Mac :: How Much Ram For Speedy Running Of VM Fusion 3 With Windows 7
May 16, 2010
I will be buying a new iMac and would like to have enough RAM for good permormance of Windows 7 using VMware fusion. I can order either 4GB of RAM or 8GB? or maybe even 6GB.
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Jul 14, 2009
I have installed windows xp pro through fusion 2 in my 15' macbook pro, the memory it gets shared is 512mb and the hard drive gets 40GB. Is it enough to run accounting and office softwares with total satisfaction? Secondly, can I run windows compatible program through the use of fusion 2 without running windows os everytime? Does that way save power to extend power life? Additionally, I just found that the white background color of the accounting program really hurts my eyes. Is there certain ways to make white background color look moderate to the eyes?
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Jan 7, 2010
I have one of the black macbooks with c2d, a GMA950 graphics card, and 2 gig of ram. When I run Windows XP in Fusion, the fan runs almost constantly - even without any windows applications running (antivirus is running). This bothers me.
It's getting time for me to consider a new laptop. Does anyone have any experience with the GeForce 9400M or 9600GT video card laptops? I'm wondering if my experience will be different with either video card.
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Mar 24, 2009
I have a MacBook Pro and sometimes run VMWare Fusion / XP so that I can sync some older Nokia phones I have (that only run on PC Suite).However, my older phones don't utilize can only sync with Bluetooth or IR.I opened up the Control Panel and looked for a "Bluetooth Devices" icon, but couldn't find one.Then I opened up the Nokia "PC Suite" and Connectivity window and it gave me the option of clicking (ie: selecting to turn ON) Bluetooth and IR, but when I did, it said that this function was not available.What am I missing?My MBP obviously has all the Bluetooth and IR whistles, but when running VMWare Fusion / XP, the computer seems to disavow any knowledge that these options/functionalities are installed and working on the Mac side.
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Dec 15, 2008
I have an Airport Extreme network with an XBox 360 hooked up to it via ethernet. I would like to be able to use the XBox 360 as a media extender using the Windows Media Center running in Vista on my MacBook Pro. Vista Ultimate is running under VMware's Fusion and not as a bootcamp partition (not sure if this matters, but thought I'd mention it just in case). The MacBook Pro is using Wi-Fi (N) to connect to the Airport Extreme.
I followed the directions on the [URL] page, and all four things below that are required to be checked (given permission to run) or running as directed, yet I still get the message stating the Xbox could not be found. UPNP is indeed running.
What am I missing? Do I have to open ports on the Airport Extreme, even if the computer and xbox are on the same network? Do I have to open anything on the MacBook Pro on the Mac OS side?
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Jul 13, 2009
When I boot Fusion with MacAffee I get a message that there is an updated version of Fusion is ready for download. When I go to the site I'm offered a choice of just Fusion or Fusion with MacAffee. Since the boot message only talks about Fusion should I do the only Fusion download. Or should I get the combined one?
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Apr 1, 2008
Anyone using their MBA with VMWare Fusion running Windows XP? If so, could you please tell me if your built-in iSight is working in Windows?
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Oct 29, 2009
I just installed VM Fusion 3.0, it is really much faster running Windows Vista with it.
Anyway, my main issue is, when I opened Activity Monitor, I realized that VMF 3.0 runs in the background when the computer start, is there anyway to totally shut it off if I am not using it?
Also, on the top right tool bar, there is a "bi-head" arrow of VMF 3.0, how to get rid of it?
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May 9, 2012
My MacBook Pro hangs a lot when I am browsing the net or even when running VMWare fusion. It has 4 GB RAM. I am using Mozilla firefox for browsing,
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 10, 2012
Using this drive, it will randomly disapear while running VM Fusion. There are no firmware updates for it.
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Jun 18, 2010
I bought Fusion and ran Windows 7 in a VM - within a few minutes my MBP (17" i7 4GB RAM) was wayyyyy hot (left side bottom/top). I mean, I am a little concerned with how hot it gets. I'll look into smcFancontrol but want to know if upgrading to 8GB RAM will do the trick as well?
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Sep 28, 2008
I made an image of my Windows XP laptop drive using Macrium. I can see the image file there on one of my Mac Pro's internal drives, but Im not able to select in Fusion.. Is there a way to make a Fusion VM from this image? If not, how do I go about creating a VM from my laptops's HD? I'm using Fusion 2.6.
