Mac Mini :: Transfer System HD To A New HD?
Apr 26, 2012
I will change my current HD to a new SSD HD (the question is not about replacing physically the HD as it is not supported by Apple..).
This is the system disk that contains
- OS X Lion
- apps
- user work/personal data
There is a big external (SATA, RAID1) HD that receives the Time Machine backups... (and contains user files, pictures, ...).
- Is there a way (eg via Time Machine) to save the whole system HD on the external drive
- Then boot (from? Lion comes from Apple Store)
- And recover everything - apps and settings... - from the external drive?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion
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Apr 7, 2009
I'll be fitting my new 09 mac mini internal hard drive hopefully tonight. I want to copy all the information (programs etc) onto my new hard drive before I install it. Whats the best way of going about this? I already have an external caddy, so am I right in thinking I can put the new hard drive into that, connect it up to my mini, format it, install osx, and use migration assistant, or I vaguely remember something called 'cloner' or something similar to that name to copy all the data? That when all the info is copied I can take out the stock hard drive, remove the new drive from the external caddy and place it into the mac mini? Then it should boot up fine?
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Nov 15, 2009
When you get a new OSX machine it asks if you want to transfer everything over from another machine, then you connect the firewire or whichever cable it tells you, and it does the rest.
I am replacing my Mini with a Mini Server (1TB), and on boot it asks if I want to transfer data from another "Server". I was hoping I could transfer from OSX to OSX Server since it's the same OSX just more options are added, I would understand it it didn't go in the other direction.
It gives me a blank window with Transfer Your Server at the top and says to select the volume to transfer from (none listed). It doesn't say how I would connect or select the machine from which to select the volume. Is there any easy way to transfer my programs and files over, or not, between non-server and a server version? I could manually share the HD on the Mini and drag over program and file folders etc. if there is no automatic way.
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Oct 23, 2009
There's speculation that it's L2 cache is bigger than the 3mb used on the slower mac mini core2duo's.
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Oct 14, 2010
So I purchased a stereo output to composite red/white cables. I then plugged the HDMI and composites cables into the receiver, but the it reads only the HDMI (which should include audio and video), or composite (yellow, red, white). If you have HDMI plugged it, it doesn't read from the composite, and vise-versa. So how exactly can I fix this? Why doesn't Apple have the HDMI contain audio and video (like most things, PS3, 360, consoles)? This is really odd and I cannot really use it as a home theatre system at the moment. I was hoping that it wasn't my receivers fault (2008 fancy Denon receiver, cost a few grand), but if it was to find some kind of converter that takes HDMI and stereo out, and outputs it as HDMI with audio/video.
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Dec 23, 2009
I have Photoshop CS2 on a Mac iBook G4. I also have a Mac Mini. Can I transfer CS2 to the Mac Mini? I want to do this so I can upgrade to CS4 on the Mini. I don't believe it's possible but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.
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Feb 6, 2008
I am trying to transfer the info from my old ibook G4 (with leopard) to my new macbook using a firewire and set-up assistant. I restarted my old computer holding the T and the firewire symbol appeared fine. My new macbook states that i can't transfer info without OSX old computer has OSX leopard ...i tried re-starting again and the same pop-up message as before is displayed in set-up
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May 16, 2009
I need to transfer some large iMovie project files (~30gb) from a Macbook Pro to a new Macbook, which has no firewire port. Can this be done easily?
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Feb 7, 2010
I upgraded the hard drive in my 2006 model white MacBook. It now has a Western Digital WD3200BEVT... 320GB 5400rpm. I recently purchased a new 13 inch MacBook Pro, and would like to put the Western Digital hard drive in the new MacBook Pro. Both computers have Mac OS X 10.6.2 installed.My plan is to open the MacBooks and put the WD into the MBP. I'll boot from the reinstall disc that came with the MBP and install without formatting.
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Feb 5, 2012
I am trying to transfer files applications data etc from an intel iMac i5 running OS X 10.6.8 to a Macbook Pro i7 running OS X 10.7.3 and having trouble with migration assistant. When I restart the iMac holding the T key it just opens to the usual desktop. If I start up holding the T key I get the grey screen with the firewire,thunderbold icon. Either way the Macbook does not seem to recognise the iMac in the migration assistant so I cannot proceed with file transfer. I have tried the above with different cables, just in case it was the cable.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac i5 OS X 10.6.8
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Sep 5, 2009
At present I'm using my MP constantly but it's not always doing work stuff... and have recently I've notice the electricity bill to be astronomically high! Kinda like having a one or two bar heater on twenty-four-seven. Know what I mean?
And, for a little while I've been using a MBP for the same task but I find condition the battery every so often to be a right pain in the rear, especially since it's not my main laptop and it's cells are constantly pumped full most of the time, thus constantly connected to the wall outlet
cut down on my super high fuel bills and make my life a little easier. I'm thinking about buying a Mac Mini of my own, it'll probably be completely headless, cause I'm thinking of using it purely for downloads and huge online file transfers etc.
I am however curious, does anyone else use theirs as a slave, for the same or similar tasks?
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May 27, 2012
I have a new mini mac and used migration assistant to transfer my iTunes library to it. However even though they are "on" the mini mac, they are in the transferred account. How do I transfer them to the new account on the mini mac?
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Nov 10, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)
Have an emac running 10.4.11 and iPhoto '08 (7.1.5). Moving to a new imac. I'm really only concerned with transferring my iPhoto library and mail - how is this done? I've got an external FW drive enclosure coming. But from that point, with the external drive now connected to the iMac ... is it as simple as dragging the library over to the new iMac (any compatibility issues between OS or iPhoto versions?). And what about mail - is there a need to actually transfer messages over or will they all be downloaded from the server upon first login?
