Mac Pro :: 1,1 Two Different Riser Card?
May 4, 2012
When I got my Mac 1,1 Pro used, it only came with one riser card. Now I recently bought another riser card from ebay, but it is a different color (the original was light blue and the new one is indigo). Everything does work, but I was just wondering did apple use two different riser cards, because they are the same model and both were built in 2006 by Apple. Also this won't cause any optimization issue, Right? This maybe a small thing but hey, can't be too cautious.
Mac Pro
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Jul 25, 2009
Yesterday, I unhooked everything from my MP to install the following: 2nd superdrive, 2GB RAM stick, Intel SSD, stock Nvidia GT120(slot 3). Now, I have since taken out the additional RAM because testing showed faster memory tests with 3x2GB ram sticks vs 4x2GB. I'm assuming because of tri-channel memory. Anyway, now when I cut the computer on I'm getting a brief red light flash on the riser card. I have looked in system profiler and it shows all DIMM slots as "OK" and is showing 6GB of RAM. I have inserted the OSX DVD and ran a short and long hardware test and nothing shows up wrong or problematic.
The computer as you can tell in my other thread about SSD benchmarks is running at great speed! The only true weird thing is when I tried to boot from the OSX DVD to restore from a time machine backup on the Intel SSD, the MP hangs up on the grey screen with the apple logo(spinning wheel is there but freezes eventually) and on my second monitor is shows a box that says "You need to restart your computer". So this is a kernal panic, no? The nearest Apple store is over 2 hours away and the same goes for an authorized shop.
Also, I installed the stock HDD and the factory RAM and the light still remains. The only way I could use my SSD was to use carbon cloner and put the SSD in bay 4 and go that route. Everything worked fine and the SSD is now the boot drive. But, its kinda irritating because if this thing fails I can't boot from the OSX DVD to restore. The only thing I haven't done is remove the Nvidia GT120 but I had to re-install that crappy thing because I am running 3 monitors now. I have my main monitor(dock) hooked to the GTX285 and monitors 2 and 3 running of the GT120.
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Jun 18, 2010
I had 8 - 1GB RAM sticks spread out between the two riser cards in my Mac Pro.About six months ago I turned on my Mac Pro the and the power light began blinking white. I narrowed it down to slots 3 and 4 were bad on my lower riser card. That knocked me down to 6GB of RAM. About one week ago I turned my Mac Pro on again and the white light started blinking again!!! Slots 3 and 4 on the upper riser card went bad this time. Now I am down to 4GB of RAM.
My Mac Pro is a 2008 [early] btw unless you saw it in my sig already.I am just curious if this is common for a 2yr old Mac Pro for the riser cards to go bad like this.When I get a spare $200 I plan on replacing both riser cards as I have not found them anywhere online cheaper than about $100.
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Feb 18, 2010
Is it the one on the bottom or the top one?
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Mar 10, 2008
I just installed 4x1gb OWC ram onto my top riser, adding onto my previous 2x512(dimm 1&2) + 2x1gb setup (which is now on my bottom riser). My previous setup had no problems and OSX detected the ram just fine but now with my previous setup on the bottom riser, OSX only detects the top riser with the new OWC 4x1gb ram. My former setup now displays a red LED light on the bottom riser.
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Mar 23, 2009
Am looking for a riser that would bring my Cinema Display up to roughly the same height as an Imac I`m seriously considering buying. Does anyone make this kind of accessory?
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Aug 9, 2010
After a bit of Google research I've found countless notebook elevators for cooling purposes. So many to choose from. Just curious if any MacRumors users could share their first hand experience?
I have a 13" MBP and am looking for a slight elevator to let air get under the notebook. I do not want a stand with actual fans / coolers that plug into your notebook and use battery. I'm just looking for a simple, glorified phonebook to stick under the MBP
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May 27, 2009
I would like to upgrade my 17" Powerbook G4 to wireless n, but I'd like to upgrade the internal airport extreme card instead of using a PC Card adapter.
