Mac Pro :: Which Options To Choose For Computer Setups?

Jul 6, 2010

I'm an interactive designer and have a pretty sweet deal lined up. My client is going to be purchasing me one of the three computer setups. I need your help in determining which would be best. I work primarily in motion graphics (after effects, c4d, etc.) graphic design (photoshop, illustrator, etc.) and other technical aspects.

Here's the choices:

Souped-up Mac Mini
2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
120GB Solid State HD
8x double-layer SuperDrive
NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics


Stock Quad-Core Mac Pro
One 2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon "Nehalem" processor
3GB (three 1GB) memory
640GB hard drive
18x double-layer SuperDrive
NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 with 512MB


iMac 27-inch
2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
8GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 4x2GB
1TB Serial ATA Drive
8x double-layer SuperDrive
ATI Radeon HD 4850 graphics with 512MB

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Windows On Mac :: What Options To Choose While Installing Xp?

Mar 18, 2009

im about to install xp, i tried before and got a few errors.. tried again with another option (NTFS i believe) and it worked untill i installed a GFX driver and it messed up

not sure if it had to do with the NTFS or FAT options i chose.. - i plan to make a 50gb partition this time round, what option shall i choose?

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Intel Mac :: Why To Choose Network Every Time When Computer Turned On

May 14, 2012

Why do I have to manually choose my network every time I open my computer. This did not happened before.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Computer And Keyboard - Edit And Ssd Options

Jun 24, 2010

that I'm sure it's going to break. I am right aren't I? These keyboards don't last the entire life o' the computer.Also I'm concerned about the finite read/write cycles. is there something that will do wear leveling/TRIM for me? What's the average life expectancy of these drives?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Share Setups

Jul 2, 2009

It would also be useful to have things such as my calendar, address book and iphotos shared between my machines too.

I'm just wondering what people think is the best way to do this and whether there are any cool applications out there which could make this integration easier.

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IMac :: How To Configure Setups

Oct 25, 2009

I was just wondering if you guys wouldn't mind posting pics of your setups old where you all use your macs and what you put them on.

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OS X Mavericks :: Setups For Security

Jun 4, 2014

these options in the Security Preferences screen. 

Firewall. Does the average person need this activated?  

Firevault. Is this necessary for all?  

I don't have the Missing Manual for Mavericks yet. So I often look up topics in the MM for Lion. He mentions something on page 510 about "closing the backdoor" so hackers can't 'Ping" an idle or sleeping computer. The Security Preferences in Mavericks don't seem to address this. Has the new OS got built-in security for this. Wiping an HD clean, installing fresh OS and then restoring preferences from a TImeMachine backup. 

my HD that DiskWarrior detected. From the error messages, I erase the HD and install a new system. would it be save to Restore my old Network and Kechains and System Preferences from my TM backup?

Aperture 3, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), running an iMac

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OS X :: Finding Spaces Configuration For Different Setups

Dec 17, 2010

I've looked around but the search didn't provide me and answer so here I am asking this:

I own a MB and I generally have 3 different setup configurations:Mobile (MB screen)
Office (MB screen + 22" TFT)
Living Room (MB screen + TV)

So the thing is, is there a way I can make OSX know what configuration i'm using automatically? Let's say, based on the number and resolution of the screens?

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OS X :: Finding Recommendations On Gtk And Glib2 Setups?

Oct 21, 2009

I need to setup a new version of gtk and glib2 on my Mac, but the only versions I can find are a bit stale (gtk 2.14) or don't seem to include a newer glib version.

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IMac :: Energy Saver Options - Put Computer - Display - Hard Disks To Sleep

Jan 16, 2009

1 "Put the computer to sleep when it is inactive for.."
2 "Put display to sleep after..."
3 "Put Hard Disks to sleep when possible..."

I'm guessing that #1 won't spin down the Hard Disks unless #3 is checked? Is that right? I'm also guessing that if I'm downloading a file or securely deleting the trash my iMac won't go to sleep? The reason I ask is because it seems like if I'm deleting the trash and my display goes to sleep, when I come back to the computer i really don't see any progress. What options do you guys typically use? I keep my iMac on 24/7, but didn't know about the first sleep option.

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PowerPC :: Finding Multi Monitor Setups G5

Sep 5, 2010

've been a PC person since forever but more and more I've come in need of a mac, mainly for editing and the use of Final Cut Pro and After Effects. My PC has served me well but was slowing and so when I saw a cheap G5 for sale I snapped it up. Now I'm aware it's the older PowerPC style and it doesn't support the latest and greatest apps but FCP 6 will do me fine. However I have some hardware setup questions I can't seem to find a simple answer to anywhere so I turn to you for.

My G5 came with a rather nice 23' HD Cinema display that I'm currently using, however in my old PC setup I used 3 monitors, 2 identical ones and a TV via DVI-HDMI so I could edit over the two windows and monitor my work on the telly.

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IMac :: Finding Decent Second Monitor Setups For 24'' ?

