Mac OS X Lion Server :: Network Accounts Do Not Iogin

Apr 10, 2012

last month our Xserve G5 with Leopard Server which controlled user accounts in our computer labs died. We replaced it with a Mac mini server (that includes Lion Server) –by the way, this is the first server that I ever setup–.During initial configuration, the server was fully updated to Lion server 10.7.3, and stablished as an OD Master. I didn't import anything from the old server, so all accounts and groups and preferences and everything have been defined from scratch.Everything was working good until I finish the setup and try to connect from one of our Leopard client machines. I configure that machine with Directory Utility with settings from the server, and the server responds just fine, the client sets everything up automatically for authentication and contacts. Everything seems to be normal until I log out and try to connect with one of the network accounts.The account will not login, the login window just shakes and does nothing. Odd enough, the login window tells that network accounts are available (captures are in Spanish). When I login again as a local admin account, I check Directory Utility and when I look at the LDAP configuration, in the search & maps tab of the window, I find these two red registers (UserAuthenticationData and OLCLDIFConfig). I don't know if this is related to the problem, but this is where I get stuck and don't know where else to go.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Use Mobile Accounts Locally (on Server) As Well As On A Laptop Connected To It?

Jun 5, 2012

The girlfriend and I are consolidating machines and want to try a software based approach instead of a plug and swap approach. My goal is to have only a Desktop + iPad and she have her MacBook. The issue is that we also want to keep it limited to one monitor, etc. on the desk but she is in grad school and will have need for the larger screen and keyboard. My question is can I set up her laptop to use a Mobile Account and assuming she logs off on that before going onto the Server, can she then log in to the Server desktop and use that Mobile Account locally there? So sometimes use the Mobile Account on the laptop, Sometimes on the Desktop. From my days managing a small network, this seems plausible but could also be fraught with problems.

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 10.7.3 Network Accounts Are Unavailable?

Mar 4, 2012

I installed Lion on my work computer yesterday from a USB drive and I got the message that "Network accounts are unavailable". Today I updated to 10.7.3 hoping that might do the trick and still get the same I should deal with this?

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: AD User Accounts Offline?

Jun 28, 2012

I've just added the macbook pros that were recently purchased, (NOT retina Displays)  boo i know.. THey are in AD able to place them and moved them around into different groups. I'm able to sign in when i'm on the network. WHEN I'M OFF THE NETWORK IT DOES NOT ALLOW ME TO SIGN IN.  In windows it builds a profile for you so i checked that it does create a profile folder under users but still not able to sign in (locally)? not really locally?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Able to Bind, NO offline signin.

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Setup A Network Account On It Allow To VPN Server?

Feb 11, 2012

I'd like to setup a network account on Lion Server and allow that account to VPN in to my server. But I want this account to have limited access to my LAN, similar to how the stovepiped "Guest Network" works with Airport Extremes. I don't see any way to assign specific network accounts specific IP ranges outside the normal, say, 10.0.1/24. Is there even any way to assign a specific account something in the range,say, 10.0.2/24? Any way to further limit network access for Lion Server VPN sessions?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion Server, 8 GB

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: AD Accounts Can No Longer Connect To AFP File Shares

Feb 22, 2012

I am running into an issue where AD users can no longer connect to AFP file shares. If you attempt to authenticate with one of our Lion server's local accounts, you connect without any issues, but if you put network credentials in then you get the window shake denial. This issue just came up this morning. I attempted unbinding and rebinding the machine, updating from 10.7.2 to 10.7.3, removing and re-adding share point permissions, turning file sharing off then on, and still no network account authentication. 

how to get network credential authentication to AFP filesharing working again?

Xserve, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Server

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Using Aliases To Deliver Mail To Multiple Accounts?

Mar 3, 2012

I'm looking at OS X Server as a possible email server upgrade from an OLD Linux box.  On our current server we have aliases setup to archive all incoming and outgoing email to another account. That one account then checks email via POP and then it is archived on another client computer for record keeping and CYA. It looks like this: 


Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: SMTP Relaying For Virtual Email Accounts?

