Mac Pro :: Mouse Acceleration Differences Between OS X And Windows
Nov 1, 2010
As a long time Windows user when I first started using OS X a couple years ago, I remember the mouse control driving me nuts. It can be quite hard to get used to the OS X acceleration control. I explored a couple of the programs to let you customize the acceleration, but I guess my brain eventually just adapted as it stopped bothering me.
Now though, I am spending a good amount of time in Win 7 on my new Mac Pro. I'm finding that again, every time I go into OS X I find the mouse control very hard to adjust to. It's a Logitech Anywhere MX Mouse and I installed the drivers in both Win 7 and OS X.
Perhaps I am just loosing my mind...but it would be nice if I could have the exact same mouse experience when switching between OS's.
(edit: As a little bit of a further observation, I think the Win 7 mouse refresh rate is several times faster than what I observing in OS X and this is probably a big part of why I am feeling like I have more control in Win 7. Doing circles with my mouse in Win 7 creates a much more complete circle.)
I have been a long time Macbook Pro user and I finally got around to installing bootcamp to run some windows software for school. I'm sure that many of you have noticed how the acceleration path for the mouse tracking on OS X feel "different" than Windows and my problem is that I prefer the OSX method of tracking and can't stand the fidgety nature of windows tracking (especially while using the new buttonless trackpads which work great on OSX but fail miserably on windows). I did a search on google and found that there are many ways to get the OS X tracking to "feel" like windows using software like USBOverdrive but I couldn't find any solutions for my problem which involves the opposite, getting windows tracking to feel like OS X.
I recently purchased a MBP and am really enjoying using it. However I have a few issues that I have to get taken care of or I will prolly end up going back to windows.
First major issue is that I have to click twice on mostly everything. If im in a different window and want to click on a link in the browser I have to click twice.
i have been a long time macbook pro user and I finally got around to installing bootcamp to run some windows software for school. I'm sure that many of you have noticed how the acceleration path for the mouse tracking on OSX feel "different" than Windows and my problem is that I prefer the OSX method of tracking and can't stand the fidgety nature of windows tracking (especially while using the new buttonless trackpads which work great on OSX but fail miserably on windows). I did a search on google and found that there are many ways to get the OSX tracking to "feel" like windows using software like USBOverdrive but I couldn't find any solutions for my problem which involves the opposite, getting windows tracking to feel like OSX.
I'm a recent convert to using OS X as my main desktop and I'm loving it so far but with as with anything new I have a few gripes. One of the top being the sluggish feeling of the mouse movements. I have read of a few solutions to this and would like to get your expert opinions on what is the best route to go?
Microsoft Intellipoint - I just got away from these guys and it looks like I'm crawling back to them to resolve my mousing issues. Is anyone using Intellipoint with their mouse on OS X that can provide any comments?
I know people debate this like religion but if your sick of the mouse acceleration curve in OS X (like me) here is a GREAT utility for just turning it off...
If you love the acceleration curve in OS X then disregard this post...
This works best with "How to speed up mouse tracking in OS X", found elsewhere in this forum.
Note that mouse acceleration in OS X cannot be terminated completely, unless you are using something like USB OVerdrive. Assuming you are not using or do not want to use USB overdrive or similarly complete solution, read on.
Download the source here:
You'll get a Unix executable file. Open a Terminal window and drop the file onto it.
After "killmouseaccel", type "mouse" (without quotation marks), and make sure a space remains between the two words. Then hit enter.
Effect is immediate. Logging out or restarting will kill the effect, so you'll have to run it each time. You might be able to set it to an automatic script upon logging in. Something I haven't figured out yet.
Ideally, it's best to increase the mouse tracking speed first (using instructions I posted elsewhere in this forum), which should be permanent until you reset the speed in the actual mouse pref pane, and then run the executable to kill mouse acceleration.
I'm having some trouble with my Logitech V450 Nano mouse. It feels awkward compared to a regular PC mouse.
To be more specific, I have trouble accurately moving the cursor. When I move the cursor a short distance, it feels like I'm moving through mud. By contrast, when I move the mouse over a longer distance, it feels much faster. This makes it really difficult for me to close windows and play any sort of FPS game.
Now, the Logitech software allows me to change the mouse acceleration, but it still feels really awkward. I've experimented with almost every setting but the speed still doesn't feel accurate/consistent. Does this make sense or am I taking crazy pills?
