Mac Pro :: Samsung Spinpoint F1 750 With Nvidia 8800?
Feb 29, 2008
There seem to be a few reports of problems running 750gb F1 Spinpoints with Nvidia chipsets. Does this apply to us with the 8800 or is it a Windows thing?
Anyone out there happily running a MacPro (08) with an 8800 and F1 spinpoints?
AMSUNG Spinpoint F3 HD103SJ 1TB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive
Macbook Pro 2.5 GHz intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM OS Version 10.5.8
i connected the hard drive through the Hard Drive enclosure (OWC Mercury Elite -AL Pro) and my laptop is not recognizing the hard drive. i've also tried with PC and still same.
From the reading I've done it's apparent that the NVidia 8800 card that ships as an option for the MacPro (jan '08) is slow for Pro App's.
I've read at some sites that this may be remedied by NVidia by rewriting / releasing updated drivers for this card.
What's the likely hood of this?
Or is there something in the architecture of the card that makes it maxed out?
I'm not annoyed at NVidia as I wanted a reliable card.
I just fried my 4th ATI (Retail) 9800 Pro 128 MB card in my Digital Audio PowerMac in the space of three years. I can't believe how many of these cards have been so unreliable. The first three were replaced under warranty.
This is my first post here, hopefully i can begin posting a bit more and learn more about my mac pro. I just got a hold of an Apple Graphics Card Upgrade. The part# is MB560Z/A. It's an Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT, but it's the 2006 version with EFI32 firmware (or do i call it BIOS or ROM?) and won't work with the 2008 Mac Pro... and of course my dilemma is i want to use it in my 2008 Mac Pro. So is it possible for me to flash it (which i'm pretty sure it is) and more importantly is it easy to do and could someone tell me how (or point me in the direction of simple instructions) of how to go about doing it? Also, I understand there's always some risk doing these type of things, but would the chance of me screwing up the card be considered minimal? Is it easy to restore to the factory default if i want to place it back in a 2006 mac (i have no plans for that, but it'd be nice to know i have that option).
Early this year I replaced the stock video card in my 2006 Mac Pro with an Apple supplied Nvidia 8800 GT card. I'm driving a 30" Apple Cinema Display with no problems but occasionally, when encoding video or playing full screen games, the card emits a high pitched tone akin to a smoke alarm tone but continuous. When discontinuing the encoding or stopping the game, the tone stops.
Has anybody upgraded their Mac Pro's stock graphics card to the NVIDIA card?
Does it make a big difference?
I'm playing way to much X3 Reunion at the moment, and I've noticed that the graphics on the PC screenshots look a lot better than what my Mac Pro produces. I don't know if it's a Cider thing, or simply down to the stock graphics card in the Mac Pro being a bit pants?
I was thinking about a 3.06 Last Gen with 512MB Nvidia GeForce 8800. How does this card fair? is it similar to the Nividia GT 120 or 130? is it able to handle all games at least on low settings? (i.e. crysis, sims 3 etc)
I have an iMac with a 3.06 ghz intel core 2 duo processor, snow leopard 10.6.3, an nvidia geforce 8800 gs, and 2 gb of ram. I wanted to play games like Counter Strike: Source and Left 4 Dead 2. How would those games work on my iMac?
My 24" iMac has been exibiting strange behavior lately... It appears to be if a graphical nature where the screen will randomly flicker or go blank in a variety of colors (black or white or yellow or red or blue). Sometimes a preceeding indicator that this is going to occur is that the system becomes on responsive or extremely delayed, text and other graphics appear garbled/corrupted/scrambled.
I've used Mac Hardware Test, Disk Utility, TechTool Pro 6, anti virus software - even took it to a local authorized Mac repair shop (not Apple Store) and the results are the same - Everything LOOKS fine with no problems reported. I've reinstalled the OS and even gone as far as completely wiping the drive and starting from scratch, just incase it is/was some kind of odd software conflict. Yet, the problem persists and the Console always captures something like this just before another epic fail:
Okay so i own an imac. the specs of it are a 3.06 ghz intel core 2 duo processor, 500gb, 2gb of ram and an nvidia geforce 8800 gs graphics card with 512mb of video ram. Okay so like most people have asked this before, what is it? The GS only has 384mb of video ram, and this has 512mb of video ram. What is this graphics cards real name and what are the specs of it?
I purchased this card for my Mac Pro: "NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT (early 2008) Graphics Upgrade Kit for Mac Pro"
I spoke with multiple Geniuses. I spoke with AppleCare. Everyone is telling me that this is the card for my Mac Pro model. They looked up the model number and confirmed it. The original ATI card works in the machine.