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Oct 24, 2009
Last night I installed VMWare Fusion and Windows 7 on my Unibody MBP running SL. When I use Fusion, my computer slows to a crawl. I spent a few hours getting Windows set up and installing software last night.
I would like to try using Boot Camp instead, but do not want to lose all of the software and files that I have installed. Is it possible to set up Boot Camp, and keep the same Windows setup?
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May 7, 2009
I'm having pretty bad difficulties with Windows 7 and Parallels Desktop. I know it's not supported yet, but some folk have it working. I can boot up, but I can't install Parallels Tools. I changed the Configuration to "Windows 2008 Server" like someone suggested in another forum, but fails to boot up.
Seems like VMWare are offering a better helping hand than Parallels Desktop - and while it is not supported yet by them, they say that if you use Windows 2008 Server Config everything works apart from sound.
So am I best giving it a bash with VMWare's Fusion? 30-day trial for free. But I'd rather try get Parallels working since I paid for it.
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Nov 28, 2009
i just installed windows 7 on my mac last night over my vista partition, but now my avg firewall was disabled to i had to reinstall avg, got that fixed, but my next problem is vmware fusion. it just doesnt work, it boots into windows 7 but then i get the blue error screen saying something like windows has shutdown due to a blah blah blah...anyway i need this fixed right away, do u guys know how to fix it or know any alternatives besides parallels?
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Jul 9, 2009
Before you ask, I had found some old games a few months ago that I wanted to play for nostalgia sake, so I made some Windows 95 and 98 virtual machines. It was pretty easy actually, since I just used Disk Utility to create images of the install discs. VMWare had a nice guide on their site that helped me get networking setup properly also.
But then I got to thinking, it'd be pretty fun to try and get Windows 3.1 up and running as well. I was able to make images of some MS-DOS 6.22 install disks and got that installed just fine. My problem actually comes when trying to install Windows itself. I was able to get the install files from 2 different sources. The first was just a folder of ALL the install files from 6 different disks, and the second was 7 different ZIP files from 7 different disks. I tried creating a single image from the first source, and 7 different images from the 7 unzipped folders from the second source, but on both attempts I'm unable to access the A: drive in DOS to start the setup. It gives me an error message about reading from the drive, followed by the standard "Abort, Retry, Fail?"
Has anybody else tried to get a Windows 3.1 virtual machine up and running and come across this problem? I even tried Googling for the exact lists of files contained on the 6 disks from my first source in order to try and split those up and make the necessary images, but unsuccessfully.
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Jul 20, 2009
Is it possible or do I have to install windows 7 through bootcamp for the xp virtualization to work?
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Oct 4, 2009
I don't know what happened, but since I did the update from a couple days ago, my Windows 7 no longer boots. I really don't want to rebuild my 7 image since it's pretty setup. I do have previous Time Machine copies, but I wanted to visit here for some possible solutions before I go thru it the hard way.
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Mar 6, 2008
I have an old iBook G4 (1.2 GHz, 1GB RAM, 80GB HD) that is quite slow but physically in great condition. I want to strip all the unnecessary crap off it, leaving just what's necessary and Firefox/Safari, Adium, SlingPlayer, TextEdit (OK, I guess I'm leaving one unnecessary item on it) and making it as fast as possible, as my newer MacBook Pro is working fine as my "main" computer and I mostly just want a secondary road machine to tote around. Should I just do a complete reinstall of Leopard on it or is there a better way to retain what I do already want before using the nuclear option?
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Apr 22, 2010
I am buying a new MBP as soon as I can make up my mind which one. I will be using Photoshop and Lightroom for my photo editing. I know a SSD is speedy for start up and launching apps. Does it also increase the speed at which the apps like Photoshop actually run once they are launched? I'm thinking about buying the base 2.4GHz and adding 4BGB and a 160GB SSD drive. I like the small 13" form factor. It will easily fit into my camera back pack. I'm thinking a SSD would be faster for quick field editing photo's helping to make up for the slower CPU. This would be for the field. I'm waiting for the new MP to come out. That machine would be for my "heavy lifting" work flow at home.
