Mac Pro :: Image Inside Distorted When Move Window Around Desktop
Mar 22, 2012
When I move a window around the desktop, the image inside it distorts really badly. I have tried a new graphics card, but still does the same. I have booted up from a different system but still the same. It is a Mac pro 4.1 with a GT120 video card. Took the card to work today and tried it in my mac at work and it worked fine. Brought my video card and hard drive from work and put it into my mac at home and the same thing happened. Any body got any clue to what it is. Really don't feel like forking out for a new Logic board. Also, when I scroll down with the mouse, the text stretches in the window.
When I use the camera for a video chat, the image I see has shown a variety of distortions; red, green images; horitzontal and vertical lines, and something blue/yellow "checkerboard". Is there something I can do about this?
I am running video to a 40" RCA 1080P television via a HDMI to DVI cable from my Macbook Pro. The laptop has a GeForce 8600M GT GPU and has the capability to run 1080P. However, when I port a video (been trying with DVD Player) the image becomes pretty distorted. Is this a limitation of my laptops GPU or something else?
Is anyone aware of an HDTV that supports the MacBook's native resolution? Currently I have a 32" Samsung which does not - first I have to change the resolution on the MacBook to something smaller and then hook up the TV, resulting in a distorted and blurred image. I'm looking to replace the Samsung with something larger, say 40"-55".
Every now and then my desktop will show some weird colors in relation to the background image, but it's very odd looking. I don't really know how to describe it, so I've attached a screen shot for reference.
The problem goes away if I just move the mouse over the area or if I open and close a program window on top of the area.
Starting two days ago, after about 20 minutes of use on my mac, some of the icons on my desktop will suddenly have distorted pixels, as well as all of the open windows will have a black box surrounding it. I am almost positive that this has nothing to do with my video hardware going bad, rather something corrupted in the operating system. This has happened sometime after I had installed the Adobe CS5 photoshop trial. I have recently uninstalled it, but this problem still persists. As soon as I log out, or restart the computer, everything is back to normal. When the 15-20 minute mark comes, all of a sudden everything starts getting distorted. I am also running Mac OS X 10.6.3 currently.
In the image you can see that the bottom dock is corrupted looking as well but the icons stay in tact. This is very odd.
I just installed iWork '08 on my new Macbook pro (snow leopard and general '09 programs are on it) and for some reason, the text coloring and highlighting, generally anything to do with the text and whatever appears on the pages themselves have completely gone blank. The highlight appears as this light purplish color, I can not get the text to read as visible. It appears white no matter what. Even the text blinker isn't showing. Is there a problem with installing iWork '08 on an '09 based Mac? This is a legal copy of iWork I've had since buying my first Mac, so I know it can't really be the disc screwing up, is there anyone that might be able to help? This is an image of the problem. As you can see, the black is the default font color, but it does not show up as it. Also, the general coloration of it is off.
I recently right clicked a picture to set it as my desktop picture but didn't have the foresight to save the picture in case I wanted to change it later. I still have the picture up but I cannot find where the picture is stored so I can save it for later. I checked HD/Library/desktop pictures but no luck. Does anyone know where these pictures are saved?
results in a picture (picture2.jpg) that is the size of the sum of picture.jpg and I presume this means that I am successfully putting hidden into the picture.
Recently when I have been opening up images in new tabs that are larger than the actual window in Safari I haven't had to option for them to shrink and fit on screen by clicking the mouse on the image. So basically the little magnifying glass doesn't replace the cursor for me to scale down any image anymore.
Is there any option to enable or preference file to edit?
I managed to successfully hide the file: cat picture.jpg > picture2.jpg
results in a picture (picture2.jpg) that is the size of the sum of picture.jpg and I presume this means that I am successfully putting hidden into the picture.I can open picture2.jpg, but I can't figure out a way to access the hidden zip.