I received the card, installed it, booted the machine, and had no video. Just two blank 20" displays. I tried using one display, reset power management, did a few other things while on the phone with a Genius. Nothing.
AppleCare sent me a new card (same model). Same issues. I'm looking at two blank displays right now. I'm as frustrated as I could possibly be. Are all the people I spoke to at Apple completely wrong and could this be the wrong card? Multiple people looked up the model number and they all point me to this card. It doesn't work, and since my ATI card works, I doubt it's the machine.
I have an Imac 24in that I purchased last June with the upgraded video card, NVIDIA GEFORCE 8800 GS W/512MB. Anyone know if it might be possible to upgrade it to one of the newer cards just released with the new imacs?
Which one of these 500gb drives is better? I've been browsing Newegg for two hours now reading reviews. The Seagate drives seem to come with bad firmware that causes performance and cache recognition issues. The Samsung drives have a high failure rate. Whats the real deal? Has anyone here had any bad experiences with either drives?
So, I bought myself new Macbook Pro exactly 21 days ago, and was disappointed to find out that they refreshed it today.
However, I am heading to Apple Store Friday afternoon to find out what I can do to get that refreshed one. (I waited 7 month, until the last day of the presentation)So, to people with 320m graphics, are there any big difference? Does the battery lasts longer?
I don't know if this will work but would it be possible to use the EFI firmware from the GT8800 and flash it onto the GTX285 mac Edition? or something? to make it work on the Macpro 1,1 (2006-2007 Mac Pro Users)
So I was using my second monitor to run my G5 while transferring files to my new 3.2 octo, and then the past week I was using it to transfer my old PC files to my new PC. Now I finally just went to hook it up as my second monitor on my Mac Pro, and found out that I CAN'T FIT BOTH DVI CABLES TO THE PORTS!!!
They're too close together so I can fit one monitor into either port, but not both simultaneously. My monitors are the aluminum 23" ACD's w/ DVI.
setup is in my sig.Can't get anything but a black screen running bootcamp.Had normal from the 7300, updated bootcamp and the drivers for the 8800, and now nether card will give me anything past the windows loading screen, just blackness.We need a conclusive thread that can be made into an article, so if you can help, please do.
I have an 8800 card that I bought for my Wintel box a couple years ago now. In the interim, I've gotten a Macbook and have totally fallen for OSX. As a result, as my Wintel box gets more and more crusty, I've been mulling over replacing it with a Mac Pro (or, preferably, the midrange mac minitower of myth, the i-Chupacabra). Assuming that I did get a Mac Pro, would I be able to cannibalize the 8800 that I have in my Wintel box and use it in the Pro, thus possibly avoiding the outrageous markup found in buying hardware upgrades from Apple? I am concerned that perhaps the 8800 GT offered as an upgrade is somehow physically different than the one that you can buy for the PC...
I got my Mac Pro in March. So I've had it for a good 6 months. In that time, at least 3 times my 30" Cinema Display has shown some sort of video glitch. I'm convinced that it is the 8800, and not necessarily the Cinema Display.
What happens is, out of the blue, and for reasons I'm not sure of, I will get a strange pattern of brightly illuminated pixels on the display. They are "fixed". In other words, If I move and image around on the display, those pixels are stuck and do not move with the image. Also, if I take a screenshot, they do not show up on the screenshot at all. I had to try and take a picture with my camera to show you guys. A reboot and/or logout/login fixes it. I think it is some sort of bad video RAM or something. I've already upgraded to 10.5.5 and it did it again last night. I'm pretty sure it was the result of DVD player crashing. But then again, I don't know if DVD player crashed because of a video glitch. The DVD was kind of scratched up (netflix) and the computer did have problems reading it. DVD player beach balled when I tried to skip a chapter so I have to kill it. That's when I noticed the display was all screwed up.
3 times in 6 months isn't a huge deal, but it does make me worry about a pending hardware death of either my display or video card.
Anyway, have you guys seen this? Is it a cause for concern? Is my 8800 on the way out, or is it most likely some sort of driver or app hiccup that isn't really a big deal?
In these picture you can see the randomly scattered light green pixels. It's almost as if a color has been swapped out.
Acoording to this site the Top Spec old iMac's had GeForce 8800 The new ones have a GT 130. I am struggling to find any information on the GT 130's and i *think* the Nvidia site says the GT 130 have much lower specification than the 8800 GS. So how do they compare? Surely, the GT 130 is a lot better, right?
I try to use as much passive cooling in my PC's as possible. My current PC is nearly silent, however I am looking to replace my desktop with a mac pro. I would need the 8800 GT card, but am not looking forward to a lot of noise. Is it possible to mount a passive cooler on this model? Will it fit? I haven't really seen much mention of this anywhere.