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Nov 26, 2009
Just thought I would share with you some of my recent findings on doing a time machine restore to a MBA. Cut a long story short had to restore a macbook air from a time machine backup. When I hooked up the 'Powered' DVD drive and a non power SATA caddie up to the machine and pressed options key at startup, it told me it was going to take 8+ hours to restore 17gb's of data. I searched and searched on the internet, but found no way of speeding it up, except for some mentioning that if USB is detected at 'Startup' it defaults to USB 1.1. This cant be it I thought. I had both devices connected via a Non-Powered 4 way USB hub, due to the fact the MBA has only 1 USB connector. The thought struck me about the 5v being shared over both items and the idea was born. Off to the shops i ran and purchased a Powered USB hub hooked it up and it went from 8+ hours to 40 mins. Here are the steps I took incase anyone was wondering:
Leave all USB disconnected from MBA.
Hold options key and power up.
When disk options appear, connect the USB DVD (with Snow Leopard inside) to the hub and connect to MBA.
Let it boot into leopard installer.
Click all the option up to the install stage and STOP.
Using utilities select restore from time machine backup, then Stop
Connect USB 2.0 SATA caddie (with time machine backup)
Then continue and select disk to restore from, the backup to restore from and finally where to put it.
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Sep 14, 2010
I currently run Fusion on my iMac but I really would like the try the new version of Parallels that came out this week.
Will I mess anything up by installing the demo version while still having Fusion installed? Of course I wouldn't run both at the same time, just have both installed.
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Nov 11, 2010
I read that for gaming, Bootcamp is the way to go, but for other general Windows use, Parallels or Fusion is the way to go.
But for me, I am planning to play games - hence Bootcamp - as well as use Parallels/Fusion for general use, namely to use Microsoft Office Onenote (an unbeatable note-taking software that needs a Mac version yesterday).
Is this even possible and how much memory will the additional parallels take (I'm planning a 40gb bootcamp partition btw on a 250gb hard drive)?
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Dec 2, 2010
I have an iMac 3.06 with 4G. The machine runs great and can't believe how nice it runs Windows 7 x64.The only reason I have Windows installed is for Quicken 2010. The odd behavior I'm experiencing is running the Quicken update to automatically download your Quicken portforlio, bank txns, and stocksOn Windows, this updates takes less than 1 minutes. However, on the Mac side is runs for several minutes. The weird thing is the progress meter for each one of the 3 update steps acts like it's get suspended. After 5 or 10 minutes I will close the update window even though it says it's not completed, reopen it and everything is where is last was, but indicates updates are complete.
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Dec 17, 2007
how to change the MAC address of the virtual machine under Fusion? I want WinXP installed on my virtual machine to have the same address (set by me) every time it is run.
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Apr 1, 2008
Does anyone know how to use the function keys while in Fusion? I'm using Autocad and need functionality of them while using it within Fusion, but they activate OS X functions. This, and enabling "pan" with the middle mouse button, rather than dashboard, seem to be the last two hurdles before I can fully use the Mac for my work.
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Jan 23, 2009
I have set up a Windows XP virtual machine on my MacPro but I want to also get it into Bootcamp so i can try playing some of my PC Games. Is there anyway I can keep the files/settings I have with my Virtual Machine, or do I basically have to start from scratch? and then, if i can do something here, how?
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Feb 9, 2009
I have a few questions and I just grabbed a 13in 2.4 alu (Yep I�m a new switcher) First off, just wow on the Mac I love it to death coming from a PC, It�s great to have something that doesn�t feel like a plastic toy in my hands�! So my goal is to Boot Camp Windows 7 + Mac OS X, I have yet to upgrade the RAM on my unit so it�s still at 2GB (waiting for my work to start carrying it) and I�m also using Fusion 2.01. Now the Question x32 or x64? Which would run smoother under a Virtual Machine from within Mac. I know in Boot Camp 64 would be the obvious choice especially when I upgrade to 4GB but will Fusion pose more strain to the system emulating 64 or would it be no difference towards 32?
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Apr 22, 2009
I have Vista 64-Bit installed via Boot Camp and was wondering if it was possible to then install Fusion with Windows XP because I have some older software which is made for XP.
So basically can I have Vista Boot Camped and Windows XP Fusion running on my Mac?
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May 10, 2009
Has anyone has any luck getting this to work? If so, how? I can not get it going on my 2.66ghz 17" MBP becuase the graphic rating is 1.0 even after a re-test.
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