Feb 22, 2009

Triying to figure out wich display to buy to add to my 3.06ghz Imac...

- Need to know if it can push 30'' ACD or 30'' Dell and what other options do I have that LOOK the best next to my Imac in 24'' and over.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Configure Dual SSD Optibay Setups?

Apr 28, 2010

What are you guys using them for? I'm thinking strongly about going this route and using one for streaming my multi-sample library and audio files into Logic Pro and as an interim quick-bounce-while-composing drive before I dump the project file to an external drive.

Anybody using the Intel X-25M G2 (160GB, currently using for apps, OS,m and a most-used samples) with an OCZ Vertex 120GB? That would be more than enough internal storage for me as I make use of my external HDD via ExpressCard->eSATA all the time.

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MacBook Pro :: Recommendations For Best Laptop To Desktop Sync Setups?

Aug 30, 2010

I've been Promac based for years and now run a Macbook Pro for mobility around the office and house.I'm getting flustered running 2 systems in tandem along with 1 wife and 3 kids! Currently before I leave the desktop I put a copy of my current work on my TimeCapsule then pull it down to the laptop, work then visa versa. I would like my work folders, photos, and music to be on both machines. I see programs like Drop Box and Chronosyc, the language on the Chrnosync website make is appear fairly complicated, can I ask if anyone might spare a moment to cover their expieriences of them or any other setups?

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OS X :: Remembering App Positions For Single/dual Monitor Setups?

Feb 27, 2009

I'm running Mac OS 10.5.6. When I plug in the external monitor to my MacBook Pro, I setup Firefox and Entourage on my notebook monitor and Photoshop on the external. I also move the Apple menu bar to the external (since PS is my main app I like having the menu bar close by). Photoshop doesn't present a problem because I'm able to switch the layout for different workspaces (laptop alone or laptop and external), but I find that Firefox and Entourage don't remember their positions.

For example, my current setup is dual monitors as mentioned above. When I get home and power up the notebook, I'll launch all the same apps. Firefox is just barely within view hanging off the left side of the screen so I'll grab the window and drag it over so I can access the green button (not sure what this is called). Entourage displays just fine. When I get back to work the next day and plug in the external, Firefox displays on the external with the window sized to fit the notebook monitor) and I'll just drag it over. Entourage loads into the external as maximized and I'll drag it over and click the green button.

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MacBook Pro :: Yahoo And Outlook Mail Setups On Mail?

Jun 7, 2012

how to setup yahoo and outlook mails on mac mail?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook Air :: Choose Between Rev C And Rev D

Jan 1, 2011

I just got a refurbished MacBook Air from apple. What they didn't tell me when I ordered was that it was Rev C. I got the 13 with the 2.13 processor. It was $200 less than the Rev D. Question is should I send it back and get Rev D with 1.86 processor for $200 or keep Rev C. Biggest difference I see is SD card slot.

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MacBook Air :: Can't Choose Between MB MBP And Air?

Oct 15, 2008

Well I have some money from a research grant to buy a new laptop as my trusty old Dell Latitude D610 is really starting to give up the ghost. I decided after I bought my Pro that I really didn't want to go back to crappy PC laptops, and I'm really psyched after the notebook update to get one of the new models, but I really don't know which.

Anyway, I went down to the Apple Store today to play with new the new MBs/MBPs. Everything was going pretty well really - until I realised how bloody heavy and wide the damn thing is! It feels quite a bit heavier than my Dell even though it's only 250g more. I virtually always have my laptop with me, and the more I think about it, the more the weight factor might become a deal-breaker for me. Actually, not having my laptop in the bag for the first time in a while has really made me realise how heavy the damn thing is - I'm not sure I want to put up with that for the next couple of years.

If I'm honest, the Air is really what I want. But I'm not sure how well it will cope with my daily routine, which generally has some of the following:

Running scientific programming applications - post-processing data, Fourier transforming it, etc. I've been really encouraged by the two-page thread on these forums saying that MBA is capable of doing this sort of thing. The 6MB L2 cache sounds really good.Casual gaming is something I've not been able to do with my D610, and it'd be nice if it were capable of running some lower end games (for example CS:S, HL2) even at reduced resolution. I've heard the 9400M should be good enough for this, but maybe I'll wait on that. Clearly the MBP is more cut out for this.

As you can see from my sig, I like photography quite a bit. Most of my photo work is done on the Mac Pro, but often I'll find myself out and about and would like to download the photos; it would be nice to be able to run Lightroom.

I listen to a heck of a lot of music, but I don't think there will be a problem here.
I'm virtually always online, web browsing and e-mail etc but again I don't think this will be a problem.

I think I can live with only the single USB port, and the lack of a DVD drive doesn't bother me greatly. Ethernet is a bit of a pain - ideally I'd like gigabit ethernet, so I'd need to give this some thought. Nothing I have has a Firewire port on it. Generally the only thing that gets plugged into my laptop is the iPhone and my headphones, so I think I'm good on that front.

