Mac :: How Can I Delete System Applications Like My IOS

Jan 9, 2011

I've become so accustomed to adding and deleting applications so easily on my iDevices that when I went to delete a Mac application that I downloaded from the Mac App Store as a test, I was kind of annoyed (too strong of a word) that I couldn't like how a mouse click over the icon on the dock and a little "X" pop up for me to delete.

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Applications :: Won't Work To Delete IMail Email / Can't Delete From Gmail

Feb 3, 2010

Whenever I delete an email using iMail, it doesn't delete from my gmail account when I would just use the regular browser to check my mail. Is there a way to delete emails both off of iMail AND from Gmail so it does not appear when using a browser to check my mail or on another computer?

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OS X :: Can't Delete Any Application From My System?

Dec 20, 2009

what a pain - can't seem to delete anything that comes off my external HD in mac - external has been reformatted because it was hooked up to XP PC and wouldn't accept any thing off the mac - its a TB external with about 5GB of stuff on it that I use daily - I had folders on there that have applications for XP no use to me now but trash won't delete - it just won't do it - they are big files to and I can't take them out of the trash without making another copy so some are now x3 its insane - is this a fault of the maker or the system or the external???

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OS X :: How Do You Delete Hidden Files On A System

Jan 7, 2011

Might seem like a stupid question, but I have an SD card with hidden files filling it up to capacity. I want to delete these but I can't. I can see them, but when I hit delete it makes that noise that says you cant do this, and I cannot drag to the bin either.

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MacBook Pro :: Have 3 System Libraries - Can Delete Any Of Them

Jul 19, 2009

I am running out of space on my powerbook g4, and noticed that the libraries take up most of the space (other than my media). I have one library folder, Macintosh/Library, also one under Macintosh/System/Library, and lastly one under Macintosh/Users/(My user name)/Library. That seems like it's a little much, but I don't know, maybe I do need it. Is there a way to delete any of them, or maybe I can use an external hard drive along with my powerbook. I have a 500GB MyBook external hard drive, with a usb plug-in. Can I use that to use applications from and stuff like that? I don't know what I should do.

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OS X :: How To Delete Program Completely From System

Feb 3, 2010

I installed the 30 trial of adobe and now I want to delete them. Is it as simple as moving them to the trash can? Will that complete rid my system of their files? Or do you do it another way?

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MacBook :: Delete ICloud From System?

Feb 29, 2012

says it all. I try t open a new email account and it allways that it's anIcloud account. It deleted all my passwords amd eveything but doesnt allow me to add a email acound that doesn't have Icloud. bunch of junk. The Apple God has passed now let the rest of us have our apple the way we want it. Not the way you want it. You already have all the persnal info about every account I have set up.

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OS X :: Delete EFI System Partition - Convert GPT Back To MBR

Apr 12, 2009

I converted a 500G External USB SATA hard drive from MBR to GPT no problem. It could be done using either Vista 32bit or WinXP 64bit the conversion under XP Pro SP3 32bit was not possible maybe because diskpart was still an older version and not updated to a newer version. My work on the Mac is done now and I want to convert my drive back to MBR so I can use it with windows. I've erased and then deleted all the partitions I had created on the drive. Using WinXP 32bit and Disk Management I see only one big partition (465.76 GB Healthy (GPT Protective Partition)) Using WinXP 64bit and Disk Management I can see there is a 200Mb EFI Systems Partition followed by 464.44 Gb of Unallocated space. How do I get rid of this EFI Systems Partition that is stopping me when using diskpart to convert to MBR?

My sister bought a second hand Mac Book Pro. According to Mac Book Pro specs. this unit should have had a 250G - 320G Hard Drive but someone had replaced with a 120G before she got her hands on it. My assumption then is that theywhoever it was that switched the drive must have also replaced the DVD drive at the same time as well........................

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OS X Mavericks :: Is It Safe To Delete System Cache

Aug 26, 2014

my computer is running a bit slow. So i looked up some tips to seed up my mac. I read i had to check my system caches and if the folder was over 3GB, I had to delete it.So I went and got my system caches folder, i saw the file size was over 102GB!if there's something wrong with my computer and whether it's safe for me to delete my system cache. 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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MacBook Pro :: Delete Spam Mailbox But System Will Not Allow To Do So

Aug 21, 2014

I would like to delete my spam mailbox but the system will not allow me to do so.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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OS X :: Delete Previous System Folder To Avoid Hang Ups?

