagging the chord once or twice. It is possible something was damaged inside when that happened. I've never had an issue like this so I'm not too sure about the symptoms. I'm thinking a new charger would be the cheapest and safest start. I don't feel very confident purchasing one from Ebay again.

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MacBook :: Tiny Black Dot Or Dead Pixel

Jan 13, 2010

I have a macbook regular white one and on the bottom of the screen like where the icons are like in the middle of the bottom of the screen there a little like black dot could also be like clear color actually idk and it wont go away idk what it is if its a dead pixel or something .

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Hardware :: Airport Express (old Model) Flashing Green Rapidly - Is It Dead?

Dec 20, 2010

I just came home from a 4 day vacation and noticed that my wifi was down. Upon inspection i found that the light on my Airport Express is flashing green rapidly (3-4 flashes/second - much faster than the flashing when starting up).

I cannot find the Airport with Airport Utility and I have tried both a hard reset and a factory reset with no luck - it just keeps flashing.

Is there anything I can do or is it dead?

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MacBook :: Open Up Photo Booth It's Just Black, And The Green Light Won't Come On?

Nov 7, 2009

I've been having a strange issue with my iSight recently. It will work sometimes, and then one day for no reason, it won't. When I open up photo booth it's just black, and the green light won't come on. When I try and video chat, it says the camera is in use, which it obviously isn't. It will let me chat, though, the other person just can't see me. If I restart my computer, the camera will start working again, but the same issue will come back within a few days. About a month ago I called Applecare about this and a palmrest crack, and sent it in. Since I had to turn it off to send it in, though, they didn't see any problem when they received it and thus didn't do anything about it. Once the issue came back again, I took it to an Apple store (about an hour away) so I could show someone in person. The genius sent it in for me and they replaced several parts, but it's happening again! This is very frustrating, and I really don't want to have to make the drive again. My school store sells Macs and I might be able to take it there for them to have a look. I've had a few other issues with this machine, too, do you think they might just consider a replacement at this point? I've had a couple other small issues with the machine in the past (DOA battery, palmrest cracks, stuck pixels).

It's a late '07 Blackbook with plenty of Applecare left. Also, the issue started after (but not right after) I installed Snow Leopard, if that might have anything to do with anything.

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MacBook Pro :: 2008 Stay Freeze At Start With Black And Green Bars?

Jun 13, 2012

I've an early 2008 macbook Pro with geforce 8600 graphic cards.Since a few days i've problems with it, during a session my screen become a little green and pink and I've sometime the kernel panic message.When i restart, i've  green and black bars on the screen, the apple is not in the middle and the mac freeze.I can't start with the recovery, even on the usb recovery disk, because after the choice of the recovery, the mac begin and freeze.I've ever try to begin in single user mode with fsck -fy command, sometime it resolve the problem but now nothing at all.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Certain Layers Of Display Have Green Black Matrix Sort Of Effect

Dec 1, 2014

I'm using macbook pro 2009 15'' certain layers of display have a green black matrix sort of effect...

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Pixels On Screen / Screen Is Brighter Towards Left Side

Jun 1, 2010

I'm wondering how uniform the backlighting is on everyone's mid-2010 MBPs. The screen on mine is sort of a gradient, with the screen becoming progressively brighter towards the left side. There are also what appear to be columns where the screen is slightly darker than the surrounding area. This makes it annoying to read in low-light conditions because the left side of the screen will be at a comfortable level when the right side is slightly too dim, or the other extreme. I absolutely cannot stand dead/hot pixels though which makes me hesitant to have the screen replaced. I just bought the notebook a week ago but I don't want it replaced, as I installed a Moshi PalmGuard before I noticed the screen issues. I also installed an InvisibleShield but I can have that replaced at no cost.

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Mac Pro :: Western Digital Caviar Green Or Black 1TB

Aug 12, 2009

Just recently got myself a Mac Pro with the standard 600GB HDD, I'm thinking of buying a 1TB drive to give myself some more space. I've decided on a Western Digital, 2 models actually and I need some suggestion in deciding which one.

