We followed the instructions for start up - turn on wireless keyboard, turn on trackpad, turn on imac. Nothing happened. We have checked the socket, the fuse.
My IMac won't grab disks in the superdrive, spits them straight out, is there anything I can try before taking it for repairs. It is two years old so is out of warranty.
It started a week ago while playing Civilization V on my iMac : the screen suddenly displayed vertical blue (altered with dark blue) vertical straight lines, the sound was still working, i could hear the music from the game. Then the screen turned black and i couldn't hear anything anymore, i had to restart the computer with the apple button. The same happened again with civilization, once with green lines. And today, while restarting after this bug, the screen displayed multicolor lines instead of the grey wallpaper with the apple.
i cant seem to upload photos straight from my memory card to auction sites like i used to with windows,( i have to upload them to the mac first.) plus it wont let me view photos on the card in full screen mode.. everything else is just fine and dandy ( at the moment)
We have realized she needs to upgrade to 10.6.3 Snow Leopard to use Java and other features. I have a Mac Snow Leopard disk that a friend loaned me to find out how to reset her password a few months ago. Can I use this CD to upgrade her 10.5.8 Mac without her having to buy anything?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), It is a desktop, assume it is iMac
Can I upgrade my G5 dual 2.0 with intel chips? I am really feeling hurt, that I bought a MAC and then Apple "upgrades" there Mac with intel chips. And what hurts eben more is the games now coming out are only for Intel Mac's only. I am not a hard core gamer... but I would still like to play a couple of the new games coming out.
I have an iMac white intel-based dual core2 which has been sitting untouched since purchased Sept 2006. Trying to upgrade everything.
When I try to upgrade to Lion it says I need Snow Leopard first so, using Safari, I try to buy Snow Leopard and Safari crashes. Safari is 3.0.4. So I try to upgrade Safari but it says I need Snow Leopard first.Â
We are using Mac OS X Version 10.3.9 with a 1.25 GHz PowerPC G4 here and cannot upload the latest version of Safari, Skype, Quicktime 7, and are having difficulties with an airline booking website - probably because of the above. Would like to upgrade to Snow Leopard but this OS want us to have an Intel processor (think?) so not exactly sure if this is possibly because of the version of Mac processor we have.
iMac mid 2010 i3, I replaced stock hdd to a two terabyte western digital caviar green. After replacing the fan speed rapidly increased. I installed smc and still no resolution.
I want to upgrade the ram on my imac (2010,ram:ddr3 1333)now my mac has "4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x2GB". I would like to know if I bought an extra 2 x 4GB RAM. Can I put them side by side (4 slots) in the iMac for a total 12GB of RAM?could this mixing (2x2G+2x4G) be dual channel?
I have a Mid 2011 iMac and have been thinking about replacing the hard drive with an SSD drive. What sort of considerations should I be aware of? In particular: Is there a specific SSD technology I should be looking for (brand, connecter, etc.)?Can I use an SSD drive for the OS and the existing HD for additional storage? If so, whats the best way to separate the data (where do apps go, etc.)?Is it something that I can do myself or does it require taking it to a repair shop?How does it effect the warranty?Â
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
if it was possible to swap out the first intel processors with the newer ones the imacs are coming with. i found this info and mainly looks just as tricky as open heart surgery to risk my imac doing, and thats just replacing the processor itself.
if I like to upgrade to Lion - do I really have to buy Leopard as well as Lion - only to install Lion?I bought Leopard already and thought I could upgrade easily and free to Lion. Actually I have installed Leopard 10.6.8 and now it seams that I have to buy Lion to be able to upgrade.
Currently I have an iMac 10.5.8 with an Intel Core 2 Duo and 2Go Ram. Since January I didn't had much system updates because my software is apparently too old ... And I am kind of paranoid about the Trojans that I might have because I use the old version plus Safari is getting blocked very often. So I decided to by first Snow Leopard and then Lion. The thing is that I live in Norway & I will have to use the Norwegian apple store to by those programs but my OS X is in French. So I was wondering if I will be able to choose my language or the whole system will be automatically in Norwegian? The second question is to know if it is difficult to upgrade? I am a Mac user because I don't have any clues about the computers and Mac is always working. I read some complaints from people who after installing Snow Leopard couldn't use properly their printers or other apps... Is there is something I (completely ignorant person) should be aware of before doing the upgrade? Â
I received the Snow Leopard upgrade disc from Apple. The instructions read to simply upgrade to SL version 10.6.8 after running the installation disc, and then to purchase the Lion upgrade from the Mac App. However, this SL version seems to be 10.5.8, and none of the 10.6.8 or lower updates will work. I found a 10.6.1, but that won't install either. They all say that I need OS 10.6 and I can't find it. I have a 2009 iMac with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor.