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Mar 19, 2008
I just got a new macbook pro and have been using Mail with it for a while now. What I want to do is transfer my inbox messages from Mail on an old macbook into the inbox of Mail on my new MBP. Is there anyway to do this and still keep the new emails that Mail has collected on my MBP?
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Apr 11, 2009
I'm trying to do it with a USB drive. Well, I plug in the drive and nothing happens. Usually when I plug something in my Mac will recognize it and it will open up. So what do I do? The USB drive is by HP... and I used another drive by Ultra Speed and that one worked just fine (but I can't use it anymore because I broke it... I took it out too early and now it won't let me put any files on it?). Is there a button
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Oct 14, 2009
I have a 1st generation ipod (10g) and a new macbook pro. I don't have firewire on the macbook pro and need a cable that will work so I can transfer music from my old ipod onto my macbook. I have a 400/800 firewire adapter which connect fine to my ipod, but doesn't connect to my macbook.
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Oct 18, 2009
Looking for something I can setup to transfer files from my home iMac to my folks' MBP over the internet. We use iChat (via Google mail) often, and I "take over" their MBP to perform maintenance and just generally help them when they get stuck (they're not very computer literate) however, I would like to have a way to transfer files that are too big to email to their machine i.e. video clips etc.
Any recommendation for some sort of FTP application I've used FTP software on Windows machines before, just haven't used anything on macs yet.
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Nov 2, 2009
I connected it via ethernet to her old iBook, and unfortunately the iBook doesn't have a Set-up Assistant or Migration Manager, so we're unable to transfer over her address book entries or old emails.
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Feb 17, 2010
transfering files from my MacBook Pro to my external harddrive. I want to transfer my "Music"-folder to the external harddrive, but I get an error which says (translated from Danish to English): "The action can not be completed, because you do not have permission to access some of the topics"
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Aug 31, 2006
I have an old Summer 2000 iMac DV SE running Tiger. Recently when I powered up the machine I saw the display flicker a bit then went dead. I also began to smell something burning from the rear ventilation ports. Now when I press the power button, it lights up for a brief moment then the burning smell returns.
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Mar 1, 2012
Question: Can I transfer files from my MBP to my Mini using the Thunderbolt cable. It may sound too simple but for me I have never tried this before with either a Mac or PC.
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Mar 7, 2012
I have purchase a new mini and want to transfer programs from my older MacPro before recycling it. Problem is, it's 4 yrs old and I have run upgrades via downloads and no longer have discs - but then again the new mini doesn't have an optical drive.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11), hoping to upgrade soon
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May 5, 2012
I am going to install a new hard drive as well as expand the RAM to 8GB in my early 2009 Mac Mini 3.1 with 10.6.8. I'd like to retain Snow Leopard and all of my applications, their plug-ins and settings. What is the best way to assure that everything ends up on the new drive?
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Sep 25, 2010
I just used Senuti to transfer songs, I tried to close it but it looks like it's frozen. I can't turn my computer off or actually open the Senuti window through the dock but I can see it when I minimize Safari. How can I close Senuti seeing as I can't actually click anything on it (the red X in the corner isn't there, just a circle)?
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Jan 8, 2011
I copied a lot of information to my friend's mid-2010 MBP, about 80GB of data. Used iChat - transfer took about three hours but it got there.Before the transfer her laptop was very quick - didn't have much installed, plenty of free space. After the transfer, the laptop still have a lot of free space (>100GB) but is very slow. Before the laptop would take maybe 1 minute to boot up.. now it's over three. She experiences bouncing beach balls when loading applications.
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May 27, 2009
I just got a new macbook 13 inch unibody with the base stats. Anyways, i chose to snag the iPod touch 16 gig since my 8 gig is already full. Is it possible for me to put all the songs from my old iPod 8 gig touch onto my macbook then into my new iPod 16 gig touch? None of the songs were purchased on iTunes, I got them other ways... Also what about the applications I have on my old 8 gig, I have wolfenstein 3d, Bloons, and a few others that I paid for and would like to have on my new iPod without buying again. new to this board if a mod could put it in the right place for me edit: Nevermind, I allowed my new mac to be one of the authorized computers and I'm able to transfer my Applications with the songs now.
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May 15, 2010
I've been a Mac user for about 2 years now. It's a great OS. I currently have a 2008 (quad-core) Mac Pro that I will be selling to a friend. I've been saving up some money and will be buying an iMac (with money from Mac Pro) and a Gaming PC with my saved money. My Mac Pro currently has three drives in it - a 230GB drive with the OS, Apps, Music, etc; a 500GB drive with Movies, Photos, etc; and another 500GB drive with Windows 7 and games.
I have all my Mac files backed up onto a 1.5TB external drive (of which I have less than 1TB filed). My question is about file transferring. Will I be able to transfer the files from my backup Mac Pro drive to the new iMac? It has a 1TB drive so space isn't a problem. I'm just kinda worried about how the files will be transferred since it was copied from two drives and is going to be copied back onto a single drive.
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Jun 21, 2012
Can SDXC cards be used to transfer picture from onto the snow leopard 10.5.8 mini mac?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 22, 2014
The audio and video are out of sync after importing to FCP 10.1 from my mini DV tape source. The audio and video are in sync coming out of the tape deck but they are out of sync by over a second in FCP. How to correct this?
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Jun 2, 2012
How do i get my operating system lion to transfer over to my new harddrive since i downloaded it through itunes.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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