Intel Mac :: Videos From Photos Won''t Upload To FB
Jun 30, 2012I can't get a video to upload from my puter to FB.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I can't get a video to upload from my puter to FB.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I cannot upload photos from my Canon EOS. Are there any downloads or softwares that might help.?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you upload photos from iphoto to facebook?
Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1
I have been trying to upload photos from new Iphone we took on vacation but will not upload all photos because it says the start up disc is full
Imac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
I recently attempted to upload photos to my photobiz site with no success. I tried the steps on the photobiz site but they did ont work. I can not scroll down to read thefags page when on the site either. I had to use my pc to open the site and work. I have also opened a trouble ticket on the site to see if they could offer any assistance.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have 3 user ids on my imac, 2 are admin and one is not. When trying to upload a lot of photos onto the desktop of one admin user id the screen froze. Absolutely nothing works, you can't click on anything and the keyboard does nothing! It has only affected this user id, the other 2 are fine. I have tried restart, verify disc, repair disc, virus scan.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
i cant seem to upload photos straight from my memory card to auction sites like i used to with windows,( i have to upload them to the mac first.) plus it wont let me view photos on the card in full screen mode.. everything else is just fine and dandy ( at the moment)
I originally had an iPod touch, and recently bought myself an iMac and I love them both.
One problem confuses me though. I recently paired my iPod to my iMac through bluetooth, because I normally keep my cable in my car for playing my music while I am driving.
I'm trying to do a simple task of sending photos and videos taken via my iPod to store on my iMac via bluetooth. It seems when I go to the 'Browse Device' option for the iPod, this is not supported, it says that the device does not have the neccessary services or something.
Now I have done a bit of research, and discovered an App for doing this, which I have to pay for...
Am I missing something here? Surely this is a feature that should be the most basic of basic of basic features that anybody who has paid out a massive amount of money for a really good computer should have as standard? Afterall, they are both Apple products, and one of the selling points of Apple is that all Apple products work seamlessly together, in sincing and all that jazz. Don't get me wrong, I love both products, they do work pretty **** well, when a cable is used... but surely, I must be missing something. Bluetooth has been out for years and years, and Apple are supposed to be so good at this sort of thing?
Anyhoo, I'm sure that there's a simple feature I'm missing, and one of you inteligent Apple boffins will be able to enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong, for example maybe there's a Wifi feature I should be using instead?.. I've only been using an Apple for a few weeks so far, and I'm still getting used to it.
When I try to burn a DVD with my photos and videos the DVD will only play on my computer, why I am unable to play on my television.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
I cant import any photos or videos without iphoto crashing. I have an Ipad2 and iphone4 with a brand new imac running Lion. Since I bought my imac it has always had problems with iphoto. I have removed iphoto and reinstalled a fresh copy of it via the CD that came with my imac. Also, I have no plugins installed so no divx or anything like that.
Process: iPhoto [18206]Path: /Applications/ 9.2.3 (9.2.3)Build Info: iPhotoProject-629052000000000~1Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [144] Date/Time: 2012-04-24 07:53:50.748 -0700OS Version: Mac OS X 10.7.3 (11D50b)
iPad 2 Wi-Fi, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
i have one of the new macbooks, one of the aluminum bodied ones. I want to upload some videos onto it from camcorder, but i cant seem to do it unless i use a firewire cable. of course, the new macbooks dont have an input for a firewire cable.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi recently tried to upload videos to facebook from my mac, but facebook says they do not support it, is there a way to change the file name so it accepts it, or is facebook just being racist to macs? the following names are the names of the videos it wont upload.
I bought and downloaded a few videos if a couple of dance performances. Can I upload them directly to my youtube channel to show friends?
Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I am trying to upload some photos to email and flickr - and only some of my photos are available (others are "greyed" out) I have done the apple key + I on my photos folder to change the permission so that everyone can read & write, and still half of my photos remain greyed out unless I change each one individually. How can I get it so that ALL of my photos are able to be uploaded?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an old digital Sony cyber DSC-F717 camera. that uses Memory Stick to record photos. Will i be able to upload my photos to a new Imac? ALSO,What is the difference betw. IMac(PPC) and the IMac(intel based)?
How do iSync iPhoto library to iCloud?
I want to import photos from my Sony memory stick pro duo to iMac. My imac has SD card reader but not sure whether it reads photos from memory stick pro..
i bought this iMac in May 2011. I believe this model doesn't support Memory stick pro.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
I know it has YouTube support, but can you it directly export true HD videos at 720p? I know that it has high-quality settings. And if it doesn't .. is this something that can be changed with a patch or update to iMovie or would it have to wait until iMovie '10?
View 9 Replies View Relatedi have tried everything to get videos uploaded to youtube but nothing works imovie gives me a communication error timeout thin and in safari i use the beta uploader and it crashes safari after ti gets like 5% done and i tried the reg uploader on youtube and it started at 1 and i checked it at4 30 and it still didnt budge or upload idk.
View 10 Replies View Relatedtoday I updated my system to 10.6.0 which is Snow Leopard. I post videos over on and wanted to post an unboxing of Snow Leopard and a couple of other related videos about Snow Leopard. I have one problem, when ever I go to the Youtube upload page the video page just loads and never finishes rendering the web page, It isn't the web browser because I have tried Safari, Firefox and Omniweb and still no luck. I did have Glims for Safari and thought that could have been interfering but all traces of Glims are gone from my computer. Also the cache on all the web browsers have been reset so I really don't know what the problem could me. I really want to upload these videos on to the web and would greatly appreciate any help I could get.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to upload photos from a USB drive. They upload to iPhoto fine but, when closing iPhoto, it does a 'updating photos' and all the photos disappear. It also does it for email photos. Any ideas on the problem or settings? I've done this and it has always worked seamlessly in the past.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Just tried to back up my PHOTO STREAM ipad photos to my MacBook. They didn't upload....
My Photo Stream is turned on.
MacBook Air
Can you upload photos to Shutterfly from Aperture?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt's remarkably annoying...if I want to upload photos onto my flickr account, I have to move all my iPhoto pics into a picture folder first, and then upload it from there.
Is there any way I can just click upload and browse through and choose my photos straight from iPhoto?
I'm new on these forums so I don't really know how to navigate my way around. This is my first mac ever (macbook pro 13) and I've had it for several months.
Is there a way to upload my existing/older photots to icloud .
iPad, iOS 5.1
I upload photos to FB regularly, but today--having made no changes--I couldn't do it and got this message: "Your photos couldn't be uploaded. Photos should be saved as JPG, PNG, GIF or TIFF files."
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been having problems with facebook for a week now. I cant upload photos to facebook. I finally was able to get the uploader screen to generate but now I cant select anything to attempt to upload. When I use the simple uploader I get the error: Firefox can't find the server at [URL]. I have snow leopard osx and I am using the newest firefox.
View 7 Replies View RelatedNot sure what the deal is, but whenever I attempt to use the built in facebook uploader to upload some photos to facebook, I get error messages. Kinda defeats the purpose of having a built in facebook uploader if i have to export to desktop and use Facebook's tools.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI seem to have some problems with Java. For instance, when trying to upload photos in Facebook, the java "thing" won't work. It's no longer asking me if I trust the certificate. This has happened on other websites as well.
I have tried to go in to Java webstart in Utilites and when it opens I am getting these messages:
" permission denied"
I'm not quite sure what all this means and to be honest I'm not really sure "what" java actually is (is embarrassed).
How do I upload existing pictures from IPhoto to ICloud? I am trying to off load all these pics to make laptop faster.
View 3 Replies View Related