Mac Mini :: Adding RAM To MacMini, Do Both RAM Modules Need To Match?
Aug 18, 2008
I have this 1.42GHz G4 Mac Mini that my mother uses for very basic stuff but still gets bogged down by skype videoconferencing or by having more than a couple of tabs open on the browser. I was thinking of adding some RAM to its original 512MB (DDR 3200 on 1 module).
I checked prices on Ebuyer and 1GB of DDR3200 SODIMM will set me back �26 while a DDR4200 module of the same capacity will cost �13. I was wondering if it would be OK to mix the 2 memory types and get 1.5GB, or if I should replace the original RAM completely.
I've got a refurb 21.5" iMac 3.06GHz/4GB RAM/500GB HDD arriving soon.I believe it has two 2GB modules installed in two of the four memory slots, with two other slots unused. I have a few questions before I order more RAM for my machine.
Is it advisable to have ALL the RAM modules be of identical brand and size?Can other brands of RAM be added to the two empty slots as long as they are of the same specifications? Do RAM modules need to be added in pairs or is single ok?Can the added RAM modules be of any size (1GB, 2GB, or 4GB) and still work fine with the factory installed 2GB modules?
For example, would there be any performance problem by adding a single 4GB module to the existing two 2GB modules? Or would it be better to add two 2GB modules rather than a single 4GB module?
Since purchase of my macmini (2011 model) I have been able to wake it from sleep by hitting the (wired) keyboard space bar.However, I recently updated the OS to 10.7.4 using the combo (1.4Gb) update, since when I cannot wake the macmini in that way.
Now, after putting the macmini to sleep, pressing the spacebar causes it to shut down. I then have to switch mains power off and on again at the wall socket, after which the macmini starts up from shutdown condition. I am by no means an expert, and have not been fiddling with settings, so I am in need of advice on what could need resetting to allow me to return to the previous simple 'wake up' approach!Â
Host: Mac Mini 2006 1,1 OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) 1.66GHz Core Duo; 2 GB 667MHz DDR2 Ethernet connectedÂ
Client: Mac Mini 2007 (1,2) OS X 10.7.4 (Lion) 1.83GHz Core 2 Duo; 2.5 GB 667 DDR2 Connected via WiFiÂ
Here's what I've tried: SMB and FTP sharing is disabled on the host. After updating the operating systems on both computers as far as they can be updated, permissions were repaired, new sharing usernames were created, firewalls are disabled on host and client.Â
I just purchased a new mac mini yesterday for my home entertainment and file server use. Can I check if i am able to add in another 1 or 2 TB hard disk inside my mac mini?
Laptop - Mac Book Pro w/ Lion, also uses network - not having any issues
iPad 1, using network, no issues.
Last week it suddenly started incrementing the computer name on the network: myName Mini (2), MyName Mini (3),...This causes issues with banking software because it assumes it is a new computer each time and makes me register the new computer each time.
I can't deposit a new midi into my library. I try following the instructions but the song doesn't appear on the main Music library list, and I can't drop in to the Playlist file, where I need to have it as an mp3, so I can make a new CD of this song list. Â
I just had my iMac mini cleaned up and upgraded to Mac OS X 10.7.4 and things are not working the way they were. Before this, I was able just to drag the midi into the main Music library list, turn it into an mp3, then drag a copy into the Playlist.Â
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), just upgraded; things don't work
I have a problem with my old G4 MacMini wich I use for my mp3's/torrents/webserver.
I was ripping all my audio cd's, when all of a sudden my MacMini froze. After a reboot I heard a clicking noise coming from the HDD so my conclusion was: dead HDD.
After ordering another 40GB ide HDD, I managed to install Tiger. Everything seem to work fine. But the moment I rebooted, I got this nice gray screen (again) with a logo flashing from a small finder icon to a question mark.
Things I've tried: - I tried to reboot holding 'C', but that didn't work.
- PRAM reset (holding down the power button when inserting the powercable, and pressing power again). Didn't work.
- I've switched the 3V battery with an old PC motherboard battery (new one underway).
Unfortunatly I don't have a wired Mac keyboard, so I don't have the 'CMD' button (Win keyboard). I do have a bluetooth keyboard, but I assume BT connection is only made when the OS has already started.(second hand Mac keyboard with wire is underway).
I am wondering whether to install win7 via bootcamp or virtual box. My macmini has 2GB memory so if I do a virtualbox install the max I will allocate for win7 is 1GB. I will not be using win7 a lot, I am installing it because my univ gives it for free and just wanted to test it out and play with it. Also, one more problem, the MSDNAA download for win 7 is in EXE format. If I do decide to install as a VM using virtualbox how can I install the EXE, I might have to convert it into a ISO right?
I have an "extra" Mini that I want to set-up in my kitchen. My plan is to mount the computer vertically on the inside of a cabinet. Will mounting the Mac in this way cause any trouble with the hard drive or DVD?
I'm assuming that a RAM upgrade is something I can do (as opposed to bringing to Apple or servicer) to install a memory upgrade, but don't see how I open the box.
I had the great idea to upgrade my titanium G4 to TIGER,it had Panther & I never had a problem, the Tiger cd's that I was installing was for a Macmini not a G4 Mac book(don;t ask, long story) after installing 1 file/folder I ejected the cd. but now when I try to turn on my G4 Titanium after a few seconds the screen gets stuck on the window that read's LOGIN WINDOW STARTING, because I'm very smart(like u guys can tell) I loaded my recovery cd's that came with the computer ,but no luck , now will not eject the cd & still stuck in the same screen.