Sep 13, 2010

What are the reasons and solutions for the slow running of a Mac OS X System? I did an archive and reinstall a while ago to solve a drag and drop problem but since then the systems sometimes gives me what I have learn is referred to as the spinning wheel of death. I have also read somewhere else that there is a folder named the Previous Systems folder which is supposed to be where everything from the previous system (before the archive and reinstall) is stored. It was advised that this folder be thrashed to get a faster system and avoid hangs but I am a bit reluctant to touch anything that may cause further problems.

My systems info: IMAC Version 10.5.8

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MacBook :: Can't Delete Files From My System - Admin Password?

May 9, 2008

I have slight problem. I am making a switch from Windows to Mac, I copied some of my old files, around 30 GB, to my new mac with the help of external HD. I placed the folder on my desktop and the problem is that, now I can't delete these copied files. When i try to delete them Mac asks for a admin password, I type the password but nothing happens the files haven't moved. I have set permission to read & write for all users. What could be the problem here? Is it that files on my old PC wher NTFS, but i copied them to mac OS X.

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Mac Pro :: Can't Delete A Windows System Folder Off My Mac-connected External HDD

Mar 2, 2010

So I have an external HDD formatted in NTFS that I used for all my DVD backups items connected to my Mac (running Mac OS X 10.5.8). In any event, I was re-installing windows on my Laptop (which is a PC) and put the old copy of windows on the external drive. Well, I don't need it anymore and was trying to delete it but it won't delete. I have tried everything short of initializing the drive which I want to avoid so I dont lose all my DVD backups. It's in the trash but it just won't empty.

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OS X Mavericks :: System Preferences Hanging When Trying To Delete User

Sep 4, 2014

New MacBook Pro.  Created test user account for apple to debug a problem. Problem fixed, I tried to delete account, but it just hangs sating deleting account. Trying to quit fails saying System Preferences is busy.  

Can force quit, but account is still there.  

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OS X Yosemite :: How To Set System Preferences To Delete File Cache That Is Not Being Used

Dec 5, 2014

My file cache is using over a GB of memory.  How do i set the system to free up memory that is being held but not used?

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X :: Hard Drive Full - Safe To Delete Previous System Folder

Oct 5, 2009

I recently check my 150 GB hard drive and noticed that I only have 10 GTB left. While going through my files to check what I don't need or want, I noticed that I have a folder called Previous Systems. Inside this folder are two other folders with dates for names. Each folder has approximately 20 GB for a total of 40 GB. Can I simply toss this folder? It does not seem to do anything. The folder must have been created from a backup some time ago. I don't recall doing that.

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Software :: Time Machine Unable To Delete Back Up / System Freezes

May 27, 2010

Nothing happens, the comupter, macBook Pro, Snow Leopard, freezes. The only functional button is the esc key. Once it is pressed the computer functions.

I have tried repairing permissions on my hard drive, repairing disk on the external disk. Still the same.

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Intel Mac :: GoFlex Desk System Cannot Delete Files Or Move To Trash

Apr 30, 2012

I purchased a GoFlex Desk for Mac with the FW800 adapter. No issues with stability or performance.The only thing that is weird is related to deletion of files:

1) When I set a program to auto-clean files (for example, deleting source rar files after unpacking) it doesn't work

2) Whenever I try to delete a file, I get a warning that "This cannot be undone", and it's doing a permanent delete rather than moving it to trash.I've verified that I'm not using any Seagate drivers, and the drive shows up as the "Orange" generic external drive.

GoFlex Desk, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: Mbox 2 Pro Error / Can't Delete Two Icons From System Preferences

Aug 20, 2014

i tried to install an mbox 2 pro, but don't finish the installation, I deleted all folders and I can't delete two icons from my system preferences; when I start my iMac, this failed and system collapses, what can I do?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Mbox 2pro Pro Tools

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OS X :: System Stopped Making System Sounds / Sounds From Applications Are Fine

Dec 21, 2008

I noticed that my system stopped making system (i.e. Mac OS X) sounds for some reason. Sounds from applications are fine. I checked and unchecked the "play user interface sound effects" check box in the preference panes to no effect.