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have a Power Mac G5 2.0 GHZ 1 TB and 250GB Hard Drive, 4 GB of Ram Running 10.5.8 Leopard. Now i bougth this mac on ebay to EDIT VIDEOS AND PICTURES. BUT, i cant do either because all the editing software requires snow leopard or higher. the Mac doesnt even have I Movie, Garage Band. To get any sort of editing software i need snow leopard. To get snow leopard i have to have an Intel Based Processor MINE ISN'T INTEL. So pretty much i have NO WAYS to edit or create videos.
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.0 GHZ, 1.2 TB.
Basically, I want to make my games run alot smoother. And just being honest, the default graphics card is awful. I want to run more graphic intensive games. I've read that the graphics card slot is small, so it can't run great graphics cards. I understand this, but I believe the current one I have (ATI Radeon HD 4670) is 512mb, I'm looking for a 1 GB or 2GB graphics card. Is that possible to run in this machine? Money isn't a problem, I got Bootcamp to speed up my PC, that sorta worked. But I need a graphics card.
I have a Time Machine 1.2 which worked perfectly on my old iMac OSX. A few months ago I purchased a new iMac which came with Snow Leopard, and it worked well. But when Apple came to upgrade me to Lion, the Time Machine no longer works.  Is it not compatible with Lion??Â
At one stage I was told there was no room on the disk. I then tried to delete most of the previous backups, leaving only a handful of backups - but still no luck. I think I might have messed up things by then trying to edit the "do not back up" list. I tried to exclude some programmes applications , and now I am told there are no disks available to be backed up.
It is not very clear on the "options" screen, what one should do. What does the + and - indicate, and is it necessary to remove any files at all if I want a simple regular backup procedure on my home computer.
Lastly - if I wanted to uninstall and reinstall the Time Machine - is there a procedure?? I can't find one.
I am running the 27" iMac with dual hard drives and have recently upgraded to Lion. Two things are happening.
1. On cold start / boot up, my system has no sound. And by no sound I mean - no sound. When I go to the Sound option in System Preferences, everything is greyed out and I can not adjust or access any of the controls. The only solution has been to immediately restart my computer. After restart, everything is fine.
2. On cold start / boot up, sometimes I receive a pop up telling me that TestGen is not installed properly and to please re-start. Of course, since I have no sound I'm automatically doing that.
Lastly, and I'm not adding this to the list because there is already a thread about it . . but I will mention it I am getting error messages trying to play certain videos "This video requires Quicktime which is not supported by this version of iTunes."The workaround is that you apparently have to delete the video from your Library -- DO NOT DELETE FILE FROM HARD DRIVE -- and re-add to your Library.
I have a new 27" iMac and when i turn it on it goes straight to the desktop instead of the log in screen. How can i make the log in screen come up first? I tried looking through system prefs but had no luck.
I bought an iPhone yesterday and I'm already on my second one with a second SIM card. Set up was easy enough but when someone calls me it goes straight to voicemail. This is the same problem I had with the first phone and SIM card. I took the first phone back to AT&T and they replaced the SIM card. When that didn't work I took the iPhone back to an Apple store and they replaced the phone and reinstalled the second SIM card.
I just came home, went through the set up and it still goes straight to voicemail. A friend suggested that it might be in "airplane mode" but I checked and it is off.
I've just bought a MacBook (White, 2.1ghz, 1 gig ram). Thing is the previous owner had a friend install XP as he didn't like the operating system. When I turn the computer on it boots straight from XP and no choice to choose osx. I've tried holding down option which brings the selection for windows only! I have a mac mini so I tried the software disc from that (knew I had no chance but worth a try). I found boot camp on control panel, inserted mac os disc, selected it to boot from it. No joy just a White screen then black, and the xp logo starts. How to get this vile software off my MacBook please???