Laptops :: Macbook 2.0Ghz Vs. Macbook 2.4Ghz (Illuminated Keyboard)?
Apr 10, 2009
I recently went out and got myself the 2Ghz macbook w/o the backlit keyboard. I suddenly realized how often i had used the backlit keyboard on my macbook pro 17" that i sold. I got the computer on April 8th and am still under the 14 day return period and was wondering if you guys thought that i could go to apple and return this model for the 2.4ghz model (extra $300)... and if it was worth it....
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Mar 15, 2009
2.0GHz, 2.4GHz
The number stand for different version? The larger the number, the better it is? What does GHz stand for?
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May 12, 2012
why does my illuminated keyboard keep flicking between being on and off, also sometimes when I go to turn it on there is a symbol indicating that that function is not available?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 14, 2008
a refurb 2.4ghz blackbook and the new 2.0ghz MB ($150 more after my student discount). I'm not concerned with gaming performance.
Is 2.0Ghz with 3MB L2 cache @ 1066Mhz FSB
<greater than or less than>
2.4Ghz with 3MB L2 cache @ 800Mhz FSB ?
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Apr 7, 2009
I`ve never used the unibody macbooks before and i`m curious about the illuminated keyboard:
1. Do the icon on the F5 and F6 keys represent toggling of the illuminated keyboard? if so, is it simply on and off, or can you turn up the light like you can turn up brightness of the screen?
2. What color is the light for the illuminated keyboard? is it white or is it bluish white? i`ve seen images of both but can`t figure out what it is.
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May 9, 2008
suddenly, my MBP (2.6ghz, 15") illuminated keyboard has stopped working. out of the blue. same conditions in the room as when it's worked before - so it's not an ambient lighting problem. the functionality is all turned on, and pressing the dim/brighten keys on the keyboard, while producing visual feedback on the screen (like the volume indicator), produces no illumination on the keyboard. im plugged in, fully charged... can't figure it out!!!
to be honest, i never really use the keyboard illumination, but now that its actually not working, its really bothering
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May 8, 2010
I have a brand new 13.3" 2010 MacBook Pro 2.4Ghz. I also have a 24" iMac and a new Mac Mini. I am using a Buffalo WHR-HP-GN as my router and wireless connection. The iMac and the Mini both connect to the network at "N" speeds while the new MacBook Pro only connects at "G". I have tried everything but it will not connect at "N". It will connect at "N" at the Apple store, so it seems strange that one out of three computers will not connect.
I also have an MSI Netbook with OSX 10.6.3 and it also connects at "N" speed. Does anyone have any ideas? It seems like I am not the only one having this problem as it is mentioned on the Apple forums. Tech support was unable to help, so they escalated my case, what ever that means.
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Sep 18, 2009
I recently spilled a protein shake over my mb pro. It spilled on the right side, but I quickly cleaned it with a wet tissue and dried it up. The problem, now, is that the illuminated keyboard isn't working..only a few random keys are working and the rest aren't..
What should I do? I have a 1 year warranty left, but I'm not sure it'll be covered.
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Aug 21, 2009
Last night, I was having issues with the illuminated keyboard. It would flicker on and off, but when I restarted the machine, I had no issues. This morning I wake up and press the F6 key to brighten it up and see of its working, and the levels wont move at all, and all i get is the O with the through it. something I did possibly? Im in Greece right now, so its going to be hard to get it to an Apple store. The only time I will be able to do that is when my Aunt goes back to NY. She can take it there for me and ship it back.
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Dec 27, 2009
I can't find one anywhere! the closet thing to what I was looking for was the dinovo edge by logitech but only the media control buttons were illuminated. (I believe). Its very important that I find a wireless illuminated keyboard.
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Oct 1, 2009
I used my Macbook pro about 5month and I realized that especially the "space bar" key has grease form hand oil is there anyway to clean it?
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Feb 8, 2010
I disassembled my MacBook to repair a jammed optical drive. I have two problems: the first is while testing that the optical drive now worked (I tested it will it was still partially disassembled, and it did work) I noticed the track pad and keyboard were not functioning. Obviously the power button works, and the machine booted fine, but the trackpad and the keyboard don't work at all. I had to plug a mouse in to move the pointer. I should note that yes, the trackpad cable was indeed firmly plugged in.