I'm using Logitech MX revolution right now on my SL machine, but the newest LCC is coming out in two weeks. I really can't stand the mouse acceleration built into Mac OSX. What's the way to disable this feature?
I�m not a complete dummy but I am not too good with macs, as I have ony switched over from a PC a couple of months ago. I have a new unibody MBP. Everything is fine, except for the mousing situation.
I have done some research as to why the mouse feel is downright brutal for me with OSX. The acceleration curve is different than in Windows. My only complaint with Apple right now is that they do not offer any kind of fix for this. I want to throw my macbook out the window when using an external mouse.
MS Intellipoint is supposedly the only true fix. Anyways from what I have read, MS Intellipoint will only override OSX�s cursor acceleration curve when using a Microsoft mouse. This person (link at bottom) found a way around it, although I think he is doing it with an "alphagrip". I need to see if I can do it with a Logitech wireless mouse. On the bottom, people commented that it worked for them. I find his directions very unclear, but that may be because I am not a wizard.
There appears to be some kind of mouse scrolling acceleration - how do I turn it off? It is incredibly annoying and I see lots of people like me trying to find out how to turn it off.
I have a problem because mouse acceleration annoys me while i play games such as counter strike which requiers muscle memory. Is there any way to turn this off? i am using logitech VX revolution mouse and newest OSX.
Yes and I have tried anything in settings of games that I play. There are lots of people who are heaving exact same problem and they haven't found any solution solution except for installing Windows on their macs via bootcamp. I realy dont want to to that.
as a former Windows user I really miss the option to tune the mouse pointer acceleration or to change the pointer looking!why can't I simply use my trackpad for my iPad supporting the multitouch gestures available on the iPad's OS just on the track pad?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I tried to install counter-strike on my vmware image of windows xp pro x64 edition. The thing is that when I opened up the application, I was told that I could only run in software mode. How do play the game utilizing my geforce 8600gt graphics card?
I have already checked the box VirtualMachine->Settings->Display->Accelerate 3D graphics. So this shouldn't be the problem.
I also tried downloading a driver from nvidias web site, but I could not install it.
I'm running Windows vista ultimate on my Imac and lately the mouse started acting weird on Vista, it's jumping around and moving unpredictable,and also i use windows in spaces, and i can't switch to spaces anymore until i click control + command, please let me know what the problem is, ohh i'm running a USB G9 Logitech mouse.
I installed windows 7 in boot camp, and the drivers that were necessary for my wireless mighty mouse to work. But i have noticed that after not using the mouse for about 5 seconds, it sort of falls asleep. I have to click the mouse and wait a second for it to be active again. I have looked in settings and not found a solution.
I need some help. just recently got a new macbook pro. 15 inch 2.66 i7 model. i partitioned my harddrive and installed windows with bootcamp... windows loads just fine, only issue is my keyboard and track pad are not working. i've tried plugging in keyboards and a mouse via usb and they still dont work. i've started in safe mode and still nothing. has anyone had this issue before? know any way to fix it?
In real world usage, is there really any difference in the Processor Speed on the MBAir. Throughout the years, the speed differences being apart .2 GHz were negligable. Anyone here have a 1.6 with the SSD notice any crippling/adverse effects to there everyday computing. I am looking at ordering the MB Air this week, but purchasing the MB Air with the 1.6 GHz and SSD make it easier to justify by saving costs on the processor upgrade.
First the Obvious; 1. New AC Plugin (on both ends, wallplug is completely smooth now) 2. Different Internal Hardware 3. Better Battery Life 4. Optional Higher Resolution Screens 5. Optimus like Hybrid GPU switching
Kinda Obvious, but some may have missed; 1. Inertial Scrolling 2. Little bit heavier 3. Activity Monitor shows 4 Cores not 2
You'd really have to look; 1. This may just be me, but I feel as if the hinge is different, in terms of pressure right before you close it. Picture below shows a 2.8 duo left and an i5 right. I have been playing with them for a while now, and some of the other 2.8's and it seems right before you close the lid, the new i5's have more of a push required, so as to slow the force in close. That way you don't slam it closed.
2. Wifi seems to get an active working connection quicker
3. Microphone and Headphone input jacks have much more "snap" to them. Devices really snap in there so you know you're connected.