MacBook Air :: Cannot Access IMessage - Does Not Accept Password
Sep 6, 2014
have a problem with my imessage syncing with my phone. I cannot access them on my computer. I have signed into my imessage and then when i try to go to online mode imessages asks me for my password but it does not accept the password and continually reappears and not connecting me.Â
I am having problems with my mail on my MacBook. It is asking for enter password for account, I put my password in then it comes saying"the MobileMe imap server "" rejected it"?
Immediately shut it off and cleaned what I could up, but some coffee got in the keys on the right hand side.
So now, when booting, there is no 'BONG' start up. It asks for a password to login, but it won't accept the right password (like the keys are pressing the wrong buttons) - pressing the 'enter' key during this process puts a character up in the password screen like a different key is being pressed.
Can't log into it. Haven't disassembled it yet to see what I can see, but looking for advice. My wife just bought this for her business (first nice thing she's ever bought herself) and is mortified to have spilled coffee in it after only 4 days.
My macbook ran out of battery two days ago. When I restarted it had all my data and files, but the settings had been reset (i.e. my screen saver, dock, expose, etc had all been reset to the original settings). A day later, the macbook froze and I tried to restart it. It now goes to the login page with my user ID but does not accept my correct password. Instead, the rainbow pinwheel spins for a few minutes before the login window shakes and then clears my entered password, as if it does not accept the password. After a few repeated tries, it offered me my password hint. I know my password is the same one I've always used. Â
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.5), late 2008 aluminum model
I've just installed a clean SL. It's worked fine, but I'm trying to use Disk Utility and it won't let me erase another partition, verify disk permissions or anything! When I try to, it tells me to type my name and password, I do that, and it gives me ''You must type an administrators name and password to make changes to disk utility''. But I just gave it my name and password! I've tryed logging out, and it let me log back in and accepted me no worries, but it won't let me use disk utility or system preferences!
i cannot get into my mail account it will not accept my password i cannot receive mail or send mail any ideas ??? the fault reads as follows "the smpt server [URL] rejected your password
now i understand i may have forgotten it but i only use 3 passwords and ive tried all of them any way to reset this?
I have iTunes 10.6.1 and had an iTunes account for years. I recently tried to buy a music album on iTunes and a window keeps asking for my login which I provided. It would not accept a valid .mac account ID so I reset the password. No effect. I can log into both my iTunes account and .mac account just fine but it will not allow me to purchase anything.
Itunes has been rejecting my password. This started happening out of the blue. I went into my account online to change passwords 3 times after I could not log in. I got into my account fine, I cannot get itunes to accept my passwords.
I just switched to iCloud from MobileMe, and my Mail program now tells me that my password is not correct. I've gone so for as to delete the account and add it again, and it still will not accept the password. I know the password is correct, it works on this site, as well as directly in iCloud, and on my iPhone, it's only the Mail program that it won't work in.
When I turn on my MacBook,Mac osx pops up and asking for my password but it won't accept it.I need to get out of the page but how? Even when i insert the disk i' the same way.
I have an older Power PC Mac that runs OS 10.4. Mail does not accept my password on this computer. So I can neither send or receive mail. While my Intel Mac that runs Lion & iCloud accepts the same pw and works fine. What should I do? There is no update for Power PC Mail application. Is this time to discard this older Mac completely?
i have an imac 15" g4 will not accept password on login. i put the boot cd in and reset the password on both root and my name. yet still nothing reset the passwords twice. still nothing. i did nothing to it i just installed an update and then it just restarted and now password will not accept. it really pissing me off. lol.
I just set up an iChat account for the first time and it wont accept my password. Changed the password 3 times to confirm it matched and it still wont let me log on. I set up another account and it's the same thing with the password not being accepted. What's the deal? "The .Mac password you entered is not correct. If you forgot your password, you can reset at the .Mac website."
For the past month or so, any time I've tried to go through the process of installing an app that requires Installer to do the work, when it comes time to enter my admin password, nothing happens. The password box pops up, I enter the correct password (as when I enter an incorrect one it does its "incorrect password shake-thing") and, like always, the admin password box disappears. Normally at this point, the installer continues on to install the app, but instead it does absolutely nothing. I can click "Install" again to enter the password, but, again, nothing happens. I've tried changing my password, deleting preference files, doing a disk repair and permissions repair - nothing.
since today mail and my icloud account dows not accept my password. when i go whith safari into my icloud i can log in with my apple id and the related password.
I followed Roger Wilmot's clear instructions to migrate to iCloud using Snow Leopard:Â [URL]Â
But having set up the account, iCloud in Apple Mail will not accept the password. I have checked, and the password is the correct one, which gets me into MobileMe correctly. I have not deleted my MobileMe mail account, and that is still working properly, and accepting the password. The password is a new one, which complies with 8 characters, at least one capital, and at least one numeral.
Something is wrong with my mail client. Even though I am 100% certain that the password is correct (I get mail on my iPhone and when I log onto iCloud site), my mail will not accept the password. I've tried even to delete the account and set it up again, but that doesn't work either.
I have a Dual 2ghz PowerPC G5.I'm positive the password is correct because I enter it all the time in my other mac hardware/applications. I tried deleting the mail account them re-adding it, it still rejects my password. I can't update any of my software (nothing is available). I've tried restarting the computer.Safari still works. All my other apps still work.  I selected PowerMac as the product on the pulldown menu, I hope that's the same as PowerPC. My OS is 10.4.11Â
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Mail 2.3.1(753.1)
I've opened a secondary email account and Mail won't accept the password. I can send OK but not receive. But when I check with bigpond online the test emails are both sent and received but only sent through Mail - tried changing the password many times, quitting app, restart, and even delete that mail account and reenter - all to no avail
When we try to install Yosemite, the installer won't accept our admin password (blank). We tried changing the password and  System Preferences > Users & Groups > Change Password won't accept it either.Â