However, at one point when trying to reassemble the top case, the trackpad cable detached from the plastic piece that plugs it into the logic board. I removed the plastic piece, slid it back into place over the wires of the cable and then plugged it back in. So I'm wondering if this means I need a new trackpad cable? My second problem is that upon full reassembly, the machine will not turn on. The power button doesn't work when the top case is firmly back in place and the rest of the machine reassembled. I have no idea what might be causing this.
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Oct 2, 2010
I just purchased a 15" MacBookPro (July 2010). I am not used to laptop keyboards so I was able to purchase a bluetooth Apple Keyboard with the Numeric keys. This bluetooth external keyboard was made by Apple and a local company had these brand new for $60. I was told they were the model that came with iMacs. Apple support told me that they should work fine but did not offer an effective solution. So at any rate about 70% of the time this Bluetooth keyboard works great.
But sometimes when you go to type something it starts repeating whatever key you hit so it you were to type and "a" an example the MacBookPro displays "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". Sometime just a few of the same character and sometimes it does not stop. I correct this by turning the power switch off on the Apple Bluetooth keyboard and then turn it back on and all is fine, for a while. Sometimes for a week or so then it will do it a lot for a while or just intermittently. The keyboard built into MacBookPro does not do this. I think it may be the Apple Bluetooth keyboard not the MacBookPro or its OS.
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Aug 9, 2009
I have a IBook G4 using OS X. The "2" and "w" keys do not work. Was wondering if these keys can be popped up and cleaned under neath or if there is any other easy fix.
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Apr 9, 2010
I just acquired a 1 GHz 15" Powerbook Ti. It is in good cosmetic condition except for a few dark marks from the keyboard on the screen. I can feel them with a fingernail, so I know they are residue from the keys. Is there any way these can be removed without damaging the screen? I have had very good results using toothpaste and a damp cloth on other surfaces, but I am leery of using even a very mild abrasive on the screen. I have even used newsprint on some sensitive surfaces with good results but if you make an error on the screen, it is either permanent or expensive. I suppose I could try in a corner but I know there are anti-glare coatings on the screens and I could make things worse. This is most noticeable when there is a light-colored area displayed right under the marks.
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Sep 7, 2010
I'm looking at getting a macbook and I have seen an aluminium unibody macbook with specs of 2.0GHz 2GB Ram and a 160GB hard drive.
Is this enough for my needs of general web browsing, itunes etc or would it be too slow?
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Feb 28, 2010
I had water spilled on my macbook, now my battery will not charge. Everything else works fine except the battery will not accept a charge. When the AC power is plugged in for the first time after removing the battery it blinks green ONCE and then does not turn on again. When I remove the battery entirely the AC power steadily blinks green. If the battery is removed the macbook will not power on. I am hoping this has happened to someone else before, and does not mean I need to replace the logic board.
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Jan 16, 2010
I was doing an upgrade of the hard drive in a MBP and unfortunately when I removed the keyboard the ribbon cable attaching it to the MBP's Logic Board came off and I can't figure out how to reattach it. I know it there has to be a way to reattach it but I don't want to attach it wrong and have something short out. How would I go about reattaching it?
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Aug 12, 2010
1...spilled coffee on keyboard
2...let the thing dry out
3...wouldn't start or even light power light
4...took apart and cleaned off coffee from circuit board with isopropal alch and tooth brush and let dry
5...eureka...IT LIVES
6...after 1/2 hour died again for 20 minutes and dies
what should i there a log that will tell me the why it is failing?
might it self heal?
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Oct 27, 2010
By far the most interesting benchmark trend coming out of the latest Macbook Air tests is that of the 320M GPU - is this thing somehow clocked differently than in the Macbook/Macbook Pro?
The latest Macbook Pro 13" 2.4 Ghz gets 33 FPS in Call of Duty 4, whereas the Macbook Air 13" (using the same 320M GPU) gets 40 FPS. Even the 1.4Ghz 11" gets 37! So obviously we're not talking about a CPU limited game - the only explanation then is that the GPU in the Macbook Air is clocked differently than in the 13" Macbook Pro, no?
Again the Macbook Air clocked at 2.13 ghz is beating the 2.4 Ghz Macbook Pro in World of Warcraft and Portal! And in WOW the 11" 1.4ghz still manages to beat the 2.4 Ghz 13" Macbook Pro.
Anyone have any additional insight into this? Anand did a terrible job of testing these for gaming performance, unfortunately, so he may not have even noticed this trend.