Apr 20, 2012

We are a small company that just recently started using Lion Server for a few simple services. We've been pretty happy with it and are considering trying to host our email on it as well, as we've had a little trouble lately with our hosted email being rejected as spam (since they're shared services). It seems to work correctly in a controlled environment on test email accounts that I've created, but I'm having trouble figuring out if it's possible to allow smtp relaying from a device (cell phone, tablet, computer) outside of the local network when the sending from is a virtual address. 

Basically, it seems "" can send from devices off the network and authentication allows them to. However, we have two sister companies that we need email for as well. I would like them to be able to send messages from "" or "" 

When I try to send from one of those test accounts on an iphone outside of the local network, it says "A copy has been placed in your Outbox. The recipent "" was rejected by the server because it does not allow relaying." If I add the specific IP address of that device to my allowed relay list, the message sends with no problem. Obviously, I don't want wide ranges of IP addresses allowed to use the relay service. Is there no way to allow relaying from any IP address based on an authenticated user? 

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Have To Enable Mobile Accounts So Notebooks Will Work When Traveling?

Mar 12, 2012

I have a mac mini running lion server.I have a couple of mac clients (notebooks). I have to enable mobile accounts so notebooks will work when traveling.However, I want family to logged into server as well. I am still in testing, and I think I have client side working ok (sync on demand, sync logging in and out)However, when user now logs directly into server (or anything else that would cause a sync, manual sync or logging off), it causes errors. It appears it isn't smart enough to know it is trying to sync back to itself. 

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Have Everything Same On Every Machine On Network?

May 31, 2012

Is it possible to have the same icons, desktop, files, etc. appear on every machine a person logs in to on an open directory network?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mac Mini Server Won't Connect To Network

Mar 5, 2012

I have just purchased my first mac (Mini Server w/ quad i7) the other week. I am having serious troubles connecting it to the internet at my work or uni networks. The mini works just fine at home with a simple connection to the modem/router. But at uni there is a small infrastructure and proxy, and at work there is a more complicated setup also (although the firewall isn't blocking any ports or normal internet traffic. There also isn't any MAC address filtering on any of the networks). I have tried both ethernet and WiFi, with no success. 

Mac mini obtains local IP, can successfully contact the DNS. Pinging locally to the gateway fails (so so does pinging google, or external addresses). traceroute also fails internally. But that's about as far as I can go on either work or uni networks.

I've fiddled around with all settings i can find under 'Advanced' in the network options. But again nothing. 

It is a completely fresh install of OSX 10.7.3, no 3rd part apps or software have been installed yet (this is due to not having an internet connection). 

I am COMPLETELY new to mac software - other than knowing the dashboard is down the bottom, the taskbar is up the top and the minimizing/closing is in the top left corner.  I am in the 3rd year of my IT degree at uni, so I know some generic networking troubleshooting, but that's about all. 

Mac mini Server (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Can't Delete A Network Account

Mar 18, 2012

I have an Open Directory Master running on my 10.7.3 Server machine, and I created network account server entry in "Users & Groups -> Login Options" which is non-functional ("This server is not responding") using the loop back and entering the diradmin credentials. 

I have created another entry which is functional, and I can access my network accounts, but I cannot delete the original entry. The minus key is greyed out and I can't work out how to unbind. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Server

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Set Up With Caching DNS For Local Network?

Jun 16, 2012

Our new Lion Server has a static IP Address pointed to over the internet by our registrar's zone file. Planning the Lion Server installation process with the intent of hosting Web, Mail and Open Directory services to a small number of users who are nearly all located off-site. I do also want Lion Server to be a caching DNS Server and DHCP authority on the local network to replace what dnsmasq does on our current Linux server.

I am looking forward to offloading some of the lower level Linux administration tasks and putting myself in the hands of the Lion Server Setup Assistant and Server App :-) but at the same time don't understand some of  its assumptions and fear having to spend a lot of time experimenting and re-installing.