Are there any options for this?Will this airport extreme card from early model MBPs work?
my specs:
17" pwrbk Hi-res
1.67 G4
late 2005 model: Powerbook 5,9
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Mar 2, 2012
I simply can't take any of my pictures off of my SD card. I've tried using the USB cable that came with the camera itself, as well as a USB card reader. iPhoto, and the laptop itself does not recognize the card, or that there is any device mounted at all. I've also tried checking "External Disks" in Finder Preferences, didn't seem to work.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Black Nuts
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Oct 31, 2010
If you have a 13" 2010 MacBook Air with the SD card slot, and you are looking for a card to expand the capacity of your MacBook Air, what is the max capacity card currently available that you can use in this slot. I hear that they have new cards with capacities of up to 2TB, but are these cards compatible with the SD card slot on the MacBook Air? (SDXC 2TB cards)
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Dec 21, 2008
I'm in need of some guidance. It took me a little while to get my GTX280 into the 1st slot in my mac pro but I'm just wondering,
In order to boot into os x can I just leave the 280 in the 1st slot and put the old 7300 gt in the 2nd slot ?
Then I can turn the power off from the 280 and it will default to the 2nd slot rite? Or must I remove the bottom (280) card for the older card to work?
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Apr 24, 2009
How certain are we that (physical?) interference between the airport card/wifi and the graphics card can be cured with a download, and not actual hardware fix/repair? I mean, I know technology is advancing rapidly, but I'm not sure I can believe that a download can solve the issue that the 4850s are experiencing.
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Jul 26, 2010
I have a 2010 13" MBP, and have just realised that I'm unable to read my Micro SD card when I pop it into a SD card adaptor and attempt to read via the inbuilt SD card slot. It works fine on my XP netbook though.
Has anyone encountered this problem? Is it normal? Is there any way around it?
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Apr 14, 2009
I bought my Mac Pro as a refurb from Apple, but it didn't come with the wireless card built in. This didn't bother me because at my old apartment my computer was near the router so I just wired it up by ethernet. I just moved into a new place and my computer isn't within router distance and I don't want to run a bunch of cable. My boss gave me a card to plug into Apple wifi card spot and OSX found the card and showed some airport info, but it didn't find any networks and if I run the Airport Utility it says it can't find an airport card. So I assume it's not compatible. What are my options? Oh yeah, I found this on ebay. Sound reliable? [URL:....]
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Apr 18, 2012
How do I redeem an itune card without my credit card being charged?
iPad 2
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Dec 26, 2010
As the title says, I have a card reader that works great with a CF card, but the MBP won't recognize an SD card. This is a new problem for me. I also have an express card adapter for SD that won't read the card, either. I have tried 4 different SD cards, and these exact cards have worked for me in the recent past (within the past 2 months). They work fine in the camera. I also tried connecting the camera via usb, which was unsuccessful. I tried blowing air on the cards and the reader. I cannot get the cards to be read on my wife's macbook. This makes no sense to me, as it worked fine the last time I tried. I find it hard to believe that all cards are corrupt, or the cable is the problem because it reads the CF card.
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Dec 4, 2010
I've had a pleasant experience with my imac so far, and it read my SD card fine at first. For some reason I put my SD in the SD card reader and copied the pictures from it. I take it out and put it back in my camera. "The SD card cannot be formatted. It may be defective." Really? I put it back in my iMac. It doesn't mount. I check Finder and Disk Utility. Ya, it's nowhere. I put my other SD card in my iMac. Same issue. Now my camera won't read that one either. I put them in my sister's $300 netbook running Windows 7 Starter. Funny! It reads them! However, my camera still doesn't and my imac still doesn't. I try formatting them. No go. I've tried every format I can. They are just dead. Useless. My sister's computer can read them, and even format them, but something in that stupid iMac made my SD cards defective. I can buy new ones, but should I have to? I can't even see if they'll work through the camera while connected via USB because the camera won't even read them. I bought a Mac to avoid ridiculous problems like this. Was I wrong? Is it just a ticking time bomb like every other computer on the market? Should I immediately go buy a backup drive? If it's doing crazy stuff like this out of the blue, how can I trust it not to randomly crash? I think I overestimated Apple's competence. This should never happen. It actually made my SD cards defective.
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Oct 20, 2008
Just realized that all the firewire ports on my 8-Core Mac Pro share the same bus. I need to capture video from a HDV camera to a firewire hard drives and I get hickups and slow downs that cause dropped frames. Can anybody share any links to what FW card to get to and where I can buy it from? Anything that does not cost to much? Please only post links of cards you have used or read good reviews using it on a Mac Pro. Also what slot would I put the card in? I want to make sure the slot is not also sharing a bus with something else.