- Western Digital Caviar Green 1TB
- Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB

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Mac Pro :: HD To Accompany SSD - Difference Between Caviar Black Or Green

Jul 20, 2010

HD to accompany my SSD startup/OS disk in my HackPro and I'm wondering if my media disk makes that much of a difference. The Caviar Greens run cheaper $/GB than the Blue or Black from what I've seen. Would there be much of a difference using a Green as a scratch disk?

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Mac Mini :: Green Line And Black Space On Side Of Display

Mar 24, 2012

I am getting a green line and a black open space on the side of my Mac Mini TV when I set it up. I have tried every different resolution and it is still there. The problem is that when I click Detect Displays, nothing happens to the screen.

iPod touch, iOS 1.x

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MacBook Pro :: Cause Of Green Screen?

May 2, 2012

What are some possible causes of a green screen with vertical lines and a loss of text contrast?   This is a 4 month old Macbook Pro.  All updates have been's going in to the genius bar this A.M.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Went Green Before Shutting Down?

May 18, 2012

My screen went green before shutting down... Is this common? It didn't warn me that I had a low battery. We I restarted it I got a screen saying ' The date on my computer was set to before 1/1/2008 and it would cause problems. I checked the time & date and it's  got the correct time. it anyone has experienced this I would like to know.

Mac Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Pixel On The Screen?

Sep 12, 2010

I have owned my new MBP for less than 3 months and I have already spotted a dead pixel. It is about 2.5" about the dead center of the monitor. Whenever I have a browser or any other light background up I see it stick out like a sore thumb. I did a search on the forums and saw that Apple has a "policy" regarding these things before they will replace it. The nearest Apple store is 3 hours away and they want me to bring it in. Obviously I don;t want to drive all the way there for them to turn me away. What do you guys think....too OCD? The short amount of time I have owned it though makes me want it fixed...and I can't NOT see it now that I know it's there (yes it's a double negative).

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MacBook Pro :: Migration From A Dead Screen

Feb 12, 2012

I have an old 2007 Macbook Pro that the video card died in.  I ordered my new laptop and want to transfer the information from the old one to the new one.  The migration assistant wants me to run the migration assistant on the old computer, but I can access it because the screen is dead.  Hooking it to a monitor wont work is the best way to get my data onto my new MacBook?  I have a firewire to quickly transfer the data, just not sure how to get to it.

Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5)

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MacBook :: A Green Screen Appears And Nothing Work?

May 2, 2012

I try to turn on my MacBook and comes a sound like an alarm the light in the front blinking and nothing...

Today when I try again appears a green scren and nothing...

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Thin Green Lines On Screen

Jun 19, 2014

my macbook pro screen has two thin green lines running down the screen from top to bottom.  i have run the apple hardware test and it has detected an error.  unfortunately i am in a remote village for the next two months and unable to get my macbook to a repair centre. What the thin green lines indicate?, whether the error on the hard drive and the green lines are connected or something different? the lap top seems to be working fine however im concerned that as i cant get to a repair place for the next 2 months whether continued use will damage the computer further?

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Pixels And Dust Under Screen

Oct 18, 2008

It seems one of the defect possibilities of the new manufacturing process is that the new Macbooks or Macbook Pros can get dust trapped behind the glass screen. At least, that's what happened to my Macbook. So they let me return it, and I got a Macbook Pro, and now the new Macbook Pro, though a thing of beauty, has a bright dead pixel in the top middle screen, as well as a dimmer dead pixel 2 inches to the left of that one. I heard that Apple's dead pixel policy was three dead pixels or no deal on an exchange, but I just bought the computer a few hours ago. Do you think I have a shot at them replacing it? I hate to think of staring at this, (bright) dead pixel for three years, (not to mention the other dimmer dead pixel).

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MacBook :: Dead Pixel On The Bottom Of Screen?

Aug 18, 2009

I just bought my white MacBook and its a great computer except for the 2 dead pixels that i found. On the left side there are 2-3 dead pixels about 1 inch from the bottom of the screen and 1 inch from the top.

I bought it from BestBuy this Sunday and only discovered the problem today. So my question is can they tell me that it is OK for an LCD to have 2-3 dead pixels and refuse to do anything with it? It is unacceptable in my opinion, as the LCD technologies have been out for a while, as well as Apple's products are usually of very high quality.

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