So, specifically, I want the Server App to know that my Lion Server has a "Host Name for the Internet" but that the DNS it sets up will not be the DNS for my zone - I will be managing that through my registrar's interfaces.

Second problem is my fnot understanding what name space devices on the local network will / should use. e.g.  The Linux server will be available for backups etc  on the local intranet (and optionally have a static ip address on the Internet) but MacBooks, PCs, iPads and iPhones will be served ip addresses by the Lion Server's DHCP. So will / should these dynamic devices have their machine names fully qualified by our domain name with RFC 1918 style ip addresses or something like .local?  How do I tell this to Lion's Server App / Setup Assistant? How easy is it to update these initial settings later?

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Why Keep Losing Network Connection On IMac

Feb 27, 2012

My mac is set to automatically connect to the internet, but since downloading Mac Lion 10.7.3, I'm having problems. I have to reconnect to the internet repeatedly throughout the day. I also recently updated Microsoft office - not sure if that's somehow related.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Altering Files On Network Profiles?

May 11, 2012

I have set up a server with several network profiles. When logged into a network profile the user has no problem creating and saving a file of any kind, as soon as you edit and try and resave one of these files (only those of utilize Versions) does it give you an error "The file cannot be saved." at which point it reverts back to the origional file or offers to save it under a new name. Through trouble shooting I've discovered it only happens when trying to resave files that use versions, and only happens when im accessing these accounts through the network profile (in other words if i loggin and screen share to the account everything works fine), which in tern suggests the problem is occuring in the disconect between the home folder(which is all the network profile accesses) and the applications.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Server

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Network Users And Intego VirusBarrier X6?

May 28, 2012

I have Intego VirusBarrier X6 in several macs. When using it with normal/local/mobile users, I do not have any problem. However, when logging as network user (I have a mac mini with lion server 10.7.4), the macs hang after a while. At the beginning, I tried everything: permissions, firewall, sharepoints, etc on both the client and the server. Only when I uninstalled the software on the client, everything works again normal. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Back On The Network And It Gets The Lock Request?

May 31, 2012

I've setup my server and enrolled a few devices. Everything works fine if I'm in the same LAN but as soon as I tether my laptop to my cell service and try to issue the remote lock nothing happens till the laptop is back on the network and it gets the lock request. I have changed the hostname of the lion server a few times if that broke something. Also the server is behind a NAT so do ports need to be forwarded?

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: How To Change In Network Smb The Computer Name Description

Jul 4, 2012

How change in network smb the computer name description

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Network Users Can't Login Via VPN And Profile Manager

Apr 7, 2012

I have a problem with Network Users defined on my Lion Server accessing the server through VPN or Profile Manager (via Safari) ... I keep on getting authentication errors. Is this because they are network users or am I missing something else?

This works: when I logon to my Lion Server with either local or network users everything seems to be OK including home directory synchronisation.

I tried the following for VPN:my local server account can logon to the server (ie my secret key, user account/password combination are OK ("chap peer authentication succeeded for ...")when I try the same with two of my network accounts I keep on getting authentication errors (VPN) but I'm sure I use the same userid/password combinations as above ("chap peer authentication failed for ...")

I get similar results when I access the Profile Manager (url..)my local server account can logon on to the Profile Manager and sees as all the informationwhen I try this with one of my network accounts (which has devices assigned) I keep on getting 'incorrect user name or password

Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), (Server)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Round Robin DNS For Load Balancing Between Multiple Network Adapters

Feb 20, 2012

I'm attempting to use 'round robin' DNS to load balance between the two ethernet adapters of an Xserve.Both ethernet adapters are connected to the same LAN and have static IP addresses of and DNS zone for the server's local domain/host (macserver.private) has a machine record with both IP addresses (set up in the Lion Server UI).Having read up on round robin DNS, I would have expected DNS requests for 'macserver. private' to be answered with the two IP addresses ordered at random, achiving my aim of requests being served at random via each ethernet adapter. 