I have an early 2008 Mac Pro with an EVGA 8800 GT installed. When I bought the computer the EVGA 8800 GT was almost silent even when under max load.
Now 15 months later the EVGA 8800 GT fan is making so much high pitch noise under load that I try not to use it for heavy 3d. The noises started after about 6 months after purchasing.
Monitoring the fan speed under Rivatuner shows that it goes to 100% performance under almost any load in order to keep it at a steady 80 degrees celcius.
I concluded that the fan was becomming less efficient over time and that it had to spin more and more in order to keep the temperature down.
Dust Cleaning
I try to clean the computer for dust every 4 month, blowing air backwards into the components of the computer to remove all the dust.
I normally use my mouth (trying not to spit) and a hairdryer. This seem to work okay for the most part, but not much for the EVGA 8800 GT.
After cleaning the fan is still quite audible and hovers at 85-90% under loading producing the annoying high pitch noise.
After only a few weeks its back at 100% under load. I tryed getting Apple to replace the video card, but they refuse to since it is still working. ( I hate this kind of deffinitions. )
- Would buying a can of compressed air and blowing it backwards into the EVGA 8800 GT remove more dust than the method I normally use?
- Would anyone recommend taking of the fan in order to clean it better or should the can clean enough? - trying to compare the risk of not being able to assemble the card again.
- Has anyone had any luck reducing the high pitch noise of the EVGA 8800 GT fan, and if so how?
Aftermarket Cooling
I did buy an aftermarket cooling system called Accelero S2 without the turbo module (fan) which recieves top reviews.
Despite having build some computers in the past I am a bit reluctant to install it by removing the fan completely because I am affraid that I will somehow break the video card in the process or accidently install it in a way that fries it when temperature rises under heavy load.
It sure is tempting to try the Accelero S2, but with the EVGA 8800 GT Mac going out of market I would have to dig deep in my pockets to get a replacement if something happends to the video card.
I think I also read somewhere that the instant you take of the EVGA 8800 GT fan you cannot put it back again. Which also makes me a bit nervous if the aftermarket cooler is not able to keep the card cool.
- Has anyone had luck installing the Accelero S2 without the turbo module (fan) and if so is it easy?
- Would anyone recommend installing the Accelero S2 without the turbo module? - I am not familiar with the success rate of aftermarket cooling and how skilled you need to be to be successfull.
- Has anyone had any problems not being able to keep the video card cool with the Accelero S2 and in that case was force to reinstall the default fan again?
I really wish I could reduce the noise of the fan so I can stand using it for 3d heavy stuff again.
I am trying to find similar comparisons. The refurb with 8800 is only 1599... which even to me looks like a great deal. Yet I am trying to find the two comparisons that work.
Searching is yielding lots of trash so I am probably too stupid to use that feature
I figure on popping in 4gb of RAM and being done with it, since I am only spending 1600 I look at it this way, if a real upgrade comes out in August I won't be out much if anything.
I am going to college this year to study Graphic Design and i am looking to purchase a MBP 15". I have read a couple of other threads which cover similar questions however i am not truly satisfied with the answers i have read.
My MBP will have to run the following programs on a regular basis: Photoshop, Bridge, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash. It will also have to run basic tasks such as word processing, internet surfing and email. Finally i would also like to install parallels and XP on the machine just in case an work or applications need to be run on windows. Obviously all of these applications will not be running simultaneously however there is a strong chance 2 or 3 maybe running at the same time. My Imac deals with this without problems, will the MBP be the same?
ok so i have had my imac for over a year now, and the graphic card ram burned out a few weeks ago. i figured it was just because i was working it too hard. usually im running a second monitor, and almost constantly playing a video game on one with hulu running on the other. so i thought no big deal i have apple warranty for the next 3 years, so i took it into the store (which is almost 150miles from where i live). well a week later i went and picked it back up after they had "fixed" my problem by replacing the whole card.
but it hasn't been more then three weeks and im experiencing the same problem. i stopped using my second monitor when i got it back, so i have no clue why its doing this.
I purchased my Mac a few weeks ago, wanting to both upgrade my computer.......and play Diablo 3. I do always want the best out of my systems and the person who sold me the mac told me it would be fairly easy to upgrade the card...well he was wrong. He also told me a few days later not to worry about upgrading since the system is already great.
I went to a local Mac store and asked about the upgrade and found out it would be close to or above a grand for the part from Apple and the labor.
Are there any other ways to find this part online cheaper and just hopefully pay for the labor?
I just really dont want to pay a grand just to upgrade my damn video card, and I know within the new year Apple will release a much better fast computer and I'll be mad. I really wish it wasn't such a hard upgrade.