Intel Mac :: No Login After 10.7.3?

Feb 5, 2012

In my haste, and never having had issues before, I installed 10.7.3 upgrade.  Since then I cannot get a login prompt, I just get the grey screen and apple logo.  I tried to install the Client Combo but again no success.

iMac G5 (20-inch iSight), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Can't Login To AppStore

Apr 3, 2012

Dear iMac users and other AppStore customers,

I just started to run iMac and wanted to download some of free apps from the AppStore (at first). Unfortunately, I can't login,because it requires my Credit Card data (I have 5 different kinds of them: MasterCards, Visas..both debit and credit). I type in my data (Card number, Name, Surname etc.) but it always says there's some mistake with my Card data, though I correctly type all the letters and digits. So that, I can't download even free apps from the Store.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac Intel Core i5 3.1 GHz 27"

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Intel Mac :: Unable To Login

Apr 10, 2012

My iMac is only 5 months old. I cannot get past the login screen. When I click on a profile to get the login rectangle nothing happens. I even tried a usb mouse rather than my bluetooth mouse - no response. I have restarted the machine and no luck.

I am presently running it on the repair disk. I also had problems getting past the language selector - it eventually continues on to where I could select the disk utility.

Info:iMac, iOS 5.0.1, 8 gb ram

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Intel Mac :: Unable To Login In It?

Apr 12, 2012

I can boot up the imac and then I get my login screen to choose my user name or guest account.  I can move my mouse around but when I try to click on either account..nothing.  I can hear that my keyboard is working. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.4), not sure of the version on OSx

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Intel Mac :: Can't Login In Any User

Jun 21, 2012

Every time I put my keyword the screen gets white, and goes back to choose a user. I've tried several times in different user and all in vain!

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Can't Login With Username And Password

Apr 7, 2012

I can't login my iMac with my username and password.


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Intel Mac :: Disable A Guest Login?

May 7, 2012

How do you disable a guest login after it is created?

Info:iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)

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Intel Mac :: How To Change The Photo On The Login

May 28, 2012

how do i change the photo on my computer login?

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Can't Change Login Language

May 31, 2012

I can not change the login language eventhow I follow the instruction do do it from System Preferences.  When I try the Terminal I can not put my pasword.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Icloud Login Is Frozen On It?

Jul 3, 2012

my icloud login is seazed up. is there something i can do to delete the error, ive tried restart, not working still

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Intel Mac :: Login Items Still Show Up Even Though I Have Them Unchecked

Feb 3, 2012

I have unchecked every app in the Login Items menu in System Pref. Even deleted them out of the menu. Safari, iTunes, Mail, and a Finder folder show up automatically when I restart or login to my iMac.  I have read some posts on this and I'm also aware that you can right click on the app in the dock and make sure it is unchecked to open at login. This problem seems to have started after I removed programs I did not want to start up in the Login Item menu in System Preferences.

Info:iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: 1 Of 4 User Accounts Hangs After Login On 10.7.3

Mar 14, 2012

1 of 4 user accounts hangs after login Running 10.7.3 

iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: LaCie Freezes Login Screen

Mar 30, 2012

I just bought a LaCie 3TB external.  When i turn my computer on and I'm at the login screen my trackpad and keyboard are frozen.  When I unplug the LaCie (i know really bad) my mouse and keyboard start working again.  Is the LaCie trying to work as my primary drive?  Is that why it freezes my mouse and keyboard?  How do I work around this (besides unplugging it from the computer)??

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Changing User Name Login Picture?

Apr 1, 2012

im trying to change my main user picture when i log into my imac. i know the procedure but everytime i go to restart my pc or boot it up its the same old display pic of mine. im using mac lion.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Screen Automatically Zoom In On Login

Apr 17, 2012

How can I unzoom a screen that automatically zooms in when I login?

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Get Out Of White Screen After Login

Dec 3, 2014

How do i get out of the white screen after signing on to my computer.

iMac (24-inch Early 2009)

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Intel Mac :: Forgotten The Login Password At Start-up - OS X Lion

Apr 6, 2012

My father who is 91 purchased an iMac in January used it once. He is now just setting it up again after he has recently moved and this will be his only computer… finally getting rid of the PC world of Bill Gates and into a real computer. However, he has forgotten the login password at start-up which was set-up at the Apple Store. Can I reboot the machine with a CD (have one for Snow Leopard) and change administration details this way even though is running OS X Lion? 

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Intel Mac :: Why Won't Late 2006 (5,1) Finish The Login Process

Jun 23, 2012

... after upgrading from Tiger to Leopard. Did a straight upgrade from install (not an archive & install). 

It gets to the login screen quickly, enter password and then endless beachball. 

Started in single user mode and did fsck, restarted from install disk & repaired (no problems) and repaired preferences. Restarted with PRAM reset. Restarted in safe mode. 

No problems booting from DVD. 

ONE TIME I rebooted after single user mode and it worked, I used that opportunity to run the combo updater (downloaded today from Apple). 

I did find a support page that spoke of a similar condition in early aluminum (2007) iMacs, but this file would not install on my machine. 

I did an archive and install of Leopard and then updated via Software Update, which should have gotten any updates needed for this machine. Now again, it only boots as far as the blue screen (on auto login). I did not see a similar update file needed for THIS iMac.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), model 5,1 2.16GHz 20" core2Duo 4GB

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IMac (Intel) :: Will Not Load To Login Screen - Just Switches Off

Jun 3, 2014

My iMac starts, takes about 10 minutes with apple logo & timer/progress bar then just switches off .. How to get it to the login screen? 


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IMac (Intel) :: Mavericks Freezes At Login Screen?