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Apr 3, 2010
I've just been given a 15.4" MacBook Pro ICD 2.0Ghz/128MB VRAM/2GB Ram (1x1), and I decided to take a 2GB Ram module out of my 2007 MacBook IC2D 2.16Ghz/Intel GMA with the hope of bringing the MacBook Pro to 3GB.
Now, they both use exactly the same Ram type, I checked first.
667Mhz, DDR2, SDRAM.
Anyway, when the MBP has the 2GB installed, it wont start up at all. No backlight, doesn't want to do anything apart from spin the disk a little.
I put the 2GB module back into the MacBook and it works fine, so I didn't kill it on transfer.
What's going on? Will my MacBook Pro not allow a 2GB module?
Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated.
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Jan 25, 2009
i have a blackbook 2.4ghz and i am wondering if i upgrade to 4gb ram would i use 3gb of ram or use the whole 4gb?
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Apr 15, 2010
I'm looking to grab one of these new MBP's in the next few days, but as an admittedly,.I'll be mostly using my MBP for DJ and Logic work, as well as the occasional Illustrator or Photoshop project, along with some movie watching. No games or 3D stuff necessary..66 make a justifiable difference over the 2.4? I'm planning on getting 8gb with the 2.4, doing the 7200rpm upgrade and getting a HR screen on whichever one I choose, but just wanna make sure my going with a cheaper processor and more RAM isn't shooting myself in the foot down the road more than getting a slightly faster proc with less RAM.
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Apr 29, 2010
I recently purchased a dongle to connect my 2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Duo white MacBook to the S-video in my Sony TV. [URL:...] When I got it home it didn't work. I went online only to find that my model of laptop is not able to use this dongle. So my question is - how would I connect my macbook to the S Video in of my TV? I'm thinking I'll need to use the Mini DVI to VGA dongle [URL:...] and then use something else to convert it to S-Video.
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Nov 25, 2009
the 2.4Ghz Macbook Pro from October 2008, and I was planning on getting 8GB ram, I was wondering if it is possible for me to get 8GB or is 6GB the max for me. I'm running 10.6.2 if this makes a difference?Also if 8GB is not possible for me, and I'm gonna lose dual channel anyway, should I get one 4GB and have 5GB total, or is 2X2GB (retain dual channel) better than 5 (4GB + 1GB) or 6GB (4GB + 2GB) of Ram?
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Nov 23, 2010
Refurbished MacBook Pro 2.4GHz Intel Core i5
15.4-inch LED-backlit glossy widescreen display (1440 x 900 pixel)
4GB (2 x 2GB) of 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM
320GB Serial ATA @ 5400 rpm
8x double-layer SuperDrive (DVD?R DL/DVD?RW/CD-RW)
NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M graphics processor with 256MB of GDDR3 memory
Refurbished MacBook Pro 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
17-inch high-resolution LED-backlit antiglare widescreen display
4GB memory
500GB hard drive
8x SuperDrive (DVD?R DL/DVD?RW/CD-RW)
ExpressCard/34 slot
Built-in 8-hour battery
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB
Illuminated keyboard
Which would be the better choice? Is the price difference justifiable?
I am a photographer so I do a lot of tethered shooting through capture one and a lot of photo editing in Photoshop. I have an eizo 24" external display I can hook up to but I feel the 17" with its high resolution and anti glare would be useful for location shoots so my question: Is the higher price and old technology worth it for the bigger antiglare screen and bigger harddrive for what I am using it for?
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Feb 24, 2008
My 15'' 2.4ghz MacBook Pro will only wake up from sleep about 50% of the time. I have tried waiting for several minutes, but the only solution seems to be holding down the power button, and then restarting. Is there anything i can do to fix this?
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Nov 29, 2010
MacMall via eBay has the ultraportable Apple MC505LL/A 11.6in MacBook Air w/ 1.4 GHz Core 2 Duo, 11.6in LED, 2GB, 64GB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce 320M Integrated, 802.11n, Bluetooth,
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Feb 25, 2009
I have a macbook black 2.4ghz 2gb ram, 250gb hard drive and I want to replace the install disks and they cost an arm and a leg from apple. I saw some for sale on ebay, but I don't know which ones are right for my computer.A few months ago I found a site that gave you the exact disk #'s that you needed for your mac and I can't find it anywhere. Can someone on MR help me out? I really would like to have a set.
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Jul 1, 2010
I have a new MacBook that I was thinking of connecting up to an external monitor 20� or bigger, what is the maximum resolution my MacBook would output. Would I be better using VGA or HDMI? I want it to fill the screen perfectly and look stunning!
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