This was discussd here and there last year but here we are again.We left this subject with the following collective thoughts with some varations and name callings:
- MacMini is OK to run FCPX when maxed out with RAM and editing are done in Proxy.
- MacMini quad server has advantages over the standard MacMini but the GPU ( if there is such thing in MacMini ) is not really up to the task.
- The bottle neck is the GPU and the slow drives generally.
A year has passed and manu vendors are displaying thunderbolt boxes in ranges that could take an express card to all the way up to Two PCIe2 cards and FibreChannels and 10GB ethernetcards..Any of thesee boxes could help the MacMini to rise to the battle for FCPX performance? Is it possible to put a high-end PC video card in Sonnet thunderbolt box and get a real GPU out of the combo for example?
Info: Mac Pro Quad 2.6, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Mac Classic II , PB 180C , ..., iMac G5
Is a MBP w/ the same specs of a MacMini worth the extra bucks for its portability? I plan on getting a MacMini + a Netbook (notetaking in class), but I'm also interested in the MBP. I'm taking Comp Sci classes right now so I'll be using Eclipse the netbook which is cross-platform, so the different OS between the MacMini & Netbook won't matter to me. So the MBP (more $$) or a MacMini+Netbook (save $$)? (Edit: With the MBP, I'm talking about the 13" only)
I want to know if the wool is being pulled over my eyes by OWC. The site says that their 4GB modules for a Mac Pro Intel Xeon Quad-Core 2.66MHz can only be put into the tower if the original Apple modules are first removed. Something makes me think that this is a salesman's bluff. Anyone know for sure? Sorry if an answer to this question has already been given elsewhere.
I know the newer Intel QPI processors have three main-memory channels, and I've seen much discussion and several complaints on these threads that Apple didn't expand their memory risers to squeeze in six DRAM sockets instead of four, so that the module count on each riser could be a multiple of 3. (And also that they should have done this for the 2009 Nehalems).
Here's my question: what kind of performance would I be losing and why if I got one of these new Westmere machines, discarded Apple's stock memory and replaced it with 4--rather than 3--OWC 4GB sticks? What I specifically don't understand is, can't the QPI fetch from any 3 of the 4 modules at once?
I have just bought a Mac Mini for my daughter.I have set up an aliase email address for her as part of my iCloud do I set up her Mail application on the macmini so it only shows the incoming and outgoing email from her alias address ie without showing the my main email account traffic??i don't want her deleting stuff of my account....
While browsing around I've stumbled over a few references to things like "tri-channel memory" and such. From what I understand (not that good with these things) some computer architectures / CPUs are optimized for using 3 memory modules, and some for using pairs (2 or 4).
I just read some benchmark tests of the i7 with different memory configurations, and the 12Gb was is most cases on par or better than all the others when it came to performance, even better than the 16Gb one. Is the new iMac (i7) best suited to use 3 memory modules?
I have 2 1GB sticks left over after updating my 2.2GHZ Macbook's RAM to 4GB. My friend wants my old RAM modules, but his macbook is the black one from 2006. Will this RAM work in his blackbook?
I've read many of the threads regarding RAM pricing and configurations for the 6-Core systems. I planned on ordering my Pro with 6Gb instead of the default 3GB, but my friend at Apple forgot when he placed the order. what I understand RAM module placement and type may significantly impact system performance for this platform. As I need to double the RAM, should I purchase 3x1GB modules to add or purchase 3x2GB models and sell the 3x1 that came with the system? Also, which is the best RAM retailer, OWC, Crucial, etc?
So my early 2010 iMac has 8gb of memory (4 x 2GB modules).I happen to have 2 spare 4gb modules that are from a MacBook pro of the same era - i.e they are DD3 1066Mhz and they will fit.So question is - if I take out two of the 2gb modules and replace them with 2 of the 4gb machines - will the machine work and will it see the full 12gb ( 2 x 2gb plus 2 x 4 gb)?
I recently installed (4) - 4gb RAM modules and I'm worried that they may be running too hot. The image attached is from the machine just essentially sitting idle all day. Only 1gb of the 17gb are wired. When I do put the Mac to work, either through Handbrake or running Autocad through Fusion, the temp on module A1 reaches 173 degrees and the fan speed just about doubles.
I bought a refurbished Mac Pro (8 core) from the apple store and added 4 Gb (2x2Gb) to the 2 Gb tht came installed. I am having a peculiar problem in seeing all four of the memory modules. The only setup that shows all 6 Gb of the memory is to have the modules in the following format: a) 2Gb modules on Riser A, positions 1 and 3 plus 1 Gb mods on Riser B positions 1 and 3; b) 2 Gb and 1 Gb mods on Riser A positions 1 and 3, respectively, and the same on Riser B.
When I put them in the logically (and aesthetically better) intuitive configuration of paired mods in positions 1 and 2 of each Riser, I can only see the modules that are in position 1 of each riser. Is this something expected in the new MacPros? Is there a disadvantage of keeping this configuration? I note that a memory installation video on line stated that the way memory is installed in the early 2008 Mac Pros has changed. Does this issue result from that change?
I have an old PowerMac G4 (AGP Graphics), which has served me dutifully for a long time. However, I recently took all but 128mb of the ram out to temporarily use in other computers, and when I went to put the modules back in, basically none of them worked. Here's the deal: I have 2 256 modules, and when I put those in my computer, whether individually, together, or with other modules, I get this message on-screen and the computer does not boot: localhost:/ root# []. Similarly, I have 3 128mb sticks, but if I put more than one in the computer at a time, I get the same message. I'm thinking the computer may have some issue with more than 128mb of ram, but why all of a sudden? I don't really know anything about code or whatever the computer is trying to tell me.