Jun 2, 2014

My iMac started freezing at the login screen. I power up, the apple logo comes up (sometimes the blinking globe comes up for some reason) and then the apple logo flashes as if it restarted or something, and the loading indicator shows up for a few seconds. Then at the login screen everything looks normal (my picture is there and correct name of account is shown) when I type the incorrect password, the text box shakes appropriately. When I type the correct password, the loading indicator appears, the mouse turns into a beach ball, and it hangs until I hard shutdown. 

I know it's not a hardware issue because I just booted from the recovery partition and was able to view all my files in terminal. I would rather not reformat the hard drive. Is there a specific file that may be corrupted that I could delete and mavericks would automatically rebuild it?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Get Rid Of Apple Login Keychain Popup

Jun 22, 2014

Every 5 minutes I get three pop ups asking for a keychain login, these are "Mail", "calendarAgents", and "". How do I get rid of these???

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Intel Mac :: Desktop Screen Frozen On One Login Only After Trying To Upload A Lot Of Photos?

May 10, 2012

I have 3 user ids on my imac, 2 are admin and one is not. When trying to upload a lot of photos onto the desktop of one admin user id the screen froze. Absolutely nothing works, you can't click on anything and the keyboard does nothing! It has only affected this user id, the other 2 are fine. I have tried restart, verify disc, repair disc, virus scan.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Login Goes To White Screen And Then Back - Constant Cycle

Jun 3, 2012

When I turn my computer on, a gray bar must be filled (takes about 20 mins) before it goes to the login page. Then, when I log in with the corrct password, the screen abruptly turns white like the startup white page for about 5-10 seconds (time varies each time) and then goes back to the login page where it will happen again and again. This all started when I banged my mouse and it stopped working and I held down the power button to turn off the computer and then hit it again to turn it on.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: When Startup The Computer It Goes Right To One Of The Desktops And Bypasses The Login Screen

Jul 6, 2012

We have 3 users set up on the computer (iMac, Snow Leopard).  This just started recently.  I can't think of any changes I made to make this happen.

IMAC, Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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IMac (Intel) :: Login Items Keep Opening Up When Desktop Restarts

Jun 5, 2014

Login items keep opening up when desktop restarts even when hide option is clicked on login items.  I've tried to remove network shares and add them again and still open up instead of hiding. 

iMac, iOS 7.1.1

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IMac (Intel) :: Incredibly Slow To Get To Desktop After User Login?

Dec 8, 2014

My computer is insanely slow and takes forever to come to a usable desktop when I login. 

EtreCheck version: 2.1.1 (104)

Report generated December 8, 2014 8:48:50 AM EST 

Hardware Information:
    iMac (24-inch Mid 2007) (Verified)
    iMac - model: iMac7,1
    1 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2-core
    6 GB RAM

[Code] ....

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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IMac (Intel) :: Why Is Safari And ITunes Constantly Asking For Login Keychain

Jun 29, 2014

Why is Safari and iTunes constantly asking me for a login keychain? What is that? And how do I disable it?

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IMac (Intel) :: Unable To Login / Bluetooth Keyboard Not Working

Jun 23, 2014

My iMac recently shows a "low battery" warning on the keyboard batteries. 

The iMac's hard drive had just been fixed by a shop and the OS re-installed. To my surprise I didn't need to do anything to get it to recognize both bluetooth keyboard and mouse - it just worked! Wow. 

Until yesterday. I took out the keyboard batteries, charged them, and put them back in.  

Now I get the login prompt where I have to enter a password. The only problem is, I can't enter a password without a keyboard! And it doesn't recognize the keyboard.  

I tested the keyboard with my MacBook Pro - it works just fine. So I believe that somehow the iMac thinks it's still paired with the keyboard, while the keyboard knows nothing about this. And between those two things it doesn't work. 

I restarted multiple times, and tried to start from another partition by holding down option - the problem is the iMac doesn't recognize the keyboard at startup either.

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Software :: Unable To Login To Computer / Asks Password And Returns To Login Screen

Jun 20, 2008

Hi! Im new to the forums but i really need help with something and i was hoping someone here could help me out. So I just installed Tech Tool Deluxe onto my macbook and then shut it down later. I went back to use it again and when i turned it on a login screen appeared asking me to put in my password. I did that and the screen turned blue (looking like it was loading) and then went back to the login screen. Every time i put in my password it just takes me back to the login screen. I have had my mac for a while and i dont want my hardrive to get wiped out so what do i do? Thank you for looking

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OS X :: Unable To Auto-login To Guest Account / Safari Wants To Use Keychain Login

Jan 6, 2009

I work for a company that has several Macs available for customers' use. These are basically demo-machines that they can play with, and at the end of each day, the machines are wiped and rebooted.

The way we do this is simple: the machines auto-login to the Guest account, which will wipe the account at the end of the day. Well, getting a few new Macs in this week, I simply copied over the entire Guest user account to the new machines to avoid reloading all the demo content, preferences, etc. And truthfully, the machines have been working great.

Except one thing. The computer keeps giving me that annoying message that says "Safari (or Finder, or System Preferences, or anything!) wants to use keychain 'login'". And asks for the login keychain password. Well here's the thing: the Guest accounts don't have passwords!

So I looked up a little bit on this topic, and did things like... Went to "Keychain List" in the Edit menu of Keychain Access, and deleted both the "login" and "system" keychains. No help. I went to Preferences in Keychain Access and said "Reset My Keychain". When doing this, however, it asks for the new password for the login keychain.

The problem with this is that I cannot leave the field blank! The Guest account doesn't have a password, so how am I supposed to not create a password?

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