Aperture :: Can Upload Photos To Shutterfly?
Jun 23, 2014Can you upload photos to Shutterfly from Aperture?
View 2 RepliesCan you upload photos to Shutterfly from Aperture?
View 2 RepliesIs there a way I can access my entire aperture library without opening the actual program? If so, how can I do this.
View 6 Replies View RelatedApparently Flickr has made another change & Aperture will no longer upload multiple images to an existing Flickr acct. I've tried 3 times & each time the 1st image gets posted but not the rest. Activity monitor shows all the files were uploaded but they don't show in my albums.
Apparently a switch from API to SSL (whatever that is) has also affected Adobe Bridge uploads.
Other than exporting & then using the Flickr uploader? Are the Flickr upload plug-ins still working?
I am trying to upload some photos to email and flickr - and only some of my photos are available (others are "greyed" out) I have done the apple key + I on my photos folder to change the permission so that everyone can read & write, and still half of my photos remain greyed out unless I change each one individually. How can I get it so that ALL of my photos are able to be uploaded?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an old digital Sony cyber DSC-F717 camera. that uses Memory Stick to record photos. Will i be able to upload my photos to a new Imac? ALSO,What is the difference betw. IMac(PPC) and the IMac(intel based)?
How do iSync iPhoto library to iCloud?
I'm trying to upload photos from a USB drive. They upload to iPhoto fine but, when closing iPhoto, it does a 'updating photos' and all the photos disappear. It also does it for email photos. Any ideas on the problem or settings? I've done this and it has always worked seamlessly in the past.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I can't get a video to upload from my puter to FB.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I cannot upload photos from my Canon EOS. Are there any downloads or softwares that might help.?
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust tried to back up my PHOTO STREAM ipad photos to my MacBook. They didn't upload....
My Photo Stream is turned on.
MacBook Air
It's remarkably annoying...if I want to upload photos onto my flickr account, I have to move all my iPhoto pics into a picture folder first, and then upload it from there.
Is there any way I can just click upload and browse through and choose my photos straight from iPhoto?
I'm new on these forums so I don't really know how to navigate my way around. This is my first mac ever (macbook pro 13) and I've had it for several months.
Is there a way to upload my existing/older photots to icloud .
iPad, iOS 5.1
How do you upload photos from iphoto to facebook?
Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1
I upload photos to FB regularly, but today--having made no changes--I couldn't do it and got this message: "Your photos couldn't be uploaded. Photos should be saved as JPG, PNG, GIF or TIFF files."
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter running the latest release of updates today (ilife, raw camera, etc.) Aperture 2.2.1 (whatever the latest release) no longer sees all of my photos - about half of my projects are missing from the Aperture program itself, however they are still in the library as I can get to them in finder.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy Aperure (version 3.2.2.) can't display certain pictures from the Library. I can see from these "pictures" only their information, rating, adjustments, but not the photo itself. Their is a message saying that the picture was edited with a previous version of Aperture RAW version. BUT the older photos are okay in my Library.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to transfer my fotos and videos from Aperture on my old mac, to a new mac. I have tried to create a vault on an external drive, and then open it from Aperture on my new mac, but nothing happens when I open the vault - a new library is available, but no fotos/videos.
Then I have tried to export some on my projects as a new library, and this works. I can open the fotos, but a lot of fotos/videos now have a small yellow triangle in the right corner. The videos that have this triangle will not play in Aperture, whereas the videos without this triangle are ok.
I have been having problems with facebook for a week now. I cant upload photos to facebook. I finally was able to get the uploader screen to generate but now I cant select anything to attempt to upload. When I use the simple uploader I get the error: Firefox can't find the server at [URL]. I have snow leopard osx and I am using the newest firefox.
View 7 Replies View RelatedNot sure what the deal is, but whenever I attempt to use the built in facebook uploader to upload some photos to facebook, I get error messages. Kinda defeats the purpose of having a built in facebook uploader if i have to export to desktop and use Facebook's tools.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI seem to have some problems with Java. For instance, when trying to upload photos in Facebook, the java "thing" won't work. It's no longer asking me if I trust the certificate. This has happened on other websites as well.
I have tried to go in to Java webstart in Utilites and when it opens I am getting these messages:
"java.security.PrivilagesActionException: java.io.IOException: permission denied"
I'm not quite sure what all this means and to be honest I'm not really sure "what" java actually is (is embarrassed).
How do I upload existing pictures from IPhoto to ICloud? I am trying to off load all these pics to make laptop faster.
View 3 Replies View RelatedTrying to upload photos to Kodak and Heritage galleries. Worked just fine up until a week a go. Now they won't upload. Photos load into computer just fine. Don't understand why this became such an issue. Internet speed has stayed the same and Kodak and Heritage reports no issues.
View 1 Replies View RelatedPractically all my photos are in my Aperture libraries, but I can't browse these when choosing a desktop picture in the System Preferences. I remember it was possible to browse through the iPhoto events, but I don't see this option with Aperture. So is there really no way to use the photos from Aperture as a desktop picture without exporting the photos to an ordinary folder?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have lost 6 years' worth of photos from my Aperture library. After the upgrade, my Aperture library contains no photos. I am trying to recover the photos from my Time Machine backup but so far I have been unsuccessful. The Aperture library was located in my HD folder named "Pictures."
View 1 Replies View RelatedI dragged several of my favourite photos out of Aperture and onto my desktop. To get rid of the clutter I want to delete the desktop photos without deleting the copy I have of them in Aperture. If I drag the desktop photos into the trash, will I still have these photos in Aperture? Wondering if when I dragged the photo onto the desktop it was just a copy of what's held in Aperture or did it actually transfer them out of Aperture?
iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Aperture
Aperture which was purchased under a year ago, has red and blue splashes on the photographs...
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan you plug a digital camera into the TC's USB port and upload photos? I tried plugging it in but the camera didn't show up anywhere. Can anyone confirm if this is possible or not?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to upload photos from new Iphone we took on vacation but will not upload all photos because it says the start up disc is full
Imac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
I recently attempted to upload photos to my photobiz site with no success. I tried the steps on the photobiz site but they did ont work. I can not scroll down to read thefags page when on the site either. I had to use my pc to open the site and work. I have also opened a trouble ticket on the site to see if they could offer any assistance.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a Canon RebelXS digital camera. Do I need to install the specific Canon Software to my IMAC to upload my photos or will IMAC software support this upload?
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