I am trying to print an 11.98x17.97 image on a 13x19 sheet. I specify .51" borders top and bottom, and .52" right and left.Â
Instead, I am getting a 7.5x10.75" printed image with L 1 1/8" + R 7 1/8" borders and T 1/8" + B 5 3/8" borders. In short, a smaller image, shoved up and left on the sheet. See screen shot below.Â
Same happened when I tried to print a 4x6 image on an 8.5x11 sheet, until I was told by Kirby to enter the sheet size as a standard 'letter size' sheet instead of entering a custom 8.5x11" size. Is this the same? If so, what's the 'standard' size for 13"x19"?Â
NOTE: I am doing this with Tiger. I have read complaints about how Windows Explorer is better than OS X Finder. One popular complaint is that it is impossible to copy/move a file from one folder to another folder outside the current one without two windows as Finder doesn't have a split window setup like Explorer. This simply isn't true. Mac OS X simply handles this differently than Windows. Heres how...
1. Open a window and go to the folder that you want to copy/move files to. 2. Drag that folder to your sidebar (+T) 3. Navigate to the folder that contains what you want to copy/move. 4. Drag your file(s) to the folder you just put in your sidebar to move them or hold 'option' and drag to copy them. 5. If you don't want the folder you copied to permanently in your sidebar just drag it out.
If your needs are more robust and you want to copy/move between many folders you can drag as many folders to your sidebar as you can fit. Plus your folders will be just as you left them when you go back to them (with the exception of the view). The sidebar doesn't have to be permanent and is your friend .
Ok, so I love the ability to move a tab to its own separate window in Safari, but is there a way to move a window back into a tab? If not, this would be a nice little addition to the next version of Safari.
I have a 20 gig folder that I access quite often. I want the folder visually on my desktop, but I want the files themselves on my external drive nis there a way to do this, similar to shortcuts with window?
I was dragging some files from one folder to another inside the (Snow Leopard) Finder and accidentally dragged them up into the top bar of the Finder window itself. How do I remove them from this position? I can't drag them off because as soon as I click on them, they open.
I have been using virtual desktops (VDT) for years and I often work 14 to 18 hours a day on my mac.. Â
I can reorder my spaces in MC but that seems to be about all I can do and it really is ******* me off. Â
I need to be able to drag a single window from 1 space to another space where I already have another application running. This was TRIVIAL in SPACES but seems impossible in MC.Â
example:Â I have a text file of notes in vi in one VDT and in another I have a browser window open to a customer location where I need to use or add to those notes with some complexity. I want to move that notes window from the VDT that it is in (because there are other apps there) to the current VDT so that I can easily use the notes and the browser together. I do NOT want to have to make the stupid vi window in ALL spaces. How do I do this?Â
another example: I have a browser with multiple tabs and I want to move ONE of them to another VDT. I can pull the tab to make another window.. But I can't move just that tab to another VDT!! How can I do that?Â
I have a Dual 2GHz PowerPC with the stock video card (ATI Radeon 9600 Pro) and have had a Dell 2405FPW monitor connected to it via DVI cable and it has worked flawlessly for a couple of years... until this week.
Now the image seems to be "off" by about one or two pixels. Just a bit blurry here and there and when I move the mouse across the screen, the entire screen image seems to shift a little bit.
I've tried power cycling, re-connecting the cable, unplugging everything, resetting the monitor settings in the control panel, factory-reset of the LCD settings..
Information: Dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5, 2 GB Mac OS X (10.4.10) DVI Connection to Dell 2405
When attempting to move a file that will need administrator authentication, the authentication window to enter a password does not populate. Thus, I am unable to move the file.
When I have a folder open, say downloads, in a list view, and I delete a file, the scroll bar will automatically jump to the top of the list. It's absolutely non-sensical. One of the most annoying things ever when your trying to organize a long list of files. Happens in 10.8.5 and in Mavericks on two separate computers. It's worse in 10.8.5 as sometimes it will glitch out and do it even when I am scrolling down the list. . Kind of thing that makes you want to switch to windows. Â
Been trying to create a CD image mounted on my Desktop, as to load the program it needs to know that the CD is in the optical drive of the MacBook Air. But the program doesn't actually use the CD, its just verifying that I own a copy. Is there anyway I could start the program without actually having the CD in my drive? Anyway of making the Computer think that the CD is actually present, such as mounting the CD image on the Desktop?
thumbnails for images on my desktop arent showing it works fine though if its on a stacks folder on the dock if its on the desktop or on the dock as an alias it only shows as a preview file and has the png/jpeg/bmp badge