However this doesn't seem to be the case. Doing a 'nslookup' from any of the network clients results in the two IP addresses being listed in the same order everytime. And pinging 'macserver.private' only ever results in a response from the same address.Does anyone know why this is the case? Does Lion Server use a non-standard DNS configuration? Are there any additional settings I need to configure in Lion's DNS server to make adopt a round robin approach to responding to requests?

Xserve, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac :: IStat Server Shows No Network Usage On Mac Mini Server?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a 2009 Mac Mini Server with iStat Server installed. When I connect to iStat server with the iPhone app, I see no network usage (even though it is being used). iStat Pro widget will show the usage just fine. Any ideas on why its not showing up with iStat Server?

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Intel Mac :: Log In Shows 'network Accounts Not Available'

May 23, 2012

on my desktop my login window has a red radio button and a tag that says 'network accounts not available' 

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), Lap MacBook Pro

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OS X Server :: Migrating User Accounts From One Disk To Another?

Nov 14, 2007

OS X was damaged on the startup disk so I installed it on another disk and created a new directory on the new startup disk. I can still see all the old files on the corrupted disk. Is there a way to import all the user home folders (including permissions) from the old startup disk to the new one?

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MacBook Pro :: Network Accounts Unavailable - Work / Home

Jun 27, 2014

I have brought my work mac book pro home with me to do some work over the weekend, but I have the issue of usually it's connected to a network in work and now that I've got it home it says "Network Accounts Unavailable". When I try to log in the log in wheel just spins for about a minute then shakes as if it's the wrong password. I know I'm using the right password as I used it little over an hour ago in work. Do I have to be connected to the internet? And if so is there a work around so I can connect to the Wifi without logging in? It's not the administrator account on the mac, and I don't have those details, but it's a real pain not to have it over the weekend.

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Applications :: Multiple Mail Accounts With Same Outgoing POP Server

Nov 24, 2008

I'm new mac fan who has bought a macbook pro and thrown BG & MS out of my life, almost. The transition has been a little tough. I am finding some Mac things so easy. And other so hard. Apple Mail is giving me fits. In outlook express, I have 3 email accounts for various levels of privacy. All using verizon's outgoing mail server to send email. So, same username, pw & settings & outgoing Pop are the same on all 3 accounts. No problem in Outlook Express.

Mail says you cannot have the same username & pw& pop in 2 separate accounts whether it is outgoing or incoming pops/servers. On 2 accounts I have started using their own pop to send mail out. I still cannot get 1 account to email out. For 2 accounts I use onlymyemail to filter spam and then I download it from their incoming pop. So, these 2 accounts must have the same username and password and pop to download the filtered email. It seems like this whole thing is reversed. This should be a MS problem, and Mail should allow the same usname & pw on all accounts.

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Changing DNS Settings And OD Accounts?

Apr 24, 2012

We were having problems with our server, and found that it was because of DNS settings. We now have a FQDN, but nobody can log on. How do I import the users and groups to the new domain?

Xserve, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Yosemite :: Mail Accounts Periodically Cannot Find Server?

Dec 4, 2014

Mail accounts periodically cannot find server. rebooting corrects for time only

MacBook o, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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Applications :: Internet / Network / Wireless Accounts - Delete Guest?

May 14, 2010

I have Charter cable w/wireless through my Apple router. I have my primary account and a guest account. how to I delete the guest account?

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Importing Accounts From SL Retail Version?

Mar 30, 2012

I have just bought a MacMini Server (2 hard disks) built early December 2010.  It comes with SL Server.  My old setup was a normal version of SL.if I can import the old account from the SL version in to SLS? 

MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windows XP on a hard partition

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MacBook Pro :: 10.9.4 Upgrade Locked Out Many Of Files - Can No Longer Login To Network Accounts

Sep 10, 2014

I upgraded to 10.9.4. Now, I can no longer log in to "network accounts". I am lucky in that my school district gave me administrator access, so I am currently logging in that way. Big problem though- the permissions on EVERY SINGLE FILE AND FOLDER are set to read only, so any time I want to access anything, I have to change the permissions on the folder/document. I have tried doing this en masse to no avail. How to log in to my original account so I can function the way I did before 10.9.4 hit.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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