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May 30, 2009
Is this possible to edit mac pro nvidia card rom to use with similar pc card?Such as edit Mac Pro Quadro FX5600 1.5GB rom (G80) to use with PC 8800GTX 768mb (G80) <- same core , difference ram size , difference card model.edit Mac pro GTX285 (GT200b) to use with GTX275 (GT200b) <- same core , difference ram size , difference core settingor edit Mac pro 8800GT (G92) to use with 9800GTX /GTS 250 (G92b) <- nearby core , same ram , difference setting
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Apr 9, 2012
i had signed in at the app store but it said to review my account and enter my card number. i don't have a card. i will only in tall the free apps. but it does not allow me to install even the free ones without entering all billing details. how can i enter a card details when i do not have a card!
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Apr 28, 2010
I see here that my Mac Pro (Early 2008) is compatable with:
ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600
ATI Radeon HD 4870
It looks like in many cases there's two versions, and the mac version costs about 10x as much on ebay and in stores. Is that accurate, or is one of these models mac and pc compatable, and therefore the laws of supply and demand work in my favour?
(fyi: I just want the cheapest one, I don't do heavy GPU work)
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May 29, 2010
I have an '06 Mac Pro and my Nvidia 7300 just sucks, so I'm looking to buy a new card. I saw this, which uses ATI Radeon 4870. How safe is this, and where can I use any Radeon card for this?
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Jan 20, 2009
I have a new Time Capsule and was wondering if I can put an 'n' wireless card in my 1� year old MacBook? Am I limited to buying an Apple card or are there other options?
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Oct 6, 2009
I have an eSATA drive that was formatted on Windows using Bootcamp. It is connected via an Express Card. I want to now format it for OSX. But when I boot to OSX I don't even see the drive. Is there something I have to do to enable the Express Card?
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Dec 28, 2009
So today I decided to send one of my friends a very special christmas present - episodes of SNL. I decided to first send her the Just Commercials episode, because I know its one of her favorite parts of the sketch show. The show is $1.99, and I filled out the "Gift" form. However, when I clicked "Done", the iTunes page said that it had billed my CREDIT CARD. I have $24.95 in store credit, from various gift cards for iTunes. Why did this happen, and how can I fix this? I really really really can NOT have this bill be on my credit card.
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Sep 4, 2009
Ok so I have a old Mac Performa 640CD/Dos that I am trying to to get up and running again. I had a monitor for it but it fell off the couch and broke. So I thought maybe I can use an adapter with it in order to use PC VGA monitor. Well after getting the first adapter and trying it, no luck, then I tried one that had dip switches on it. Tried 640 x 480, 800 x 600, almost all the dip switch combination with no luck on getting anything on the screen. Could it be that I might have a bad video card and it needs replaced? Or is this particular model not compatible with PC VGA monitors?
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Feb 4, 2008
Two questions, wondering if anyone knows the answer:1.Looking for maximum bandwidth of ExpressCard/34 slot in MacBook Pro(Since eSATA raid is supported with ExpressCard, the bandwidth should be there. Looks like it has at least 70MB read/write?)2. Are there ExpressCard/34 SSD disks that runs faster than internal SATA drives? (Mtron seems to make only 2.5" and 3.5")
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Oct 14, 2010
I got this card for 13 dollars on newegg and I hope I can find a way to get it to work. Obviously I could run a cable to an external usb port but I am trying to get it to work internally. This card has two lights on it which acknowledge it is on and that an express card is in they light up but in windows I am unable to get my express card to mount. I'm sure it has to do with the fact the usb on the inside of the card needs to be plugged into the mobo. PCI Express with Transfer Rate 2.5GB/s Full Duplex Channel Compliant with PCI-Express Revision 1.0a One USB 2.0 port connection needed from the motherboard for fully ExpressCard compatible Fully plug & play I have read the mac pro early 2008 has some satas hidden inside near the fans Are all the mobo usb used? In device managet I'm counting 5 USB Root Hubs, 3 Generic USB Hubs. I'm guessing the generic are the devices I've plugged in and the 5 root hubs are the front two usb and the rear three. So there are none inside that are unoccupied? Do I have any other options like get a 2nd card with internal usb and connect pci to pci?
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Nov 25, 2010
Is this card compatible with a 2010 Hex?
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Nov 12, 2008
I accidentally reformatted my Sandisk SD card for my camera. Is there anyway to format it back to DOS FAT 16? I tried doing it in my camera and it didn't work.
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