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Applications :: Like To Manually Delete?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a app called disk inventory x. I never use this app and I would like to manually delete it since my app zapper expired. The only file I see is in my app folder. Where else do I need to look for other files?

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MacBook :: How To Delete Old Applications

Jun 11, 2012

how to delete old applications?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Cannot Delete MSN Messenger From Trash

Nov 5, 2010

When I try to remove the msn messenger from trash it gives me an error saying the MSN.Messenger.icns is in use. When I restore and try to open it, I can't because it says the file is corrupt.

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Applications :: Delete A Transition In IMovie HD?

Nov 8, 2005

I've created an iMovie that's full of transitions, effects, and titles. Now I have a problem that I found a typo in one of the titles, and I want to go back and change it. One problem, it's in a clip that has a transition, and trying to delete the transition crashed iMovie. (A nice generic 'The application iMovieHD quit unexpectedly.') This is with iMovie 5.0.2 on OS X 10.4.3, on two separate computers. (The two in my .sig)

Short description: So, to start from the beginning, I have a 'source' clip. I then added a title to this clip (Music Video style.) Then I used the 'slow' function to slow the clip to 1/3 normal speed. Finally, I transitioned from this clip to the next clip with a 1 second-long dissolve. (The next clip has the same type of title and slow done to it, only with different text.)

Excrutiatingly long description: This clip has no transition leading in (although there is a clip before it,) and the clip following has no transition leading out. (So these two clips could be considered to be a single group that could theoretically be taken separately from the rest of the movie.) Trying to remove a similar transition from similar clips in the movie also fails. (The movie consists of 20 clips from DV, each of the 20 with the same type of title, each with the same 1/3 slowdown, paired up with a dissolve transition between the pairs. The clips are in groups of four, with a black intro text at the beginning of each group, a fade from black into the first clip, followed by two transitioned clips, two more transitioned clips, a third set of transitioned clips, and a clip that fades to black, then a 'postscript' text. Then the cycle starts again, five groups like this in a row.

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Applications :: How To Delete Mail From Server

Feb 24, 2006

So, similar to use on a PC, I have my POP3 accounts setup so that any computer that I download mail to, and then DELETE this mail from the deleted items folder, it will update the server and not show it for download to OTHER computers or clients that I use to access the POP3 account.

but, on the program, I cannot seem to find this very common setting. Is it somewhere that I am missing?

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Applications :: Mail Won't Delete Sent Messages

Jan 5, 2008

For some reason Mail won't delete my sent messages - deleting them just changes the subject / sender line colour from black to grey but they don't go anywhere.

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Applications :: - Can't Delete Mailbox

Jan 31, 2008

I have a Mailbox that I want to delete from

I can right click it, select delete. And it gives the warning. I select OK and it does nothing. I have tried it through the menu system too, and the same result.

Any idea how to delete the mailbox? The deal is I set it up to an email that I cannot access via POP and it is constantly trying to access it but can't, obviously.

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Applications :: Finding App To Delete Duplicates?

Feb 12, 2009

Does anyone know of a good, free/cheap application that will search my entire HardDrive and notify me of possible duplicates?

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Applications :: Xcode - How To Delete Projects

Mar 24, 2009

In starting new Xcode projects, errors occur or appear to occur. How can I delete or remove all the related files so I can start over? Now I just start over with a new name and all those trash files build up. I would like to remove some projects, complete or not, and all related files from the computer.

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Applications :: Can't Delete Timemachine Backups

Apr 21, 2009

Timemachine is currently using up a lot of my diskspace for silly backups i don't really need. So I tried deleting some files. When I saw you can't just drag the backupthing wherever you want, I did some research. Here I learned you're supposed to go into timemachine and delete the backup through the 'gearsign'. I tried this, but it does not seem to work. My external HD just makes noise, but nothing happens. I tried a really small file (20kb), to check if it was the size that mattered. Nope. It won't even delete that. What am I supposed to do? I have other files on the external HD that I don't want to ruin, that's why i'm not formatting.

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