The MB is also a sensible option, with most of the pros of the Air without the drawbacks. Weight is slightly less than my existing laptop, and I guess it's probably just as portable. It also has the option of a higher 2.4GHz processor, and more in terms of expandability. Not sure whether I really want this or not, though.

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IMac :: 2.93 Or 3.06 GHz Which One To Choose?

Mar 17, 2009

Hi. I'm a composer using Logic Studio. I'm planning on buying the new Imac but i m still hesitating between the 2.93 and 3.06 GHz. Is there a major difference between both? Is it worth 160 euros to upgrade to 3.06 or is the 2.93 enough? Is there a big difference?

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Hardware :: Which Keyboard Better To Choose

Dec 6, 2010

I am receiving my new Mac Pro this week. In PC world I typically used a Microsoft ergonomic keyboard. Presently I am on an original keyboard of the sort that accompanied this G4 tower. I really don't like these new keyboards that come with the current Macs. Too thin, white buttons, wrong feel. I have spent some hours researching keyboards. I would like to have a correct Mac keyset, if possible.

What are you using, the original keyboard, or have you replaced it? If you have replaced it, what did you buy, do you like it, and why? I would try one of the Tactile Pro keyboards found here, but hate the fact that it is white. It is hard enough to keep keyboards clean without them being white. I also wonder about wireless. It seems another thing to go wrong, though I may try a wireless mouse. What are you doing for a mouse?

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Windows On Mac :: How To Choose The 32 Or 64 Bit Version

Jan 19, 2009

I'm about to install Windows Vista Ultimate (boot camp), but I don't know if I should choose the 32 or 64 bit version.

I'm talking about my unibody MBP 2,8ghz 4GB RAM.

I know only the 64bit can use all 4gigs of RAM installed, but maybe there are some other things I should know about too?

A while ago, a list was posted here with all software compatible with Vista x64 (but I can't find it again unfortunately) Can anyone post a link to that list too?

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OS X :: Can't Choose Proper Resolution For My TV

Jun 10, 2009

Yesterday, when I tried connecting my unibody MBP to my LCD TV, I could not choose the right resolution which has always been 1366 x 768. I ran some updates before this issue occured.

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MacBook Pro :: Which External HD To Choose For It?

Jul 15, 2009

Have narrowed it down to two. G Tech G Drive Mini or Seagate Free agent Go , both have great reviews and are Mac and Time Machine ready. The G tech is a little pricier, but cost is not a factor.

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Applications :: To Choose A Signature ?

Feb 8, 2010

I have mail Version 3.6 (936) on my macbook. I have created 8 different signatures. However when I write a new mail and go to the drop down window to choose a sig. I am only given 3 to choose from. How do I get all 8 in the drop down window?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Choose Signature

May 9, 2012

I copied a signature from word into mail signature. However, i can not choose signature. apple does not let me change anthing none.

how do i have my signature added to my outgoing mail?

iWeb '08, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Choose The Right HD For 13"?

May 22, 2012

It has a 250gb SATA 5400rpm drive already.  I want something WAAAYY bigger.  I just want to make sure it is the right size and can copy over my old hd.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Final Cut Pro X :: 10.1.3 - Choose Another SAN Location

Aug 31, 2014

I have just upgraded to 10.1.3 and Final Cut Pro still cannot update ALL my projects and events that are in the Old Final Cut Projects and Events on my 2T My Passport external HD. 

I get a message that this location - My Passport - is not a valid and that I should choose another SAN location or folder. 

I'm at a loss here. I have always been able to use the external HD when using Final Cut Pro. 

I have watched Final Cut Pro how-to-update videos, have searched these discussions but to no avail. 

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OS X :: Unable To Choose Drive When CD Boots Up

Mar 5, 2009

I am trying to install Mac OSX on a PC via the use of iATKOS 2.1. When the CD Boots up, I am unable to choose my drive.

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OS X :: Graphic Card Or New Display Which One To Choose?

May 5, 2009

Currently with Mac Pro Harpertown 2600xt with 20" ACD, and i want a new 24"LED ACD, Gaming is not main topic for this system (Where i have PS3 , 360 , Wii and a i7+9800GX2 rig)but i want a decent graphic card for my master degree thesis (Working in GPGPU field), GTX285 in june seem good choice for me . it seem GTX285 mac edition doesn't have mini DP so that make me hard to decide.

if I choose 24"LED, I can't use GTX285 or other card in future from Nvidia

if I choose GTX285 I can't use *Apple* display (when i think apple will release only MDP port display)

If you be me, which one do you choose;

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MacBook :: Unable To Choose Mac Book Or Pro ?

Jun 7, 2009

i want to buy a Mac book.. but i am not able to understand which one i should buy.. the purpose is just gaming, doing my office work and other recreational activities like.. watching movies.. editing phots.. etc.. so can you let me know which Mac book should i buy...

I like mac book white... so the performance of Mac book pro.. higher or too much higher than Mac book White ??? If i run application like Aperture.. can Mac book white be able to run smoothly without being slow ???

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